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The Fraternity Files

Page 10

by Stephanie Joeline Kerfoot

  "It hurts!" Kevin complained bitterly as he grasped the front of his jeans again.

  "Yes, I know it does," Steve replied, "but we are just getting started."

  "No! Steve, please!" Kevin entreated desperately.

  "Kev, not only were you forty minutes late for the meeting tonight, but you were drunk and you brought girls! Take your pants down!"

  "What?!" Kevin gasped.

  "Kevin, you are spending too much time partying and not nearly enough time studying! You are getting in over your head at Rho Beta Xi, but you will not listen to anybody who tries to advise you, even Danny, who knows better than anyone how much trouble those girls can be." Gregg snickered, but one of his friends jabbed him in the ribs as Steve glared in his direction and he quickly stifled his amusement. "You are failing all your classes," Steve continued to upbraid his little brother, "a fact you tried to conceal from Danny until he confronted you. Even then, you swore up and down that it was only American History you were failing . . .,"

  "It IS only American History!" Kevin seethed. "I still have time to pass everything else. I can even maybe pass American History if I do ok on that report!"

  "The same report you were arguing with Danny about this morning?" Steve demanded. "The one you've been putting off for weeks? Kev, the point is not to perform miserably all semester, procrastinating on everything until the last minute, so in the end you just skate by with bare minimum effort. That is not acceptable!" Kevin flushed, crying too hard to respond now as he tried again to pull away from Steve. Danny and Ryan both moved in closer. "You have been blowing off assignments, skipping class, and talking back to professors for weeks. Recently, all you've done is smart off to Danny as well! Your behavior is arrogant, obnoxious, and downright rude. You have been asking for a good ass blistering all semester, Kevin, and now that's exactly what you are going to get! Take your pants down!" Steve eyed him resolutely.

  "No!" Kevin pleaded desperately. "Please, Steve, don’t! Not here! I'll go quietly upstairs with you and Danny and Ryan! I'm sorry for everything! I know I deserve it, but please don't do it here!"

  A long, uncomfortable silence followed. "I'm sorry, Kev,” Steve responded softly, at last. “I can't do what you're asking. I would like to, but I can't.” Kevin stared at him in disbelief. Steve was the president; he could do anything he wanted to, couldn't he? Angrily, Kevin once again jerked his arm away, and this time Steve let him go. Ryan stood right behind him now and he placed his hands on Kevin's shoulders in a soothing gesture, but Kevin twisted away from him.

  "I'm going to go pack," he sobbed.

  "Keeevin," Ryan started in his best big brother `you're overreacting'

  type voice.

  "No!" Kevin turned on him. "You obviously don't want me here anyway, if my behavior is so unbearably rude and obnoxious!" Ryan paled, and Kevin looked at Steve who blanched too. Kevin could barely bring himself to look at Danny, but finally he did as tears of rage filled his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. Danny gazed steadily back at him with an aching heart. This was the moment he had been dreading most. Unlike Steve and Ryan, he had seen it coming from the beginning. His little brother was so proud, and the smart of the betrayal was so potent, as Danny well knew. There was only so much a bold spirit like Kevin’s would submit to. Rebellion, as far as Danny was concerned, had been nearly inevitable.

  "Don't do it, Kev," he whispered. For a moment, Kevin just continued to glare at him. Then, without a word, he turned and started for the door. Ryan put a hand on his arm and Kevin wrenched it free only to discover that Danny now blocked his way. He tried to move around him, but Danny stayed with him. He tried the other side, but once again his brother matched his steps.

  "Get out of my way, Danny!" he cried in frustration.

  "I'm not going to let you do this, Kev!"

  Kevin tried once more to get past him, but Danny was too quick and

  Kevin pushed at him in frustration. "Don't be a jerk!" he sobbed.

  "If you walk out of here, you are out of the fraternity and off the team, Man!"

  "Who cares?!"

  "I do!"

  "Oh yeah? Then why'd you let this happen in the first place?" Kevin demanded.

  "I know you don't understand right now," Danny intimated pleadingly, "but you will!"

  "Well, you can save your explanations!" Kevin pushed once more in an effort to get by his big brother, but Danny grabbed his arms. "Let me go, Danny!"

  "I'm not going to let you throw your whole life away, Kev."

