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Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance

Page 67

by Iva Britt

  Chapter 5

  All animals are put into their stalls, food is stored in small chambers, water is added to barrels along the walls and each citizen is accounted for. The Great Dome is sealed tightly. The waiting begins.

  Parents settle children in small groups and resume their daily lessons. Soldiers check to be sure everyone has what they need. King Asher, though he is provided with a private room, prefers to join his citizens. His presence keeps the group calm and controlled.

  As the day progresses, they hear the wind grow louder, rain and hail pound on the roof and loud explosive noises frighten the children. To calm the little ones, stories of long ago are told and ancient songs are sung. A small human boy, great, great grandson of the king, stands and asks to hear the greatest story of all. The Prophecy of the Golden Dragons is a favorite of all. King Asher recites the prophecy, “The first dragon shifters entered Draconia thousands of years ago. Their human families were left behind in the human world. There were few true female shifters among them. All had mates. One male shifter felt alone and searched far and wide for a mate. When he found her among a tribe in the mountains, he used an ancient and now forgotten magic to turn her into a dragon shifter as well. The use of such magic is now forbidden. The magic gave the woman more power than the man. Eventually she gave birth to a son. As her son entered the world, the ancient magic transferred to him and the woman died. The baby was able to transform from birth, not having to wait for his coming of age at 21. He became a huge golden dragon with great power. None other could compare. The prophecy states that the gods would provide him a female dragon shifter, golden and of like power. They would eventually bring a child into the world, a golden daughter, with more power than they had combined, an immortal. She would be the salvation of the dragon shifter species in a war between worlds. The time for that war is still far in the future, according to the prophecy. Now sleep dear children and let the storm pass us by.”

  The storm continues throughout the night and for two more days. Dahlia is kept from both Griffin and Rowan by her duties. Even her sleep is not deep enough to join Griffin in dreams. Rowan throws open the doors only minutes after the storm subsides. All enter a world of chaos. Homes are gone, water is everywhere but draining quickly, but the Great Dome and the mountains appear untouched. Animals are released from captivity and the citizens of Draconia silently begin clearing debris. The shifters transform in order to carry away large logs and other debris. With the dragon’s help, temporary shelters are erected quickly. Life moves forward and the Draconians are undeterred. All remain alive and homes will be built anew. Their king’s great vision is their salvation once again.

  Dahlia now finds herself watching Rowan and Griffin from afar. The pull she feels toward each is almost painful. The king notices her distress and takes her aside. He asks, “Why do you seem so disheartened? We will rebuild, even better than before. Or is it the two great dragons you watch so closely that are a problem? Are they making demands of you? Shall I reprove them?”

  Dahlia looks into the kind, understanding eyes of the king and replies,” No sire, they do not make demands. It is my own body and mind that are at war. My love for Griffin is strong and has been a part of me since childhood. I feel the pull toward him at all times. I am not sure that I can even breathe without him anymore. Yet there is a strange, exciting power that flows between Rowan and me. It too pulls me. I have been told that he wants me as a mate. I know not what I should do.”

  King Asher gently touches Dahlia’s face and whispers, “I have told them that the choice remains with you. Do not agonize over it. Spend time with each and let your inner power decide. Soon things will become much clearer to you. I have seen it. All of you will prosper. Be happy and enjoy them both for a time.” The king leaves Dahlia contemplating his words. He is a wise and kind king and somehow she senses that he will be leaving soon and it saddens her.

  The king’s home, built inside a large cave is untouched by the storm. He returns there to analyze his latest vision. It is disconcerting to see one’s own death. He is, however, very old and the responsibilities of kingship way heavy upon him. It is time for a younger generation to take the lead. His visions show troubled times ahead, but that magnificent new rulers will bring Draconia to new heights of progress and a peace that will last forever. Sadly, war comes before such peace, but worlds will unite and war will end. King Asher looks out at his domain and smiles at the kingdom he rules. All is well. Homes are rising, children are laughing and a New Age is upon them.

