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Pinkie Pie Steps Up

Page 2

by G. M. Berrow

  Ponies were chatting with one another, but the place was surprisingly quiet… too quiet. That was it! Pinkie stomped her hoof on the ground in delight. “We need music!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “These are musical ponies—they just need to shake their flanks to some funky tunes!”

  It was time to bring out the big party cannons.

  Pinkie Pie whistled and signaled a series of elaborate hoof motions to the corner, where the ten-piece pony band was just finishing setting up their equipment for later. They nodded back at her and struck up a jaunty song. That should do the trick, thought Pinkie, growing smug as a few ponies began to nod their heads to the beat. Pinkie caught Cheese’s eye from across the room, and gave him two hooves up. He momentarily stopped juggling starfruits and smiled with relief.

  The band’s upbeat rendition of “Fly Mare to the Moon” was in full swing, but the dance floor was still empty. Maybe nopony wanted to be the first one out. Pinkie Pie bounced to the center and started swaying in time to the rhythm. Her fuchsia mane bopped up and down to the funky music. DJ Pon-3 joined in on her turntables, dropping the beat. It was so much fun that Pinkie Pie forgot all about trying to impress everypony! She spun around, leaped across the floor, and kicked her legs out to the sides, back and forth.

  Finally, the sleepy crowd began to take notice of Pinkie’s sweet moves. They formed a curious circle around the dance floor and cheered as she shook her tail and did the “running pony.”

  “Come on, everypony!” Cheese Sandwich encouraged the partygoers. “Get your groove on like Pinkie Pie!”

  The two ponies from Ponyville whom Pinkie Pie had seen at the pizza joint the day before, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon, darted out to the dance floor. They joined in and copied Pinkie’s moves.

  “What are you guys doing here in Manehattan?!” Pinkie shouted over the music. “I saw you at the pizza place! Are you following me or something?” She laughed.

  “What?!” Lyra shouted.

  “Ummm… no! Of course not! We convinced Cheese Sandwich to get us on the guest list because we’re, um… such huge music fans!” yelled Bon Bon.

  Lyra spun around in time with Bon Bon. “Uh… yeah! We really want to meet Sapphire Shores!” Lyra added. “And to dance with you!” Soon, the three ponies were moving in sync, looking almost like a choreographed trio.

  The crowd that had gathered was watching the trio. “What an interesting routine,” said Lyrica Lilac, eyes alight with something halfway between wonder and confusion. “It’s so intriguing yet so… silly?”

  “Well, it’s definitely the best attempt I’ve seen to get this shindig started,” Sapphire Shores agreed, nodding along to the beat with a huge smile on her face. “Even if it is a bit unconventional.”

  Pinkie skipped over to the wall, ran up it, and did a backflip off it. Lyra tried to copy her, but she just slid down the wall. Turning her mistake into a fluid interpretive move, she sprang up. Bon Bon flailed her hooves around to distract everypony while Lyra regained her composure.

  “Songbird, look over there!” Songbird Serenade’s assistant, Crownpiece, nudged her boss in Pinkie’s direction. “She’s much better than Countess Coloratura’s dancers, don’t you think?”

  Songbird Serenade pushed her thick black-and-yellow bangs away from her face for a better look. As she watched Pinkie bounce up to the ballroom ceiling, defying all gravity, Songbird gasped in wonder. “Is she… is she… swinging from the chandelier?”

  “Whoa,” Crownpiece marveled. Her blue eyes were bright with astonishment. “That was unreal!”

  Pinkie Pie twirled toward her party cannon, which Cheese had just rolled out. She stepped back, took a running leap, then jumped onto the cannon and pulled the lever! Thousands of glittering confetti stars burst forth and rained down onto the partygoers. Everypony cheered and rushed the dance floor. Pinkie felt her heart beating in time to the music. She’d done it! With their huge smiles and silly dance moves, the star attendees seemed to be shining brighter than they ever had before, launching the Pony Popstravaganza into the stratosphere as a sparkling success.

  But there was one important pony who was still unsatisfied.


  For the rest of the evening, Songbird Serenade wasn’t able to keep her mind off the amazing impromptu dance display. She’d never seen anypony who had such unique moves in her whole career. The pink pony had been filled with an enthusiasm and joy that was uplifting, yet she had such weird moves. It was exactly the vibe Songbird Serenade had been searching for to spice up her own act.

