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Blind Spot

Page 2

by Kait Gamble

  One final glance gave her the boost in confidence to pick up the key card and blindfold, stuff them into her purse and walk out of the door.

  It wasn’t until she was in the back of a cab that her nerves kicked in.

  What the hell was she doing?

  The tiniest hint of romance from someone who claimed to find her attractive and she put aside safety? Self-respect? It was totally out of character. But that was what made it so exciting. With the added mystery making it all the more tantalizing.

  Maisie knew she needed to do something to liven up her life. In the past few months, she’d done nothing but go to class, to work and return home only to do it all again the next day. And the day after. Weekends were spent catching up on work or studies she didn’t have time for during the week and for doing necessities like grocery shopping and laundry.

  It was mind-numbingly monotonous.

  But she didn’t have much time or money to spare, so options were few. Usually she’d stay in and she and Kian would watch a movie or have a few friends over. But those nights were becoming rarer lately, as work commitments and the resulting exhaustion made sleep a much more inviting alternative.

  She was definitely in a rut.

  Meeting up with an almost-stranger in a luxury hotel was certainly one way of alleviating that.

  The cab pulled up outside the towering hotel, gliding around an immense fountain to stop close enough for Maisie to see into the foyer through the floor-to-ceiling glass.

  She paused a moment to stare and give herself the chance to chicken out.

  Maisie took a deep breath and paid the driver. Clutching her purse like a lifeline, she climbed out and hurried toward the entrance before her nerves got to her and she jumped back into the cab.

  The doors to the hotel parted, inviting her in. Maisie strode into the lushly decorated lobby but quickly came to a halt. Now what? She’d certainly never been anywhere as fancy as this before and never for anything quite as risqué. What was she supposed to do? Did she go to the reception desk and declare herself? Ask for directions?

  Maisie pulled out the key card to take a closer look. There was no room number, only a discreet PH.


  Her heart pounded harder. Maisie straightened her spine and walked to the elevator, holding up the card when the woman at reception glanced in her direction. Thankfully, Maisie received a nod, which she took as permission to carry on.

  At least she didn’t have to explain herself.

  The doors parted when she pressed the button to reveal a gleaming mirrored interior. For an instant, Maisie was at a loss for what to do. The rest of the floors had buttons next to their numbers, but the penthouse had none. It took her a second to spot the almost invisible little slit, big enough for the card.

  Taking a slow, hissing breath, she slid the card in.

  The doors immediately closed and the elevator smoothly moved upward. When they opened again, it was into a beautifully furnished room.

  Taking the card back, she took a breath before she wandered in, dazedly taking in her lush surroundings as the door closed again behind her.

  Fresh flowers spilled from vases placed strategically around the room. Modern art gave the otherwise stark-white walls splashes of bold primary colors that streaked across the canvases drawing her gaze.

  Maisie scanned the part of the suite she could see. There didn’t seem to be anyone around. “Hello?”

  No answer. With no one to welcome her, at least she was free to look around.

  Maisie shuffled farther in to satisfy her curiosity. The living room alone was bigger than their entire apartment. The sprawling space was comfortably furnished with sofas, chairs, tables, a massive TV, a fireplace. There was even a grand piano.

  Maisie ran her fingers over the glossy keys, wishing she could play something more than Mary Had a Little Lamb as she walked past.

  The kitchen had every appliance she could think of and more whose function she didn’t know. The dining table in the next room shone under the glittering chandelier. It had enough chairs to seat ten people.

  There was what appeared to be an office that she spotted on her way down the hall while the third bathroom she found was the most resplendent. The room was lined with marble like the others, but this one was dominated by a circular tub that looked as though it had been hewn from the same stone. Above it, a huge rain shower almost blended into the ceiling, though her sharp eyes caught sight of the regular pattern of the holes.

  Maisie desperately hoped she would get a chance to try it out before she left.

  Her steps slowed as she made her way up the stairs to the final room.

  The bedroom.

  To describe the space as gorgeous was an understatement. As with all the rooms, it was impeccably decorated with harmonious art and furniture.

  But Maisie couldn’t stop staring at the massive bed.

  It took her a moment before she saw the note at the foot of the bed. Her name was written in the now-familiar script.

  She flipped it open to read—Put the blindfold on.

  How did he know she would end up in here without it on? Then again, how would she have made it there if she did have it on?

  Heart in her throat pounding like a galloping horse, Maisie obediently took the silken strip out of her purse and clumsily tied it on. It took several tries to get it secure without nearly tearing her hair out to do so, but she managed.

  Feeling a little foolish, she carefully found the edge of the bed with her hands and sat. “Hello? Are you there? I’ve put the blindfold on.”

  “I know.”

  Chapter Three

  She couldn’t quite put her finger on his voice, but the husky whisper he used hadn’t helped either. The air was scented with cologne—tangy and fresh. Not one she’d smelled before, but it was mouthwatering.

