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Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance

Page 66

by Iva Britt

  A young woman steps up to help her elder rise to his feet and Griffin gasps. The blonde, blue-eyed woman is the one haunting his dreams. She, too, is astonished as she looks into Griffin’s eyes. They know each other instantly. Their gazes speak of love and a depth of understanding that no one else can ever share. Their dreams make them one.

  Rowan, however, doesn’t notice the gasps. He is sensing something different in the woman. He feels an ancient power that underlies her human form. Is she a dragon shifter? Can it be possible? She is beautiful and appears to be strong. Rowan is drawn to the power within her.

  The strangers cross the bridge into the capital. The townspeople greet the group with food and drink to nourish them after their long journey. Shelter is provided for each family. More permanent homes will be provided in the coming days.

  Rowan takes the group’s leader to the ruling king. King Asher is curious about the destruction of the group’s village. He wants to know if there is a threat to the capital. Owen, the leader of the strangers, assures the king that his village was destroyed by nature’s wrath, not by enemies. Owen sadly adds, “Our land fell into the sea and only the small group with me survived.” King Asher is saddened by the tale and gives the survivors asylum in the capital if they agree to work as true citizens. Owen agrees.

  Griffin’s dream is more vivid than ever. He can feel the woman sharing the dream and learns her name is Dahlia. She, too, is astonished to find that the man in her dreams is real. Griffin and Dahlia are able to communicate through the dream and are learning much more about each other. Dahlia’s dreams make her feel different than anyone she knows and she wants an explanation. Griffin can’t give her one.

  Dahlia is given the job of helping prepare food for the soldiers. She revolts, insisting on being a soldier herself. She is an excellent archer and earns her place as one of the few female soldiers. The power hidden within her is more and more evident to Rowan. He wants to question her about her powers, but when he overhears a conversation between Dahlia and another female about the dragon shifters, Rowan realizes that she is unaware of the powers she holds. Is she the rare female shifter he has been looking for? He continues watching for other signs.

  Griffin searches out Dahlia in order to discuss their shared dream, but she hides in fear. The dreams and visions she is experiencing frighten her, and since Griffin is a part of them she feels it is best to stay away from him for now. Dahlia is determined to find friends in Draconia and no longer be an outcast. She wishes to stop the dreams and visions of Griffin and their future.

  Chapter 2

  Rowan seeks out Griffin. He needs to confide in his best friend. Rowan tells Griffin of the powers he feels from within Dahlia. He goes on to say, “I see in her strength that is beyond any other woman and a lot of human men. Her aim with an arrow is perfect every time. She understands the ways of our people that must be explained to others. The power within her calls out to me. Do you think she is a shifter? Can you feel her power?”

  Griffin is alarmed that Rowan is interested in Dahlia. He loves the Dahlia of his dreams and wants her as his mate. He is hoping that she will lose her fear and give in to the love they share. Griffin is careful to reply, “She is powerful, yes. Her aim is true. I am aware that she dreams as I do, but I have not felt a power from within her. I do not know if she is a shifter or just a gifted human.” Griffin is sure that her fear proves that if she is a shifter, she does not know it.

  Rowan dismisses Griffin, shifts into dragon form and flies to his mountaintop hideaway to watch and think. He can see Dahlia below, training younger soldiers in the art of archery. Her powerful body glistens in the sunlight, giving off just a hint of scales. Rowan feels his excitement grow. The signs that Dahlia is a female dragon shifter are becoming unmistakable. She must be nearing her 21st birthday, her coming of age. Rowan sees Griffin quietly approaching Dahlia from behind. Maybe Griffin is going in search of the answers to Rowan’s questions.

  Griffin slowly walks up behind Dahlia and touches her shoulder gently. The lightning strike that sizzles through both their bodies causes Dahlia to jump away. She knows it is Griffin before she turns around. His touch is so familiar even though they have never touched in person. Dahlia is standing on a ledge by the ocean and cannot run and hide. She must face her fear and the man she loves. How odd and frightening it is to love someone you have never met. But gazing into Griffin’s blue eyes is calming Dahlia’s fear. The love in those eyes is overpowering. Dahlia follows Griffin when he gestures toward a rock grouping by the ocean.

