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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

Page 40

by Statham, Mayra

  “What is this, Jake?” She asks, clearly a little shaken. I like her a little stirred up. I like the sass in her that she has now. She’s softened up a lot, and I know that has to do with Parker. I need to make sure things are right between us, so that I can ask her what I need to ask her. Hell knows I don’t deserve what I want, but I can’t help myself.

  “Do you remember the second thing I ever made for you?” I ask her as I walk closer to her, slowly closing in the space between us, until we are only mere inches away.


  “Do you?” I ask again, grazing my fingertips on her forearm, slowly back and forth. She stays quiet.

  This could go either way, so I wait her out. I rub her soft silky skin slowly, patiently. When she sighs and finally looks up at me, I bit back a smile. That’s the Liz I know.

  “Shredded chicken soft tacos,” her voice soft, her eyes on mine and she rolls them. “And raw chocolate chip cookie dough,” she says, her glare softens, she cracks a smile and I laugh.

  “In my defense… I seriously thought the oven was on.”

  “And the fact that you put cookie dough into the oven and even after an hour the apartment didn’t smell like the cookies you were baking or burning didn't feel weird to you?” She asks tilting her head, looking up at me with a smirk on her face and I know she’s fighting a full blown smile.

  “I was busy shredding chicken and cheese and stuff…,” I say, through my laughter trying to defend myself.

  She laughs and shakes her head and I can’t look away from her. I like hearing her laugh, especially after the mess with Duke. I try to think back to when we were together and the last time I’d made her laugh like that and something in my gut nags at me for not being able to remember.

  “So are we going to eat?” She asks smiling, snapping me out of my thoughts and I nod as I lead her to the table, pulling her chair out. She raises an eyebrow but thankfully she doesn't say anything.

  As we eat in silence, I catch her glancing at me and she holds my gaze. The earlier annoyed look gone.

  “I still don’t know how you get chicken to taste this great,” she says taking a bite.



  “I might have bought a whole cooked chicken and shredded it, and threw away all the evidence.” I admit quickly while I watch her emotions play out on her face. I love that hasn’t changed about her. Sure she’s tougher now, snarkier, a fucking ball buster, but throughout the last couple of weeks I’d caught glimpses of Liz. My Liz. Thanks to Parker.

  “I should have guessed,” she said, her voice a little softer as she drinks her water.

  “I burned it.” I admit, remembering my lame attempt at cooking.

  “What?” I don’t look at her, but I know she’s looking at me, because I can feel her eyes on me.

  “When I cooked this for you the first time, I burned it. I started boiling the chicken and started to study in the kitchen and I was tired and knocked out. I woke up to the grossest smell.” I tell her, looking at her and she’s speechless so I keep going. “You’d been working so hard, I wanted you to have an easy night. So I packed everything up, texted you that I was going to cook at your place instead, and stopped at the grocery store for a fully cooked chicken. I was so distracted because I was rushing that I didn't realize…”

  “You hadn’t turned the oven on,” she whispers as she looks at me. Her eyes are melted chocolate again and I remember all the times they’d done that way around me in the time we had been together, how I’d taken it for granted.

  “Why didn't you ever tell me?" She asks me in a tone that’s as if she was asking me the meaning of life. All I can do is shrug and she looks away, her brown eyes slightly watery.

  "Dinner was really great. Thank you." She tells me after she finishes and I nod, both of us standing up, wordlessly clearing the table.

  "Leave them." I tell her, as she is about to start to wash them and she looks at me like she wants to say something.

  "What?" I ask.

  "What was this trip down memory lane about?"

  "About reminding you that I wasn't always a horrible guy to be with." I tell her as I grab and open two beers from the fridge and hand one over to her.

  "Is that how you think I look back on things?"

  "Isn't it?"

  "No." She answers and I take in the sight of her standing close to me.