  Maisie’s heart rate tripled. Anticipation and nervousness skittered through her veins to add a tremble to her voice and limbs. She ran her slick palms over her knees. “I don’t know how this works. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “Just relax. I’m going to touch you now.”

  She jolted an instant later when a hand closed gently over her shoulder. It slid over to glide up her neck and cup her chin. His touch was light, reassuring.

  His voice was soft when he said, “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. If I do happen to do something you don’t like or want, stop me. I want this to be as pleasurable for you as it will be for me.”

  She hoped so too. He was close enough now that she could smell him. His scent was clean, male underneath the pleasant cologne. Maisie got the impression that he was quite tall and had to lean over to talk to her.

  “Will you at least tell me your name?”

  He chuckled. The sound was husky, pleasant. “What’s the fun in that?”

  “Can you tell me a little about yourself?”

  He leaned so she could feel his breath warm on her cheek. “I’m the guy who’s going to blow your mind.”

  She certainly liked the sound of that. Yet, he could he say that with such certainty? If her past encounters were anything to go by… She didn’t want to think about it.

  Maisie nibbled her bottom lip. “Could you do something for me first?”

  “Anything.” His tone told her he meant it.

  Bold, she sat up straighter. “Will you kiss me?” A lot could be learned from a kiss.

  Even as disadvantaged as she was without her sight, the touch of his lips against hers would at least give her a clue if they were compatible. At least chemically.

  He laughed lightly. “Very well. But we’ll do it right.”

  His hands closed gently over hers as he tugged her to her feet. Maisie knew her estimate of his height was right. He was at least a head taller than her. She took advantage of the chance to run her hands over the expanse of his chest. Liking the solid feel of him, she let her hands roam over what felt like well-formed pecs to his shoulders, dow
n toned arms and back up. When her hands reached his chin he stopped her with a press of his lips to hers.

  The fleeting touch stopped her exploration with the zing of electricity it produced.

  The rumbling groan that came from him as he deepened the kiss triggered a liquid pull between her thighs. He slanted his head and parted her lips with his tongue to delve between them and explore.

  When his hand tunneled into her hair to hold her in place while he plundered her mouth, Maisie’s head spun. His other arm wound around her while she wrapped her own around his big body to keep herself upright.

  She didn’t stay that way for long. He arched her backward to allow himself a better angle, seemingly propping her up with his hand behind her head while he slid his other lower. Her entire body hummed when he curled it around her hip to settle on the curve of her bottom.

  It was a long while before he drew back.

  It took a little while longer for Maisie to register that she was, once again, sitting on the bed. Her pulse thundered in her ears. Her limbs felt weighed down. Her breasts swollen and heavy, ached to be touched. Not to mention the ache that throbbed between her thighs.

  All from one spectacular kiss.

  “How was that?”

  From the rough, breathless quality his voice now had, she guessed that he’d enjoyed it as much as she had.

  Maisie ran the tip of her tongue over her lips where the subtle taste of him still lingered. “That was a good kiss.”

  “Just good?” He sounded affronted, though there was a hint of laughter in his voice at the end of the sentence. “I suppose I need to do better next time.”

  Despite the excitement and arousal pinging through her, Maisie couldn’t shake the apprehension. “So what happens now? I don’t do this sort of thing.”

  “Neither do I.”

  Not knowing if that was supposed to make her feel better or not, Maisie pressed on. “I’m also not the most experienced girl. So far none of my…experiences have been all that great.” She bit her lip. Kian was the only other person who knew about her less than stellar love life. They shared just about everything about each other’s lives. She knew that the last woman he’d slept with laughed like a hyena during orgasm, just like he knew she’d never had one.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” He took her hand and grazed the back of it with his lips.

  She could feel the way her hand trembled. There was no way he couldn’t see it. Maisie had come this far. She might as well jump straight into the deep end. “But it might be me.”

  His lips stilled against her skin. “What?”

  “What if I can’t…you know…orgasm?” The word escaped her lips like the last bit of air from a deflated balloon

  It was if all the atmosphere had been sucked from the room. She’d killed the mood—totally demolished it—with her honesty.

  “I get it if you don’t want to do this anymore.” She reached behind her head to untie the blindfold, but a large, warm hand stopped her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Why would you want to be with me now?” She persisted in trying to untie the silken cloth but he pulled her hands away.

  “Are you kidding me?” He took her hands in his, holding them firmly away from her head.

  “No, I’m not.” She tried to extricate her hands from his grip, but he refused to let her go. “Why would you want me? I haven’t got a model’s figure or face. And… And I told you…that. We should just call it a day on whatever this is. At least this way I won’t know who you are. All I ask is that you don’t mention this to anyone. Least of all to me.”

  “You could live with that? Not knowing who I am, even though I know this about you?”

  She couldn’t, but all she could think of doing was getting out of there as fast as she could. Right now.

  But he wasn’t done. He took both her hand hands in one of his and delicately grazed her chin with his free one. “I know I couldn’t stand knowing that you’ve never had an orgasm and I could have done something to change that.”