  Rowan is frustrated to see Griffin and Dahlia disappear behind the rocks. A ledge overhang completely hides them from his sight. Rowan decides to return to the city and ask Owen about Dahlia.

  Griffin and Dahlia take seats upon the rocks and stare at one another. Neither knows what to say. Finally, Dahlia breaks the silence saying, “You are just as my dreams show you to be. You change a little as each year passes. I guess I was seeing you grow into a man. Are we meant to be together? Is this what my dreams mean?”

  Griffin smiles and replies, “You are more beautiful than my dreams. I have known you for many years. You began sharing my dreams only a few years ago. Yes, we are meant to be together. I love you now and have for much of my life. I rejoiced when you became aware of me in your dreams. I felt you trying to cut me out of the dream last night. Please don’t. I need to share every moment and every breath with you, even in sleep.”

  Dahlia explains, “I love you too. It frightens me, yet I could not stop the dream we share. If I stop it, I feel I will die. I need you to survive. I did not know that you dreamed of me before I joined you. How long did you watch undetected?”

  Griffin admits to dreaming of Dahlia since she was about 10. He blushes as he tells her he felt guilty for dreaming of a child and feeling such a great love. As Dahlia grew, his guilt disappeared and love grew stronger. Dahlia explains that she ran away after their first shared dream. She was only 13 and feared she had become possessed by evil. The pair laughs at the crazy imaginings of their youth. The dreams are now a blessing.

  Rowan finds Owen at the blacksmith’s workshop. Owen is assigned here to forge weapons for the soldiers. Rowen suggests that Owen be allowed to take a break. The blacksmith concedes to the future king and Owen joins Rowen for a brew. Rowan asks many questions about Dahlia. He discovers that she is an orphan. She was found by a shipwreck on the shore of Owen’s village. Owen and his wife took her in and raised her as their own, though Dahlia had needed little help. By age five, she was an expert archer and a better hunter than Owen’s sons. She became a warrior by the time she turned twelve. Owen continues by saying, “My wife and sons are now gone. Dahlia is my heir and my protector. She is odd and at times I do not understand her actions or the things I see in her eyes, but she is loyal and I trust her with my life.” Rowan walks away, contemplating where Dahlia may have come from.

  Griffin joins the soldiers for the evening meal. He hears a young soldier mention Dahlia and pauses to listen. When the soldier crudely explains what he wants to do with Dahlia, Griffin attacks. His strength is far beyond the young soldier’s and Rowan must interfere before the soldier is killed. Rowan shifts and drags a changing Griffin outside the city. The dragons engage in a battle for supremacy. Their roars and body slams shake the capital until Griffin’s anger is spent. Shifting back to human form, they fall to the ground in exhaustion.

  Rowan breathlessly asks, “What the hell was that all about? Have you gone crazy? You attacked a fellow soldier. That could be considered treason!”

  Griffin sits up, pushes his hair from his bruised face and declares, “It is not treason to defend your woman from profane intentions. He blatantly announced to everyone the things he wanted to do to her in private. I cannot allow anyone to disparage my love.”

  Rowan is confused when he asks, “What woman? He wants to defile the woman in your dreams? I do not understand. I am the only one who knows of your dreams.”

  Griffin defiantl
y announces, “My woman is real. She is here. Dahlia is my woman and no one will be allowed to speak profanely of her. She, too, dreams with me. We are in love and cannot be parted.”

  Rowan is shocked and angered. Dahlia is meant to be his queen. Griffin must let her go. She is the female dragon shifter Rowan is looking for.

  Chapter 3

  Rowan angrily informs Griffin, “Dahlia cannot be yours. She is to be my queen. As the future king, I will take her as my bride. She is the only female dragon shifter to enter our realm in centuries. I will have her!”

  Griffin’s growl is heard throughout the mountains, “Dahlia is mine! If you touch her, I will kill you. She is connected to me and we will die if parted. Do not test me.” Griffin stalks off, leaving Rowan stewing and defiant.