  Rowan looks toward the king’s home and senses a change in the atmosphere. Something big is about to happen. He feels it in the very air that he breathes. Unlike the king, Rowan does not have the gift of visions. Instead he is able to discern whether someone is telling the truth or a lie, sense change and reach out to the powers contained within another. He reluctantly goes back to work, clearing land to replant the gardens of Draconia. If the change is important or involves Rowan, the king will inform him soon.

  The king’s advice echoes in Dahlia’s head. She is to enjoy both Griffin and Rowan. Is it wrong to want to test her compatibility to Rowan? She is still technically not mated with Griffin. The pull toward Rowan’s power cannot be denied. Dahlia wants to feel that energy running through her veins again. She watches as the great dragon uses his powerful tail to plow the garden rows, then looks up to see Griffin staring at her with knowing eyes and a sad smile. He nods, giving her his blessing to seek answers to her dilemma. He is a good man and she loves him so much.

  Chapter 6

  Night falls and the Draconians gather in the courtyard to assess their progress in rebuilding their city. All are pleased and go to rest, for tomorrow will be another day of hard work. Dahlia quietly walks up behind Rowan and whispers his name. Rowan takes a deep breath before he turns around. He knows that when he looks into Dahlia’s eyes, he will be unable to resist reaching out and taking her to let their powers explore what might be. Slowly he turns and lifts his eyes to her face. Rowan sees that Dahlia needs to feel the rush of power too. He leads her away from the light of the courtyard. When they reach darkness, Rowan lifts Dahlia into his arms and runs into the mountains. No words are spoken, yet each is aware of what is about to happen.

  Rowan carries Dahlia into a small cave and stands her on the floor. The powers within them overwhelm their senses and in seconds they discard their clothing. Their bodies come together like magnets. As they writhe on the floor, kissing and touching with abandon, what feels like an electrical current runs through each of them. The power between them as Rowan enters Dahlia is intoxicating. Thrusting in time to the beating of their pulse, they explode in powerful climaxes, just seconds apart.

  Rowan sees Dahlia’s eyes change and he feels the scales on her body. Dahlia feels something strange happening inside her and runs off into the darkness. Rowan tries to stop her, but he is too late.

  Dahlia hides until Rowan leaves the cave. She takes deep breathes, in and out to slow her heart and calm her fear. She thinks that Rowan is the cause of the strangeness she is feeling. Dahlia believes that some of his powers caused her body to react this way. As she returns to the cave and dresses, Dahlia decides to keep the strange changes to herself. She doesn’t think anyone will believe her anyway.

  Rowan is worried that he may cause Dahlia to turn before she is ready. If she shifts before coming of age, she will die. Her lack of knowledge and training will allow the change to destroy her. She needs to be told what she is soon so that training can begin. The king and Griffin need to be informed of the new development. Rowan is reluctant to talk to Griffin, so he will tell King Asher first and allow the king to tell Griffin.

  As the sun rises, so do the Draconians. Even the smallest of children help to rebuild the capital. Everyone needs to feel that the city belongs to them. The children drop seeds into the newly plowed garden. The elderly use their walking sticks to cover the seeds with dirt. The infirm keep the fires burning and food ready. No one just sits and

  Rowan finishes lifting the last log into place on the new house of worship. He shouts to Griffin and lets him know he will be back soon to help build the stone tower for the granary. Rowan trudges up the trail to King Asher’s abode. He is ready to confess the issue he caused, beg forgiveness and ask for advice.

  The king is waiting. He already knows what transpired. He can sense the change in the shared force of shifters. King Asher stops Rowan before he can start talking, “Do not fret Rowan. All is well. What happened between you and Dahlia was meant to be. In order to make a meaningful choice, she needed to be with each of you. It is not over. My vision shows that three must become one before all is settled. Dahlia will change at the correct time and she will survive. It is a necessity. I can tell you no more. Take your leave and care for our people. Soon they will need you more than ever.”

  Rowan leaves with a heavy heart. King Asher’s statement that three must become one makes no sense and Rowan worries that the king is confused. He searches for Dahlia needing to clear the air between them. Dahlia sees him coming, turns her back and walks away. She obviously doesn’t want to talk. Rowan then joins Griffin who is piling stones to form the granary.