  I miss her. I miss how we were together. Not sexually, not that the sex between us hadn’t been good, but it was more than that. I missed how close we used to be. Our friendship.

  “I’m seeing Parker.”

  “I know…”

  “I’m in love with Parker.” She says calmly, and I smile.

  “I know.” I widen my eyes taking a swig of my beer.

  “He’s it for me.”

  “I know.”

  “And you have a thing for Lucy.”

  She stares at me and I don't look away.


  “It’s okay you know. I think that whatever hang up you have is just...festered up guilt.”

  “That’s pleasant.” I say dryly and she laughs. An honest open laugh, the first and only one I have ever heard from her. My chest squeezes. Parker had done that. He’d gotten in there. Smiling, not only because of the sound, but because I’m glad they found one another.

  “I’m okay you know,” her face going soft. So soft it changes everything about her, and even I have to admit, Liz being in love with Parker is a good look on her.

  “Yeah... you just hate me.”

  “No. I don’t. I think I just never understood how we went through everything we did for three years and implode the way we did and you just walked away. You didn’t fight for me. You didn’t ask me to go with you or offer to stay….”

  “Would it have changed your mind?” I ask.

  “No.” She says confidently and I knew that before she answered.

  “I’m really sorry, Liz. “


  “I’m so sorry for everything I did. Liz, I know I fucked up a good thing and in doing that I hurt a really great woman. I’m glad you and Stone found one another. He isn’t a bad guy.”

  “If he isn’t, why did you stab him in the back?”

  “He told you about that?” He does not sound surprised.

  “Not the details.”

  “My brother-in-law had just died and I was pissed at ...everything. Sean and I were close and then we got in a fight...he died before I could make things right… add the guilt over leaving you… I was fucked up… I was in a bad place in my head.”

  “Tell me you’ve changed, Jake,” she says and I notice her eyes are hopeful, “I need to know that you aren't that calloused heartless asshole, because Lucy doesn't deserve someone like that.”

  “I know. I know she doesn’t.” My sunshine needs someone fucking good.

  “She’s good Jake. I know you think you know all about what we did when we worked for Belle, but Lucy, she is a good girl. She’s like the little sister I never had. I won’t let you hurt her.”

  “I wouldn’t. Not ever Liz. I swear to you. I love her. No bullshit.” I say, pretty sure that both of us are just as surprised at my admission.

  “If you love her, why all this?” Pointing at the dinner.

  “I wanted to prove to you that I’m not an asshole, remind you that I hadn’t always been one. So that I could ask... if it would be okay for me to date your friend…? I know this is weird but….”

  She grabs my hand and squeezes it.

  “You’re not the complete asshole you think you are. You were there for me,” her voice cracks and she looks away, blinking furiously.


  “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. If she likes you and you like her… who am I to stand in the way of that?” I admit to him.

  “I don’t want her to lose you as a friend...women can be….”

  “Catty and bitchy, but those are two things I am n
ot. At least about this I’m not. Go forth! Be happy. I have to go pick up my man from the airport.” I say winking at Jake and he shakes his head, biting a smile away.

  “He misses your friendship too… call him… or come over… maybe next weekend we can BBQ?”


  “He told me how you worked together with the Duke thing. How you made him come to me afterwards...Thank you.” My voice cracks with emotion, breathing deep I continue, “You and I… we’re good... I mean we’re not going to be all BFF’s and texting twenty-four seven posting bestie selfies on Facebook or anything, but we’re good.” I hug him quickly, thank him for dinner and drive to get my man from the airport.


  Sitting across from Tess and Lucy, Carrie cuddled next to me, all of us laughing at Tess’ story. Lucy shaking her head, wiping tears away from her face.

  “He was so embarrassed he still won’t go with me to the shop.” Lucy shares and we all laugh again. Once we all calm down, our laughter dying down. Lucy’s eyes go to me.

  “So… you’re moving in with a boy?” She asks and I smile, feeling all three pairs of eyes on me, my turn to blush.