  Dahlia runs to Griffin’s side as he enters the city. She is worried that he may be hurt. Griffin assures her that he is fine, pulls her to him and kisses her. He is staking his claim and daring anyone to challenge him, including Rowan who enters the city just in time to see the kiss. The kiss sends shivers down Dahlia’s spine and causes a deep rift between Rowan and Griffin.

  The soldiers watch in shock and confusion. Will they be required to take sides, choosing either their future king or his second in command? This is an impossible situation. The soldiers need to stay united for the kingdom to survive. Rowan and Griffin are best friends and have been all their lives. A woman must not come between them. She must be stricken from the city. The soldiers rise up to oust Dahlia and send her out to sea.

  Griffin quickly puts Dahlia behind him. He shifts along with Rowan and they stand between the mob of soldiers and Dahlia. Soldiers begin to shift and prepare for a battle. Before the war can begin, King Asher flies in. He lands his huge black dragon’s body in the middle of the standoff, causing the soldiers to fall back and shift into human form. His mighty wings push the groups far apart as he roars, “My kingdom will not become a battleground. My people will not destroy each other. I am the reigning king and thus the only one allowed to oust anyone from Draconia. Dahlia is a loyal subject and under my protection. She isn’t to be touched. As for Rowan and Griffin, I demand that they come to my chambers for a private discussion. Everyone else, go back to your duties! Peace will stay in my kingdom.”

  The great black dragon rises into the sky followed by Griffin, the red dragon, and Rowan, the tan and teal dragon. Dahlia begins to back away from the other soldiers in fear for her safety. A soldier’s voice rings out, “Have no fear. You will come to no harm. King Asher is your protector and none will challenge his orders. You are one of us and we apologize for our childish behavior. Come back and eat.” Dahlia is cautious, but returns to the group.

  King Asher faces down Rowan and Griffin, “Explain yourselves. I will not tolerate fighting among my soldiers. There are many women among us, so why fight over this one?”

  Griffin steps forward to say, “For many years my dreams have been linked to another’s. We share our dreams, learn of each other’s lives, walk and talk as if in the same room. She and I love each another though we only met in person mere days ago. She is mine and has been since I was but a child.”

  Rowan disagrees, “The woman is mine. I see all the signs of a female dragon shifter in Dahlia. I even caught a glimpse of shimmering scales as she practiced in the sunlight. As future king, I will have her. The power I feel within her calls to the power in me.”

  Griffin interrupts, “I do not believe this. I do not see such signs. I only see the strong, beautiful woman who is meant to be my mate. The sharing of dreams proves it. Dahlia feels it too.”

  Before the soldiers can continue their fight, King Asher speaks, “Whether or not Dahlia is a rare female shifter is yet to be proven. I will watch her closely and deduce the answer for myself. I hazard to guess that she is unaware of the possibility. If being a dragon shifter is her fate, there will come a time when things will need to be explained to her or she will die when the power comes. She may die anyway. Most do. That is why female shifters are so rare. Their power is so great that it overwhelms them. As for who she belongs to, it is her choice, especially if she proves to be a dragon shifter. If that be the case, her power will mean that the man she chooses must be king. Tread carefully, both of you, for she holds your fate. Leave me now and peace be between you.”

  Rowan and Griffin leave. They need time to analyze what the king is saying. Their future depends on it. If Dahlia is a shifter, then the king’s successor is no longer set. This is a problem for the entire kingdom. If others find out before a decision is made, the Draconians will be split and peace will be destroyed.

  Griffin is torn. He loves Dahlia and cannot tolerate losing her, but he also loves Rowan like a brother. He will not take his place as king. That honor must be Rowan’s.

  Rowan doesn’t know what to do. It is obvious that Griffin truly believes Dahlia is his true mate. Rowan does not want to hurt his friend, but the king made it clear. If Dahlia is a shifter, her mate will be king. Rowan must be king. It is his destiny. He trains for it daily.

