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Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2)

Page 22

by Jet MacLeod

  “True, that would get my mind off of things. Thanks, Tabitha, for everything. I’ll bring the marketable prototype by for you to play with. You are totally getting credit on design for the program.”

  “Don’t worry about me. Worry about you, right now. That is all that is important. Now, both of you scoot. I have artworks to make.”

  Cormack and Reagan left Tabitha’s apartment in the cruiser and made their way downtown to KnightTech. Reagan seemed to be in better spirits as they went into her office. Cormack knew that Reagan had to feel weird with the 9mm tucked away in her purse.

  As they entered Reagan’s office suite, Mrs. Bentley met them at the door. She looked Cormack up and down before she turned to Reagan for an explanation. Reagan didn’t say a word but signed Cormack into the visitor’s log. She motioned for Cormack to follow her into her office proper. Cormack followed noting that Mrs. Bentley watched her the entire way. Before Cormack could close Reagan’s office door, she saw Mrs. Bentley checking Reagan’s visitor log. As she closed the door, Cormack saw the nod of approval.

  “She’s protective,” Cormack stated taking a seat on the leather couch.

  “She is.”

  “Take your time, Reagan. Don’t rush anything. Work like you normally would. It’ll help the day go by faster,” Cormack told her.

  “I would love to do that, but I doubt that my mind will let me. Plus, I have to deal with you. Working like I normally do would make you dizzy and tired. You sure you want to do this?” Reagan asked.

  “I’m your shadow. Whatever you need, Reagan, I’m here. You’d be surprised how much I can keep up with. I do work in the crime lab,” Cormack answered.

  “Well, I’ll start with paperwork and then see how things go.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Reagan watched at Cormack got further settled into her leather couch. Reagan pulled some of her files from a pile on the desk. She shook her head and got to work. Reagan had been so worried about Grace and the case that she has been neglecting her work. She was amazed at how much had piled up.

  Cormack sat on the couch. She watched Reagan go from one file to the next, in a quick fashion. Cormack was amazed at how fast Reagan made her notes and separated her files. She wished that some of her techs were that proficient.

  “Cormack, you don’t have to stay here,” Reagan stated, not looking up from her desk.

  “I’m good. I promised Grace I wouldn’t leave you alone. I plan on keeping that promise. You just keep working on whatever you need to do. I’ll be fine.”

  Reagan laughed. She fished around her desk and found one of her many tablets. She walked over to the couch and handed it to Cormack.

  “Here, this will help you pass the time,” Reagan told her.

  “Thanks,” Cormack answered.

  “You can log into KnightTech’s Wi-Fi, if you want. It knows the password. Play on the web or something. I don’t want you just sitting on your ass all day.”

  Cormack laughed. Reagan smiled. Reagan went back to her desk and continued to work.

  Cormack watched as Mrs. Bentley came and went. Sometimes she came in with more files. Sometimes Mrs. Bentley had a cup of coffee. Cormack thanked her when Mrs. Bentley handed her a fresh cup as well. Mrs. Bentley smiled, picked up one of the random files from Reagan’s desk, and left Reagan’s office.

  Cormack looked at her watch finally, noting the lateness from the view out the office window. It was later than she thought. Reagan looked up from her desk and noticed Cormack’s fidgeting on the couch.

  “Sorry,” Cormack stated.

  “I told you it would take a while. You okay? We can go if you want.”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  “Cormack, don’t lie to me. You’re worse than Grace. What’s wrong?”

  “Hungry?” Cormack asked Reagan, not answering her question.

  “Sure, I could eat.”

  “Whatcha want?”

  “Whatever, it doesn’t matter,” Reagan answered.

  “It’ll be on me. So, just tell me what you want. Anything, it’s cool.”

  “I really don’t care. Sorry about this. Sometimes when I get going at work I forget to stop and eat. Half the time Mrs. Bentley sends something in for me before she leaves for the day,” Reagan told her.

  “Well, I’m not Mrs. Bentley. I cannot leave you here alone and I’m not going to send Mrs. Bentley for anything. So, whatever we get, it’ll have to be delivery. So, that narrows down our choices. Any ideas?”