  "What do you care?"

  "A lot! How are you going to pay for school?"

  "I don't know," Kevin returned acidly. "I guess I won't. Since, according to you, I'm failing all my classes anyway, what's the point?"

  "The point, Kevin, is that you've made some mistakes, as we all have. You're paying for them now, and I know how hard it is . . . ."

  "No you don't!"

  "Yes, I do," Danny returned softly.

  "Yes he does," some of Danny's friends and enemies resounded in conflicting tones of sympathy and mirth. Danny ignored them.

  "I do know how hard it is, Kev," he said, "but it's one night! You'll get past it, believe me, and you'll make better decisions in the future because of it."

  "A fat lot you know!" Kevin spat.

  Danny lowered his voice and spoke gently in tones only his brother could hear. "You have more talent and promise than anyone else in this room, Kevin. You have the intelligence and ability to succeed in anything you do. Lord knows you are one hell of a football player, and you will probably be able to play in the NFL someday if that's what you want, but that's not all you are, Kev! It's time you realized that! You have a lot of living to do both before and after any potential football career. It's those parts of your life you ought to be thinking about. Don't push us away, Man! We all just want to see things go well for you!"

  Kevin looked at him incredulously. "So, you're going to let Steve paddle my bare ass in front of the whole fraternity! That's making sure things go well for me?"

  "Kevin, along with all your intelligence and talent you got a big dose of cockiness, and that's not surprising, but it's working against you, Man! You're not making good choices!"

  "And you think this will help?" Kevin snapped.

  "Yes," Danny responded quietly, looking directly into his little brother's smoldering, tear filled eyes, "I know it will."

  "Well, then why didn't you do it before?" Kevin demanded exasperatedly. "I would have listened to you, Danny! I would have done whatever you told me. If you and Ryan had brought me to Steve like you did before, I would have accepted whatever punishment he gave me. I would have been pissed, but I would have accepted it without question. I would still go upstairs with just the three of you right now, but damn it, Danny, you're asking an awful lot of me!"

  "I know," Danny's voice broke, "I know I am. I wish I could spare you all that's ahead tonight, Kev, and I know you don't understand what's happening. If I could explain it all to you right now, I would, but I can't. All I can tell you is you've been chosen tonight to take the fall for everybody, to set an example of what not to do, and I know it doesn't seem fair, but it really is a good thing, Kev'bo." He put his hand tenderly on the back of his little brother's head. "It's a good thing," he said again softly.

  "You're damn right, it doesn't seem fair!” Kevin rejoined. “I don't know what you expect, Danny, but it's already been the most humiliating night of my life. I can't do what you're asking! I just can't do it! I'll never be able to face anybody again! Mcarthy will never let me hear the end of it!"

  "Mcarthy will keep his damn mouth shut if he knows what's good for him!" Danny growled. Steve and Ryan both glared menacingly at Gregg in an effort to reinforce their younger brother's words. Gregg just simpered.

  "Wipe that ridiculous smirk off your face!" Matt hissed as he too glared at Gregg, and with effort Gregg did so.

  "As for everyone else," Danny continued, "there is
nobody you care about who feels anything but sympathy for you right now. All these jokers right here," he indicated the freshmen in general, "just ought to be grateful that it is your ass and not theirs!" Danny looked up at them and addressed the cowering freshmen in a voice stronger than any he had used so far tonight. "Understand that!" he commanded. "My brother is taking the heat for all of you tonight! It's not just about him and what he's done to deserve this punishment, it's about making sure that all you clowns shape up and learn your place!" The younger students shifted in their chairs, most of them sinking lower as they looked at Danny's angry face. Some of them sought out their big brothers only to meet the sophomores' stern eyes as they received nods of confirmation. Danny looked back at his little brother.

  "I can't, Danny, I can't . . . .Why do you have to do this, this way? It's not fair!"

  "Kev, I know that you're mad at me, but I can get you through this! Let me help you! You're the gutsiest kid I know . . .," Danny's voice cracked again. "Don't give up now."

  Kevin clutched his brother, pressing his face into Danny's shoulder as he struggled with his emotions. "What do I do?" he choked, finally. "Tell me what to do."