  When Songbird saw something she liked, she didn’t waste any time.

  “Crownpiece! I need you!” Songbird called out, trotting over to the Unicorn mare with the wavy golden mane and crown-shaped cutie mark. “You have to find her.” Songbird’s black-and-yellow fringe hung down over her eyes again. Sometimes this made it really difficult to tell if the singer was joking or being serious.

  “Find who?” Crownpiece said through the last bite of her slice of starfruit tart. She wiped her mouth with her hoof and pushed her gold mane out of her face. Then Crownpiece pulled out the huge purple notepad she brought everywhere in case she needed to write anything down for Songbird Serenade—rehearsals, costume fittings, and other appointments. She flipped past a page with the set designs of giant gilded birdcages for Songbird’s lavish aviary-themed Glammy performance piece, and found a blank one.

  “That plucky pink pony you pointed out!” Songbird urged under her breath. She craned her neck around. “I need to speak with her right away. I’ve been struck by a brilliant idea for my Glammy performance,” Songbird trilled. “Hurry! This party is almost over, and I’m going to miss my chance!”

  Crownpiece’s mind began to race, imagining the extra work she would have to put in thanks to this brilliant new idea, but she nodded obediently and trotted off into the ballroom to appease her boss. The request did strike her as odd, however. Songbird Serenade was not usually a demanding diva like other pop stars she had heard about, such as Countess Coloratura. Crownpiece had heard some nightmare stories about Rara and her constant demands, even though she’d supposedly changed her ways by now. Crownpiece personally thought Rara’s reformation and newfound sincerity seemed a bit phony and were just more parts of her ostentatious act.

  Lots of pop stars were like that, thought Crownpiece. She passed by Sapphire Shores regaling a group of yes-ponies with a story about her latest dolphin dream, and Jewel Tone calling her makeup mare over to re-powder her muzzle. It was all a part of the show.

  Crownpiece pushed her way around the crowded dance floor three times without any sightings of the mare in question. She slumped in defeat. Where was that elusive pink dancing pony? Crownpiece really didn’t want to go back and tell Songbird she’d failed at such a simple request. It was really important that she stick with this job, at least until the Glammy Awards night. Then she could do whatever she wanted.

  Suddenly, a glamorous Unicorn with a purple mane and an over-the-top blue-and-teal organza gown caught Crownpiece’s eye. From the way she was waving hello to everypony, Crownpiece got the sense that she knew what was going on. “Excuse me, Miss—um—Miss—?” Crownpiece stammered over the music.

  “Please, call me Rarity!” she said as she spun around, beaming with delight. Rarity extended her polished hoof. “Fashion designer to the stars and the common pony with taste. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Crownpiece.”

  Crownpiece blushed. “You know who I am?”

  “Oh, of course, darling.” Rarity laughed. “You’re Songbird Serenade’s new assistant. I just saw a photo of you standing by her in PegasUS Weekly.” Rarity leaned in and whispered under her breath so as not to appear gauche. “So exciting! That’s the job hundreds of mares would absolutely live for.”

  “I know!” Crownpiece nodded and her pretty golden mane caught the light. “As soon as I met her, I practically begged her for the job. Plus, I get to come to parties like this!” Crownpiece motioned to the decorated b
allroom. Things were finally beginning to wind down.

  “Please tell me Songbird enjoyed herself tonight? My friend Pinkie Pie planned this soiree and I think she was quite nervous that nopony liked it at first—”

  “Pinkie Pie?” Crownpiece’s eyes lit up. “Is she the one with the curly mane and all the confetti cannons? And that totally wild dancing?”

  “Yes, yes. That’s her.” Rarity let out a tiny chuckle and shook her head. “Oh dear, she does get a tad carried away, but I assure you she is lovely—”

  “Help me!” Crownpiece blurted out in desperation.

  “Help you?” Rarity’s face fell. “Are you all right, darling?”

  “Sorry.” Crownpiece blushed with embarrassment as she pulled out her notepad. “What I meant to say was that Songbird Serenade would like to talk to your friend Pinkie Pie. Um… uh… can you arrange a meeting?”

  “A meeting with Songbird Serenade?” Rarity’s eyes grew wide with delight. “Consider it done. Have Songbird meet me by the starfish tank in two minutes!” she yelled out as she disappeared with an excited canter into the crowd.

