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Darkness Torn Asunder

Page 4

by Alexis Morgan

  “The only way to avoid it is to move somewhere away from the barrier. We can give you a list of areas that are relatively safe for our kind.”

  Great. If he wanted to stay sane, he’d have to move away from the only home he’d ever known. That would mean giving up a job he liked, the apartment he’d just signed a year’s lease on, and Jana. That last one was the deal breaker. There was no way he was going to walk away from her one minute before absolutely necessary.

  He set the glass back down on the table a little harder than he meant to, but these guys already knew he had a temper. “Thanks for the advice. Let me know if you need anything else.”

  When they left a short time later, Trahern hung back. “If you haven’t found a gym where you can work out, you should. Physical exercise can help take the edge off. You’d be welcome to use our facilities, but I’m guessing you’re not ready for that.”

  “You’d be right about that.” Emmett tossed his towel down on the counter and leaned closer to make sure they weren’t overheard. “I don’t mean to be an ingrate or anything, but you’ve got to know how crazy all of that stuff sounds. I mean, who’s ever heard of killing aliens with swords and axes?”

  Trahern let out a big sigh. “I know how you feel. I was living on the streets and running wild when one of the Regents found me and gave me a home. When I graduated from high school, he introduced me to my first Paladin, who taught me everything I know. He’s now in charge of the Missouri contingent of the Paladins.”

  All right, so Emmett wasn’t the only one who came to the party late. “How long did it take you to get your head around the idea?”

  Trahern laughed and headed for the door. “When I do, I’ll let you know.”

  “Watch your back,” Emmett said as the Paladin disappeared out into the night.

  And as he started filling the next order of drinks, he had the strangest feeling that he should have gone with Trahern and the others.

  Dan joined him. “I didn’t realize you knew Devlin and his friends.”

  He was pretty sure Bane wouldn’t much appreciate Emmett telling anyone about their meeting at the prison and Emmett’s visit to their headquarters. “I met him and Trahern right around the time I got out of prison. They thought I might want to work out with them sometime.”

  Which was close enough to the truth.

  Dan gave him a long look as if he suspected there had been more to the story than Emmett was sharing. “I meant what I said earlier. You’re doing a good job here. I’d hate to see you leave.”

  What could Emmett say to that? He’d never had anyone who gave a damn whether he left or stayed, and now he had two different men interested in keeping him around. He kept his response simple. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  Luckily someone called Dan’s name, and he headed over to talk to a couple of regulars. The conversations with Dan and Trahern left Emmett feeling restless. To keep busy, he checked the stock. Making note of what they were low on, he cut through the kitchen to the storeroom to pick up another couple of cases of beer. By the time he had everything replenished, it was closing time.

  He waved at Dan on the way out, but it was a relief to be outside and on his own. Maybe he’d go for a drive along the waterfront before heading back to his apartment. As he drove, he shoved all thoughts of Paladins and the world they lived in aside. Instead, he counted the hours until he was supposed to meet up with Jana for dinner.

  A woman like her deserved a better man than Emmett, but he sure as heck wasn’t going to be the one to point that out to her. Yep, he planned on hanging out with her for as long as she’d let him. Jana was a smart woman. It wouldn’t take her long to realize Emmett wasn’t a forever kind of guy, especially for a woman like her. It might not be today or even next week, but eventually she’d figure it out. For now, it was time to head home and go to bed—alone and lonely.

  • • •

  Jana closed the last file and set it aside. All of this record keeping would be easier if the clinic could afford to upgrade their computer system and install one of those new software programs that allowed everything to be done electronically. Unfortunately, the budget was already stretched to the breaking point. They needed every penny they had just to provide the basics to their patients.

  There were nights she couldn’t sleep for worrying about it, but all she could do was move forward one day at a time. For as long as she could keep the doors of the clinic open, her patients were going to receive the very best care she could give them.

  She gathered up the files and set them on her assistant’s desk to be filed back in the morning. Right now Jana had some last-minute primping to do. It wasn’t as if Emmett hadn’t seen her at the tail end of her workday all rumpled and with her makeup faded away. Besides, the restaurant she’d chosen was definitely on the informal side, something she thought Emmett would appreciate. She’d kept her choice of outfits casual—jeans and a cream-colored fisherman’s knit sweater. The fun part was that she could wear her boots with the four-inch heels because he was so tall. With most men, she had to settle for wearing low heels or even flats.

  Truth be told, she was a little nervous about the evening ahead. Maybe it was simply a case of first-date jitters or, more likely because she was out of practice. She didn’t date all that much since she didn’t meet all that many suitable men through her job, which took up most of her time. In fact, that was the real reason she hadn’t wanted to take Emmett to the family gathering. Her mother and sisters were always on her back for working too many hours to the detriment of her social life. If she’d shown up at the family gathering with an escort, they would have read too much significance into it. She wouldn’t do that to Emmett, especially on their first date.