  Griffin appears angry and strikes out at Rowan verbally, “What have you done to Dahlia? She speaks to no one, avoids me, and isn’t even eating. I want to honor King Asher’s demand for peace between us, but if you have caused her harm, I will fight you.” Griffin waits impatiently for an answer.

  Rowan clears his throat and chooses his words carefully before he replies, “She is unharmed. She just has a lot to consider. We shared our bodies and I fear that her coming of age may be sooner than we believed. She is feeling emotions and changes to her body that she doesn’t understand. It worries me, yet the king swears all will be well.”

  Their discussion is interrupted by a lookout running and shouting into their midst, “A large ship is on the horizon. It is moving slowly and appears to be quite damaged. Few souls are on deck. I estimate its arrival to be in two hours.” Rowan and Griffin rally the soldiers to meet the incoming ship on the shore below. The capital is more vulnerable to enemies due to the storm damage. A young scout is sent to inform King Asher, although Rowan is sure he is already aware of the situation. The soldiers gather their weapons and take a path down the mountainside.

  Chapter 7

  The soldiers line the shore as the ship draws closer. The nearer it comes, the more the extent of the damage is noticeable. It sits too heavily in the water. The ship stops in deeper water and a small boat is lowered. Three people climb down into the boat and row to shore. The soldiers stand their ground as the three strangers step onto the sand. Rowan, Griffin and a subdued Dahlia step forward. Rowan is surprised to see that Dahlia has presented herself as an officer, but keeps silent.

  A tall male represents the strangers, “I am Logan. My companions are Athena and my brother, Rogan. As you can see, our ship is in danger of sinking. A storm almost destroyed it and took many lives. We seek a place to repair our ship as well as to let our injured and sick heal. Many aboard contracted an illness after the storm. We do not recognize it.”

  Athena, the female companion, whose face appears to glow, states, “I am the healer, and though I have used all known cures, the illness responds to none. I would ask the help of your healer and a dry place to keep the sick. We will not enter your city in hopes of keeping the disease from spreading.”

  Griffin leads the male, Logan, to a cave on the shore that is safe even in high tide and offers it as a haven for the ill. Rowan assures the strangers that the soldiers will bring whatever is needed to repair the ship as well as fresh food and water. The capital’s healer is also to be sent. Dahlia helps Rogan make a fire pit close to the cave for warmth, heating water, and cooking. The soldiers bring clean woven mats to the cave for the comfort of the sick.

  Dahlia sets aside her worries and asks Rowan if she may gather medicinal plants for the healers to try. Rowan readily agrees. He is just happy that Dahlia has broken her silence. Griffin asks to accompany Dahlia and to his surprise, she nods saying, “Your company will be most welcome.” The pair heads up and into the tree line to gather plants.

  As they search for healing plants, Griffin dares to take Dahlia’s hand in his. She does not pull away, instead she squeezes his hand tightly. Dahlia’s mind instantly calms at Griffin’s touch and she realizes it is pointless to try to stay away from him. Griffin is her touchstone, making him a true necessity. Together their breathing grows easier. Before taking the plants back to shore, Griffin draws Dahlia in for a restorative kiss. There is no resentment for her actions with Rowan. The relationship between them transcends any other.

  Watching the newcomers bring the many ill to the cave, Rowan notices that the female, Athena, never removes her cloak. It is quite odd, especially as the day grows warmer. There is also a larger group of sick than he imagined. It is a new threat to the capital that must be considered. The illness needs to be as contained as possible. Rowan decides to limit the amount of Draconians allowed to help the strangers. Sadly, many are already exposed, including himself, Griffin, and Dahlia. The fact that Athena, Rogan, and Logan are still healthy brings him hope.

  King Asher is warned to stay far away, but he insists on greeting the strangers himself. He does not allow his subjects to take risks that he is unwilling to take himself. Pity exudes from him as he looks upon the ravaged faces of the ill. He too notices the curious fact that Athena remains tightly wrapped in a cloak. He chooses not to remark on it, instead issuing his heartfelt sympathy and guarantees the continuing help of the Draconians.

