Book Read Free

So Good

Page 13

by Kayla Carson

  “Okay, I'm going in to make lasagna!” Zoe announced, brushing past us both and leaving us alone.

  Something was going on here, and I had a pretty good idea what it was. “I'm heading out back to enjoy my beer, you in?” I asked, as I re-entered the house. He nodded yes, and followed me inside. He stopped short of the patio door, saying he needed to use the restroom. I shrugged my shoulders, and went out on my own, popping the top off my beer. A few minutes later, Wes finally joined me, and I about lost my damn mind.

  “You have lipstick on.” I said, before bringing my beer to my lips and taking a nice long pull.

  “Shit.” Wes muttered under his breath, before mirroring my action, and draining his bottle. “I love her Jake.” He said simply, setting his empty bottle down on the table in front of me.

  “You love her?!” I exploded. “Do you even know what love is Wes?” I asked. “What happens when something else comes along?” Something better?”

  “There is no better than her.” He replied, just as my sister stepped out onto the patio.

  I didn't know who I was more furious with. I had warned Wes a million times to stay away from Zoe, but I also felt like I pushed them together by leaving. I stormed my way back into the house, needing to be away from them. I grabbed a few beers from the fridge intending on taking them upstairs. I stopped at the patio doors on my way, and saw her sitting in his lap. I wanted to break the beer bottle over his head, instead I grabbed as many as I could carry and stomped up stairs like a child.

  I blasted my stereo, and drank myself into oblivion. I lost count after eight, and ended up crashing some time after two AM. When I finally “woke up” it was just after noon, and it was due to my phones incessant ringing. I glanced at the caller ID, and seen it was Wes. Fuck him, I thought, hitting the end button, only to hear the damn thing ringing again. We went back and forth, him calling, and me rejecting, until I'd finally had enough and answered.

  “Whatever it is Wes, I'm not in the mood right now!” I snapped.

  “Is Zoe with you?” He asked, sounding concerned.

  “She's at work.” I said annoyed.

  Wes told me he had dropped her off at work, but that the woman in the office said she left with me. I wasn't sure what was going on, or what I'd missed, but I told him to get his ass over here. I was surprised that he'd gotten here so fast, but I was still so upset from yesterday, that the minute he entered the house, I pulled back and punched him directly in his left eye. “What the hell did you do?” I asked, stepping towards him, and grabbing him by the collar.

  He started telling me some convoluted story about some woman named Vanessa. Apparently she was his old foster sister, and she blamed him for some pretty nasty things that she and her sister were put through. She'd already gone after his brother Cole, and now he was worried she'd taken Zoe. He promised me that once we found her, he would end it. He would tell her that he couldn't be with her anymore. I lost it. I hit him once, twice, three times. I only stopped because he wasn't fighting me back. “I asked you to do one fucking thing Wes!” I yelled.

  He told me about a file folder containing information about Vanessa, and her sister. It was at his new shop, so we got in Zoe's car and went there to retrieve it. We found an address for Vanessa's sister, and together, decided we were going to get Zoe back. We stopped by Wes' place to grab a couple of guns, and I decided to inform the police, but because she wasn't missing for twenty four hours, we were on our own.

  We pulled up to the address in a swanky part of town. It was equipped with gates, that needed codes to enter. Wes decided he'd go first, since Vanessa was after him, and I waited, giving him the cover he needed. I ducked in the bushes when the front door swung open, whoever was inside had been expecting Wes, and allowed him right in. All I could do was sit, and wait. I took my chance, using the other bushes for cover, and got as close to the house as I could, just in case I needed to rush in.

  I heard a single gun shot, but before I could jump up, someone else did. It was Cole, Wes' brother, and ten or so other men. They were all dressed in black, and they rushed into the front door, guns blazing, I tried to count the number of shots I heard, but I was too concerned about what was happening inside. Was my sister in there? Was Wes okay? When I saw Cole, and the same ten men exit, I rushed inside taking in the scene.

