Book Read Free

After the Before

Page 12

by Gomez, Jessica

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Andrew asks me to lunch around nine in the morning. I’m still lying in bed after being kept up last night, listening to Molly sweet talk some guy on the phone, when I received his text. Andrew may be easy on the eyes, but extremely irritating most of the time. He’s showing his true colors by being overbearing, and it is so obvious what his agenda is with me. Little does he know, that will never happen.

  Our lunch ended in disaster. I’m not even close to enjoying myself with him, but I play the game and keep a smile on my face. Andrew is annoyingly handsy, kissing me, touching me whenever the urge strikes him, and I hate it.

  ‘I thought I could withstand a year of this? It’s not even close to possible.’

  Every time he tries to kiss me, it feels… I don’t know, creepy, slimy. The true description eludes me, the emotion hard to describe.

  During lunch, Andrew excuses himself to use the restroom, giving me time to think. Alex invades my mind every second. He texted me around eleven thirty, asking what I was doing for lunch. My fingers itched to text him back, to tell him I’d meet him somewhere, but I already agreed to go with Andrew. I have to let it go.

  I’ve also thought a lot of Jace since getting here. If he were still alive, he would be on this trip with me right now, and I wouldn’t have to try to find someone to enjoy this amazing trip with. Hawaii is supposed to be a blast, so why am I so miserable?

  I know the answer, I’ve just been trying to avoid it. Margret could talk to any of my classmates, and they would tell her anything she wanted to know, thinking it would be fine because after all, she is my mother. At this point, I wouldn’t put it past her to seek some of them out. She could already have someone watching me now for all I know.

  We’re almost finished with lunch when I notice Alex at the bar, looking at his untouched food in front of him, on the phone smiling. He’s probably already found a harem of girls to choose from during his stay here. He’s probably on the phone with one right now, and that thought ignites so much jealousy inside of me, making me want to throw my glass of ice water at him to get him off the phone.

  “Let’s go.” I tell Andrew when he comes back.

  “You don’t want to eat your food?”

  “No. Not hungry.” I wave it off and stand to leave.

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “Let’s walk downtown and see what they have going on. I hear they have all kinds of things for tourist to do.”

  “Alright.” He leads me out of the hotel toward the center of town, which is only a couple of blocks from us.

  There are entertainers spread out along the street. Some are doing tricks, others making music, or dancing Hawaiian dances. The entire place is euphoric. From the people, to the smell of the ocean – everything about it is gorgeous. It’s hard to keep a smile from my face, so I let myself relax.

  Andrew takes my hand as we enter a bathing suit store called Skins. The name is rather funny.

  I brought enough money to have fun. I plan to do what I want, buy what I want, and I need and want a new suit.

  “Do I get to see you model them?” Andrew raises his eyebrows up and down at me.

  The gesture is cute, making me laugh. If cuts and bruises didn’t adorn my body, I would have said yes.

  “Sorry, no freebies.” I say, trying to sound seductive.

  “Do you know what you’re looking for? Or are we going to pick out a montage of outfits?” His smile widens.

  “I have no idea. My favorite color is green, so maybe something in that color.” I shrug and finish walking through the door.

  There are about a dozen people already in the small space, and finding a suit is proving harder than I thought. Andrew has three already hanging over his arm. I want to pick out a few and try them all on at the same time.

  The store has a friendly atmosphere. Bamboo covers the walls, real plants and flowers decorate the room. An incense is lit somewhere in the store, filling it with a sweet fragrance. They even have these funky, spiral racks that hold different styles of swimsuits.

  By the time I find five suits, the store has cleared out, all except a handful of girls around our age at the dressing room. Andrew hands me the suits and tries casually to check out the Mexican girls next to us. They are trying on swimsuits, speaking half Spanish, half English. Marisol used to talk like that sometimes when she was really excited. By the way these girls are laughing and squealing, they are definitely excited. I can see that Andrew appreciates it, with the girls bouncing around and jiggling in all the right places.

