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After the Before

Page 27

by Gomez, Jessica

  The second thing I notice is there are only a few other guys besides Mario. It looks to me like Mario bluffed on the retaliation order. Usually, if an order is given, the entire gang is involved. This is only a small portion of The Black Widows, which means Mario went behind the leaders back, and once the leader finds out about this, he’ll be dead.

  I see all of this within a matter of seconds, and along with it, a plan forms. I yell to Carlos to call Creep, the leader of The Black Widows, and tell him about Mario’s insubordination. Simultaneously, I knock two guys out with only a few hits. Bragging is not my thing, but I am lethal with my fists. I take out three of the five guys in the room with only a handful of blows landing on me before one of them smashes me in the back with a shovel.

  Jasmine screams out. The position she’s in, the last thing she should be worrying about is me. She needs to escape.

  “Jasmine,” I groan. “Run.” The hit with the shovel knocks the wind from my lungs for more than a few seconds, just enough time for them to surround me and pin my arms behind my back, ripping my hair around in one of their fists so I face Mario.

  He’s laughing. “You know, I was going to kill you as soon as you walked through the door. Boy, you must have raced here; I thought I would have more time.” He traces his finger down Jasmine’s cheek, jaw, neck, all the way down her breast, pausing on her nipple. Her face is sickened, her eyes squeezed shut, dirt and blood streaked tears flow down her cheeks. “I do think this is better though… now you can watch. I was just about to give it to her.”

  I can’t help but notice the bulge in his pants as he looks at her… This is turning him on. He’s already got his jeans down past his thighs, his drawers hanging out the top.

  “Don’t you fucking touch her!” I scream and get a fist to the gut. Vomit crawls up my throat, like a rat clawing its way out of a tunnel. My voice is small, I have to speak around the chunks, but the message is clear. “I will enjoy… ripping off your huevos… and sewing them into your mouth… just to watch you suffocate.”

  Mario looks over his shoulder, with Jasmine crying only a couple of feet in front of him now. His lips cock up, letting me know he’s enjoying himself tremendously.

  He takes one more step and Carlos slams into him from out of nowhere. Everyone is concentrating on keeping a hold of me, or watching Mario work, that they neglect to notice Carlos creeping into position and pummeling Mario to the ground.

  I spring into action as soon as my brain slides back on the rails. I head-butt the person behind me with the back of my head, his nose cracks and warm liquid sprays on my neck in response. At the same time, I elbow the person on my right in the stomach. It takes him a few seconds to recover, but a few seconds is long enough to make sure the other guy is down for the count, which he is, on the floor holding a very bloody nose.

  Carlos and Mario’s fists are flying around in a blur; it’s hard to determine who has the upper hand. I need to finish this last guy off though, even if I want to be the one to take Mario out.

  Hesitating, the guy on my right looks from me to the open door, weighing his odds of escape. He glances at me one last time when the sounds of motorcycles fill the room. He must have known who was coming because his eyes widen in terror. He turns and runs out the door, but as soon as he makes it out, a silent shot can barely be heard, signaling it carries a silencer.

  I rush to Jasmine across the room, tearing my shirt off and covering her ripped clothing. She’s sobbing, leaning as close to me as she can with her bindings securing her in place. Tears prick my eyes, seeing her like this rips my heart out. Maneuvering my hands around her back, I twist at the tape that fastens her hands, struggling to free her and stay connected to her at the same time. She’s muttering unrecognizable words into my shoulder. When her arms are free, they swing up and cling around my neck, clutching onto me with all of her remaining strength. I take a minute to hug and kiss her, give her reassuring words I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep. Prying myself away from her long enough to untie her feet, I pull my shirt over her head, covering everything down to her thighs, and then take her in my arms. My entire being is relieved to be holding her flush against me. The relief is so great, I finally calm down enough to take in what almost happened to her, and how this was all my doing.