  Arousal flared hot enough to burn away the embarrassment. “You’re that sure of yourself?”

  He’d moved closer once again so she could almost feel his lips on her earlobe when he whispered, “Give me the chance to prove I’m not all talk.”

  What did she have to lose? “Okay.”

  He released a relieved breath. “Thank you.”

  Why was he acting like her consent was such a boon? Probably because he was going to get sex. As tiny as it was, there was the spark of hope that he could show her what sex was truly meant to be like.

  Maisie sat rigidly as she waited for him to say something. To touch her. Anything. But nothing came. He was still in the room. She could hear his breathing, though he didn’t move. What was he waiting for?

  Not that she wanted to admit it to him, but she did half expect him to pounce on her like the others had when she’d given them the go-ahead.

  But he didn’t. So far, he wasn’t like the others and that gave her hope.

  “You need to relax, Maisie.”

  How on earth was that even possible? Taking a deep breath, she shook out her arms, willing her muscles to loosen. It wasn’t enough. There was just too much going on that she wasn’t adjusting to fast enough. Swallowing, she shook her head. “If there’s something you can do to help…”

  She didn’t have to ask twice.

  His lips were on hers again. The tentative exploration of the first kiss was gone. This time he took, delving into her mouth as if he belonged there. As if he had every right.

  Maisie was only too happy to allow him to do what he liked. As long as he kept the butterflies flipping in her stomach and the excitement pinging through her, she would let him have free rein.

  She clung to him as he deepened the kiss once more. Her head spun and she trembled from head to toe, unable to quantify what she was feeling. All she knew was that she wanted more.

  He eased her back onto the bed. Maisie turned toward him since the blindfold’s knot dug into the back of her head and tilted her naturally in his direction. It only dimly distracted her from the pleasure his mouth was giving her.

  And the path his hand was taking.

  It started to curl securely around her waist. Probably to help steady her on her way back. But now it was moving. Slow circles over the fabric of her dress. Rucking up the material and smoothing it out again repeatedly. A maddening process that had her writhing beneath him, trying to get his touch on more of her.

  Finally, he lowered his hand and teasingly grazed the skin just past the hem of her skirt. The glancing touch burned like a lick of flame.

  Maisie couldn’t turn off her brain completely and tried to discern who her mystery man was. He tasted of chocolate and coffee. His chin was sandpaper rough, thanks to a hint of stubble, but she liked it. There was just something about a man with a little scruff that grabbed her interest. The scent of him had her mouthwatering. She caught a whiff of the delicious combination of cologne mixed with the pleasant spice of man. Together it was intoxicating, but not anything she’d experienced before nor would it help her identify him.

  He mumbled against her lips, “I can almost hear your brain working.”

  Could he blame her?

  “I guess I’ll just have to try a little harder.” He didn’t sound affronted, but there was a little edge to his voice that came across as just a bit perturbed.

  His mouth closed over hers again, only this time the movement of his hands grew purposeful. He eased them surely up her thighs and used them to gently wedge them apart.

  Her breath froze in her lungs as he toyed with her panties, tracing the lacy edges with the tips of his fingers. “Pretty, but I’m betting what’s underneath is even prettier.”

  His words triggered heat in her core and just about everywhere else. It was as though she had been dipped head to toe in warm honey.

  He eased his fingers under the lace and brushed over her slick folds. Back and
forth, amping up her heart rate, her breath and her pleasure with nothing more than a touch.

  Maisie let out a little squeal as he parted her tender flesh to find her clit and circle it with his thumb. “Oh, God.” She lurched against his hand as he continued to tease. The sensations were so strong Maisie had to fight for breath. Her body wound tighter, but at the same time, it was as if she would explode if he kept it up.

  And he did. Only he added the shallow plunge of his fingers into her, so all she could hear was their mingled breaths and the squish of his fingers as he pushed his fingers deep inside her wet slit. She clutched at him as he worked his magic and the pleasure grew to a crescendo until she shattered. Her body clenched around his fingers and he gently continued to stroke her, extending her orgasm.

  It took some time for her ears to stop ringing. That was incredible. He’d made her come with just his fingers. God. What would he be able to do with the rest of his body? Tingling sparks of electricity burst all over her at the thought. It was a moment longer before she realized she had clawed her nails into his thigh in the throes of climax. She released him and smoothed her hand over the spot she’d hurt him. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m not.” He slipped his hands out of her panties. “How do you feel?”

  Incredible. Amazing. Like her eyes had finally been opened. “Fantastic. Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. We’ve only just begun.”

  Her pulse quickened. If whatever else he was going to do made her feel half as good, she was all for it.

  “I’m going to stand you up.”

  Would she be able to do that without toppling over?

  “Don’t worry, I’m here.” His gentle hands tugged on hers, sliding her over to the edge of the bed. He helped her to her feet and kept a steadying hand on her. “I’m going to take your dress off.”


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