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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

Page 41

by Statham, Mayra

  “You didn’t. She’s inside. Her clothes are hanging next to yours in the closet, her cars parked next to yours in the drive and her head rests next to yours at night. Let the rest go, and move forward.” His voice low, slightly hoarse, his hand squeezes my shoulder. I nod and step back, because I know he’s right. Shit, my Dad’s always right. Both of us clear the emotion from our throats, “Your mom and I will see you and LIz for breakfast, okay?” I nod and watch him walk to the SUV. My mom looks at me, her eyes are filled with emotion and she blows a kiss to me, I wave back, when something hits me. My angel didn’t have that. She hadn’t had someone to count on for so long, but now she did.

  I walked into the house, putting the box in my pocket, and locked the door behind me.

  Wrapping my arms around her, she turns off the water and turns, her hands on my chest.

  “Hi.” Her happy eyes on mine, sparkling with a light behind them that warms my chest.

  “Hi.” I tell her smiling.

  “Thank you.” she says, her beauty shining on me, best thing ever.

  “For what?” I ask caressing her face and I love the way that she leans into my touch as if she craves it as much as I do hers.

  “For everything. Reassuring me things would be okay with your family, having my girls over, having patience with me.” She stands on her toes her lips kiss mine, “Loving me the way you do,” she says and I smile against her lips. It would be impossible for me not to love her.

  “Thank you.” I tell her, picking her up and sitting her on the countertop, standing between her legs.

  “For what?” she asks as I get us settled to how I want us, one hand at her waist under her shirt, the other in her hair at the base of her neck.

  “For letting me in…” I tell her kissing her and pulling her back, “For holding on when things were messed up…” I kiss her jaw this time, “Moving in completely with me…” I kiss the other side of her jaw, “For agreeing to marry me one day…” I move to her neck and can feel her smile.

  “I did agree to that, didn’t I?” she asks, smile in her slightly breathy voice that makes my balls ache.

  “Oh yeah,” My voice mumbles against the sensitive spot against her neck, making her body arch into me.

  I look at her place my forehead against hers, lightly kissing her smiling full lips.

  “Thank you for etching yourself into me, giving us a chance at a future.” A tear rolls down her face and she playfully glares at me.

  “Are you trying to turn me into a sap, Mr. Stone?”

  “No.” I tell her smiling, then I get serious. I see her face soften slightly when she notices I’m no longer playing, “I like seeing you smile, I like seeing you with my sisters and parents. I like walking into the house and know that this is our home.” I kiss her and reach into my pocket.

  “Remember how I told you my parents got married right out of high school?” She nods placing her head against my shoulder, “Well right before each of us was born, my dad, I have no idea how he even did this, but he would save up and would give my mom a piece of jewelry. It was something for her, with the intention of handing it down to their kids in the future.” I pull the box out of my pocket and she straightens looking surprised.

  “They knew the sex of all of us, so with Evan and Jill, my dad got my mom a pair of earrings for Jill and a ring for Evan. Anyhow, when I was born, they had twins and only he was working, so he had to wait a bit, but he says it was worth it for the look on her face on my first birthday.” I hand her the box.


  “They know you are it for me. She wants you to have it. In case you haven’t figured it out angel, my family is now yours. They love you.” I tell her caressing her cheek, her dark eyes cast down on the box, “I’m glad I get to share my family with you, Liz. I fucking love that you get that. Even when they are crazy and overwhelming, I’m glad I get to give you that and know that right now, it is only the tip of the iceberg of what I can give you, because what you’ve given me is so much greater.” She still is not looking at me.

  “I love you.” her voice strained, tears fall down on the box in her hands.

  “Open it, Liz.” I encourage her and she looks at me.


  I don’t even know what is in the box, but I already know it’s going to be one of my most prized possessions. I look at him, his grey eyes soft and warm, slightly sage. My hands tremble as I open it slowly.

  “Oh my god.” I whisper as I take the beautiful charm bronze colored bracelet out.

