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Darkness Torn Asunder

Page 5

by Alexis Morgan

  Jana missed her friend to this day, but she’d always be grateful to that one doctor for saving her friend’s life. If not for him, Felicia might not be alive today; he’d also had a lasting effect on Jana’s life. She finished her education focused on one goal—to be the one who made a real difference in a person’s life, especially someone who didn’t have the resources so many others take for granted.

  It was a vocation, one she’d never regretted taking on.

  Meanwhile, Jana glanced at the clock and wondered how quickly she could end the call without offending her mother. “Look, Mom, I hate to cut you off, but I’m having someone I met at work over for dinner tonight. Tell Dad I love him.”

  Then she hung up before her mother could start the usual inquisition about anyone Jana hung out with these days. Normally, she would be happy to know Jana was dating someone, but she wouldn’t be at all pleased to know Emmett was a bartender much less that he’d spent fifteen years in prison. It wouldn’t matter in the least that he’d been wrongly convicted. Considering this was only their second official date, there was no reason to stir that particular hornets’ nest yet.

  Speaking of things her parents wouldn’t approve of, Jana had some definite ideas on how she hoped this evening would play out. Four days—and four lonely nights—had passed since she and Emmett had indulged in that scorching-hot make-out session on the hood of her car. Even now, her body ached from the need to finish what they’d started. She couldn’t remember the last time a man’s touch had affected her so strongly, and she’d tried without success to figure out what it was about Emmett that drew her. Maybe it was because he’d been dragged through hell and walked out on the other side with his basic decency and honor intact.

  Of course, those broad shoulders and that great ass didn’t hurt, either. Okay, that was enough fantasizing for now. The man himself would be there soon, and she needed to check on dinner. A peek in the oven showed the stuffed pork chops were coming along nicely, and the blueberry pie she’d made earlier was cooling on the counter.

  Jana was putting the finishing touches on the salad when the doorbell rang. Emmett was a few minutes early. She stopped in the entryway to check her appearance in the mirror. As soon as she opened the door, she wished she’d used the time to look through the peephole instead. If she’d known it was her sister, she wouldn’t have opened the door.

  Well, yes, she would have, but she might have taken a few extra seconds to think of an excuse to keep her from coming inside. She pasted what she hoped was a friendly smile on her face and said, “Hi, Sis, what’s up?”

  “I was driving by and thought I’d stop.” Marta attempted to push past her. When Jana stood her ground, Marta tried to see around her. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  Jana planted herself right in the doorway and refused to give an inch. “No, and I’m guessing Mom called and asked you to rush over here to spy on me.”

  Her older sister had the good grace to blush. “She said you were having someone over for dinner, someone you obviously didn’t want to tell her about.”

  Her mother was right. “I would remind you both that I’m a grown woman and capable of choosing my own friends. I’m also entitled to my privacy.”

  Marta’s own temper slipped a little. “And you know she worries because you shut us all out of so much of your life.”

  That might be true, but what could they expect when all they did was criticize? Even if their hearts were in the right place, it got old. “I get that, Marta, and I’m sorry, but you need to leave. I have dinner in the oven and a guest due to arrive any minute.”

  Before Marta could respond, a familiar truck pulled up in front of the house. Damn, she’d really hoped to shoo her sister away before Emmett arrived, but he’d already started up the sidewalk, a bottle of wine in his hand. His steps slowed as his gaze flickering between her and her sister. No doubt he was picking up on the tension shimmering between them. Jana started to say something, but leave it to Marta to jump right in and take the initiative.

  She held out her hand. “Hello, I’m Marta, Jana’s older sister. I don’t believe we’ve met.”

  Emmett shifted the wine to his left hand to shake Marta’s. “No, we haven’t. I’m Emmett, a friend of Jana’s.”

  “I can see that.” Marta gave the wine a curious look before turning back to Jana. “Well, I won’t intrude on your evening plans any longer. How about we meet at the coffee shop at ten on Saturday? We’re overdue for some girl talk.”

  Great, nothing like an inquisition. “I’ll be there.”

  Marta at least had the good manners to smile at Emmett as she left. “It was nice meeting you, Emmett. I hope to see you again. You’ll have to make Jana bring you the next time the family gets together. Then you can meet the whole clan.”