  The Draconian healer is shocked at the condition of the sick. He orders cool baths to soothe their sores and fluids to help with dehydration. Athena assures him that she has done those exact things many times. Poultices are applied to the sores and herbs are mixed into the water in hopes of bringing down the fever. Athena shows her frustration by stating, “Do you think I have not tried all of these things myself? Every known cure has been used. We have even prayed over them and made sacrifices, yet they grow worse. Is there nothing new in this land to try?” All eyes are on the distraught Athena as she stalks back to the fire careful to keep her cloak tightly about her.

  The healers work throughout the night, taking turns sleeping for a few minutes at a time. When the sun rises announcing a new day, two more have died and their bodies are burned to destroy their contamination. New plants are tried in the poultices and water. No change is apparent. Dahlia and Griffin tirelessly search for more plants to try as they cling to each other. Rowan finds himself praying to the gods for deliverance when three of his soldiers show signs of fever and the inability to keep down water. All who are exposed, make a separate camp away from the capital, trying in vain to stop the spread of the illness. It will not stop however, riding the very wind it seems, to reach the children and infirm of Draconia. One by one they fall ill.

  The days pass, leaving several of the strangers dead. The Draconians still live, though more have become sick. Exhaustion takes over and everyone needs to sleep. If their bodies don’t rest it is easier to catch the illness. Rowan sends the caregivers in groups to sleep. Dahlia is sent with the first group and is asleep as soon as she lies down.

  Chapter 8

  A vivid vision comes to Dahlia in her sleep, one from the past. A beautiful woman is marrying a very handsome man. Their skin shimmers in the sunlight.

  The vision follows them through months of blissful happiness. A sorcerer appears in the vision, adding a potion to the jug of mead in their cottage. As the pair drinks from the jug, a change comes over them. They turn into dragons, rise into the air and disappear for a time. The vision skips forward in time and Dahlia sees a child being born, a male. She watches him grow, marry and become a father. The vision continues through thousands of generations all of whom can shift into dragon form. The vision ends when a baby is born bearing a face that Dahlia recognizes, her own.

  Dahlia rushes
to King Asher, wanting his help to interpret her vision. Though the vision seems to mean that she is a descendant of the first female dragon shifter, she wants the king to concur. Dahlia calls out to the king before entering his home. There is no answer. She cautiously enters and gasps as she finds King Asher unconscious. He is burning with fever and covered in sores. Dahlia runs for help.

  She finds the sleeping Griffin first, explains the situation, and as Griffin goes for the healers she returns to the king’s side. He is awake but very weak. Dahlia wets a cloth and bathes his hot brow. King Asher murmurs, “You have finally discovered the truth. I see it in your eyes. You will make a wonderful and rare addition to our shifter family. Let your heart choose your mate and all will be as foretold.” The king again falls into unconsciousness. The healers arrive, pushing Dahlia aside.

  The capital is in turmoil upon learning that the king is ill. They fear that Draconia will come to an end. A cure is needed soon, or all are sure to perish. All that are not tending the sick search the land for a solution. Plants, fruits, and even tree bark are gathered. Potions and teas are brewing in every home. A cure is sure to be found. To speed things along, a different potion is given to several groups, hoping to find one that works quickly.

  Rowan confers with the healers. More deaths are imminent. The illness, though, is no longer spreading. Many appear to be immune or at least far more resistant to the illness. The healers do not understand why, but look to them for an answer. Rowan knows that something is different about Athena, yet somehow the cloak she refuses to remove hides the exact difference from him. He is also shocked to find that he cannot tell if she is telling the truth nor if she holds any powers within her. He believes the cloak contains some kind of magic. What is she hiding? Is Athena deformed, or is she keeping something far more sinister hidden from everyone? Either Logan or his twin Rogan stay at her side, allowing no one to question her. Rowan leaves the shore with more questions than answers.


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