  The dressing room is a makeshift room with three walls, and a dark green curtain that barely reaches either edge of the door. I pull it as tight as it will go before I begin to change.

  The first suit I try on is black. It makes my butt look nice, but the top squishes my chest down too tight, giving me pancake boobs.

  I describe it to Andrew and he laughs.

  I put the second suit on, a sky blue two-piece. Andrew whistles at me when I describe it for him, which causes me to blush.

  The other girls are right next to us and they are gorgeous. All three are tall, tan, with legs that go on and on. I know they are hot, because Andrew is having a hard time keeping his eyes off them. I wouldn’t consider myself all that great looking. I have scars as recent as last week on my arms, and old ones from surgeries. My leg scar, where my bone protruded out, is probably the worst. Fortunately for me, the doctors were able to stitch me back together fairly well, leaving only minimal scaring.

  The third suit is a light purple, both this one, and the blue one, wash out my skin, making me look even paler than I am, which I thought was impossible to accomplish. I try on the fourth one, which has a red and black swirling design, reminding me of the carpet in our hotel room. Not appealing.

  I turn to look in the mirror, but get distracted when I hear Alex’s name from the exotic Mexican girl next to us. I peek out through the slit in my curtain, and she’s looking in a mirror like mine, wearing a barely there two piece. The top covers her nipples, maybe an inch beyond that, and her bottoms are cut high, hugging her butt. There is no doubt that I’m envious. There is no way that I could look that good in something like that.

  I laugh to myself. Why would she be talking about my Alex? I’m being paranoid, and it’s showing me how crazy I am, freaking out about someone saying his name.

  As I continue looking in the mirror, pretending not to listen to their conversation, I hear her say school trip and my stomach drops. Was she talking about Alex?

  I change into the last suit; it too looks ridiculous on me, and I refuse to tell Andrew about it. His protests are non-existent since he is eye screwing the girls next to us. I change back into my clothes and sit on the bench collecting the suits slowly, listening to the other girls talk.

  The more I listen to their conversation, the more I realize that yes, they are talking about my Alex.

  “I can’t believe you called him boyfriend on the phone, Ang.” Pretty girl number three says.

  Ang must be pretty girl number one, because she answers. “Well, I figured I’d go for it after the night we had last night.” All the girls giggle.

  “You are so bad.” Pretty girl number two says.

  “If you want to keep someone like Alex pleased, you need to be a little naughty. Besides, it’s not like I don’t do it all the time, anyway.” I can hear the smile in her voice. I’m convinced now that Alex had sex with this girl last night.

  A lump forms in my throat and tears sting my eyes. I take a deep breath and get myself under control. What is wrong with me? Why should I even care? I can’t have him, and why the hell would he want someone like me when he gets gorgeous girls like Ang?

  “What’s going to happen tonight?” Number three asks.

  “We’re going to finish where we left off. I’m bringing a blanket, this suit, and a few condoms. Hopefully we’ll be out all night.” This receives more giggles, and even a few,
oh my’s. “What about you and Carlos? You two were hot and heavy.” She asks number two.

  “Yeah, he’s so hot. He said he had to leave when Alex did, because he’s the leader.” The tone of her voice sounds as if she‘s in awe over them.

  That’s when I’m positive she’s talking about Alex Navarro. Who else is a leader in a gang and has a friend named Carlos, who is also here on a school trip.

  I gather my strength. I shouldn’t care that Alex is hooking up with girls here. That’s what he does, at least that’s what they say at school, anyway. A part of me feels rejected, hoping in some way that his emotions were playing the same tune as mine. Apparently, I was wrong, but I can’t say I’m innocent here, I mean, I am messing around with Andrew, right?

  I step out of the curtain and Andrew is practically drooling. You’d think I’d care, that I’d be jealous, but I don’t have it in me when it comes to him. I could care less if Andrew is checking them out.