  Six men, on the ground, all taken down with a single shot, directly to the head. Zoe was standing beside Wes, her hands zip tied, and blood was dripping down his arm, falling from his finger tips. I rushed past them instructing Zoe to put pressure on the wound while I found some tools in the kitchen. I came back with knives, and a bowl of ice. First I cut Zoe's hands free, and sent her to grab some towels.

  “This is going to hurt like a mother fucker Wes, I won't lie. But if we don't get this bullet out, you're losing that arm.” I said taking a lighter to heat the tip of one of the knives. Luckily, he passed out before I started digging, and by the time the ambulance arrived, the bleeding was under control, and some of the color had returned to his fingers.

  Wes was out for three days. His gun shot wound had shifted some shrapnel that was left from a previous injury, and nicked an artery. Zoe had been at his bedside the entire time, refusing to leave, even when I told her he'd planned on leaving her. She wouldn't hear it. He'd thrown himself on top of her to save her life, and that was all that mattered to her. To be honest, it meant a lot to me too, so when I walked into his room to find her lying beside him on the bed, I was mad, but I wasn't furious.

  “Can you give us a minute Zoe?” I asked, and thankfully she obliged. Saying something about going to find some coffee. “Glad to see you're feeling better.” I said, taking the empty seat beside Wes' bed.

  “Thanks to you brother. If you hadn't been there-”

  “If you hadn't been there, my sister would be dead right now.” I interuppted him. “You threw your own God damned body down on top of hers, and took the bullet meant for her head. Not a lot of people would do that.”

  “I love her.” He said simply.

  “I know. I see the way she looks at you, and you her. I'm not saying I'm one hundred percent okay with this, but I'm saying I'll try to be. Just.. no mushy bull shit in front of me, alright?”


  There were worse things. My sister could have fallen in love with a serial killer, at least I knew for sure now that my best friend loved her more than his own life. I also knew something else. I was an idiot. I had missed too much time with my sister, and after what happened over this past week, I decided to put my family first from now on. No more running away, even if that meant watching my best friend kissing my baby sister.

  Chapter 29 Now

  Evie, and Gabriel had been on the base with me for a little over six weeks now, and we quickly fell into a new normal. She made fast friends with our neighbors, and everyone seemed to love her. Gabriel had even made a new friend who was around the same age as him. My bachelor pad, was suddenly turned into a playhouse, and I absolutely loved it. I was home from training by six every night, and while Evie cooked dinner, I gave Gabe his bath. He began to look forward to it too, rushing to me when I walked in the front door.

  We played with boats, and squirt guns, always leaving a mess on the bathroom floor, but it was well worth the clean up. Hearing his laughter, and watching his eyes light up like his mother's always hit me right square in the chest. I'd just finished getting his pajamas on, and brushing his unruly hair, when Evie rounded the corner to his bedroom.

  “Who's ready for dinner?” She asked, smiling.

  “Pizza!” Gabriel yelled, rushing past me, and into the kitchen.

  “I'm ready for dessert.” I said, scooping Evie up into a princess hold and pressing my lips against hers. She laughed, swatting at me playfully, until I put her down. “Are you happy Hermosa?” I asked, brushing my hand against her cheek lightly.

  “You ask me the same question every day Jake, and my answer is always the same. More than I ever thought pos
sible.” She responded, kissing my palm, before taking it hers and leading me into the kitchen. Gabe was already sitting in his booster seat, holding his milk cup in his hands. I laughed, ruffling his head, before putting a slice of homemade pizza on a plate, and cutting it into small squares for him.

  “You know you don't have to do that right?” Evie said, placing her hand on my back. “You've been at work all day, I don't mind bathing him, and making his dinner plate.”

  “And I've told you.” I said, turning to face her. Reaching up, I framed her face with my hands, and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “I enjoy it.”

  “You're an amazing daddy Jake. I'm so sorry, I ever kept him from you.”

  “Enough of that.” I said, making us plates of our own, and placing them down on the table. “Let's eat.”

  We sat together, for the next half hour, enjoying our meal together. When we'd finished, we all sat down on the couch to watch a little paw patrol, and when the clock struck eight, Evie took Gabe into his bedroom. She read him a story, and before he drifted off to sleep, I snuck in to give him a quick kiss goodnight.