  “My dad’s friend tinkered with metals, he made that for her.” Parker shares as I lay it out flat on my hand, taking in the bronze chain. Small squares are etched with a different picture in each charm. The outline of a sole owl on a tree branch, two hearts intertwined in another, what looks like waves on one, a leaf imprint on another, and a tree branch with three birds on one branch and two flying. The detail work is beautiful and precise.

  “It’s beautiful.” I whisper not able to take my eyes away from it.

  “Each meant something to them, their high school mascot was an owl, the leaf was my dad being philosophical, he wanted her to know that as the seasons change their situation would get better….” his fingers go under my chin so that our eyes meet, “Now these pieces have a new meaning, angel. You are no longer a lone owl, and every passing season we will get farther away from that nightmare you had to go through, one day that will be our family of birds, driving us crazy, and the beach will always hold magic, because it was a place both our parents loved, a place that means a lot to us too...” He stops talking when I launch myself into him, my arms around his neck, my face on his strong warm chest as I let go of the last dregs of ugliness of the past.


  Once she calms down, wordlessly I pull away. I take the bracelet from her hand and set it on the counter. I pick up her right hand, the hand that creates delicious desserts, the hand that creates exquisite pieces of art, the hand that one day hold our child in love and I kiss each of her fingertips. Once I do that, I kiss down her hand to her wrist to where her pulse lies underneath. One day it will no longer hold faint traces of that night a month ago, I’d make sure of it with every breathe I took from on. I grabbed the charm bracelet that meant so much and I have a feeling means even more now as I clasped it around its new owner. I look at her and smile, and she smiles back at me.

  “After breakfast, let’s go look for a dog.” I tell her, her eyes wide with excitement.

  “Yeah?” Smiling bright, her face is slightly tear stained and blotchy, but never the less in my eyes she’s perfect, the most beautiful creature I ever laid eyes on.

  “Yeah, angel.”

  “Okay.” Her hands cup my face and she kisses me.

  No doubts, no pain, no regrets, no walls. Just us.


  Stepping out of my SUV, my eyes go to the house. No. I’m not looking at a house. I’m looking at our home. A space that Parker and I made our own.

  Truly our own.

  It’s late but the lights are turned bright inside, light flowing out of our windows. My man is always insisting on having them on. Making our space is bright until we are all safe and sound in bed, and even then he always leaves a hall light on. I’m okay with that. I am more than okay with that.

  Unlocking the door, kicking off my sneakers at the door, placing my stuff down on the table by the door, I walk towards the kitchen. A smile completely permanent on my face even if I’m bone tired as I pass the living room. Dark, oversized sectional, but bright toss pillows everywhere, no one would ever think this room had only held shades of grey in the past. Reaching the dining room, I look at the beautiful wooden table he’d made with his own hands before we’d met.

  It wasn’t as perfect as it’d been once. There are tiny turtle stickers stuck to one corner while in the middle back has some Disney princess and three tiny metallic star stickers stuck to it. I’d told Parker we could take them off, but any time I bring it up, he
smiles and just shakes his head saying something how it added beauty to the table.

  He isn’t wrong.

  I look at the sink, a couple dishes there, and I decide to wash them. Washing them staring at the backyard, remembering a time that mini red tricycles and pink coupe cars didn't overtake the space.

  I feel him before I even hear or see him. His strong arms wrap around me, his head is on my neck, like he’s done a million times in the past eight years.

  “Hey.” his mouth on that spot on my neck and I shiver.

  “Hi.” I whisper.

  “Did you finish it?” He asks.

  “Yeah.” I sigh, “Sabrina’s going to love it” I feel his smile against my cheek, “Did you get the picture?”

  “Yeah angel, that’s a graduation cake if I’ve ever seen one.” He tells me, a quiet chuckle.

  “She’s a good kid. She deserves a great cake.” I tell him, Sabrina, my fairy business godmother and Jake’s sister, and I become even closer friends. Her daughter Penny’s graduating high school, and this weekend Sabrina and her husband Mike are throwing her a huge graduation party. I personally made her a cake, something that I now rarely did, “Plus, Penny’s so good with the girls.”