  Returning the suits to their racks, I decide against all of them. They all seem to do funny things to my skin tone. I stop in the middle of the store and let my body just sag. I want a new suit. I feel like I’m on a quest for a fresh start… beginning with the perfect bathing suit. My mission makes no sense, since bruises cover my body, making it impossible to wear one here while on vacation, but I feel I need to start with something.

  Most of the buckle wounds have scabbed up; gross, I know. Thank goodness they were small, or they would have lasted a lot longer. The bruises will remain for at least most of the week or longer. I don’t know if I should feel lucky that she didn’t have enough strength to leave welts, but she was strong enough to give me bruises in the shape of a belt marks. They were going to be impossible to hide.

  I’m just about to walk out of the store and leave Andrew ogling the other girls, and that’s when I see it. Instantly, I know I have to have it.

  I walk up to the green and white tie-dye suit and find there is only one left…. in my size. God, I love it when that happens, because it rarely ever does.

  I use another dressing room on the other side of the store, away from Andrew. After I put the suit on, I turn to look in the mirror. It fits perfectly and snug in all the right places, and it’s risky for me. I’ve never worn anything like this, but as I’ve been saying, how many times am I going to be in Hawaii?

  The bottoms are low cut, snuggling below my hipbones. There is a large two-inch fold, creating the illusion of a waistband. On the left hand side, a silver ring holds the bottoms together.

  The top is the same mix of green and white tie-dye. The cups spread wide, showing off a lot of inner bust set in a halter. Silver rings hold the top of both cups up, making my breasts look fantastic. They’ve never looked this big and perky. This is definitely the one. Not being able to help myself, I think of what Alex would think of me in it.

  I turn slowly, not only looking at the way the suit looks, but at all the discolored areas still lingering on my body. Margret really did a number on me. Without the discolored areas, I’d have a nice body. I was husky before the accident, not fat, but muscular. Now, most of the muscle is gone. I’ve gained ten pounds since I started my eat everything diet, filling out my body and hiding all of the bones that used to protrude after the accident. Now smooth, curvy skin stands before me. I have to admit, I look great… other than the bruises.

  I poke my fingers against my bluish green bruise on my rib cage and wince. They are still pretty painful, and still hurt when I breathe in deeply.

  Realistically, I’m getting ahead of myself by buying this suit, but as I stare at it, I know I have to have it. I can wear shorts and a shirt over it to hide the bruises. That should work fine, as long as I swim in them. On the other hand, if we swam in the dark, no one would notice, even if the suit was all I wore.

  The register dings when the woman takes my cash. I am halfway out the door when Andrew catches up to me.

  “Let’s see what you got.” He says, as if he didn’t just spend half our time in the store looking at other girls.

  I give him a look that says just that.

  “Don’t get jealous, Jasmine. I’m here with you, right?” Does that line actually work on other girls?

  “Right.” I say, then continue to walk back to the hotel.

  “You’re still going to go out with me tonight, right?” His voice is pleading, but it holds an edge of desperation.

  I think about it for a minute and then remember the dreamy girl at Skins… and Alex. The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. “Why yes, Andrew. I wouldn’t miss it.” I find myself saying.

  Andrew walks me to my room, “I’ll be back to get you at six.” He leans in and kisses me, being sloppy and gross, so I step away and walk inside my room.

  “See you at six.” I dismiss him, not wanting to kiss him anymore.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Carlos came through with the party favors. The beer is doing its job and helping me forget about Jasmine. We make it down to the beach an hour before Angeline and her friends show.

  Some of the locals told me about this place. They’re right, it’s awesome. Palm trees surround the entire cove, and the sand glows white in the dropping sun. Our new hangout sits a few miles down shore from the hotel, then turns like a long L shape. In the bend sits a high waterfall that falls into a deep swimming hole.

  There is already a fire pit, with log seats already there. The fire is easy to start, not that we need if for the warmth, but for the light.