  He was fast asleep within seconds, and I joined Evie on the couch, pulling her into my side. “How was your day?” I asked.

  “I'm getting bored Jake.” She sighed, snuggling into me. “I miss work.”

  “You want to go back to SanFrancisco?” I asked thoughtfully, pressing a kiss on top of her head.

  “Luke's girlfriend was telling me that they could use some help with medical training. I know I'm not trained by the army, but maybe I could volunteer my time? Just to get out of the house a bit. She offered to watch Gabe a few days a week. What do you think?”

  “I'll support whatever you want to do Hermosa. I know being here, hasn't been an easy adjustment for you.”

  “It hasn't been all bad.” She said, rubbing her hand over my chest. “Just.. different. I have four more months, if not more before my practice will be ready, I'd just like to contribute something.”

  “Is that what this is about? You don't like me taking care of you?” I asked, only half joking.

  “You know me. I've always taken care of myself. It's weird, using your debit card to buy shampoo for myself.” She laughed. “I probably sound crazy.”

  “I'll talk to General Wyatt, and see if there's a place for you. In the meantime, if you feel the need to pay me back.. I have a few ideas.” I said, with a smirk.

  “I'll bet you do.” She said, moving from the crook of my arm, to straddle my lap. “Let's see, that's six weeks of food, shelter, and-”

  I silenced her with a kiss, my hands resting on her ass, giving her cheeks a hard squeeze. She laughed into my mouth. “Feel free to use kisses as a method to shut me up any time.” She said, before reaching up to tangle her hands in my hair. Our kiss deepened, and she began to slowly rock her hips against my growing erection. I opened my legs wider, to relieve some of the restraint my fatigues had caused. “Bedroom?” She breathed out, between kisses.

  “Bedroom.” I agreed standing, and taking her with me. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and her arms around my neck, as I carried her to the bed. I set her down gently when I reached it, and began removing my fatigues. She pulled her sweater over her head, and shimmied out of her jeans, leaving her in only her bra and panties. Catching my eye, she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, tossing it uncerimoniously at my face. She quickly fell into a fit of laughter, and in two strides, I was pressing her down onto the mattress. “You think your funny huh?” I teased, nipping her neck with my teeth, knowing it drove her wild.

  “Hilarious.” She said, on a soft moan, pulling my face back up to hers. “Now take your boxers off.”

  I rolled to my side, doing as I was told, and I watched, as she removed her own panties. There she lay, gloriously naked, and entirely mine. “I'm always in the mood to make you cum, Hermosa.” I growled, before pulling her on top of me. She smiled wide, her hands flat on my chest. “Good, because I'm in the mood.” She said biting her lip, and guiding me inside of her.

  She worked her hips, grinding against me, using my chest for leverage. I gripped her hips, urging her to take me in harder, and deeper. She responded with a moan that sounded almost carnal, so I doubled my efforts. My eyes locked on hers, as she reached one hand up to cup her full breast. Her hair was a wild tangle of curls around her face, and her cheeks were flush with passion. She rode my cock like she owned it, her core clenching as she came closer, and closer to the brink.

  “Cum para mi Hermosa.” (Cum for me, beautiful) I said, gripping her hips even tighter, and within seconds, that's exactly what she was doing, bringing me right along with her. It had always been this way with us. Passionate, and completely unbridled, and I hoped like hell that it would always be that way.

  Evie lay on top of me, spent. Her legs tangled in mine, and her arm on my chest. I held her close, rubbing my hand across her back, occasionally grazing her ass, and giving it a light tap. This was what heaven was, laying in bed with the woman you loved, knowing that no one could take it away from you. I don't know how I survived these past few years without her. Having her back in my life again was all that I ever could have hoped for. And that was my last thought before falling asleep that night.