  “I know.” Park says smile still on his lips.

  “I might have gotten a little too creative.” I admit. However, I liked working on intricate cakes because it help me mentally work things out, but I wasn’t about to admit that to my shit grinning husband.

  Yup, Parker and I got married a year after I moved in.

  It was simple at his beach house in Miami. My girls and their guys, a couple of his friends with their plus ones, and his family and his family’s significant others. We decided against a wedding party. One thing we did have though was ask Matt to walk me down the aisle and he did.

  Parker had even had a meeting with the girls, unknowingly to me, on a Monday morning breakfast I hadn’t been able to make. Carrie told me a little about their conversation, the whole time tears in her eyes, and then tears were in mine. Parker knew they’re as close to real family that I have and had gone to them for their blessing.

  Not surprisingly, all three of my girls had given their okay.

  I’d worn a beautiful vintage cream lace dress that Lucy and I found in an old thrift store.

  Parker almost blew a gasket that I’d found my dress in a thrift shop, insisting on having me go to a high end wedding boutique with his mom, but when I explained to him that it looked so much like my mom’s own wedding dress, lace and simple, he’d let it go. He didn’t like it. But he let it go. I knew he wanted to give me the best money could buy, but I didn’t need that.

  All I needed, the only thing I still only need is him.

  I knew I’d been right to go with my gut on the dress issue the moment I saw his eyes roam my body at our ceremony. A heated hungry stare that made me want to squirm all throughout the ceremony and reception.

  Lucy and I, had taken it to a seamstress she knew, and she’d made it all my own. The dress had a scoop neckline, cap sleeves and hugged my curves until it hit my hips. From there it flared out and fell beautifully against the white sand beach. My back was exquisite. It was open and bare until right above my ass. The only jewelry I wore was the etched metal charm bracelet on my right wrist and my beautiful wedding band on my left. They were my something old and something new.

  Throughout the night, as we danced, drank, ate, and laughed Parker’s hands never left my skin. He loved my dress. The whole day and night had been perfect. We danced under the stars and moonlight that warm summer day. We even stayed up to watch the sunrise like we had on my birthday the year before.

  “You’ve been quiet these last three days,” he whispers, his stubble tickling my skin.

  I had been. I’d thought that between the chaos of what our life is now, he might have not noticed. I should’ve known better.

  My man noticed everything.

  “You’ve been quiet since you went to the doctor. Something you want to tell me?” He asks. Yeah. I did. But the moment I did our lives wouldn't be the same. I look at our backyard. We’re going to have to move, and I was sad because I loved this house. It’s our home.

  I turn to face him after I turn off the running water. I cup his face. He’s so damn beautiful. He’s still muscular and strong. He’s such a great husband and dad. We already have two, two beautiful, little girls.

  And we’re about to add more.

  “You’re going to have to call Jake about their realtor.” I tell him. Jake and Lucy had just bought a new house.

  “What?” he asks frowning and I sigh. My hand is absently doodling circles on his chest.

  “I love this house, but we have to get a new one… a bigger one.” His eyes light up, his mouth twitches

  “Why’s that, angel?”

  “Because Marissa and Wendy are going to be big sisters and we will need more room.”

  The twitch at his mouth doesn’t fall. It grows into a mesmerizing smile.

  “Yeah?” his eyes bright and I smile.

  “Yeah,” I whisper, leaning in and kissing his mouth softly.

  “Angel, they could share a room.” he says smiling and I bite my lip. This was the tough part.

  “Yeah, but four kids here…”

  “Four?” His voice cracks, and his face pales and I take a deep breath.

  “Yeah. After the test they took, they did an ultrasound… twins.” The volume of my voice tapers off almost to a whisper.

  “Twins.” He whispers, his face still a little pale but his grey eyes tell me everything. The happiness that shines through settles and calms the nerves I’d been feeling.

