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Blind Spot

Page 3

by Kait Gamble

  “Please do.” Maisie wet her lips as she felt his presence circle behind her. The rasp of the zipper being undone tore through the heavy silence. Slowly, his fingers followed the path of newly bared skin. He lightly grazed her sensitive flesh as he pushed the dress from her shoulders.

  It slipped off her with a whisper to pool around her feet.

  In a way, Maisie was glad she couldn’t see herself being observed. She didn’t have to try to figure out the look in his eyes as he studied her. She still, however, had to wait for his approval and waiting had never been her forte.

  She waited as patiently as she could manage but it didn’t take him long to ease her anxiety.

  He had circled back around to stand in front of her.

  His voice sounded full of awe when he said, “You’re a goddess.”

  She didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t usual to have to accept pretty words from a man, let alone one she couldn’t see. Maisie released a nervous laugh. “You know what they say about flattery.”

  “Flattery is for liars. I’m simply stating what I see.”

  He stopped talking. Maisie could almost feel his gaze on her as he let his eyes devour her.

  “I’m going to touch you. I can’t wait any longer.” The words were barely out of his mouth before his hands were on her again. Big and rough, they weren’t the hands of someone who did manual labor, but they were the hands of a man.

  One who knew what he was doing.

  His finger grazed over her chin reverently. He caressed her bottom lip for a moment before dipping his thumb between them.

  Maisie sucked it into her mouth before she could stop herself. The groan he made when she did rumbled through her to heat her up more. Did she have the same power over him that he had over her?

  Twirling her tongue over the tip, she then sucked it deeper. A shudder shook him, further boosting her confidence.

  She did it again then dragged her tongue along the length of it.

  His breathing came in hard rasps by the time he withdrew his thumb. He dragged it down her throat, leaving a cool trail over her hot skin. He followed the line of her bra strap to bump along the edge of lace on the cup decorating the upper swell of her breast.

  “I need to see you.”

  Maisie straightened her shoulders. “Okay.”

  “Thank you.” Once again, he sounded as if he’d been blessed.

  He reached around and unhooked her bra with the ease of practice before slipping the garment off her completely.

  “You have spectacular breasts.”

  She fought the urge to cover herself with her arms. Maisie clawed the duvet with her nails to keep them at her sides.

  His hands cupped them as he circled the hardened tips of her nipples with his thumbs. The shock waves his touch evoked sent tremors straight to her clit. Aching at the apex of her thighs, Maisie needed more. Wanted more. Whoever he was, he knew how to drive her crazy.

  “Lie back.”

  She did so without hesitation, wanting to see what he would do next. Maisie held her breath in anticipation as his hands lit a path over her abdomen and toward that last barrier between them.

  “I can smell how aroused you are. It’s making my mouth water.”

  Maisie curled her toes against the fine fabric under her. His words served only to stimulate her more.

  Two fingers slid down her sides, over her hips then hooked the sides of her panties to drag them down her legs and whip them off. She heard them fall to the floor somewhere in the distance. Then she was completely bare.

  Maisie had never been so vulnerable in her life—or so turned on.

  He didn’t waste any time in parting her legs. She felt his breath on her thigh an instant before his lips.

  The path he blazed was too slow. She reached for his shoulders, but was instantly pushed back down while he steadily continued his trek.

  “Please. You’re torturing me.”

  He chuckled lightly. “Can’t have that. Tell me what you want.”

  She didn’t know where to begin. She wanted his hands—his mouth—everywhere. On her neck, her mouth, breasts, pussy.

  His mouth had traveled a tiny fraction upward when he said, “I can’t hear you.”

  Maisie had no clue how to voice her needs. Instead, she arched against him so there was no way he could mistake what she wanted.

  His voice came from the right area, but he was still chuckling instead of doing what she wanted of him. “Not until you ask me. Nicely.”

  “Please,” she moaned.

  His mouth was so close to her now she could feel the heat from his breath as he spoke. “You know what I want to hear you say.”

  “Put your mouth on me.”


  Maisie tried to arch into his mouth again, but he shifted slightly, keeping himself out of reach. Frustration reached a fever pitch, clawing at her insides, pushing her to do whatever it took to get him to touch her. To pleasure her.

  “Please put your mouth—your lips, your tongue—on my pussy.”

  And he did.

  Maisie bit back a squeal when he closed his lips over her in a sucking kiss. He ran his tongue along her slit, slowly tracing her up and down. The sound he made as he dipped his tongue into her made Maisie believe he’d tasted heaven.

  When she wriggled, he curled his arms around her thighs, holding her in place as he explored. But when he reached her clit and sucked, Maisie hit the stratosphere again.

  Maisie keened with pleasures as she bucked under him as she orgasmed.

  What her secret man could do with his mouth and tongue were unreal. If he was this good with just that, what would sex with him be like?

  She couldn’t wait to find out.

  As her heart rate slowed, she found herself smiling.

  He chuckled. “I take it I pleased you with my proof that I can deliver the goods?”