  “I told you. I don’t care. Order whatever you want, Cormack.”

  “Jimmy John’s? Sammi’s Deli? Give me an idea, Reagan,” Cormack demanded.

  “Fine, Sammi’s sounds good and it’s close. So, they’ll get here quick. I’m almost done, I promise. I’ll hurry up and then we can go out to the Cove.”

  “No worries. Take your time. Gyros good for you?”

  “Fine,” Reagan answered going back to her work.

  Cormack used the tablet to pull up Sammi’s menu. She also checked for coupons. Once she had decided on what to get, she called the USC location of Sammi’s Deli and placed their order. Cormack pulled out her wallet and gave the waiter on the phone her card number. She told them it was for Reagan Knightley at KnightTech. The waiter knew where to make the delivery and told Cormack it would be about thirty minutes.

  “Thirty minutes,” Cormack stated.

  “Fine, hopefully, I’ll be at a stopping point by then.”

  “Got a drink machine?”

  “Yeah, down the hall to the right. Use this. You’ll need it,” Reagan said, handing Cormack a card. Cormack stared at the card, shrugged and left.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Sam and Grace continued their patrol. Grace was driving slowly. Sam knew her patience was running thin. She didn’t know how long she could keep Grace out before Grace would just drive home, to the Cove and to Reagan.

  “Any news?”

  “Not yet.”

  “His house is under surveillance?” Grace questioned.


  “Do you think he has left South Carolina?”

  “No, Gracie, he hasn’t. The lake is his hunting ground. He has already picked someone or is in the process. Stop second guessing our work. He is within our net. We will catch him,” Sam told her.

  “I know. I just want to be with Reagan. I want him in jail and I want to be with Reagan. Is that so wrong?”

  “No, it makes sense. I’m sure that we all want to be done with this case. We can see the end, Grace, and we want it to be over. I would rather be with Tabitha.”

  “Tabitha, huh?”

  “Yeah, that okay with you?” Sam asked Grace.

  “Fine with me. Y’all are cute together. I’m just surprised, I guess.”

  “Surprised at what?” Sam questioned.

  “I just didn’t see it coming. I guess I should have with the amount of time y’all were spending together. I was more worried about Reagan and the case to see what was actually going on in front of me. I’m sorry if I’ve neglected you in some way as your partner.”

  “No worries, Gracie. We found our own way to deal with the case. And, it’s a good thing we did. If we hadn’t, we wouldn’t have a sketch today.”

  “Do you think we pushed Reagan too hard?”

  “No, Gracie, we didn’t. Reagan is a strong woman. She pushed herself. And, trust me, having you there supporting her the entire way helped her keep pushing and keep her sanity.”

  “You’re giving me too much credit,” Grace stated.

  “You’re not giving yourself enough credit, Grace.”

  “Whatever,” Grace replied.

  “Look, you’re a good cop. You’re a great friend. And, I’m sure I don’t want to know this for certain, but you’re an excellent lover. You do everything for everybody else before you do anything for yourself,” Sam stated.

  “I just want everyone to be happy.”

  “There is nothing wrong with that, Grace. Not
hing at all, but sometimes you need to indulge, yourself. After all this is over, take Reagan out. Go do…something, and forget about police work for a while.”

  “I’ll do what I can,” Grace replied.

  “Don’t over think it. Just do it. Be spontaneous for once,” Sam told her.

  “Ask Tabitha about me being spontaneous,” Grace stated.

  “Do I want to know?”

  “I’m sure you heard about the strip tease.”

  “Everyone Reagan could tell knows about your infamous strip tease. It is one of the reasons you’ve become more approachable. People actually think you’re human,” Sam stated, almost laughing.

  “Well, thanks.”

  “No worries, Grace. I aim to please. Just calm down. Everything will be okay. You’ll see, it’ll all work out.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I’m going to call Frenchy and check in.”

  “Go ahead. Let me know if there is anything we need to do. I’m gonna drive around the next area.”