  Rubbing my fingers through her hair, I murmur words without thinking, “Todo esto es mi culpa. Por favor perdóname. No puedo vivir sin ti. Te quiero y solamente usted.” I hold her in place and kiss the top of her head several more times.

  I stop short when about fifteen people come through the door, Creep heading up the pack. Carlos must have gotten his call in before hitting Mario from the side. Placing myself in front of Jasmine, positioned and ready to fight, I glance at Carlos. He has Mario pinned on the ground, his arms behind his back. Carlos’s lip is bleeding and I can see bruises start to form in various spots on his face. The most serious wound I notice is a gash in his shirt that looks to be bleeding steadily, and even with that wound, he shows no sign of fatigue.

  Creep comes to a halt a few feet inside the door, taking in the scene. His eyes are dark and dangerous when they finally lock and hold on Mario. “You come to my gang less than a week ago and you’re already ordering a retaliation? Without my consent!” His words are a growl as he motions for his people to step closer and take over Carlos’s position.

  Two of Creep’s boys drag him upright, into a standing position. Carlos worked him over good, his head lolls to the side, his face a bloodied mess. “I’mmm…sssoory.” Mario slurs.

  Creeps expression is lethal; the laugh that comes out of his mouth is menacing. “You think saying sorry is going to work?” He shakes his head back and forth.

  Creep steps forward with such speed and strength I barely have time to see what he’s doing as he slams his fist straight into Mario’s throat. Mario lets out a disgusting gagging noise, losing the battle to stay upright. Creep’s minions are the only thing keeping him standing.

  Creep turns his attention towards us.

  Carlos has found his way next to me, helping me to block Jasmine with both of our bodies. He’s holding a hand over the side that’s bleeding profusely; the entire side of his shirt is drenched in blood.

  Creep stalks up to us, stopping about two feet away. “Let me see the girl.” He’s not asking, he’s demanding.

  “Over my dead body.” I growl out to him. I crouch down waiting for the attack.

  Creep shows no facial emotions, but his eyes soften.

  “I want to see the damage.” He pauses and looks around; noticing Carlos and I are the only members from my gang. “And I want to know what happened here.” Creeps posture turns calm and conversational.

  I’m not about to believe he’s giving up. “I can tell you what happened. You don’t need to be near her to hear it.”

  Jasmine’s small torn voice speaks from behind me, barely audible. “He took me.” She starts.

  “Jasmine,” I turn to her and put her face in my hands. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I’m alright. He only wants to know what happened.” Then she looks over my shoulder to Creep, “Right?”

  “That’s right, baby girl.” He smiles.

  All my instincts tell me not to let her out from behind me, but she pushes around me to go face to face against another monster. “Jasmine, I don’t think…”

  “Alex, stop! We have nowhere to go. If he wants to talk to me and see what happened, then I don’t see any way around it.” Her eyes are pleading with mine to understand where she’s coming from. If she can stand up and face this, after everything she has been through, then so can I.

  Doing the unthinkable, I move aside and let her step to the frontline. She’s steady as she approaches and stands before Creep. His eyes are devouring her from head to toe; the look on his face is enough for me to take a step forward.

  Jasmine splays her arm across my chest to hold me in place. “Alex, don’t.”

  Creep’s unnerving smile sprea
ds across his face again. “Si, Alejo, I would listen to your mujer.”

  I do, but only because I trust Jasmine’s instincts; this is her story to tell.

  Chapter Fifty-Three


  My hands are surprisingly steady as I take a couple of steps toward this guy who seems to be the leader of Mario’s gang. My face is level, but I don’t want to look into his eyes, I want to remember as little as possible about tonight’s events.

  “Look at me mujer.” He commands my eyes to his. When they finally meet, he tells me, “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you, but I need you to tell me what happened.”

  The words fly from my mouth, nothing standing in the way to block them. The leader listens intently, his face growing stern a couple of times, a few gasps from Alex, and a groan from Carlos, which I assume had more to do with his side wound than anything I was speaking about.

