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I Am Yours (Heartbeat #3)

Page 16

by Faith Sullivan

  “But you shouldn’t have to put up with it, Kelly. I’ll protect you. Hell, I’m sure Brian would even protect you if he knew the whole story. We’re not just going to let you hand yourself over to this creep.” Irritated, Adam kicks the edge of the couch.

  “I’ve made my peace with it. You don’t love me. Brian doesn’t love me. Well, not anymore. I’m tired of forcing myself on other people.” Convinced of her decision, she moves toward the door. “At least my child will know who his father is. And really, that’s all I could ask for. George is willing to acknowledge our baby and that has to count for something.”

  “Kelly, please. That’s not enough and you know it,” I urge, swallowing past the lump forming in my throat. “What if I never see you again?”

  “Oh, please. Don’t be so dramatic, Katie. George isn’t going to keep me under lock and key. I’ll be free to come and go as I please,” she says, exasperated. “I might not have a lot of free time to put my Ph.D. to use, but what working mother does?”

  “So you’re going to give it all up? Your education, your credentials, everything you worked so hard for?” Adam interrogates her.

  “Well, maybe George will let me help him once our son is in school. But by then, he’ll probably have a new assistant. Our shelf life isn’t too long.” She makes an attempt to smile, even though it’s tough. “I’d better go. No need to draw this out. My mind is made up.”

  “Will you call me after you have the baby?” I rush to her side, throwing my arms around her neck.

  “Of course I will. I’d love for you to come and see him.” She pats my back, reassuring me. “Goodbye, Adam.” She releases me then nods at him.

  “Kelly, I’m sorry about what happened on the couch” he starts, but she cuts him off.

  “Don’t be. I rather enjoyed it.” She winks at him before walking out the door.

  Her heels click down the steps, and Adam and I look at the ground, at the wall, anywhere but at each other. The engine comes to life in her car, and soon the gravel crunches beneath her tires as she drives away. Back to Philadelphia. Back to the man who invaded our dreams. Back to a life where she’ll be nothing more than a trophy in a rich man’s display case.

  I shudder, trying to keep my tears at bay when Adam finally speaks. “Come here.”

  He opens his arms and I run into them. For now, we’ll seek comfort in each other. Because who knows what tomorrow will bring?

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “We’re going to be late!” I yell upstairs to Brian.

  “I can’t believe he’s still here,” Simone whispers loudly to me from across the room. “He must really like your brand of hospitality.”

  “Shut it, Simone,” I warn, fidgeting with my keys while holding the front door open.

  “What is it with these O’Malley brothers, huh?” Simone proceeds, ignoring my death glare. “They’re so freaking hot.”

  “I know, right?” Brian chuckles, jogging down the steps.

  “Listen, honey. You can crash in my room anytime. No need to be sleeping on the couch.” Simone flirts shamelessly with him even though I’m standing right there.

  “Thanks for the invitation, but I don’t think I’ll be around much longer.” He straightens the collar of his shirt, examining his reflection in the hallway mirror.

  “Oh, why’s that?” I raise an eyebrow in his direction.

  “Well, depending on how this meeting with Adam and Katie goes, I’ll probably be heading back to Philly when it’s over,” he admits, not meeting my eyes.

  “So that’s it, then? Partnership dissolved?” I don’t why, but I’m annoyed. I didn’t think he’d be leaving so soon.

  “If Adam’s free to resume his life, then so am I. There’s no reason for me to stick around. I did what I came here to do, thanks to you.” He marches over to my side, gesturing for me to exit ahead of him.

  “I didn’t even get to do your hair!” Simone shrieks from inside.

  “Next time, I promise.” Brian laughs, closing the door behind him.

  “You really don’t want to promise her that,” I deadpan.

  “Why not?” Brian smirks, nudging me.

  “Because it’s hard for her to focus when it comes to her male clientele,” I mutter, dodging his glance.

  “Clientele, hmm? Sounds pretty naughty.” He’s keeping up with my banter, and I kind of like it.

