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So Good

Page 14

by Kayla Carson

  “Hermosa, let's just take the suspenders with us alright? We can put them on when we get there.”

  “No Jake, it takes away from the whole outfit if he doesn't have them on.” She wined.

  “It's just Wes, and Zoe. They won't care if he's in his birthday suit, they just want to eat.”

  “It's our first holiday as a family, and I want to make a good impression.”

  “Gabriel. I need you to let mommy put the rest of your clothes on ok?”

  “Why?” He asked, sticking out his bottom lip, and making it quiver.

  “Because I'm your daddy, and I said so.”

  “You're mean!” He said, stomping over to Evie, and allowing her to clip the suspenders on.

  She mouthed the words “thank you” over his shoulder, and gave me a smile. I shot her a wink, and tossed the rest of Gabe's things into his bag. We were potty training. I thought the bags would get lighter as he got older, turns out I was wrong. Sixteen outfits, and enough underwear to clothe an elementary school later, and we were ready to roll.

  The drive to Wes, and Zoe's place was only about twenty minutes, which meant Gabriel should stay awake, ensuring he'd actually sleep tonight. It took him a while to get used to having a bedroom upstairs. The first few weeks we were back in San Franscisco he'd only sleep downstairs on the couch. He thought the upstairs was someone else's house. Once he realized he had his own toy room though, he began to wander around more often.

  When we pulled into the driveway, I recognized Cole's car immediately. We hadn't really spoken since the incident at Harper's House, so I hoped it wouldn't be awkward. Evie carried Gabe, and his bag in while I grabbed the presents from the trunk. I also had a bottle of scotch tucked into my my waist band, just in case.

  Evie set Gabe down to let him ring the doorbell. In a few seconds the door opened wide. “Baby!” He yelled, wrapping his arms around my sister's growing belly. She was just about four months along now, and with her petite frame she was really starting to show.

  “Hey sweet boy!” She cooed, picking him up in her arms, and stepping aside so Evie, and I could enter.

  “Zoe!” Wes yelled from across the room. “Be careful lifting him.” He added, with concern.

  “He weighs all of twelve pounds Wes, I'm fine.” She assured him. “Besides, he has some presents to open.” She added in an over exaggerated voice to excite Gabriel. “Wait until you see what Uncle Wes, and I got for you.”

  “And Uncle Cole!” Cole chimed in from the kitchen, before stuffing a deviled egg into his mouth.

  “Fuck you Cole!” Wes, and I said at the same time, directly followed by Evie, and Zoe's simultaneous “Language!”

  Zoe set Gabe down, and got down on her knees to pull boxes from under the tree. I watched as she pulled out one, after another, counting as she went. I finally stopped at fourteen. “I hope those aren't all Gabriel's.” I said.

  “Not all of them.” She smiled. “One's for you, and Evie.”

  “Te dije que no pasaras a bordo” (I told you not to go over board) I said.

  “El es mi sobrino. Lo consentire si quiero!.” (He's my nephew. I'll spoil him if I want to) She shot back.

  “Welcome to the Cruz family Christmas.” Wes said. “Where they argue in Spanish, and you just sit back and drink every time you hear a cuss word.”

  “We don't speak Spanish.” Cole said, wrapping his arm around Harper's waist. “How do we know when to drink?”

  “That's the best part. If you don't know, just guess.” He said, tipping back his beer bottle and draining it.

  “I like these rules.” Cole said, tossing back his own drink.

  “Can we get back to the important part now?” Zoe asked, helping Gabriel tear open another present. “Uncle's and daddy need to find some tools so you can play with your new toys, right buddy?”

  “New toys!” He said, clapping his hands. “Daddy, new toys!”

  I gave Zoe the stink eye, knowing there was no way in hell I was getting out of putting all these toys together now. Evie, had found her way into the kitchen, and was having what appeared to be a very deep conversation with Harper. Cole seemed to really like her, I just hoped she wouldn't end up causing any problems for anyone that I loved. We had all been through enough, and we were just starting to feel normal again. The last thing we needed to deal with was Harper's crazy ass sister. Thank God she was locked away in prison where she belonged.