  When I finish, I let out a loud sigh, as if I’ve lifted a thousand pound boulder off my shoulders. Instinctively, Alex is next to me, wrapping me in his arms the second the last words leave my lips; hugging me, kissing me, doing anything he possibly can to get closer to me.

  Creeps words intrude on my lost-in-thought-moment with Alex. “It looks like your friend here is going to need to go to the hospital. You may want to as well, Jasmine.” He pauses. “But before you go… there are going to be consequences for tonight’s actions.”

  Alex stiffens and pushes me behind him again. “If it’s a fight you’re looking for, you can count on it.” He steps in closer to Creep, who only chuckles under his breath.

  “You’re misunderstanding me Alejo. I’m going to fill you in on something only my second and I know about. You are the leader of the recruits for Hells Warriors; I am the leader of The Black Widows, but you do have a boss, do you not?”

  Alex looks confused, “I don’t understand what you mean.” He lying, I can tell. He’s playing coy.

  Creep laughs again. “And that loyalty is what makes me confident in telling you this little secret. I am your boss. Do I not sound familiar to you?” Alex remains quiet. “I run both gangs. Split them up to cover more territory, that’s why we have the least interaction with one another, because I don’t want my own guys beating and killing each other.” He looks over at Mario, still half dazed. “Well, most of the time.” Creep turns back to us. “So this is what I propose. I know you’ve been wanting out for some time now, and because this retaliation against your novia was unauthorized and completely monstrous, I am willing to let you and your friend who helped you here tonight, leave the gang if you wish; no questions asked. I think what she has endured here tonight will haunt all three of you forever; there is no need to punish you further. You are one of my best members and leaders, Alejo.” He pauses and Alex dips his head, acknowledging the compliment. “I suggest you make your mind up fast, your friend is fading.”

  “Si, I want out. So does he.” Alex flicks his head toward Carlos who is as green and pale as that combination can get.

  “Granted.” Creep turns to walk away. “Oh, and I have not made up a punishment for this one here yet, so if the hospital asks, tell them everything up until I arrive. Make something up about your escape. Understand?”

  “Si.” Alex answers, helping me hold Carlos up to get him to the car.

  The leader must have heard him because he leads his gang out, including Mario. I’m glad he will get what’s coming to him, but I’m still scared that they will end up killing him.

  We reach the hospital not a second too soon. Carlos looks like he’s lost an excessive amount of blood. He’s now unconscious and his pulse is weakening. Alex rushes through the emergency room doors and is back to us in less than a second, stretchers and medical staff following behind.

  Carlos is the first person they pull out and place on top of a stretcher. Before he hits the door, the hospital staff rips his clothes off and breathing equipment is put in place. I’m so concerned for Carlos that I neglect to notice the staff attempting to get me to sit in a wheelchair.

  Instantly, I panic. No chairs. No chairs! “No!” I shriek, clinging to Alex’s bare chest, his shirt still wrapped warmly around me. “No chairs.” I mumble into his neck several times before he understands what I am trying to say.

  “Is it alright if she walks in, or if I carry her?” He asks. “The chair is the problem.”

  The staff look at him confused, but nod and let me follow them into one of the exam rooms.

  “She’ll need to lie down on the table. Is that going to be a problem?” She asks Alex, as if I am no longer in the room or competent enough to answer myself.

  He looks to me for the answer.

  “It’s okay.” I whisper.

  “It’ll be fine.”

  “Is there any family we need to contact? What is your relation to her?” The nurse asks rather rudely, like us being here is cutting into her lunch hour.

  “Her grandmother in an elderly home, and her father is a quadriplegic and needs twenty- four hour care.” After a quick glance at me, he says, “There is no one else.”

  “And your relation?”

  “I’m her boyfriend.” His words stun me, but I dwell on the words that come out of the nurse’s mouth next.