  “Yeah, I put in my notice and Parker is going to hire movers.” I tell them and I notice Tess’ eyebrow lift.

  “Movers, huh? That’s….” Tess starts to say but I cut her off.

  “Unnecessary? I know I told him.” and I had. I felt guilty about him spending the money on movers.

  “Sweet actually,” Tess says, surprising me.

  “I could pack…”

  “But you won’t. You don’t like going back there and it’s okay. Let him do this for you.” Tess says and the other two just watch me. I smile and nod slowly.

  “I should be moved in and settled by the end of the week… I was thinking about maybe a BBQ at the house on Sunday? Parker has a huge table, we could help you make those things you wanted done for the kids you tutor.” I suggest looking at Carrie.

  “Awe! Look at you being all domestic.” Carrie teases smiling at me, squeezing my arm and I smile back at her. “Happy for you, honey! I’ll see you Sunday. I’ll bring a side dish, and the arts and crafts. I should go though.” She says hugging me good-bye and slipping out of the booth.

  “Me too! I have to stop by Lindsay’s school, before heading to the shop.” Tess says. Lindsay is her pre-teen sister who’s more than a handful. “Count my mom, Lind’s and me in for Sunday. I’ll bring something, appetizers… see you at the shop okay?” I nod at Tess. Tess squeezes my hand tightly. I know she’s happy for me. Lucy and I watch them walk out, each of them heading to their cars.

  Picking up my coffee I take a sip.

  “So…umm…,” Lucy starts to say, my eyes move to meet hers.


  “You’re really okay with me and Jake?” She asks and I smile.

  “Are you happy my sweet St. Lucy?”

  “Yes.” She whispers.

  “Then I am too. The moment you aren’t, he’s going to be in trouble.” I tell her, meaning it.

  “Thank you. I know you must think I’m crazy...he …”

  “Don’t.” I shake my head stopping her from going there, “He was young. We both were. Just because he was a toad I had to kiss, doesn’t mean he can’t be your prince, Luce.” I tell her sincerely. Sure Jake had been an asshole, but I hadn’t been a saint either.

  Her caramel eyes wide, but warm she nods, and we drink our coffee silently.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  I watch her from the doorway, as I lean into the frame. She’s fluffing the bright new throw pillows in the guest room, and I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Angel, they aren’t going to stay here.” I remind her. Not that they didn’t want to.

  “I know. I talked to your mom. They are staying at Evan’s so they can meet Trevor.” My big brother had come out in light of what was happening with Duke. My parents had been very understanding, even if a little upset that Evan hadn’t confided in them sooner.

  “So why are you fluffing pillows in the guest room no one is staying in?”

  “Nervous energy.” she mumbles and I silently chuckle.

  “Ellie, it’s going to be fine.”

  “Her dad is in jail because…”

  “Because he’s a bastard and took advantage of a lot of power, not only that he hurt you too.” her back to me, her body too still for comfort, I walk to her, wrapping my arms around her waist, leaning and resting my chin on her shoulder, “It wasn’t your fault. She knows that. She never even thought it. My parents love you.” I tell her and I can feel her body start to relax.

  “I know but…” her voice drifted off and she held onto my hand tightly.

  “I love you.” I whisper into her ear, “Everything will be okay…”

  “I know… I just…” She turned in my arms and I immediately nuzzle her nose.

  “We’re good. You and I… this is for the long run, right?” Her dark eyes smiling, I relax the moment her arms wrap around my neck.

  “You’ve given me everything.” her words take me off guard, “I feel like I haven’t given you anything…”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You broke through, you got under my skin, and you held strong, you saw me through, you made sure I recovered, you’re giving me your family…”


  “What have I given you, other than a headache?”

  “You love me?”


