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Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2)

Page 21

by Jet MacLeod

  “If this is the bad news, then the good news must be juicy,” Cormack replied.

  “You have no idea.”

  “No idea about what?” Grace asked, finally joining them.

  “Doesn’t matter right now,” Sam replied. “We need to coordinate with everyone. Do we have the warrant?”

  “They are faxing a copy over,” Grace answered.

  “Good, now, we have his last known address from his work profile. I want to send some units over to check it out. Do a drive by before we serve the warrant. Todd, can you we get a full presence on the lake? We already have a BOLO issued for Richland, Lexington, Fairfield, and Newberry Counties. Do we think that he is going to run?” Sam questioned the group.

  “Yeah, I can have a full press on the lake in twenty minutes. Do you have a sketch or photo for my guys? They’ll need something to go by,” Jacob told them.

  “In a minute, yeah,” Sam replied.

  “I doubt he’ll run, Sam. He doesn’t know that we know who he is. He thinks he is smarter than us. I doubt he’ll be anywhere but on the water or at home. We need to find him and find him quickly, before he finds another victim,” Grace stated.

  “Cormack is working the DNA. Todd, you coordinate the lake and let us know. I’ll call you with our channel for this manhunt. Grace, you’re with me. We need to get with Mom to coordinate the units,” Sam said.

  “What are we waiting for, then? Let’s go. We’ll call her on the way,” Grace told her as she walked towards the door.

  “Cormack, once everything is processing, I want you in our office. I want someone on the radio coordinating everything. You’re in charge at the office with Frenchy. Have David hold down the lab. Got it, everybody? Good. Now, let’s go,” Sam stated taking charge.

  Cormack nodded as she rolled up the maps. She gave David the folders from the crime scenes. He took them and the rap sheet to see what he could come up with. Cormack left the lab in his hands.

  Todd followed Grace and Sam out the door. They watched him climb into his DNR Jeep. They waved him off as they both got into Grace’s F150. Grace was pulling out of the lab parking lot as they saw Cormack coming out and getting into her Honda Civic.

  Grace turned to Sam as they were driving to the station house. Grace had to admit that she was resisting turning on her lights and siren. She knew they didn’t have permission yet. Plus, Grace knew that she didn’t want to spook Jonah into running.

  “Don’t forget our deal, Grace,” Sam told her as they drove.

  “What deal is that?”

  “If we get into a fire fight with this nut case, I take the shot.”

  “We aren’t going to let that happen,” Grace told her.

  Sam stared Grace down as best she could as they parked at the station. They didn’t get out because they both knew this conversation would never be admitted to happening and they needed to finish the conversation before going into the station. Sam locked the doors to keep Gracie in the truck.

  “Grace, you aren’t going in until your promise me,” Sam said.

  “You can’t stop me,” Grace replied.

  “As lead investigator, I’ll leave you here,” Sam threatened.

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Promise you won’t take the shot.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Then, I’ll talk to Mom and you’ll ride a desk until we catch him,” Sam replied, making like she was getting out.

  “Damn it all to Hell, Sam.”

  “Look, I know you want this guy. You know the terms to go out. Just do it and everyone will be happy. I know you don’t like it, but we have to protect the department and you, too. Believe me or not, but, I’m doing it for you.”

  Grace sighed. She sat back in the driver’s seat. She stared at the station.

  “I know,” Grace finally sighed.

  “Good, now promise me and we’ll go in,” Sam replied.

  “I promise. If for some reason we get into a fire fight with this guy, you’ll take the shot. We good, now?”

  “Yes,” Sam replied, unlocking the doors.

  “Just do me one favor,” Gracie said as they got out and headed into the station.

  “What is it?”

  “I want Cormack to be with Reagan. I don’t want her alone. I want someone I trust to be with her. Can you do that?”

  “I’ll see what I can do. If we can get Frenchy to be the liaison here, I don’t see why we can’t do that. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of her and we’ll catch him.”