  Danny breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed his little brother's shoulder. "It's going to be ok, Kev," he whispered. "The first thing you're going to do is walk with me back over to Steve. You're going to tell him you're sorry and that you changed your mind. Then, you pretend like you are in the locker room before a game. You turn around and face me, you take your pants down, and you don't look at anybody, but me for the rest of the night. Ok?" Kevin clung to him and Danny tightened his arms around him. "Ok?" he whispered again, and Kevin nodded. "I'll get you through this Kid," Danny repeated softly. "Come on."

  Danny kept his hand on Kevin's shoulder as they turned and approached Steve once more. Silently, Danny pleaded with his oldest brother to go easy. Steve nodded reassuringly at him, and Danny tightened his hold on Kevin's shoulder as they came to a stop before the fraternity president. Kevin raised his eyes tenuously to meet those of his oldest brother, and Steve gave him a look of encouragement. "I'm sorry," Kevin sobbed. "I still want to be a part of the team and in the fraternity, and I will do whatever you tell me to."

  Steve nodded. "You know what you have to do, Kev," he returned gently. Kevin swallowed and looked at Danny. Danny squeezed his shoulder again and prompted him silently to look at his eyes. With crimson cheeks, Kevin turned to face his big brother. His fingers went fumblingly to the top of his jeans and with shaking hands he managed to unbutton and unzip them, but he got no further as his eyes shifted slightly from Danny's and he froze, sobbing in mortification.

  "Right here, Bud," Danny prompted again. "Look only at me. Just changing before a game, Man," he whispered softly. Kevin swallowed hard and swiped at his tears again. Finally, however, he took hold once more of his jeans and pulled them to his knees, wincing as the rough material slid past his already well-punished bottom. "Here, look here," Danny urged, anticipating his brother's impulse to look elsewhere. "Now, here's the deal." Danny placed his hands on his knees, bending low. Instinctively Kevin followed suit, entirely focused now on his brother's eyes. "These guys are tough. They are real good at forcing the third and long, so I'm going to be relying heavily on you today, to keep us out of that situation. Are you ready?" Kevin started to nod, but then he shook his head as Steve raised his t-shirt and took hold of his briefs, sliding them down to join his jeans at his knees.

  "It's not working, Danny," he sobbed. "It's not working."

  "Ok, Bud," Danny soothed, standing up and moving in closer, "just hold on to me, then." He took his place beside Steve, and raised Kevin's t-shirt higher to keep it out of the way. Steve and Ryan nodded at him in approval as he gripped his little brother's waist, and Kevin tucked his chin against his chest and sobbed.

  "Pay close attention!" Steve admonished the horror struck freshmen. "These rules are for all of you! Remember what I say tonight, or you too will find yourself in this position." He indicated his youngest brother's already black and blue bottom with the paddle, and the young Saber Bend Bulldog rookies squirmed. "First," Steve continued, "no girl, girlfriend or otherwise, is ever again to come through these doors when we are gathered for a meeting that has been earmarked as mandatory! What goes on inside these walls stays inside these walls tonight, and any other night we meet! Is that clear?"

  "Yes," the freshmen chorused disconcertedly.

  "Is it clear, Kevin?" Steve pressed the paddle firmly against his little brother's bottom.

  "Yes," Kevin whimpered.

  "Good. Then next time you will know better! Now, count!" Steve raised the paddle and a hush of anticipation filled the room as Kevin braced himself.

  THWHACK! "One!" Kevin inhaled sharply, and clenched his fist. Steve waited, giving the sting a moment to settle before he raised the paddle again. THWACK! There was a long pause and nobody made a sound. "Two," Kevin sobbed finally. THWACK! "AHH!" He gritted his teeth and shifted his weight as Danny tightened his arm supportively. "THREE!" he choked. THWACK! "FOUR!" He bit his lip, and scissored his legs.

  "Hang in there, Bro," Danny whispered.

  THWACK! "AHH! GOD! OWW! Five!" Kevin sobbed, digging his nails into Danny's arm.

  "It's all right, Kev, you're ok," Danny comforted huskily as Steve brought the paddle back to his side and looked again at the rest of the freshmen.

