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Forever Yours (#3)

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by Deila Longford

  Forever Yours –Series By Deila Longford Part Three 2013

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  Facebook: Twitter: ~ Acknowledgements ~ This book is dedicated to all of the fans and readers of my first three books. Without you there would be no reason me to write. Also dedicated to my family.


  Dalton looks furious with me and he is about to show me his anger. “Turn you? Are you crazy?” Jeez – he’s annoying. What’s his problem? If he turns me, we can be together, forever. He can let in his feelings and he wouldn’t have to worry about hurting me. My life as a human is worthless; without him, there’s no point in living. I need to be like him, I want to be a vampire.

  “Why are you so against this?” Dalton bends down and rudely picks his leather jacket up from the floor. I watch as he throws the jacket over his shoulders. He looks furious and disappointed. I shake my head at him –what is his problem? I know that he cares about me, he practicality told me, so why is he so against me becoming a vampire? I don’t understand him. I need him to explain.

  “I don’t want to talk about it, now get your things, I’ll drive you home.” Dalton says in a firm tone. I fill the gap between us and I reach out and try to grab onto his arm. Dalton pulls away from me at lightning speed. I scowl at him –what is wrong with him? I can’t fit the pieces of his jigsaw together. One minute he is screaming at me and the next he’s kissing me. He wants to feed on me, and then he doesn’t, I don’t get him. He said that there is no point in him admitting his feelings for me, because we can never be together. I am giving him a solution to his problem, but why is he refusing to accept it? Dalton glides over to the door of the dusty, old, smelly bathroom and he pushes it open with his foot. He slides one of his hands into the front pocket of his jeans and he signals for me to follow him with the other. I shake my head, declining his command. Dalton’s eyes flash red and he hisses as his anger and frustration builds. I am not frightened of him, just mad that he won’t do as I ask. I know that he says being a vampire is a curse, but I don’t see it that way. I see it as a blessing. One that allows you to be with the person you love, forever. I want him so much, that I would do anything to be with him. I can’t lose him; I need him to turn me.

  I finally gave into his commands and now I am sitting in his car. Dalton dropped the hood, so that I could sober up from the fresh air. The wind is cold and icy as Dalton speeds around the streets. He hasn’t said a word since we got into the car and my heart is pounding as we drive. Every few moments he turns his head to look at me, but he doesn’t say a word, he just stares. I don’t want to fight with him, so I haven’t broken the silence. Although I am desperate to try and persuade him to turn me, I can’t pick up the courage to fight. I am scared of losing him –for good. I can’t risk him getting mad and leaving, I wouldn’t survive it if he did.

  We stop outside of my house and I push my hair away from my face as I look out into the dark night. I feel tired, drained and completely awful. My head is pounding from my alcohol intake and I can’t believe that I drank so much. I am usually the one beer a night kind of girl, but tonight it was more like ten beers and seven tequila shots –I’m going to suffer tomorrow. My cheeks are on fire and all I want is to climb into my bed with Dalton by my side. I close my eyes and I remember how amazing our passion was. His lips were ice-cold and tremendous; his hands were sinful as they caressed my body. I shudder as I think back and then I feel an overwhelming sadness –what if tonight is our last night together? My eyes shoot open and I turn my head so that I can see him. He looks sad, disappointed and defeated. I reach over and I try to place my hand into his, but he senses my intentions, so he pulls his hand away, before I have the chance to touch him. His eyes close and then they open, locking on mine and flashing red. His lips part and there is hunger oozing from his body –he is starving. My heart starts to race and I feel guilty that I didn’t let him feed on me earlier, but glad at the same time, because he and I connected instead. We shared a passion, burning hot as fire. His lips and mine were joined and we melted and oozed love. I shiver as I remember his cold body, but I smile as the thought of the pleasure erupts. I smile and Dalton quizzes me.

  “What are you thinking about?” I bite my lower lip and flutter my eyelashes as I reply. “Us, tonight, our passion,” Dalton presses a smile from his lips and then he runs his fingers through his hair, smirking at me in the process. I can’t control my happiness or my smile as I take in his reaction. He must agree with me –it was amazing.