  “I know,” Grace said, as they entered their squad room, “And, Samantha, thanks for everything. I owe you…big time.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. You’re my partner, LT. We have to have each other’s back.”

  “Well, I’m glad you got mine,” Grace replied.

  “No worries. Now let’s give this briefing and get started. I see that Todd sent a hefty number of DNR agents. You give them the MO and profile. I’ll pass out the sketches and then, get with their section leaders to break up their sectors. We got this. He’ll be ours by the end of the night.”

  “Sounds good, Sam. Remind me to give your Mom your review later.”


  “Well, you passed your exam. She’s pushing for your lieutenant. You deserve it.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Danica watched as everyone gathered around their unit crime board. She watched as Frenchy and Cormack were setting up the radio and getting all the agents and units to sign in. She was happy that everyone was working together in a coordinated effort. She watched the DNR agents come in and take seats behind their lieutenant.

  She watched as Grace and Sam came in. She could tell that something had happened on their way to the station. She gave them both a questioning look but was given two smiles in answer. Neither of them gave her a chance to actually question them further. She took her seat in the back of the precinct and awaited their briefing.

  “Thank you all for coming on such a quick notice,” Sam told the room.

  “We are going to tell you about this sick fuck so you’ll know what we are hunting,” Grace added.

  “Now, you’ll all be given a call sign to use based on the sector we have your patrolling. Please remember to keep your walkies on the departments channel and your car on ours. I only want you to change channels once and only if you come into contact with our perp. Now, while Lieutenant O’Shea goes over this guy and what to look for, I need section leaders to meet me in the rear so we can assign sectors,” Sam told them, “O’Shea, it’s all yours.”

  Sam turned the room over to Grace. She then joined her mother in the back. Todd was there with them. Frenchy and Cormack joined them along with about ten other deputies and ten DNR agents.

  “Okay, guys, this guy is nasty and looking for someone new. We need to find him before he finds another victim. DNR, y’all have the lake. I’m going to let Agent Todd split y’all up. DNR your call signs will be ‘Slayer’ and then your sector number. Todd, you are ‘Slayer Blue’.”

  “Got it,” Todd answered.

  “Frenchy, I would like you and Mom to stay here and monitor everything, coordinate where needed, and keep a radio traffic log as needed,” Sam stated.

  “We got it,” Danica replied, “My call sign as commanding officer will be ‘Lexington’.”

  “Good, and Frenchy, you’ll be ‘Lexington Two’.”

  “Gotcha, Kiddo,” he replied.

  “Deputies, you are going to be ‘Tango’ and your car number. Make sure that we are riding pairs. And, give French your car numbers and names. Grace and I will be ‘Romeo Zero Alpha and Bravo’,” Sam explained.

  “What about me?” Cormack asked.

  “We’ve got a different mission for you, now,” Sam told her before asking the other officers, “Any Fairfield or Newberry here?”

  “Yeah,” a plain clothes officer answered.

  “Okay, we’ll call Fairfield units ‘Charlie’ and Newberry ‘Echo.’ Make
sure y’all check in with Frenchy. Everyone knows their areas. Assign your men accordingly. I don’t want any surprises. This guy is quick and good. Once you’re in position call into French and let him know. Everyone be safe and lets go get him,” Sam told them.

  Danica and Cormack stayed back waiting. Cormack looked surprised by the sudden change, but she didn’t say anything. Danica seemed proud, but confused at the same time. They both knew that Sam must have a reason for not keeping Cormack at the precinct, now.

  Sam waited for all the officers to leave. They each took their respective patrol areas and were discussing sections with French. He was making furious notes. Sam nodded at Grace who then dismissed all the units to their respective section leaders for their patrol assignment and call signs.

  Sam turned back to Cormack and her mother as Grace joined them. She was waiting for Grace, so she could ease Grace’s mind. Danica and Cormack gave them both a questioning look.

  “Cormack, you’re qualified with the standard Glock 40, right?” Sam asked.

  “Yeah,” she replied, with a frown.

  “Good, because I have a personal favor to ask you,” Grace stated.