  "What I have to say now concerns the amount of partying that has been taking place this semester, particularly with thanks to the girls over at Rho Beta Xi. Understand me when I say that what they do over there is their business, but in this fraternity, school comes first! If you are not maintaining at least a B average you cannot afford to be partying every weekend let alone every night! I will not tolerate poor grades at any time! If, however, your poor grades are the product of too much partying, your situation will be just that much worse! Anyone who does not have at least a B at the end of the year will not be returning next year. This means most of you have a lot of work to do between now and the end of next semester. Anyone who does not straighten up and fly right starting now should expect to hear from me soon!" Many of Kevin's friends started to cry now and the sophomores moved quickly in among their younger brothers, doing their best to mitigate the impact of Steve's strict warning. Steve in the meantime, placed the paddle once more against his own little brother's bruised bottom, causing him to wince and writhe as he awaited the agonizing smacks that were sure to follow. "Kevin," he scolded, "with as much potential as you have, there is

  simply no excuse for your astoundingly poor performance this semester! I can't tell you how disappointed, Ryan, Danny, and I all are!”

  “Steve, please," Danny objected quietly, but Steve ignored him and Danny tightened his arm around Kevin protectively as their older brother continued. "There will be no more partying for you at all, Young Man, until you shape up and show that you can conduct yourself responsibly! Is that understood?”

  "Yes, Sir," Kevin whimpered, clutching Danny's arm tighter. "I'm sorry!"

  "All right, count!" Steve instructed. The paddle whistled through the air and thudded into Kevin's bottom with a force that nearly drove him to his knees. His face contorted, and it was a moment before he could get the breath to react at all, but when he did, he screamed. "OWWWW! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! Holy Shit, it hurts!" he sobbed.

  "Kevin," Steve reprimanded softly, "you forgot to count, and you swore! We will have to repeat that one."

  "Steve, Please!" It was not Kevin, but Danny who protested once more. Kevin was crying too hard, now, to react to either of his brothers. Steve raised the paddle again, and without responding to Danny's plea he drove it once again into Kevin's bottom. THWACK!

  "AHH!" Kevin threw his head back and gritted his teeth. "Oww!" he sobbed. "OWW!"

  "I'm going to keep repeating it until you count, Little Bro," Steve warned.

  "Don't do it so hard!" Danny fumed as his weeping little brother clutched at h

  "Danny," Ryan cautioned in a loud whisper, "stay out of it!" Danny bit his lip and tightened his arm once more around Kevin. Again, Steve raised the paddle. THWACK!

  "AHH! ONE!" Kevin cried. THWACK! "YOW! TWO!" Kevin stamped his feet and scissored his legs in an attempt to shake out the burn.

  "Stand still!" Steve directed, and his little brother did so, hanging lower over Danny's arm as his heart rending wails filled the air.

  THWACK! Kevin clutched his knees and inhaled. "THREE!" he finally breathed, and he couldn't help squirming a little.

  "Stand still!" Steve commanded again.

  Kevin once again obeyed, whimpering with the effort, and Danny squeezed his arm. THWACK! "FOUR!" Kevin screamed. "It hurts! God, it hurts! Please Steve, Please!" Danny was having trouble containing his brother now as Kevin fought to reach back.

  "Come on, Bro, I know it hurts, but you can't rub yet!" Danny tried his best to reason with him, but Kevin was beyond reason. The fire in his ass had eliminated every other thought from his mind. Danny pinned both his wrists to his back now, and he struggled futilely to pull his hands free from his brother's strong grip. Finally, however, his struggles began to subside, and the intensity of his sobs increased as he resigned himself to the helplessness of his situation. Steve waited for Kevin to become still again, not wanting to catch his younger brother on the thighs, but the moment he quieted, THWACK! Steve brought the paddle down with such strength that Kevin was once again thrown forward and this time Danny staggered back a little in his effort to bear his little brother's full weight.

  "FIVE!" Kevin cried so inarticulately that it was hard to understand him. "Please, Danny, Please! It hurts!" His pleas had a potent effect on his big brother, and it was all Danny could do to maintain his composure and his grip. Steve raised the paddle again, but before he brought it down, Ryan stepped up beside his older brother, and the beseeching expression on his face caused Steve to pause and look inquiringly at him.

  "They need a break, Steve," Ryan begged into his brother's ear, "Danny as much as Kevin." Tears were welling in his eyes now, and Steve's heart ached as he regarded his little brother with indulgent concern.


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