  Jana noticed his answering smile had a sharp edge to it. “It was nice meeting you, but I’ll leave it up to your sister if she ever wants to invite me. Have a nice evening.”

  Then he moved to stand next to Jana as her sister walked away. He made no effort to touch her, but she appreciated his solid presence right next to her. She waved at Marta one last time before heading into the house. Emmett closed the door and threw the dead bolt.

  “Sorry about that. They worry about me because they don’t much like where I work.”

  Emmett set the bottle on a nearby table and immediately wrapped her in his arms. “No apologies are necessary. It may have been a while since I had to face a girl’s family, but I’m guessing the basics haven’t changed. They feel protective of you, and maybe they have the right of it. No one wants their daughter dating an ex-con.”

  Okay, that pissed her off. She let him see a bit of her temper by poking him in the chest with her finger. “A couple of things, mister. First, they’re not just protective, they’re over-the-top protective. Second, I won’t let anyone else disparage my opinion of you, not even you. Got that?”

  He caught her hand before she could poke him again and brought her finger up to his lips for a kiss. “Got it.”

  He offered her a crooked smile. “So are we still on for dinner? I hope so, because something smells awfully good.”

  “Yes, we’re going to have dinner.” She led him into the kitchen. “At least we will if I didn’t let the pork chops burn. While I get everything on the table, why don’t you open the wine? I don’t know about you, but I could use a glass about now.”

  While he uncorked the bottle, she tossed the salad, sliced the bread, and took the chops out of the oven. By the time they were both seated at the table, her pulse had returned to normal and her good mood was pretty much restored.

  “I hope you like blueberry pie.”

  Emmett’s eyes lit up. “Seriously? After putting in a long day at the clinic, you did all of this and made a pie for me?”

  His obvious pleasure drove away the last of the shadows. “I did indeed.”

  He gave her a look hot enough to melt steel. “I’d love to show you my sincere appreciation—several times.”

  Okay, then. With the deep rumble of his voice, she could have sworn that each word he spoke caressed her skin. For sure, her body responded that way, leaving her breasts feeling heavy and a damp ache between her legs. She’d put a lot of effort into this meal and didn’t want to rush through it. On the other hand, if he affected her this strongly with a hot look and a few words, she couldn’t wait to experience his appreciation firsthand.

  • • •

  Emmett hoped like hell that he’d done justice to the meal, but he couldn’t be sure. At the moment, he wanted to shove the dishes aside and take Jana right there on the table. He also had a few ideas involving the couch in the living room, the big shower he’d spotted in the bathroom, and for the grand finale, her bedroom down the hall. Considering he hadn’t had a lover in a decade and a half, he wasn’t all that sure about his stamina, but a man could dream. Rega
rdless, it had taken all the concentration he could muster to carry on even simple conversation as they ate.

  He’d brought his toothbrush, but he’d left it in the car along with the box of condoms he’d picked up just in case. As soon as he’d seen Jana wasn’t alone, he’d tucked the paper bag under the seat of the truck. There was no way he’d have come strolling up the sidewalk with those in hand.

  All things considered, he wasn’t going to assume that the rest of the evening was going to turn out the way he’d hoped. Maybe, though. There’d been a definite gleam in Jana’s dark eyes when he’d offered to show her his appreciation. Despite the long drought in his love life, he hadn’t forgotten what feminine desire looked like.

  If he didn’t get up and move a bit, he feared his head would explode. He topped off her glass of wine. “You enjoy that while I take care of the dishes.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Emmett. I’ll wash them later.”

  But he had plans for later. “It won’t take long. Besides, it would only be fair for me to clean up since you did the cooking.”

  She finally gave in, but he was well aware of her eyes following his every move as he loaded the dishwasher and washed a few things by hand. When he was done, he dried his hands and leaned against the sink as he considered his next move. There had to be something that would ease them into phase two of the evening’s entertainment.

  One thought occurred to him. “Do you dance?”

  Jana blinked and looked confused. “You want me to dance?”

  He walked around the table and tugged her up to her feet. “No, I want us to dance, preferably to something slow and sexy.”

  Her eyes lit up in delight. “Let’s go into the other room. The television in there has better sound.”