  “I see and tell me, how was it for you?” I laugh and then blush –is he serious? Dalton smiles at me, shaking his head and then running his finger along his lower lip. God he’s breath-taking, it should be illegal to be this hot. “Your smile tells me everything that I need to know!” I blush again and then he pushes the door of his car open. He flies over to my side, opening the door with one fluid motion. I sigh as I stumble out of the car –I don’t want him to leave. Dalton gently places his hand onto my lower back and he pushes me against his car. I struggle to find my footing –in my borrowed heels. Dalton steadies me, but my feet are killing me. Dalton gently strokes my cheek and leans in towards me, I wait for his kiss, but I pull away.

  “Just let me get these shoes off first,” I say as I lean against him for support. I quickly slide off my shoes and I dwarf in front of him. The coolness of the sidewalk feels amazing against my burning feet. Dalton looks impatient as he waits for me to focus back on him. I slide my arms around his neck –with the shoes hanging from my hands. Dalton leans in again, kissing me like we just got married. His lips are tender and soft and each icy movement is tingling my whole body. I don’t want him to stop, I need him. I push my lips harder onto his and then our lips move faster. My arms squeeze his neck as his hands slide onto my backside. I pull him closer and kiss him harder; I frown and I feel hard done by), when he pulls away from me. His eyes are a deep shade of red and his white lips are quivering. I feel so bad, he is starving and I want to help him. I am still furious with him for refusing to turn me, but I can’t deny him a fix. I hate to think of him being around other girls and I don’t want him to feed on anyone but me. I know that’s extremely selfish of me, but it’s how I feel. He is mine, he feeds on me, I love him and maybe he loves me. “You’re hungry, aren’t you?” Dalton nods at my words and then he pushes me away. I clasp the bridge of my nose and then I lock my eyes on his.

  “I’m starving, Rose,” oh crap, my guilt has blown off the scale. I need to help him. “I want to take away your pain,” Dalton lunges towards me and he grips onto both sides of my face. My heart begins to pound and then I suddenly become aware that we are out in the open. My mind starts to rush, I can’t let Dalton feed on me in front of my house. What if Uncle George or Jen sees us? I wouldn’t be able to explain and I don’t want to run that risk. I pull away from Dalton and he lunges towards me, maintaining his hold on my face. His eyes are burning are deep shade of red and there is a hissing noise forming in the back of his throat. I run my fingers along the base of his hand and I try to ease him out of his hunger. “You can’t, not in the street, what if someone sees us?” Dalton’s burning eyes continue to stare through me as he takes in my words. He rests his forehead on mine, his lips are white and trembling and I can’t absorb his pain. I hate to see him like this, my mind spins, if he turns me, then I will have the same burning desire. I know what I am asking him to do is, forever, but I see him as my future. I can’t breathe without him and I need him in my life. I sigh as his cool breath blows onto my face, tingling and sending shivers down my spine.

  “I don’t know if I can hold it, I need to feed, Rose,” I exhale, my face is burning. “I need you to hold on, meet me in my room, okay?” I pull his hands away from my face and I run towards the front door of my house. The door is locked, so I rummage in the nearest plant pot, until I find the spare key. I let myself in and I tip toe up the stairs and into my room. The house is cold, dark and quiet. I gently push open my door and I jump when I see Dalton, standing in the dark with his eyes burning red. I feel scared, so I switch on the night light and I begin to slide my borrowed dress from my body. Dalton strides over to me as I rummage through my closet for an oversized t-shit. I find one and I slide it over my head, pulling my hair around my neck. Dalton smiles at me and then he leads me over to my bed. He lies me down flat and then he kisses me softly, before he slides his lips onto my neck. His daggers collide with my skin and I flinch from the sudden sting. He feeds for a few a seconds and then he pulls back, a little trickle of blood is caressing his lower lip. I lunge forward and kiss him, tasting the blood and wishing that I were like him. I can’t hold back my desire; I need to tell him how I am feeling.