  “I can’t say yes emphatically enough.” She sighed. Maisie never thought she’d find a man who lived up to the boasts—and in such spectacular fashion. Surely, he was someone she wanted to spend more time with. To get to know him. To get to know more about herself through what he could do to her.

  “I’m glad.” His voice was warm, heavy with desire. “Unfortunately, I’ve got to go. We’ll continue this soon.”

  What? He was going to leave her? Now? “Oh, okay.”

  He kissed her again, slowly. Lingeringly. “You have no idea how sorry I am.”

  “Yeah, sure.” He probably wasn’t as into her as he’d made out in deference to her feelings.

  “Truly.” He took her hands and helped her up to a sitting position. “You have no idea how much it hurts me to leave you like this right now.”

  “Then don’t.” She wasn’t sure if his staying now would make her feel any better. After an admission that he’d rather leave than have sex with her there was little that would be able to bring the moment back.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “That you don’t want me. If you did, wouldn’t you…you know?”

  “You have no idea how much I want to. And whether or not I want to have sex with you isn’t the issue here.” He gently took her hand and wrapped it around his rigid erection. “Does that feel like I don’t want you?”

  Maisie’s jaw dropped as she closed her hand around him. Well, part of him. He was huge. The way he trembled from her touch and the tension that thrummed through him as she explored his length let her know in no uncertain terms that he was affected by her as much as she was by him.

  Then why not?

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he rasped against her neck. “Think of how good it will be when we finally come together.”

  “You’re taking off because you want to up the tension? Because I can tell you, if I get any tenser I’m going to snap.”

  He chuckled and tenderly pried her hand off him. “How do you think my dick feels?”

  “Then why not take the edge off?”

  “Why not
, indeed?” He dragged her forward by her hands. “Lie down with your head at the bottom of the bed here.” He let go when she was in position.

  Maisie wasn’t sure where this was headed, but at least she’d gotten him to stay a little while longer.

  “On your back.”

  She flipped over without comment as she eagerly awaited what he would do to her next.

  He knelt next to the bed and pressed his lips to hers, parting them gently with his tongue and exploring her mouth. It was a long while before he sat back again.

  Panting, Maisie trying to hold on to him when he pulled away. He wasn’t going to insist on leaving again, was he?

  “Have you ever sucked a cock, Maisie?”

  Heat blasted through her at his question. Embarrassment at never having done so, a little shame for wanting to. Maisie licked her lips.

  “Oh, God,” he groaned. “Please say you’re willing. I need to have those lips wrapped around me.”

  She opened her mouth in invitation.

  He let out a sigh of what sounded like relief as she heard the rasp of his zipper being tugged open.

  Seconds later, the big salty head of his cock pressed into her mouth. Maisie did her best to loosen her jaw and open as wide as she could, but he just barely fit.

  She licked the tip, tasting the salty essence of him, and wanted more.

  “That’s it. Relax.” He fed a little more of himself into her mouth and she sucked it dutifully.

  She gripped him in her hands as he pumped shallowly into her mouth. Maisie dropped her head back farther off the bed. The angle allowed for more of him into her mouth.

  His controlled thrusts were shaky. Maisie knew he was holding back. Being careful not to hurt her or push her too far. And still she could feel his excitement mounting. His cock getting bigger, swelling even more as she stroked him. Sucked him.

  “God, Maisie, if you could see yourself right now,” he groaned. “You’re beautiful.”

  His thrusts grew bolder, deeper, butting against the back of her throat.

  She nearly gagged a few times and he seemed to try to lessen the depth of his plunges, but he was lost in his pleasure if his gasps and moans were anything to go by.

  “Maisie, I’m so close. I need to know—”

  She knew exactly what he wanted to know. Redoubling her efforts, she took him as deeply as she could and sucked him with sweeping motions of her tongue.

  He held her head tightly to him as he thrust once, twice, groaning as he came.

  Maisie tasted him as heat flooded her mouth. Jet after jet, he came. She swallowed as much as she could, but she could feel some escape and dribble over her cheek.

  Finally he pulled his cock from her mouth sloppily dragging it over her lips.

  “That was amazing.” He knelt by her side again, swiping what had escaped her lips back into her mouth with his thumb. “You are amazing.”

  Maisie smiled. “I’m glad you think so.”

  He caressed her cheek so gently. “I’ve really got to go now, but you’re welcome to stay the night if you wish.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “It’s your choice.” The kiss he gave her was soft, loving. “I’ll contact you again soon.”

  She rolled over as she heard him moving away. “You’d better.”

  “You can count on it.”

  Chapter Four


  Startled, she nearly dropped her phone. Maisie turned to her boss and stared blankly. What did he say?

  “Are you even listening to me?”

  Could she lie? Dare she? “Sorry, I missed most of that.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her as he took a long, hissing breath. “I need you to file that stack, order my usual lunch then pick up my dry cleaning. Once you’ve got that sorted, go find Richard. He’ll fill you in on what he needs. And for God’s sake, be quick for once.”

  Maisie nodded, noting everything on her phone so she wouldn’t forget. Wanting to question him about what Richard needed, she opened her mouth to ask, but decided it wasn’t worth the effort. It was just easier to shut up and do as she was told.