  “Yeah, most dudes get up from her chair completely bald.” I try to keep a straight face, but I can’t. I don’t know what brought on this bout of levity, if it’s the thought of seeing Adam again or what, but I haven’t felt this good in a long time.

  “So what you’re trying to say is stay away from Simone?” He gives me a sidelong glance.

  “No, do what you want, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I mean it as a joke, but he doesn’t laugh. “Why are you so uptight all of a sudden?”

  “I’m not. I just thought you were staking your claim or something.” His eyes twinkle at me.

  “On you? Don’t flatter yourself.” I play it off but feel a little ruffled. What’s he getting at anyway?

  “Because you’re too good for me, is that it?” There’s a playful edge to his voice, but an edge nonetheless.

  “Brian, I didn’t…” The last thing I want to do is get in a fight with him, even though he’s trying his best to goad me into one.

  “It’s all right. I get it. You’re not attracted to me. You wouldn’t be the first to turn me down.” He grips the back of his neck, examining his feet as he shuffles down the sidewalk.

  “You can’t be serious. You’re ready to start dating again?” I stop as we get to the car, peering up at him.

  “The thought has crossed my mind.” He shrugs, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  “And you want to date me? The girl who’s in love with your brother?” I’m not cutting any corners. He has to know where I stand.

  “I can make you forget about him, Jada. We can both start over. Try something new. You can’t deny how we’ve bonded over all of this. We make one hell of a team, don’t you think?” He searches my face imploringly.

  “But how could you make me forget about him? He’s your brother. He’ll always be a part of your life.” I’m getting mad now. He’s not being rational.

  “Like this.” And before I can even move, he steps forward, capturing my lips. I try to pull away, but his hands find their way into my hair as he deepens the kiss. I whimper against his mouth as his tongue traces the inner curve of my lip, making me grab his shoulders for support. He backs me up against the hood of the car before hoisting me on top of it, his body resting on mine.

  I’m filled with mixed emotions as he nuzzles my ear with his nose before trailing a line of kisses down my neck. I’m left gasping for air when his lips find the v-neckline of my top. I’m sprawled out beneath him in broad daylight and I don’t even care. He feels that good.

  “Jada!” Simone calls from the doorway. Damn that girl and her impeccable timing.

  Sighing, Brian stops what he’s doing and helps me down. His eyes are like molten lava as he stares at me. He doesn’t like the fact that we got interrupted, and I don’t know if I’m upset or relieved.

  “Adam just called. He was wondering where you were,” Simone yells loudly from the porch. “I thought you’d already left, but when I looked outside…”

  “You didn’t say anything, did you?” There’s no way I can hide the sense of panic rising in my throat as Brian gazes at me anxiously.

  “No, of course not. I was practically rendered speechless by your public display of affection.” She eyes the two of us up and down, and my cheeks are on fire.

  “We gotta go,” I mumble to Brian, brushing past him to get in the passenger seat.

  “Bye, guys,” Simone says sweetly, waving from the top step. I know I’m in for a marathon girl talk session when I get back.

  Brian doesn’t say a word as he slides behind the wheel. My lipstick is smeared
all over his mouth. Digging through my purse, I pull out a tissue.

  “Look at me,” I urge, and when he turns his head, his eyes are so sad. I wipe the red stains away gently, his freshly shaven face smooth beneath my fingertips. He looks nice all cleaned up. His hair is gelled and styled, and the crisp scent of his aftershave smells go good. He raises his hand to mine, causing the sunlight to reflect off his gold watch. He’s making an effort for me. I swallow hard.

  “Jada,” he begs, his voice so low and deep. Hearing him say my name like that does something to me. His fingers caress my cheek, and I feel myself giving in to his touch, wanting him to kiss me again. His lips are gliding across mine, teasing me, when his phone rings ruining the moment.

  Sighing heavily, he reaches for it. Never breaking eye contact with me, he answers it, running one of my curls through his fingers. I breathe in, savoring what he’s doing to me. But my heart stops when he says, “Adam, we’ll be right there. We’re on our way now.”