  To be honest, she wasn’t quite sure why she’d accepted Emmett’s invitation to dinner in the first place. Even though his conviction had evidently been set aside, he wasn’t the kind of man her family would approve of her dating. There was an edge to him that they wouldn’t like, not to mention he was a bartender, and not the doctor or lawyer they’d always hoped she would marry. Regardless, there was something about Emmett that drew her as no man had in a long, long time. When she was with him, she felt . . . safe. Not just physically, although that was part of it. But on some level she sensed that he would be careful with her. She liked that idea.

  She also understood how hard it was to start over when someone’s life plans went seriously off the rails. Second chances didn’t always come around, and she respected Emmett’s efforts to make the most of his.

  In the small bathroom, she touched up her lipstick and ran a brush through her hair. The knock on the front door came just as she finished. When she opened the door, Emmett backed up a step and gave her an admiring look from head to toe and back up again. When his gaze met hers again, his eyes were warm and approving.

  She returned the favor, liking how he looked in black jeans and a Henley shirt in a deep gunmetal gray that matched the color of his eyes. “You’re looking good there, Mr. Sloan. You clean up real nice.”

  “Thanks.” His deep laugh rang out across the small lobby. “At least I think that was a compliment.”

  “It was.”

  She liked making him laugh. She suspected he didn’t do so nearly often enough. When she picked up her jacket, he took it from her and held it for her, an old-fashioned gesture she found surprising but appreciated. “I’ll lock up, and we can go.”

  Emmett stepped between her and the door, blocking her way. “In a second, Jana. There’s something I want to do first.”

  Before she could ask what that was, he enfolded Jana in his arms and kissed her. He kept it sweet and simple, his lips brushing gently across hers, a greeting rather than a claiming. Even so, a surge of hungry heat burned straight through to her core. Breathless and a bit shaken, she stared up at Emmett and was relieved to see he also looked a bit stunned by the power contained
in that one little kiss. She didn’t know about him, but she had to know if it was a fluke or if it had been only the beginning of something so much more.

  This time she was the one who started the kiss, but Emmett was clearly a man of action. The second their lips touched, his arms tightened around her, drawing her flush against the hard planes of his body as his mouth settled firmly over hers. He deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping in as if staging a daring raid. He tasted of coffee with a hint of peppermint toothpaste and healthy dollop of a spice that was all male and sexy as heck.

  She wanted more, but her usual caution around men was already clamoring for her to listen. Fine, but she backed away slowly in the hope Emmett would recognize that her reluctance wasn’t meant as rejection.

  He loosened his fierce hold on her, giving her the space she needed and them both room to breathe. Emmett rested his forehead against hers. “I’d apologize for letting that get out of hand, but I’d be lying if I said I had any regrets about kissing you. I’ve been wanting to from the minute we met.”

  His words pleased her. So did the gentle touch of his fingertips as they stroked her cheek and then traced the line of her jaw. She closed her eyes and savored the small moment before saying, “Think we should head for the restaurant? I don’t know about you, but lunch was a long time ago.”

  Emmett immediately stepped back and opened the door. “Sure thing. I can still drive if you’d rather not walk. It’s not exactly raining, but it’s pretty damp out there.”

  She followed him outside and locked the door. “I’ve been cooped up inside all day, so I’d rather walk if you don’t mind.”

  “Fine with me. After being locked up for so long, I like spending as much time outside as I can.”

  Jana couldn’t imagine what it had been like for Emmett. If he ever wanted to talk about his time inside, she’d listen but wouldn’t press him for details. It was his story to share or not as he chose. It wasn’t as if she had an uncontrollable urge to pour out all the sordid details about any mistakes she’d made in her own life.

  Now wasn’t the time for such gloomy thoughts, so she shoved them to the furthest recesses of her mind, where they belonged. Looping her arm through Emmett’s as they walked, she savored the damp marine air, the wisps of fog that softened the rough edges of the night, and the solid strength of the man beside her.

  Chapter 5

  Dinner had been every bit as delicious as Jana had promised. Emmett couldn’t remember the last time he’d had lasagna and fresh baked bread. Regardless, he doubted it had been anywhere near as good. They’d also shared a bottle of red wine and an order of tiramisu. Finally, they’d lingered over coffee with some chocolate biscotti.

  Unfortunately, even the best of times had to come to an end. Emmett worked evenings and could sleep in tomorrow, but Jana had to be at the clinic bright and early in the morning. As they headed out of the restaurant, she took his hand in hers, that small connection making him even more reluctant for the evening to end.

  She paused to smile up at the night sky. “It’s such a pleasant night despite the weather.” Emmett would do anything to spend more time in her company even if it meant walking in the rain. “I wouldn’t mind taking the long way back to your car.”

  Jana’s smile faded as she squeezed his hand. “I’d like that, too, but I really should get back home. Morning comes pretty early for me.”

  He dutifully headed back the way they’d come. Neither of them spoke much as they walked, but the silence between them was comfortable. They’d talked a lot over dinner, keeping to safe topics like sports and music. She liked baseball better than football; he liked blues better than country. Not much in the way of deep dark secrets, but he soaked up each bit of information she shared with him.

  They reached her car all too quickly, but at least she didn’t act as if she was in a hurry to leave. He should probably say something memorable, but right now all he could think about was kissing her again.