  “I’m on it.”

  He didn’t look convinced as he gave her a withering glance before walking out of the room.

  Maisie stared at the mountainous stack of paperwork for a moment. It was going to be a long day.

  She carefully picked up the massive pile and dug in. The end of the day couldn’t come fast enough.

  As she worked, her mind wandered.

  Staying at the suite seemed wrong without her mystery man. After he’d left, she’d taken a shower then returned to her apartment. Kian hadn’t been around, so Maisie had just climbed into bed and dreamed about the man without a face who had done wondrous things to her body.

  Throughout the next day, she’d spent equal time wondering who he could be and fantasizing about the night before, what he would do to her next. When he would contact her next.

  It was all she could do not to drop everything and run home to find out what was waiting for her.

  What kept her mind off the mundane hell her day was going to be was the fact that Kian had texted that she’d gotten a parcel and the handwriting on it matched the note she’d gotten a few days before.

  As much as she wanted to know what was in it, she couldn’t ask Kian to open it for her. It was her little secret. It made her feel special. And it gave her something to look forward to at the end of the horrible day she was sure to have.

  * * * *

  By the time she walked through the door of her apartment, Maisie was exhausted. Her boss hadn’t let up the entire day, as if he’d known she was looking forward to something spectacular and it was his job to ruin it.

  She hadn’t let him.

  Kian was waiting with a fresh pot of coffee and a smile. He took one look at her and shook his head. “Bad day?”

  “You have no idea.”

  He poured a mug full and handed it to her. “I don’t suppose you’re going to let that ruin your night?”

  She took it and sipped, enjoying the warmth and the caffeine hit. “Nope.”

  “Are you going to at least tell me what happened last night? And feel free to leave in the juicy parts.”

  Maisie rolled her eyes before arching her eyebrows at him. “It was amazing enough for me to crawl there on my hands and knees if I have to, just to experience it again.”

  He nodded, looking impressed. “I guess my friend really does have the skills he’s been bragging about all these years.”

  She filed the fact that Kian had known the guy for years away as she tipped the mug up again and mumbled into it, “Has he said anything about me?”

  He smiled slowly. “Only that you’re incredible and that he’s going to die of blue balls if you two don’t meet up again soon.”

  Grinning, she put the mug down. “You said I have a parcel?”

  Kian reached around behind him to retrieve it and slid it toward her.

  It was a fat rectangle that fit in her hand, but was plain white and wrapped with a black silk ribbon. It was too small to be clothing, maybe jewelry? But then would someone she’d known for only one night send her something like that? What could her mystery man have sent?

  Kian nudged her. “Well? Aren’t you going to open it?”

  Was it something she wanted to open in front of her roommate? “I don’t know.”

  “Come on. What could he possibly send that would be bad enough to hide from me?” He pushed it toward her.

  With trembling fingers, she tugged the silk and pulled the lid off the box. There was no note this time. The object inside gleamed glossy silver in the light. Maisie had no clue what it was.

  She looked at Kian. Her roommate’s expression was both amused and choked.

  Maisie picked it up and delicately held it in her hands. It looked like a strange turnip-shaped stopper with a flat, glittering, ruby-colored jewel on the other end. She did like how heavy it was and how good i
t felt in her hands, but she was at a loss for what its purpose was.

  Holding out to Kian, she asked, “What is it?”

  Kian nearly snorted his coffee out his nose as he took a step back. It took him a moment to regain the power of speech. “I think that’s something to ask your mystery man.”

  “Why?” She dropped it back in the box. “Is it something bad?”

  He gazed at her wide-eyed. “Not at all. It can be something very, very good. But not something for me to explain.”

  She replaced the lid and frowned. “Is it something I should be worried about?”

  “I doubt it. Does the guy seem like someone who would force you into something you don’t want to do?”


  “Then you don’t have anything to worry about.”

  Maisie wasn’t so sure. Whatever that…thing was, it was expensive and no one spent that kind of money on something not to use it. Kian was right, though. Her mystery man didn’t seem like the type to do anything to her against her will.

  The thought didn’t help banish the torrent of butterflies that had taken over her stomach.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Your…friend…isn’t into weird things, is he?”

  He shrugged. “Not to my knowledge. Then again, it depends on your definition of weird.”

  “Gee, thanks. That makes me feel so much better. I know I haven’t had that much experience, but I’d like to think I know the weird from the not weird.”

  “Well, good, and you don’t have to worry about him doing anything freaky. He’s not like that.”

  “You swear?”

  He dragged his finger in an X over his heart. “I swear.”

  “Great. Because I really should be getting ready.”

  “Eager, huh?”

  “Did you not hear me say I would crawl on my hands and knees to get there if I had to?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Oh, I definitely heard that.” He finished off his coffee. “I’d better get going too. Meeting up with some of the guys for a drink.”

  “Have a good time.” She put the box down and patted him on the shoulder.

  “You’re welcome to join us if your night falls through.” Kian winked.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”


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