  When I woke the next morning to the sound of my alarm, I quickly silenced it, as not to wake Evie. She was laying on her stomach, her hair splayed across her pillow. I couldn't help but stare at her for a moment, before sneaking out of bed to get into the shower. I'd been trying to let her sleep in since the day she moved in, but she said the bed felt cold, and empty without me in it. I knew the feeling all too well, and even though I knew she loved me, and we were moving forward, I still had that fear.

  I had just rinsed the shampoo from my hair, when I heard the bathroom door click open. A few seconds later, Evie was slipping into the shower behind me. She pressed her hands on my back, and ran them down until she found my hips. She reached around me then, her slick hands gripping my erection. “Good morning.” I said, attempting to turn, and face her.

  “Mmm mmm.” She said, using one hand to keep me in place, and the other to begin stroking me. “I'm making up for lost time.”

  “Me too.” I said overpowering her, and turning to face her. In one swift motion, I picked her up, and pressed her back against the cool tile, slipping inside of her effortlessly. “I love you Hermosa.” I whispered against her lips, as I pushed deep inside of her.

  “I love you too.” She said, her voice hitching as I slid in, and out of her. Every thrust of my hips brought me deeper, and deeper into her folds. I could feel her walls begin to tighten around me, and I worked my hips harder. Grinding against her harder, and faster searching for the release that we both so desperately needed. Her hands tugged at my hair, and I bent my head to nip her neck. That was all she needed to lose control, and as she spasmed around me, my own release was inevitable. She let out a long blissful sigh, a smile spreading wide across her face. “Have a good day at work.” She said laughing softly, and only stopping when my lips captured hers.

  I did have a good day at work. Of course, a lot of that was thanks to Evie. But, it was also thanks to General Wyatt. When I approached him about some kind of training position for Evie, he was apprehensive at first. But, when I explained our situation, and informed him that I wasn't planning on re enlisting at the end of my IRR, he offered me something different. I wanted to call Evie the minute that he asked me, but I also wanted to tell her the news in person.

  I walked into the front door, where Gabriel ran to greet me. “Hi daddy, chicken noodle soup!” He yelled, informing me of tonight's dinner.

  “Hey buddy. Where's your mama?” I asked, glancing around the small space, and not seeing her. Scooping Gabe up, I put him in his booster chair, and made him a bowl of soup. It was pretty hot, so I set it on the counter to cool, and gave him a slice of corn bread to keep him busy. “Evie?” I called out, as I walked into our bedroom.

  I found her knee deep
in a pile of clothes in the closet. I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh, as I watched her stepping over piles, and attempting to climb out. “What happened?” I asked, still stifling my laughter.

  “I was putting clothes away, and the whole damn shelf fell off the wall!” She said, with a mixture of anger, and disbelief.

  “Well, you do have a lot of clothes.” I teased.

  She starred me down with her most evil; evil eye, and I put my hands up. “I'm sorry Hermosa.” I grinned. “Would it make you feel any better if I told you I had some good news?”

  “Maybe.” She said, allowing me to help her out of the closet.

  “What if I told you we could move back to San Francisco in six weeks? For good.”

  “What? How?” She asked, the excitement evident in her voice.

  “I went to General Wyatt to ask about finding you a position, and I explained to him that after IRR I wouldn't be returning. He was upset at first, but after a long talk he offered me a position instead.”

  “What kind of position?”

  “He wants me to run the recruiting office. Go to the local high schools, give a few speeches, and find him more soldiers. He says I have good insticts, and I could really make an impact on kids lives, especially the ones interested in special ops. If I accept, we can be back home, in our home by Christmas.”

  “Is that what you want? To work in a recruiting office?” She asked, the excitement from her eyes, fading a little.

  “Let's go home Hermosa.” I said, reaching for her hand. I ran my thumb over her ring. “Let's go home, and let's get married.”

  Chapter 30 Two months Later

  “Gabe! Come on honey, Aunt Zoe, and Uncle Wes are waiting for us! Don't you want to see your Christmas presents?” Evie asked, in an attempt to convince Gabriel to wear his suspenders she'd bought him. I didn't blame the kid, suspenders were not comfortable, and to be holding pants up that don't need it just sounded like a pain in the ass to me.


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