  Grace zoned out as she drove into the next subdivision. She heard Sam call in but she didn’t pay attention to the conversation. Grace was too intent on finding Jonah. That was all she was looking for at the moment. She was just glad that she hadn’t fixated to the point that she was seeing him everywhere.

  “Frenchy said there was nothing. He did advise that we take a break for lunch or dinner or whatever. He would let us know if anything popped up. He has already assigned a rotation for the patrols, so no one has to worry about coverage. He has already figured it for us, as well.”

  “I’m glad we left Frenchy and your mom in charge.” “Me, too. It makes things so much simpler for us. So what do you want to do for dinner, Partner?” Sam asked.

  “I would love to spend it with Reagan.”

  “Well, I’ll call Cormack and see where they are. Then, we can see. I know would ease your mindset to see her,” Sam replied.

  Sam dialed Cormack’s number. Secretly, Sam wished they were all still at Tabitha’s so she could spend time with Tabitha. It rang three times before Cormack pick up.

  “Hewett, CSU, what can I do for you?”

  “Hey, Cormack, it’s Sam.”

  “Hey, Sam, what’s up?” Cormack asked.

  “We finally got released for a dinner break. Grace was wondering where y’all were so we could possibly meet up. If that sounds good with y’all,” Sam inquired.

  “It would have been awesome about thirty minutes ago.”

  “Oh, y’all already ate?”

  “Just finished up some gyros from Sammi’s.”

  “Damn, those are good. So, what y’all doing? Where you at?” Sam asked.

  “Oh, we’re still at KnightTech down town. Reagan is catching up on paperwork. I have no idea how long we are going to be here, but I’m sure if y’all have time, Reagan wouldn’t mind the distraction. It might do her some good.”

  “I’ll run it by Gracie. Hold on. Let me find out,” Sam told Cormack on the phone before she laid the cell in her lap to ask Grace.

  “So?” Grace questioned.

  “They already ate.”

  “Damn, but where are they?”

  “KnightTech,” Sam answered.

  “We don’t have time to get downtown, eat, and be back on patrol. Damn it. I wanted to see her. Tell Cormack to give her my love,” Grace replied.

  Sam picked up her phone. She knew that Grace had just had a silent mental battle. She was glad that Grace’s sensibility and reason won. She knew that if it hadn’t Grace would regret it later. If something were to happen, Grace would take it personally.

  “Hey, Cormack,” Sam said into her cell.

  “Yeah,” Cormack replied.

  “I think we’ll pass this time.”

  “I understand.”

  “Grace wants you to pass along her love to Reagan,” Sam added.

  “No problem. I’ll let her know. Y’all stay safe.”

  “You, too. Hopefully, this will be over soon. Have fun,” Sam replied.

  “You, too, later,” Cormack said, ringing off.

  “So, back to my question,” Sam started, putting her cell phone away.

  “Which was?”

  “What do you want for dinner?” Sam asked.

  “I have no idea,” Grace answered.

  “No idea, huh? Nothing strikes your fancy? What’s your back up food joint?”

  “Taco Bell,” Grace answered.

  “Toxic Hell? Oh, wow, not tonight, Partner. I don’t think our systems will be able to handle that. I’m sure you’ve been on a stake-out before. So, what’s your favorite stake-out food?” Sam inquired.

  “Usually its pick up pizza.”

  “Do you eat anything that won’t cause heart burn?”

  “I don’t get heart burn,” Grace said, matter-of-factly.

  “Well, that’s nice. You still trying to be super-human? Never mind, don’t answer that. Just tell me what you want to eat,” Sam stated.

  “I have no idea. To tell you the truth, I’m not really that hungry. How about you decide where you want to go? We’ll eat there,” Grace suggested.

  “Quit being so damn logical, it’s annoying.”

  Grace laughed. Sam joined in after a minute. It was a brief moment of peace for both of them.

  “I’ve got it,” Sam stated.


  “Let’s just find the closet Waffle House,” Sam said.

  Grace laughed harder.

  “What?” Sam questioned.

  “I thought you were worried about heart burn,” Grace told her.