  “We both do,” Sam added.

  “So, what is it?” Danica asked getting impatient.

  “We want you at the Cove. You’re going to be on a personal protection detail…for Reagan. Catie won’t be there. She is with Reagan’s grandmother. We want you to it because we trust you and you know Reagan. It will be easier for her this way,” Sam explained.

  “I’ll do it,” Cormack answered before Sam could say anymore.

  “Thank you,” Grace replied.

  “You’re call sign will be ‘Murray Six.’ If for some strange ass reason, this asshole had figured out where Reagan and Gracie live, I want you to get on the radio. The distress signal will be ‘Murray Zero’,” Sam said.

  “I’ve already got SWAT on stand-by. They will be ‘Lexington Bravo,’ if you need them. I have already notified Central. Y’all have priority one on the radio. Just like you said, Samantha, be safe and go get him,” Danica told them.

  Sam, Grace, Danica and Cormack all shook hands. The importance of the day and the mission wasn’t lost on any of them. They shook hands and went to their respective positions and missions.

  As Sam, Grace and Cormack went outside to mount up, Cormack turned to Grace and told her, “Don’t worry about Reagan. I’ve got her. She’ll be fine.”

  “I know,” Grace said, throwing a set of cruiser keys to Cormack and then she got into her F150.

  Sam stood in the parking lot and watched them all leave. Cormack drove past them last. Sam and Cormack saluted each other before Sam got into Grace’s truck. As soon as Grace saw Sam buckled, she called in on their frequency to Frenchy.

  “Lexington, this is Romeo Zero,” Grace said.

  “Go ahead, Romeo Zero, this is Lexington,” Frenchy answered.

  “Lexington, Romeo Zero is mobile and heading to hunt sector seven.”

  “Roger that, Romeo Zero.”

  Grace put the CB mike back in its cradle. They turned out of the station lot. Grace navigated through traffic. It was just after 4 PM and the remnants of school traffic were light. Sam was orienting herself to their map.

  Sam had taken the privilege of keeping their sector near Lexington and the Cove. She knew each sector overlapped, but when Jonah struck they wanted to net him in. Their only problem was they didn’t know where to cast their net. Sam had the lake covered. She had Rainbow Cove covered. She had Jonah’s house covered. No one knew where he was or where he was going to strike next.

  “You called his work?”

  “Yeah, they couldn’t tell me anything except he was on the lake,” Reagan replied.

  “Doing research, I’m sure,” Grace replied sarcastically.

  “So, they told me. They actually told me that they have no idea what he does or where he goes. Just that his tests and information has been verified by their scientists. He isn’t the only one doing their tests.”

  “So, they have no idea what he does all day?” Grace quipped.

  “Not unless he is in the lab.”


  “Don’t worry, Gracie. We know who he is. We know where he lives.”

  “We have no idea where his is,” Grace added.

  “True, we don’t, but the net has been cast. Unless he isn’t in the Midlands, we’ll catch him. Have faith, Grace,” Sam told her.

  “I’m trying.”

  “Reagan came through. We have a name. David is running DNA for a match. His history and his job give him both access and the means. We have the warrant. Besides having him in custody, what else could you want?”

  Grace turned and stared at Sam. Sam saw the haunting look in Grace’s eyes. She knew what Grace wanted. Hell, she did, too, but justice had to be upheld. She wanted justice for Jessica, for all of them, for Reagan.

  “Damn it, Grace, you promised,” Sam said.

  “I haven’t broken my word and I don’t plan on it.”


  “But, I can’t help what I want,” Grace stated.

  “I know. You’re human. He isn’t. So, let’s put him in a cage.”

  “Tonight would be a good night for caging animals,” Grace replied.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Cormack called Reagan on her way to the Cove. She just wanted to give Reagan a head’s up about the situation. She wasn’t sure that Grace had. She also wondered what Grace’s news was and if Reagan knew.

  “Hey, Cormack,” Reagan said, answering her cell.