  Crownpiece grinned at her minor victory. Maybe she was finally getting the hang of this assistant thing, after all.


  Whoa. Are you serious?!” squeaked Pinkie Pie, mouth agape. She had just changed out of her foam star costume and was now wearing a giant crescent moon on her head. She’d been heading outside with Cheese to get in place for the big party-ending sparkler send-off when Rarity had snatched her and dragged her back inside.

  Now Pinkie Pie was facing a famous pop star who had asked specifically for her. Pinkie shook her moon head in disbelief. “You—Songbird Serenade—want me—a totally average, not-professional-dancer party pony—to perform with you, the biggest pop star in Equestria since Countess Coloratura, in the Glammy performance that could win you the most prestigious honor of your entire career?!”

  “That’s right! I don’t just want you in my act—I need you in my act! You’re going to save everypony in the audience from boredom.” Songbird Serenade nodded with a coy smirk. “See that?” Songbird made a face and motioned across the room to where the colt wonder Feather Bangs was trying to impress Ritzy Rose and Moonlight Melody by braggingabout his new album. Their conversation looked rehearsed.

  “I bet they’re having the same conversation they just had with ten other ponies. Every year, the Glammys are the same—the same old ponies, the same parties, and the same boring over-the-top performances. If I’m going to be a part of it, I refuse to maintain the status quo!” Songbird Serenade shook her head. Her thick bangs remained covering her eyes, but Pinkie could tell that she was excited. “I want to push the envelope! I want to stand out… by stepping out of the spotlight and putting you in it.” Songbird seemed proud of herself, but Pinkie was a tad confused. “So… what do you say? Do you want to be my star?”

  “Well . . .” Pinkie Pie bit her lip. She’d never done anything like a Glammy performance before, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t try. Still, Pinkie couldn’t help feeling that it might be a lot of pressure! What if she messed up and then Songbird lost the award? That would make Pinkie Pie feel ickier than a burned sticky bun.

  Crownpiece shuffled anxiously. Part of her wished that Pinkie would say no so she wouldn’t have to redo her work and change any of the details for Songbird’s performance. The Glammy Awards were only a week away, and there were still so many things to iron out. Adding a new design element, or a new pony performer, to the act would complicate everything.

  But Pinkie Pie just stood there with a funny expression on her face.

  “Songbird,” Rarity interjected with a pleading smile. It was embarrassing that her friend was taking so long to respond to a question whose correct answer was clearly quite obvious. “Would you excuse us for a moment? Pinkie and I need to have a quick word.…”

  “Take your time.” Songbird nodded as Rarity yanked her friend out of earshot.

  “Pinkamena Diane Pie—what in Equestria are you doing? You simply have to say yes!” Rarity stomped her hoof on the ground like a filly and looked around to make sure nopony was listening. Then her words came tumbling out like a kicked barrel of apples. “This is an amazing opportunity! Think of all the ponies you could make smile with your dance. Besides, Songbird Serenade is one of the only Glammy nominees who I’ve yet to design a look for. If you help her out… perhaps she’ll be open to hearing my ideas for her spring tour!” Rarity squealed, and gave Pinkie Pie a little nudge. “Also, did I mention Glammy Week is full of parties?”

  “Parties and helping out my bestie? Why didn’t you just say so?” Pinkie giggled. “Sign me up!”

  “Really?” Rarity’s eyes sparkled with delight. “Oh, Pinkie, thank you ever so much! You really are sweeter than one of your strawberry short-cupcakes. I do owe you—”

  “All right, all right . . .” Pinkie adjusted her moon headpiece and raised her eyebrows with a cheesy smirk. “Now quit mooning about it!” But as Rarity cantered off to deliver the good news, Pinkie Pie felt a funny feeling rising in her tummy. Were those nervicitement butterflies? Exactly what had Pinkie gotten herself into this time?


  Crownpiece had told Pinkie to be at the Stables Center at eight o’clock sharp. It was going to be a long day for everypony, but even longer for Pinkie Pie, since she had no idea what she was doing.

  After she’d arrived, Pinkie Pie still had no clue what to do. She plopped herself down in the audience of the massive theater, with those butterflies still flitting about in her tummy. As she waited for Crownpiece and watched all the pop star ponies getting ready for their first day of rehearsals and sound checks onstage, Pinkie felt as if her butterflies were multiplying like parasprites! She didn’t belong here with these fancy, famous fillies. Pinkie Pie wasn’t a star! She was just a simple party pony from Ponyville. She was about to stand up and leave, when a familiar voice startled her.