  “We are done after twins. There is no way we can go for more.” I tell him in an attempt to lighten the mood and he laughs. He laughs, even as his eyes are suspiciously glassy. He grabs me quick, surprising me, his forehead leaning down to mine, closing the space between us tightly.

  “Are you freaking out?” I ask slightly nervous. Parker is the one that always keeps his cool, he’s never the one to freak out, except for that one time. After that, he never once lost it.

  “No. I… I’m ...I’m just thinking … Liz… I’m a lucky son of a bitch.” I feel a warm tear fall on top of my head, as he holds me tighter, “God angel, I love you!” he says, putting space between us his hand going to the curve of my tummy that never went flat after having Marissa, his lips meet mine, kissing me soft and sweet.

  I’m the lucky one, but I’m not going to argue.

  I’m too busy kissing him.


  Looking around, my eyes search to tag my girls and I smile.

  My mom and Tess talking, Matt and his wife are talking to Carrie and her man, all of them sitting at the huge table in the backyard. Marissa is in the middle observing and listening.

  My first born is an old soul, six going on forty. Her dark, soulful eyes taking everything in as she colors. Her light brown hair is straight down her back, a simple black head band keeping it off of her face. She’s calm and so damn sweet. Marissa looks just like her mom. She’s what I imagine my angel was like as a child. Sweet, quiet, but when she opens up, she’s hilarious. Fucking funny, even at only six, she’s hilarious.

  I look and watch as Wendy tries to climb up her Uncle Jake. My baby girl thinks her Uncle Jake is her own personal jungle gym. All this while Jake’s son sits quietly next to Lucy, all as he stares at my crazy Wendy shine. That’s Wendy. She is bright ball of energy, with wild curly short dark hair, tan skin like her mom, but her eyes are mine. I have a feeling that in a couple of years I’m going to be in trouble when it comes to that kid asking my fireball of a Princess out. But the way my girl is, it might be him that’s in trouble. Lucy laughs at Wendy and Jake’s antics, her hand over her own very big baby bump.

  Carrie, Maggie, Jill and their husbands are drinking and talking. My dad is holding one of the twins. By the blue blanket, I’m guessing he’s holding Oliver. Feeling a hand on my back, I bring m
y arm around her and our other little guy, Seth, who’s wrapped in a green blanket.

  “Having fun?” She asks, tired but warm and happy staring back at me. I have no idea how nine years could change so much, but it had and I was so happy that I could feel it in the center of my bones.

  “A blast, angel are you doing okay?” I ask her, and she burrows in deep.

  “Yeah.” She whispers softly, leaning her head into my chest making my arms squeeze her into me even deeper. I love when she does that.


  Once everyone’s gone, the girl’s tucked into their beds, the boys in their cribs at our new place, a place that my angel had already started making a home. Picture frames on the walls, framed art, both hers and the girls. Little handprints from the boys are displayed. Brightly colored throw pillows are on the couches, sweet soft throws all over the fucking place in all different bright shades of colors and prints.

  Lying in our room, in our huge ass bed, that she insisted we get, just in case the kids ever want to sleep with us.

  Almost a decade later, my girl is still latched onto me and I’m latched onto her.

  Darkness had once threatened to take the possibility of what we could have had away. Thankfully we’d fought it together and come out the other side. It hasn’t been unicorns and fairies but looking at her sleeping in my arms, knowing our kids are sleeping soundly and our family and friends are happy… it had been worth the fight.

  The End


  My forever BF, Rob, I love you. Words could not do justice to how I feel about you. Thank you for being my #1 fan and always, no matter how crazy it is, always encouraging me to chase after my dreams.

  My kiddos, thank you for being you. Dream and never stop dreaming.

  Brie Mode, Cindi Caito: There are people who come into your life and without them knowing it, they pull you up and out of an ugly head space. This to me is you two! Without your friendship and support I don’t know what I would do. This book is so much better because of you two! Thank you!


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