  I don’t know how, but it’s like Adam knows. He’s never so relentless with his phone calls. He’s usually the one who’s always running late.

  Brian hangs up and looks at me mournfully. “Should we go and get this over with?”

  “That depends,” I respond, playing with one of the buttons on his shirt.

  “On what?” He’s amused as I unbutton two more, granting my hand free access to his chest.

  “On how badly you want to kiss me again.” I laugh, grabbing his collar and pulling him into me.

  Yeah, it looks like we’re going to be a little late after all.

  Let’s see how Adam reacts to thinking I’m with his big brother. It’s about time he knows what it’s like to feel second best.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “What the fuck is going on with them?” I growl hotly in Katie’s ear as I watch Brian and Jada wait in line at the deli counter. They’re giggling and whispering and touching each other.

  I don’t like it—not one bit.

  “I don’t know. Maybe she’s trying to ease the tension. I mean, this is the first time you’re coming face to face with your brother since the wedding.” Katie twirls her straw, trying to downplay what I’m witnessing.

  “We have a lot to talk about. You’d think they’d hurry up,” I seethe that Brian can’t decide what kind of sandwich to order.

  “I’m not sure they’re going to like what we have to say anyway,” she warns, shooting me a pointed look.

  “What? That they were right?” I smirk. “Who doesn’t like to hear that?”

  “No, I was thinking more along the lines of how your feelings for Jada are real.” She bites her lip, gathering her courage. “You have to tell her, Adam. Before it’s too late.”

  “What are you implying? That she and Brian…?” My gaze snaps back to them as Jada cries out when Brian tickles her ribs.

  “They’ve been around each other a lot lately. It’s only natural that…” Katie’s assumptions are grating on my nerves.

  “Don’t.” I hold up my hand. “Just, don’t.”

  “But what if she’s finally starting to get over you? Are you really sure she’s what you want? Because if you’re not a hundred percent certain, you can’t keep hurting her if she has the chance to move on with someone else.” Katie grabs my wrist, willing me to listen. “Even if the guy who makes her happy just so happens to be your brother.”

  “I have to let her know where I stand,” I insist, wrapping my fingers around hers. “Or I’ll be kicking myself from here to eternity.”

  “But what if you end up causing even more damage?” She strokes my wrist with her thumb. “What if she breaks it off with Brian and then things don’t work out with you? You’re not exactly known for being faithful.”

  “But that was before,” I mutter.

  “Before what?” she presses.

  “Before you.” And that effectively drives a wedge between us. Yeah, she knows the fantasy version of her I was force-fed by Savoy is what led me down this path of destruction. But hearing me throw it back in her face gives her reason to pause as she lets her hand slip out of mine.

  “Do what you have to do then,” she says blankly, pretending to wipe a few stray crumbs off the table.

  “Katie, I have to at least give it a shot.” I realize that I’m pleading with her to back me up even though I’m not sure how she feels about me anymore. Everything is so screwed up.

  “And what about Brian?” she asks pointedly. “You’re just going to take away another woman he cares about? With time, he’ll probably get over what you did with Kelly, but he’ll never forgive you for stealing Jada.”

  “But why? It doesn’t make sense. He dated Kelly for years. He’s only known Jada a few days.” My mind is spinning, trying to untangle her logic.

  “I never saw Brian look at Kelly the way he’s looking at Jada.” Katie scoots her chair closer. “I’ve never seen him so animated or carefree. It’s like he lights up when she’s around. He was always so forlorn with Kelly, like she was draining the life out of him. Now, he actually seems happy. Are you willing to take Jada away from him, just because you can?”

  I scratch the top of my head and sit back. That’s some weighty stuff Katie just dumped in my lap. How can I possibly act natural around them now? My stomach drops when I see Brian and Jada grab their trays and approach our table.

  “Sorry, bro. You know how I am when it comes to food. I can never make up my mind. Luckily, I had someone to help me out.” Brian gives Jada a wink, making her dimples appear. It guts me inside, knowing that I want to be the one who makes her smile, not him.