  “Please, turn me,” I whisper. Dalton shakes his head –a firm no. He surprises me when he lifts my hand and pulls it to his mouth. My body begins to shake, as he tilts my hand to reveal a bulging vein on my wrist. His eyes turn red and his lips harden into a white mask. He pulls my wrist closer to his mouth and I have to ask him why he is suddenly so tempted by my wrist. “What are you doing?” He pulls his eyes away from the bulging vein to look into my eyes.

  “Your neck is pretty scarred up; I need to feed from another part of your body!” I sigh, but I feel scared and excited about his new feeding spot –I am so weird. Any other girl would be terrified of him, but not me. I am tempted and I desire him more, knowing that he is a vampire. If I had the chance to change him into a human, I wouldn’t. I don’t want him to be any other way –it’s me that I want to change. I will not stop fighting, until he makes me like him. I refuse to live without him.

  Dalton focuses his eyes back onto my wrist and he places his cool lips onto my skin. His lips part and his daggers sink into my skin. The pain is more powerful than in my neck and the pleasure is even more intoxicating. My hands harden and my nails tear into his back, as he feeds from my wrist. My eyes won’t stay open and I feel myself slipping into a pleasurable sleep. My head feels heavy and I let it fall to the side and rest onto my pillow. Dalton pulls his fangs out of my wrist and he gently caresses my cheek with his cold hand. I feel my lips press into a smile and then the covers fall over my body. Dalton slips his hand onto my cheek and I hear him whisper.

  “Goodnight, my beautiful Rose!” I don’t react to his words. I am scared that if I question him about it, then he will harden and put up a wall. Inside, I am screaming –he does care after all. I feel him moving away from me and in a move that surprises me, I reach out and grab his jacket. I don’t open my eyes, I simply say.

  “Stay with me,” I hear Dalton sigh and then the bed bounces as he climbs on. I can hear him ripping of his jacket and then his arm extends and pulls me close. I rest my head onto his chest, smiling inside as my face collides with his shirt. I let myself fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of him and what it would be like to be a vampire. If only he would turn me.


  I wake the next morning to a sore head and a dry throat. The sun is blinding and my eyes won’t focus on the light. I reach out my hand and I can feel him – Dalton is here. My eyes pop open and I see him, lying next to me in all of his perfection. Now that he is sleeping, I can take this moment to really appreciate his stunning looks. He has flawless skin, perfect cheekbones and a broad, straight nose. His lips are full and perfect. His light blonde hair is messy and ever so sexy in its bed-head state. He is stunning, I can’t breathe as I look at him

  –no one should look this good. I lie still, staring at him, until his eyes flutter under their lids and then pop open to reveal the blue that was hidden. His lips gently part and he smiles at me. He leans over and kisses me on my forehead, I smile at him as he pulls back and glances at the time on his watch. He frowns when he sees that it’s still early –six thirty to be exact. He lets his head fall back against the head board of the bed and he gently closes his eyes again. My head is sore and I need a few moments to freshen up. I have a massive hangover and I don’t want to expose Dalton to my alcohol morning breath. I push the covers away from my body and I gently ease myself out of the bed.

  “Where are you going?” Dalton asks in a firm voice. I shake my head and I look at him, he’s lying flat on his back with his arms folded across his chest. His eyes are closed and his breathing is slow and shallow. I tip toe across to my door, smiling at Pebbles as she sleeps. I turn back to face Dalton and he is still in his frozen position.

  “I just need a minute, I won’t be long.” Dalton nods his head and then I push open my door. I scan the house and I smile when I see that no one is up yet, I tip-toe across the landing and into the small bathroom. I run the shower and I slip my t-shirt over my head. I climb in and I bask in the warm water, as it trickles all over my body. I shampoo my hair and I gently wash every part of my body. I scrub my arms, legs and stomach and then I rinse off the excess soap. My wrist comes into my vision and I gently run my fingers along the two wounds from Dalton’s daggers. My skin is tender and I shake my head at my vulnerable state. I switch off the water and I step out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel in the process. I glide over to the mirror and I wipe away the steam that has formed onto its surface. I catch a glimpse of myself in its reflection and I don’t like what I see. I am pale, tired and ghastly. I look as if I have been dragged through a hurricane and I frown at myself –I need Dalton to turn me. I hate being fragile and human. It never bothered me before, but now that I know that there is something better that I can be, I want it. I quickly brush my teeth and I wrap a small towel around my wet hair. I lift my t-shirt from the floor and then I rush back out into the narrow hallway. I glide back into my room and I smile when I see Dalton, still sleeping on my bed. He looks so peaceful as he sleeps and I quietly walk over to my closet and begin to rummage through my clothes.