  “Hey. I didn’t know if Gracie told you that I would be your shadow.”

  “No, she didn’t, but I figured that she would assign someone.”

  “Sorry, if it bothers you,” Cormack told her.

  “It should, but I understand her reasoning.”

  “You at the Cove?”

  “No, actually, I’m in town at Tabitha’s apartment studio. I was planning on going to the office for a while. I really need to catch up at work,” Reagan answered.

  “Well, wait and I’ll get you.”

  “Okay,” Reagan replied.

  “Be there in less than twenty,” Cormack told her.

  “We’ll be waiting,” Reagan said, ringing off.

  Cormack could hear the resignation in Reagan’s voice. She knew that Reagan wouldn’t be happy with a protection detail. But even Reagan had to admit that Cormack was better than a two to three man team being Reagan’s constant shadow. Cormack knew that is why she was chosen for the job.

  “Murray Six, this is Romeo Alpha. Has the package been obtained?”

  “Romeo Alpha, Murray Six, negative, en route, change of locales.”

  “Murray Six, what’s your twenty to new pick up?”

  “Romeo Alpha, fifteen mikes.”

  “Roger that, Murray Six, code 2 authorized.”

  “Negative, Romeo, package request,” Cormack stated.

  “Roger, Murray Six.”

  “Murray Six out,” Cormack told them in her walkie-talkie.

  She shook her head as she speed up to get to Tabitha’s studio. She knew that Reagan would have not only her head but Grace’s as well if she came in with lights and siren in the cruiser. She wanted Reagan to be as comfortable as possible in this crazy and uncomfortable situation.

  She pulled up to Tabitha’s apartment in the unmarked car. She got out, walked to the door and was welcomed inside before she could knock. Reagan and Tabitha had been watching for her.


  “Hi, there. Sorry. Just following orders,” Cormack replied.

  “I know. I’m only a little upset,” Reagan replied before she saw Cormack’s side arm. “What the hell is that?”’

  “My pistol?”

  “You’re packing?”

  “It’s standard issue,” Cormack replied.

  “Standard issue?” Reagan questioned.

  “This is the on
e that the department issued me. I don’t usually carry it, unless I’m at a scene alone. For sex crimes that is not as often as others. I’m sorry if it bothers you, but it is a must.”

  “I understand,” Reagan said, confused slightly.

  “I think it’s a good idea,” Tabitha added.

  “It is just a precaution. I doubt I’ll even need it. Just don’t think about it.”

  “Easier said than done,” Reagan replied.

  “Then you take this,” Tabitha told her as she handed Reagan a handgun. “This way you have one, too. And, before you object, don’t. I know that Grace has taught you how to shoot. She has taught you to defend yourself.”

  “What the Hell?” Reagan asked taking the pistol.

  “What is that?” Cormack questioned.

  “It’s a Colt M1911A1, seven shot,” Tabitha answered.

  “Sounds good to me. If it’ll make you feel better, carry that. I’ll let Grace know,” Cormack told Reagan.

  “Will you carry it?” Tabitha asked Reagan.

  “Do you think I should?”

  “Up to you, Love, but I know that you’d make everyone feel better if you did.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just don’t like guns. And, yes, Gracie has been taking me to the range. She wanted to make sure that I knew gun safety and how to shoot properly… I just don’t want to become dependent on having it on my side to feel safe,” Reagan explained.

  “Understandable, Love, but after they catch him, you won’t need it.”

  “She’s right, Reagan. I’ll call it into headquarters. It is registered, right?” Cormack asked.

  “Yeah, in my name,” Tabitha said.

  Cormack called Danica’s cell. She wasn’t sure how Grace might react. She gave Danica the serial number. She knew that Danica would run the number and add it to the log. She would have Tabitha sign paperwork later stating that Tabitha gave it to Reagan for defense.

  “Okay, we’re all good,” Cormack told them.

  “Go your office, Reagan and do some work. It’ll get your mind off of everything. You could start looking into other things, too,” Tabitha stated, hinting at Reagan.


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