  “Morning, Pinkie Pie! Sorry I’m so late!” Crownpiece called out, causing Pinkie Pie to jump up from her seat in surprise. “We had a crisis with the seamstress. Poor thing stayed up all night sewing the costumes for Songbird’s new and improved idea.”

  This was Pinkie’s chance! “If you need somepony who knows fashion stuff, I have just the gal. Rarity—the best in the business. She would love to help!”

  “Oh really? Rarity? I met her at the Popstravaganza! I’ll tell Songbird about her generous offer.”

  Crownpiece took a sip from her apple juice and wiped the sweat away from her forehead. “Anyway, I’m so happy you made it! You can just stay put for now, then we’ll get you onstage to perform the choreography, okay? I told your other dancers to be here in twenty.”

  “Other dancers?” Pinkie said, puzzled. “But I don’t have any other—”

  “Oh no!” Crownpiece’s face fell. “Please don’t tell me I invited two random clingers to this exclusive rehearsal.” She put her hoof to her head in agony. “I’ll be in so much trouble with Jazz Hoof. I’ve been warned that he hates it when anypony sees his work before it’s ready.” Crownpiece riffled through her note files and read from a piece of parchment. “So you don’t know Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon? They insisted they were with you!”

  Instantly, Pinkie Pie flashed back to the past couple of days. Lyra and Bon Bon had been at Hay’s Pizza, and then they’d joined her on the dance floor at the party. What exactly did those sneaky ponies want? Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense was tingling. Something was fishy here, and it wasn’t the tuna sandwich she’d brought for lunch.

  “Oh, silly me!” Pinkie Pie said to cover. “Lyra and Bon Bon are totally my other dancers. Yup, yup.”

  “Thank Celestia.” Crownpiece wiped the sweat from her brow again and sighed with relief. Then she began to recheck her schedules. A few papers fell out and floated to the floor. Pinkie snatched them up and passed them back to her. “Oh, thank you! I really have to fix that folder. It keeps doing that.”
Crownpiece blushed as she shoved them back in with the others. “Okay, gotta run. So much to do! You can watch from here until Songbird calls you up.”

  All eight nominees for Pop Pony of the Year stood onstage, dressed in their finest rehearsal clothes. Based on the exhaustive Glammy Week schedule Crownpiece had given Pinkie Pie, she was supposed to be around for all this stuff. But it was already so boring. There hadn’t been any more parties or even an invite. Unless Pinkie Pie counted the waffle party she’d thrown for herself and Gummy Snap, her pet alligator, that morning at breakfast.

  Everypony seemed super tired. Ritzy Rose and Moonlight Melody stifled yawns and tried to stretch themselves awake. They were clearly not morning ponies. They took turns sipping from a carafe of mint tea and complaining about the bags underneath their eyes. Pinkie Pie wondered if those two were always grumpy. It sure seemed like it!

  “Welcome, nominees!” barked Jazz Hoof, the show’s resident host and director. He trotted in wearing a purple jumpsuit and a rainbow sweatband around his spiky yellow mane. “Obviously, you’re all incredibly talented musicians, which is why you’re here today.” As he spoke, Jazz Hoof marched back and forth across the stage like a cross between the captain of the Royal Guard and a supermodel. “First and foremost, the Glammy Awards are all about you, you gorgeous creatures! Congrats, everypony.”

  Daisy Chain exchanged an excited look with Feather Bangs. It was the first year either of them had been nominated—Daisy Chain for her sweet country tunes, and Feather Bangs for his cheesy crooning. Feather winked at Daisy and she burst into a fit of giggles. Countess Coloratura and Jewel Tone rolled their eyes. That young stallion had no shame.

  “It’s true that everypony on this stage is nominated for Pop Pony of the Year . . .” Jazz Hoof said with a dramatic flip of his mane. He closed his eyes and turned his muzzle up to the ceiling of the theater as if he were mustering the strength to deliver the rest of his sentence. The sparkly eye shadow he was wearing for dramatic effect caught the light. “But only one of you will take home the honor. So it goes without saying that these performances must be everything.” Jazz Hoof raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “If you want to win, that is.”


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