  Wes, Cole, and I spent the next hour putting toys together, while the girls finished up the cooking. It smelled amazing, and I my stomach was telling me that if I had to wait much longer, I'd be ordering a pizza. We all sat around the large table, with our plates stacked high, ready, and waiting to dig in, when Harper cleared her throat.

  “Do you mind if I say grace?” She asked shyly. When we all encouraged her, she cleared her throat once again. “Heavenly father, please bless the food before us, the family beside us, and the love between us.”

  After our amens everyone dug in, falling into easy conversation. The wine, and food flowed freely, and when we'd finally finished we could barely move. Wes, and I offered to do the dishes, allowing Zoe to put her feet up. I could tell already that Wes was going to be one of those husbands. Constantly fussing over his pregnant wife, making sure that she didn't do too much. I was glad though, Zoe deserved to be taken care of.

  I passed Wes the plate that I'd just rinsed, so that he could dry it. “What's it like having Harper here?” I asked.

  He shrugged, placing the plate back into the cupboard. “She barely remembers me. In fact, she doesn't remember much at all from that time. It's probably better that way though. I know it's weird, after everything her sister did to Cole, and Zoe, but I have to remind myself that she isn't Vanessa. I can't blame her for sister's sins.”

  I nodded in understanding, passing him the final plate to dry. When we'd finished our part, we joined the other's in the living room. Evie, and Zoe were sitting on the floor playing with Gabriel, and Cole, and Harper sat in front of the fire place whispering intently. We were an odd bunch, but together we had formed a family. A family we had chosen, and sometimes that was better than blood.

  I reached for Evie's hand, pulling her up to stand beside me. “You ready?” I asked her, giving her hand a tight squeeze. She nodded, so I cleared my throat, catching everyone's attention. “Guys, I just want to say something real quick. The past four years, have been rough for me. I thought that I had forgotten what happiness was, but then this amazing woman, came back into my life when I didn't even know that I needed her. I knew when I was seventeen, and I know now. Evie Cruz was meant to be my wife.”

  “Wait? Cruz?” Zoe asked, noticing my slip up.

  “We're married!” Evie said excitedly.

  “Congrats man!” Wes said, pulling me in for a hug, and slapping me on my back. “How in the hell did you keep this from Zoe?” He laughed, when he pulled away.

  “Lies. Lots, and lots, of lies.” I joked, catching my sister's eye, and noting that she was crying. “Ven aqui hermana.” (Come here sister.) I said softly, as I pulled her against me. “Ya no tienes que preocuparte mas Estoy feliz. Estoy bien.” (You don't have to worry anymore. I'm happy. I'm ok.)

  “No estoy preocupado. Estoy feliz.” (I'm not worried. I'm happy.) She said, kissing me on the cheek. “Felicidades hermano.” (Congratulations brother.)

  I held Evie's hand on the drive home that night, grateful for my family, and for our new lives together. Gabriel was fast asleep in his car seat, when we pulled into the driveway, so I carefully carried his sleeping form up the stairs and tucked him into his bed. When I returned downstairs, I found Evie standing in the kitchen starring out the patio doors.

  “Are you happy Hermosa?” I asked just like I always did, and she replied, just like she always did. “More, than I ever thought possible.”

  Smiling, I took her hand, and led her up the stairs. When we reached the bedroom, I pulled my phone from my pocket to plug it in for the night. I noticed
three missed calls, and a text, and they were all from Wes. The text said it was urgent, so I dialed him back, worried it may have had something to do with Zoe. He answered on the first ring. “What's going on Wes? Is is Zoe? Is everything ok?” I asked, worried.

  “Zoe's fine.” He said, taking a deep breath. “It's Vanessa Blue. She's escaped.”




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