  “Looks like you have ketchup or something on your shirt,” Katie remarks, pointing at Brian. “Do you need a napkin? I have plenty.” She hands him one and he bats at the red stain, but it’s not ketchup. It’s lipstick—the exact shade Jada’s wearing.

  “Oh man, I wonder how that happened?” Brian nudges Jada’s leg, and she ducks her head, a grin appearing at the corners of her mouth.

  “You’re not drinking again, are you?” All eyes turn to Katie as she drops a bombshell. What the heck is she doing?

  “No, of course not,” Brian protests, annoyed by her accusation. “It’s eleven thirty in the morning.”

  “So that means you’ll be drinking later then?” Katie badgers him.

  “I see you turned into quite the comedian from hanging around my brother,” Brian scoffs. “But there’s nothing funny about his sense of humor, Turner. You’d do good to remember that.”

  “I just don’t want another O’Malley brother pulling the wool over Jada’s eyes. That’s all.” Katie crosses her arms, resting her elbows before her.

  “Nobody’s been known to pull the wool over my eyes, thank you very much,” Jada retorts, unwrapping her sandwich. “What’s with the third degree, huh? I thought you had something important to tell us. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?”

  “We do.” I jump in, longing to say more. Jada’s attention is on me now and I want to keep it there.

  “It’s just that I’ve seen firsthand how Brian can be, and I don’t want you getting mixed up in something you can’t handle.” But Katie’s a little spitfire, egging Jada on, not letting me get a word in edgewise.

  “Oh, I can handle him, honey. Trust me.” Jada leans forward, almost in Katie’s face. “Just because your whore of a cousin couldn’t satisfy him—”

  “All right, ladies. That’s enough,” I say, holding up my hands to separate them.

  “Really? I kind of like having two women fight over me.” Brian chuckles.

  “You’re such a perv.” Jada rolls her eyes before pinching his side.

  “See, you can’t keep your hands off me.” He bends his head, on the point of kissing her, when I cough, clearing my throat. This is worse than I thought.

  “Brian, are you going back to Philly today?” I puncture their conversation, steering the focus back to me.

  “Jeez, bro. Way to be subtl
e.” He takes a bite of his sandwich. Chewing slowly, he ponders the question. “I might be. Why?”

  “Can you give Katie a ride back to her father’s?” The request has its desired effect as they all turn to gape at me.

  “Adam, we didn’t discuss this.” Katie’s eyes go wide.

  “Yeah, dude. Isn’t she supposed to stay with you until…?” Brian asks, not wanting to mention the impending arrival of Kelly’s child.

  “She was, but we found out that you were right. The baby’s not mine. It’s Savoy’s.” I don’t even guide him into these disclosures. I just keep spitting them out one after another. “Kelly’s gone, and I think it’s about time that Katie went home, too.”

  “You’re telling me that I don’t even get a say in any of this?” The shock in Katie’s voice is palpable. “You’re kicking me out, just like that?”

  “Adam, c’mon.” Jada cuts through the confusion, reprimanding me. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, but I am.” I zone out for a minute as the three of them gang up on me.

  “I thought you were obsessed with Katie?” Brian asks.

  “Please, think this through first,” Katie pleads.

  “Outside, now,” Jada commands. “We need to talk.”

  I was hoping she’d say that. I try to contain my grin as I push away from the table and follow her out the door. I can hear Katie and Brian arguing in the background, but I don’t even care.

  “What do you think you’re doing, huh?” Jada wheels around, pinning me against the brick wall of the shopping complex. “Are you out of your freaking mind?”

  “No, actually. For the first time, I think I’m seeing things clearly.” I reach out to touch her face, but she steps away from me. “Since we met, you’ve had to deal with the muddled version of me, but not anymore.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Is Savoy done with his mind tricks? Is that it?” She’s looking at me with disgust—not exactly the reaction I was hoping for. “So now you’re through with Katie? Even your dream girl isn’t good enough for you?”


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