  All I can think about is Jasmine out on her date with Andrew, him touching her, kissing her. I squeeze my eyelids closed tightly, trying to block out the images. I’m anxiously waiting for Angeline to arrive, to provide me with a much needed distraction because all I can see is golden hair, pale skin, and wide blue eyes, framed by long dark lashes. Just thinking of her excites me, and confuses me, giving me more reason to put those thoughts of her behind me, because tonight, I’m going to drown out these images and replace them with the spicy, and very willing, Angeline.

  I’m a few beers in when they show up. The sun has dipped down past the horizon, sending everything into darkness against the newly built fire. When Angeline walks up, her body illuminates next to the fire. She is smoking hot, enhanced by the alcohol in my system. She’s wearing very short jean shorts with frayed edges, and a barely there black bikini top, tied behind her back and neck.

  “Hey, baby.” Angeline says as she leans down and kisses me. “I missed you.” She purrs. I can see her looking around for somewhere to sit.

  “Come here.” I pull her on my lap, ready for the distractions to begin.

  She kisses me again and this time I can clearly smell the weed on her breath. “How long have you been here?” She asks me.

  “About an hour.” I shrug.

  She reaches into the very small piece of fabric covering her left breast and pulls out a joint. Smoking is normally not my thing, but I’ve never wanted to forget things so badly. I take a few drags when she lights it up and hands it over to me.

  We pass it to the others and grab a beer. The first one goes down fast… so does the second and third. By that time, we decide to move the party to the water. Angeline strips down to a very nice, barely there, black bikini, and I watch her as she dances around in the water.

  I’m feeling good and buzzed; Jasmine’s evaded my mind all night… until now. I pull my phone out and stare at the clock… 10:40 pm. I wonder what she’s doing right now. I can’t help but hope she cancelled with stupid. Even though I hate his guts, she can choose who she wants to be with, even if it’s him. Wanting to have her for myself is selfish. I could never give her what she wants or deserves, so this shit has to end. But, on the other hand, I know all Andrew wants is to get into her pants. I’ve used all the same moves on potentials that he’s using on Jasmine, and I cannot allow him to take advantage of her, but I think she’s smart enough to see him for what he is, and if that’s what she chooses, more power to her.
/>   Angeline’s friends brought a couple of blankets that I laid out to sit on. It pays off when my spicy date gets out of the water and saunters over to me. Straddling her wet body overtop of mine, she leans down and kisses me. Even though I’m drunk, I still remember I don’t like the sloppy way she kisses. I move my mouth from hers, and as planned, she begins to kiss my neck.

  “I brought a few condoms, novio.” She pulls three from her shorts that are sitting next to us.

  First, I want to get things straight. “You need to stop calling novio, muñeca. I’m not your man, and you know what this is.”

  She sits up to look me in the eyes. I see disappointment for a brief second before the drugs and alcohol take over her thinking. “That’s alright. I knew it was a long shot.”

  I feel bad for hurting her feelings, but come on. I’m on vacation, and I’m not looking for some long distance bullshit. I can’t date anyone, even if I wanted to. “Don’t be mad, mamacita.” I whisper against her ear, turning her back on easily.

  She begins to kiss me again, moving her lips back over my body, removing my shirt as she goes, and I take a quick second to look around. Carlos is hooking up with the chick he was trying to hit last night. The others are closer to the fire talking, ignoring us. My mind begins to wander, and I start to imagine Jasmine’s lips on mine, her tongue gliding across my skin, whispering my name. I want it so much that her name slips through my lips.

  “Jasmine.” I moan, like each letter is pure bliss.

  “What did you just call me?” Angeline’s face contorts in anger.

  The realization hits me of what I just did. I can’t stop the laugh that bubbles up in my throat. “Sorry.” I tell her.

  “Sorry? Sorry! That’s all you’re going to say? Who’s Jasmine?” Her voice is rising as she slips off my body.

  Next to us, Carlos is laughing. “I told you man.” He says, and then returns to his girl.

  “Angeline. I said I was sorry. If you want to leave, I understand.” Standing is not worth the effort. I could really care less if she stays or goes.


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