  “I am,” Sam replied and Grace laughed again.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Tabitha was hard at work finishing the series. She has already called Monica and Penelope. She wondered who would show up first. She could hear the elation in Monica’s voice.

  It had been a year and a half since Tabitha had a full show. She knew that Monica would spare nothing for this show. Tabitha was glad that Penelope was in the States for a conference. It would make things easy for everyone.

  Tabitha heard the knock at the door. She finished her listings and went to the door. She wasn’t surprised to see a smiling Monica there.

  “’Ello,” Tabitha stated.

  “Hello, Darling,” Monica replied as she let herself in the apartment.

  “Come in,” Tabitha said out of frustration.

  “Darling, I still don’t understand you. Why do you stay in this dump? You could do so much better. You do remember that you are an internationally known and loved artist? I just don’t understand.”

  “You don’t have to understand it, Monica. It isn’t your life. So, don’t worry about tit. I’m happy here,” Tabitha stated, getting very defensive.

  “My, my, you are testy today.”

  “Just come on and look at the series,” Tabby replied, leading her to the studio.

  Tabitha had already separated her works. She had a series of local landscapes she was calling “Nature 101.” None of them had any buildings or modern artifacts showing. IT was her nod to the old landscapists. There was her “Sleep” series of Sam’s nudes in different positions. Monica seemed to be taken with these. Her third and last series was a variation of “Sleep.” It had abstracts and partial nudes in it. Tabitha called it “In Her Dreams.”

  Monica studied each series. She was impressed. She, then, saw the sketches hanging. She gave Tabitha a questioning look.

  “It’s a hobby,” Tabitha said plainly.

  Monica didn’t ask anything more. It was enough to steam her curiosity. Tabby knew she would ask about it, again, later when she thought Tabitha was ill prepared to answer. It was Monica’s way. It was how Monica got what she wanted from her artists. Unfortunately, Tabitha was the only one Monica hadn’t got to crack. Tabitha was her most brilliant artist that she represented and managed, but she was also Monica’s greatest puzzle.

  “No sculptures this time?’

  “They’re over there
,” Tabitha replied, pointing to a work table.

  Monica made her way over to the table. She studied each of the seven sculptures. They were all abstract to the unknowing eye, but if one looked hard enough, one could see the hidden sexuality of each piece. The subtlety was lost on Monica.

  “You seem to be in better spirits, now,” Monica said, off-handedly.

  “I am.”

  “All of you work is passionate this time.”

  “Is that a problem?” Tabitha questioned, getting annoyed.

  “No, it is a vast contrast from your last show.”

  “How so?”

  “It isn’t as dark, lonely, or foreboding. I love them all. Do you have a price list set for this show?”

  “It’s on the listing.”

  “Oh, good,” Monica stated, picking up the listing, and skimming it. “You aren’t selling anything from ‘Sleep?’ Are you sure that is wise?”

  “Wise or not, they aren’t for sale.”

  “Okay, Darling. This is good. I see you’ve included some older works that haven’t sold yet. This will make the collectors happy. When did you want this show to open?” Monica asked her.

  “As soon as you can manage it. I need a vacation. How about next Friday?”

  “Well…umm…I’ll have to contact the gallery, but I don’t think it’ll be a problem. I’ll have to send out the invites immediately and…can you have everything ready for pick up on Monday? How’s that?”

  “That is why I love you, Monica. Everything is ready now. Monday will be fine. I’ll be at the gallery on Thursday to approve their placement as always. Just remember that I have to be alone. No one else can be there Thursday night,” Tabitha stressed.

  “Don’t worry. I know. You need your time to commune with your art. I’m sure that I can get Bev to give me the keys for the night,” Monica stated.

  “Good, then, I’ll see you Thursday afternoon,” Tabitha replied.

  Monica understood she was being dismissed. She took one more, quick look around the studio. Her eyes settled on a nude of Sam’s ass. She smiled at Tabitha, knowing that she would buy it as soon as Tabitha would let her.

  “You’ve out done yourself this time, Tabitha Grey.”


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