  “I’m sorry. Immediate family only. You will have to wait in the waiting room.”

  Before the last words are spoken, I grab Alex around the waist so hard, my nails dig into his skin “No! He has to stay! He stays or I leave.” Alex is holding me, trying to calm me down, when the doctor comes in.

  “What seems to be the problem here?”

  “She won’t let him stay, and I need him to stay.”

  The doctor takes in the death grip I have on Alex. “He can stay, as long as you’re alright with it.”

  My body instantly sags against Alex, using the last bit of strength to hang onto him. “Thank you.” I manage before going completely limp.

  Alex catches me and places me on the bed, hanging onto my hand to let me know just where he is and that he’s not leaving.

  “Are you able to tell me what happened, honey?” The doctor asks.

  I moan.

  “How about you?” He asks Alex.

  “Yes, I can tell you.” The whole story comes out again, except this time, Mario is only beat up by Alex and Carlos and left with the rest of his gang in the shed behind the school, convincing the doctor that we knew nothing else beyond that.

  Hours tick by after the doctor finishes examining me and giving me painkillers. They have put me in a room to monitor any head trauma, due to the beating I took to the face. They tried to have the cops come to take a report, but I wasn’t having it. I want to move on and get past this, and I certainly don’t want any cops involved if what I think happened, happened.

  Finally, another doctor finds us to give us news of Carlos. He came out of surgery just fine. He’s in recovery, but still unconscious. The relief on Alex’s face is tremendous.

  “Go to him.” I tell Alex.

  His eyes are sad and pleading, he desperately wants to stay with me, but also wants to check on his friend.

  “I’m alright now. Go and see how he is, and tell him… tell him I said, thank you.”

  Alex leans into me, seeming as if he’s going to kiss me on the lips, but given their state, he opts for the forehead instead. “I’ll be back soon, I promise.”

  “Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  “I love you, Jasmine. No puedo vivir sin ti.”

  All I can do is sigh, half because I’m emotional over the “I love you” he just declared, and half because I’m so tired of not understanding anything Spanish that comes out of his mouth when I so desperately want to.

  He chuckles. “I’m going to have to teach you Spanish, huh muneca.”

  Smiling at him the best I can with a busted lip and battered face, I say, “I’d like that.”

  He leans over me and brushes butterfly kisses across my lips so softly, they remind
me of silk. “I said I love you, and that I can’t live without you.” His butter soft lips meet mine one last time before standing. “I’m going to check on Carlos. I’ll be back soon.”

  “I miss you already.”

  He smiles at me one last time before heading out into the hall to wherever Carlos’s room is located.

  Getting comfortable in my hospital bed, I breathe in a huge sigh of relief. Closing my eyes and taking deep breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth, I begin thanking whoever is out there for the gift they have just given the three of us. Someone out there is watching over us.

  I briefly hear the nurse tell me she’s going to give me something to take the edge off the pain. I murmur some sort of noise to let her know I heard her.

  I can tell immediately when the drug hits my system and that it’s a good one. In my last stay here, after the accident, I received a number of painkillers, and this one was one of my top faves.

  Interrupting my rambling thoughts is someone calling my name. “Jasmine? Jasmine?” I would recognize that voice anywhere… Jace.

  Tears stream down my cheeks; I feel as if I’m between two worlds, awake and unconscious, and I love this world, because Jace is here with me.

  “Jace, I miss you so much.”

  “I miss you too, Jazzy. I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to go through. I’m sorry I’m not there for you, but you have Alex now. He will protect you with everything he has Jazz.”

  “I love you, Jace.”

  “I love you too, my goofy little sister. Whenever you get sad or lonely, remember all the great times we were lucky enough to have together, because that’s how I want you to remember me.” His last words make me smile, and then he whispers, “One, two, Jace is coming for you…” his voice dissolves into silence, which in turn makes me laugh and cry at the same time.


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