  “You’re back,” Dalton says as he pulls himself up and rests his head against the wall at the back of my bed. My face bursts into flames as he stares at me in my towel. His lips are rubbing together, lusting for me. I try to ignore his burning stare, as I continue to search through my clothes. I finally find my best jeans and a white tank-top. I glide over to my underwear draw and I shyly pull out a pink bra and matching panties. I am very aware of Dalton’s eyes burning through my back, but I try to compose myself, as I don’t want to embarrass myself by acting neurotic. I clear my throat as I try to take the attention away from my appearance.

  “So what are we doing today?” I ask as I loosen the towel from my head. My wet hair falls against my neck and I begin to run my fingers through the ends as Dalton edges himself off the bed.

  “Do you have to work today?” He asks as he makes his way over to me. I look up at him, shaking my head because I don’t have to work. Dalton smiles and then he runs his fingers along my arms. I tingle from his chilly touch and my lips start to shake from their freezing temperature.

  “You wanna take a trip?” My eyes jolt –a trip where?

  “Where to, exactly?”

  “The Red Sox are playing the Yankees. You wanna go with me?” I smile at him

  –a real date!

  “I had no idea that you were a baseball fan!” I state. Dalton leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

  “There’s plenty of things that you don’t know about me.” I nod and then Dalton walks over and lifts his jacket from the floor. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back. I just need to go home and change.” I scowl at him – he looks perfect, he doesn’t need to change. My heart is aching; I don’t want him to go. I rush over to him and I wrap my arms around his neck, he laughs and then he pulls me away from him. “I won’t be long, oh and Rose, I exp
ect you to wear a Red Sox jersey, you got one?” I shake my head.

  “No, I don’t actually.” “I’m appalled, but don’t worry, we can easily fix that. I won’t be long, baby!” I smile at his words and he watches as I blush. Dalton swings over to me and he wraps me into his strong arms. My hands slide onto his back and then into his hair, he laughs at my affection and then he kisses me, sharp and strong. “You like it when I call you baby, don’t you?” I blush –of course I do, I melt into a frenzy every time that word passes from your perfect lips. Dalton laughs again and I almost think that he can read my thoughts –I know that I will sound stupid, but I have to ask.

  “Can you read my mind or something?”

  “What would make you think that?” Dalton says, straightening his face. I compose myself, have I offended him? “It’s just, everything that I think and want you to do, comes true.” Dalton laughs and he presses his dark eyebrows together. His smile is captivating –holy crap he’s gorgeous.

  “Give me an example!” Dalton says in an urgent, commanding voice –why is he so bossy? I push my wet hair away from my face as I answer his annoying question.

  “Like when I want you to kiss me, it happens. So many thoughts spin around in my head, almost all of them are about you. Sometimes, I will be thinking a comical thought and I when I look at you, I see that you are laughing, like you can see into my mind.” Dalton laughs and then he runs his fingers along my collar bone.

  “I have your blood running through me, I can hear your thoughts, but only when I have fed on you!” My eyes bolt out of my head at his confession –he can hear my thoughts! I am so embarrassed, I can’t look at him. I feel violated, this can’t be true.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand, how can you hear what I’m thinking? Why have you kept this from me? I’ve spent the last three weeks with you, I let you feed on me and you don’t think that I deserve the right to know, that you have been listening to my thoughts, the whole time?” Dalton smirks as he strides over and places his long hand onto my shoulder. He looks into my eyes, focusing hard and soothing me with his stare.


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