  Chapter 4

  Griffin finds Dahlia alone in the protective rock formation where they first talked. He sits at her side and takes her hand. They sit in silence as their feelings flow between them. Words are unnecessary when minds are joined, yet Griffin feels the need to explain the fight with Rowan. He takes a deep breath and declares, “I am so sorry to put you in the public eye. It was never my intention, but it seems Rowan is attracted to you and wants you as his mate. I, of course, feel you are mine. Yet, I do not want to oppose my best friend who is also supposed to be the king’s successor. I am torn inside because I love you both.”

  The soldier in Dahlia is angry. It sounds to her that the men are choosing her life for her and assuming that she will blindly agree to whatever they decide. She jumps up from the rock and faces Griffin, “Despite our connection and the love we share, you will not make decisions for me. Neither will Rowan, future king or not. I make my own decisions and will not be dictated to.” Dahlia turns and leaves Griffin open mouthed with shock.

  Dahlia returns to the training ground, picks up a sword and challenges one of the soldiers. Swords clash as she works through her anger and confusion. Dahlia is unaware of being watched. Both King Asher and Rowan are watching for a glimpse of the dragon shifter. Her prowess and strength are quite astonishing and make them both swell with pride. If she is a shifter, she will be formidable in power, a true asset to Draconia.

  Her battle finally at an end, Dahlia heads for a well to quench her thirst. Rowan joins her there. He reaches to help her guide the bucket from the well. Hands brush against each other and a surge of power passes between them. Dahlia tries to back away, but cannot. Their bodies have a mind of their own. The power is pulling them together into a kiss. Dahlia is shocked to feel such power. It is magnetic and irresistible, yet there is no feeling of the love she shares with Griffin. As she pulls away, Rowan sees that her eyes are golden, a color change that is positive proof that she is indeed a dragon shifter. With his keen eyesight, King Asher sees it too. He hopes that somehow peace can be kept in his kingdom.

  Dahlia does not understand why she kissed Rowan. She feels guilty and like she is betraying Griffin. Her earlier anger at Griffin is forgotten and Dahlia rushes to find him. He is at the forge retrieving swords. Dahlia grabs him by the hand and runs with him back to their shelter among the rocks. Griffin is stunned when she instantly draws his face down for a deep kiss. This kiss is far more invasive than their first one. Griffin’s love surges forth along with passion as he takes the kiss to an even deeper level. Dahlia groans into his mouth and does not protest when his hands begin to roam. Griffin’s manhood rises, making Dahlia aware of his need. Her breasts tingle in response to his touch and a foreign dampness gathers between her legs. Griffin slowly removes Dahlia’s clothing, kisses each inch of skin as it is revealed. Dahlia shivers with need as she reaches to remove Griffin’s clothes. They collapse gently to the ground, Griffin on top. D
ahlia wraps her legs around Griffin’s waist as he enters her for the first time. The quick stab of pain she feels as he takes her virginity is nothing compare to the transcending love they share. It is as if they share each breath and feel the other’s joy. Their climaxes bring such a level of love that they lose consciousness.

  In her unconscious state, Dahlia has a vision of what a future with Griffin would be like. She shares her vision with him in a dream, until the vision morphs into a possible future with Rowan. Dahlia’s brain shuts down her connection with Griffin instantly awakening them both. Dahlia hides her confusion and guilt as Griffin pulls her closer and resumes sleeping.

  The pair awaken to shouts of, “Everyone come to the courtyard! King Asher is calling a town meeting. Hurry!” Griffin and Dahlia dress quickly and join the gathering. The Draconians are mumbling among themselves, wondering what the king is going to say. In times of peace, these meetings are not usual. King Asher does not normally interfere with day to day activities. He likes to give his people freedom.

  King Asher stands above the crowd, raises his voice so all can hear and announces, “There is a storm coming. It is much larger and stronger than any we have ever experienced. Gather enough food and water for several days, along with clothes and bedding. Bring your animals into the stalls of the Great Dome and your families into its protective shelter. Leave no one behind. Help each other. We only have a few hours to prepare.”

  The people hurry to heed the king’s bidding. His visions always prove to be true. Rowan divides the soldiers into groups, sending them to aid the elderly and infirm. Griffin leads a group as does Dahlia. Discussing the change in their relationship must be put aside. Their jobs as protectors of the people comes first.


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