  “Do you love me?” She nods her thumb skimming the skin at my jaw, “Are you going to live with me? Make this our home? Baking any dessert I want?” She nods again, “You going to make a family with me, angel?” Her eyes get glassy and a tear escapes, one that I quickly swipe away with my thumb.

  “Yeah, Park.”

  “Way I see it angel, I’m the one who gets the best part of this deal. I get you.”

  “Yeah?” she asks smiling, her lips kissing me chastely but even then my body starts to react to her against me.

  “It’s a bonus for me that you like the huge family that comes along with me.” I whisper just as I am about to deepen the kiss, the doorbell rings, so I rest my forehead against hers.

  “You ready?”

  “With you next to me? Always.” Her words stick to me and just as I think about pining her to the wall the doorbell goes off again and I growl as she laughs.

  Hand in hand we walk through our house to the front door to greet my entire family, all five siblings and significant others in toe and her girls who all arrived at the same time.


  Tess is putting a variety of dessert on a platter and Parker’s sister, Maggie, is getting the coffee tray all set up. The afternoon BBQ had gone seamlessly for the most part, everyone interacting with one another. The girls were my only family and Parker had insisted on them being here. Glancing out the window I watch as Carrie talks to Gina and Lucy and Jake laugh with Parker and Greg.

  “So I have to say I didn’t think I would ever like anyone Parker brought by.” Maggie says out of nowhere, Tess coming to stand next to me. Maggie smiles at me shaking her head, “I’m so glad he found you, Liz.” Her voice completely sincere, she walks over to me, ignoring Tess and hugs me tight and I hug her back.

  “Park told me about your family. I know you have your girls and they are your family, but just so you know… you have us too.” She whispers and I hug her even tighter.

  From what Parker has told me about Maggie, is that she is the hard ass of his three sisters, so for her to get this emotional so fast surprises me. She quickly lets me go, wiping away tears from her face, grabbing the tray and walking towards the backyard.

  “That was…sweet.” Tess says and I look at her.

  “I’m going to marry him.” Her jade green eyes go as wide as her almond shape will allow.

  “Did he…”

  “No but we talked about it. I’m already moved in, we are going to the animal shelter lat
er this week, and we talked about what kind of wedding we’d have and he wants to have kids with me.” I spit out and watch Tess’ usually bitchy looking face go soft. Her hand intertwines with mine.

  “That what you want?” She asks softly and I look at her, unable to contain the smile on my face, not that I tried very hard too.

  “Yeah,” I whisper and her hand tightens around mine and she nods smiling, she rests her head on my shoulder, taking a deep breath as if to contain her emotion.

  “Good. Good.”


  “Bye, honey.”

  “Bye, mom.” I tell her, hugging her. She steps away and smiles, walking towards Evan’s SUV, where my brother and his boyfriend, Trevor are standing waving at me. The day had gone great, my sisters had already left to the hotel they were staying in, Liz’ girls were all gone.

  My dad looks at me, his familiar eyes amused and smiling in a way that in my entire life I hadn’t seen before. He gives me in for a hug. The kind of hug that nonverbally says he’s proud of me. He pats my back, and when he pulls away, his eyes slightly glassy.

  “When I’m right, I’m right. Right?” he says and I start to laugh.

  “Yeah, Dad, you were right.” I tell him glancing over my shoulder, my girl nowhere to be seen.

  “I’m glad you found her son.” He says, his voice filled with pride and confidence and that made my chest puff up.

  “Me too, Dad.”

  “Here.” he says, handing me a box.

  I look at the black squared box, my heart beating hard in my chest. I knew what was in it, and my parents giving it to me, I knew that they gave their blessing. They were welcoming my angel into the family.

  “Your mom wants you to have that… for when you're ready.” He says, his voice deep, his hands in his pant pockets now. I nod, trying to ignore the tightness forming in my throat.

  “You did good son, you did good.” he whispers deeply.

  “I almost lost her.” I tell him, that tightness still there and he pulls his arm over my shoulder.


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