  And again.

  He stared down at her pretty face, liking how the evening mist sparkled like glitter on her dark hair. “Thanks for tonight, Jana. I really enjoyed myself.”

  “Me, too, Emmett. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night when you’re on Dumpster duty.”

  It took him a second to make sense of what she meant. He suspected his cheeks flushed a bit red. “Believe me, I know you’re an adult woman, but I still don’t like you walking down the street by yourself.”

  She patted him on the cheek. “You’re a sweet man, Emmett, but you don’t have to stand guard duty every night.”

  Before he could protest, Jana added, “But if you happen to be on break when I get off work, you can always walk me to my car. I’d be glad for the company.”

  He bet his grin was a mile wide. “Okay, then, it’s a date.”

  Jana took his hand in hers again and turned his wrist so that she could read his watch. “I really do need to head home, but isn’t there one thing you want to do first?”

  Was she hinting that they should end the evening the same way they’d begun it? God, he hoped so. His mind instantly filled with images of all the other ways he’d like for their evening to end, most of which involved someplace a lot more private than a city street and with them wearing a lot fewer clothes. He could only imagine the sweet slide of her skin against his when he took her hard and fast. Damn, he’d give anything to tangle his fingers in the silk of her hair as those long legs wrapped around his waist. He bet she was a demanding lover. He’d like that.

  And if he didn’t quit thinking that way, he was going to lose what little control he still had.

  He gathered her into his arms, pleased that she didn’t hesitate to let him hold her close even though the bulge in his jeans had to be obvious as their bodies came in contact.

  Their lips came together in a rush with no hesitation, no teasing, and going from zero to sixty in an instant while their tongues mated in a wild and wicked rhythm that stole his breath away. He tightened his arms around her waist long enough to lift her up onto the fender of her car. Bless the woman, she immediately spread her knees so he could get closer.

  She whispered his name, a siren’s call on the night air, as he kissed her again. This time he did some exploring by touch, learning the curve of her waist and the way her butt was a perfect fit for his hands. Pressing her back onto the hood of the car, he loved the soft crush of her breasts against his chest and the way she rocked her hips to make solid contact with his erection. Considering the heat they were generating, he wouldn’t have been surprised if they both burst into flames.

  And if they didn’t slow down, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop. He broke off the kiss and put his hands firmly on the hood of the car, one on each side of Jana, breathing hard as he dragged his reluctant ass back from the precipice.

  The night air wasn’t the only thing cooling off. Jana stared up at him with something akin to shock in her dark eyes. At least she wasn’t screaming for help or slapping him silly for groping her like some teenage kid.

  When he had reestablished some control, he lifted her off the hood and set her down, careful to keep some distance between them. “Well, I guess that kiss went a bit farther than it should have. Sorry about that. My social skills are a bit rusty.”

  She was already shaking her head. “No apologies necessary, Emmett. I think it should have been pretty obvious that I enjoyed every second of what you were . . . what we were . . . well, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He risked one small touch, pushing a strand of her hair back behind her ear. “I enjoyed every second, too. Now, you’d better get in the car before all my good intentions get shot all to hell.”

  Jana turned her head to kiss the palm of his hand before getting into her car. As soon as she was inside, she started the engine and backed out of her parking spot. Before leaving, though, she rolled down her window. “When’s your nex
t evening off?”

  His brain was pretty much fried, so he had to think about it. “Thursday.”

  “How about dinner at my place?”

  The two of them alone behind locked doors? Oh, hell yeah!

  “Sounds good. Let me know if I can bring anything.”

  “Wine would be nice.” Then with a wicked look, she added, “And your toothbrush, you know, just in case.”

  Then she left him staring after her with his tongue hanging out as she drove off laughing.

  • • •

  Jana held the phone to her ear and sighed as she stared out the kitchen window. “Yes, Mother, I did see the report about someone getting knifed near where I work, but I haven’t heard if the police have any leads. And before you ask, I’m always careful, and most nights I walk to my car with a friend.”

  There, that should reassure her. The recent murder was just another in a long list of reasons that her parents had for why Jana needed to find another job. If they weren’t nagging about how much more money she could make elsewhere, then they were reminding her of every crime that happened within a five-mile radius of the clinic. She no longer bothered arguing with them, not when nothing she said ever made a difference.

  They had never understood why she loved working at the clinic. It had all started back when Jana had been in college. Felicia had been her roommate, and they’d been close from the moment they’d met. But as time went on, between classes and jobs, they didn’t see much of each other. Somehow along the way, Felicia started using drugs, at first only occasionally to ease the stress of the heavy workload. From there, it was a slippery slope into full-blown addiction.

  Jana tried everything to get her friend the help she needed. But without insurance or money, the options were pretty limited. Finally, a doctor at a free clinic managed to pull some strings and got Felicia into a long-term program that proved successful. When she was due to be released, Felicia convinced her family to let her come home and to give her one more chance to start fresh somewhere else. They agreed, on one condition: she had to cut all ties with anyone connected to that dark part of her life. Unfortunately, that included Jana.


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