  He followed after her trying to make sense of what she’d said. Seriously, the television? But sure enough, she turned on a channel that played soft pop. They lucked out and the first song was something low and smooth with lyrics that spoke of broken hearts getting a second chance at love. Jana slid into his arms, as always a perfect fit. The two of them swayed from side to side, her head tucked under his chin and her arms wrapped around his neck. He breathed deeply of her scent and soaked in the warmth of her skin. Damn, this might be the closest to heaven as he might ever get.

  One song faded into the next. By the third one, they’d coasted to a stop. Emmett pressed a soft kiss to her temple. Jana eased back but stayed within the circle of his arms. She touched his cheek and then trailed her fingers along the line of his jaw and on down his neck to his shoulders. Then she laid her palm over his racing heart and then let it wander to all points south. “Do you want to dance all night or should we take this into my bedroom?”

  Emmett had always found action to be easier than words; he swept her up in his arms and carried her down the hall. Jana squeaked in surprise but then settled her head against his chest.

  “Good answer, big guy.”

  Chapter 6

  Jana sat on the edge of her bed and counted the seconds until Emmett returned. As soon as he’d carried her into the bedroom, he’d muttered a curse word and something about having to make a trip to his truck. She could only deduce that he’d brought protection with him, another example of his thoughtfulness.

  She heard the front door open and close again, so he was already on his way back. Good. Sitting there waiting for a first-time lover was a bit scary. This was a huge leap forward in their relationship, something she’d never done this quickly with any man she’d dated. Emmett reappeared, his broad shoulders filling the doorway, his gray eyes staring right into the heart of her. She stood up, wanting to meet him on equal ground.

  “Tell me you still want this.” Emmett set the bag on the bedside table before once again wrapping her in his arms. At his touch, her jitters melted away.

  Jana let a slow, deep kiss answer for her. God, she loved the feel of his big hands as they touched and tested and teased, slowly coaxing the embers of passion back into full flame. The soft knit of his shirt molded to his body in perfect detail, but she wanted to feel the heat of his skin. When she tugged up the hem of his shirt, Emmett took the hint and peeled it off and tossed it onto the rocker in the corner. Jana smiled and splayed her hands on his chest, loving the play of the powerful muscles under his warm skin.

  After letting her explore for several seconds, he caught her hands in his. “Your turn.”

  She obliged him, adding first her sweater and then her bra to the pile on the rocker. They both moaned when they came together their first skin-to-skin kiss. The silken sensation stole the strength in Jana’s legs, leaving her clinging to Emmett for support. She loved knowing his strength would be enough for both of them. Once again he lifted her, this time to carry her the few steps to the bed and settle her on the edge. Her breath caught in her throat as he knelt in front of her, bringing his eye level down to hers.

  “I love spiky heels on a woman, especially one with such great legs.”

  She watched as he took one of her feet in his hands and slowly stripped off her boot and then did the same with the other one. After setting them aside, Emmett reached for the snap on her jeans; his gray eyes were the color of molten silver as she lay back to let him slide the jeans down her legs, taking her lace panties with them. Still, he remained where he was, staring up at her as he ran his hands up the inside of her thighs, gently pushing them apart. She supported herself on her elbows as she watched and waited to see what he was going to do next.

  Emmett murmured, “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”

  She flushed hot yet shivered under the impact of his scrutiny. Then he cupped both of her breasts in the palms of his hands. “These are perfect, and I bet they taste sweet.”

  As he captured one with his tongue and lips, he smiled as her nipple beaded up in response to his gentle assault. Each tug of his tongue on her nipple echoed in her core, making it all but impossible to remain still. When he turned his attention to the other one, he slipped his other hand between her legs. Waves of pleasure cascaded through her body as his mouth feasted on her breasts and his fingers gently stroked her slick folds. It was at once too much and not nearly enough.

  She moved back to stretch out on the bed. “I want you here with me—without the jeans.”

  Emmett rose to his full height, casting a shadow on the bed as he kicked off his shoes. His fingers fumbled as he tried to undo the buttons on his jeans; she liked that she wasn’t the only one who was trembling with need. Finally, he took a deep breath and flexed his hands as if trying to regain some control. This time he was more successful, and both his jeans and boxers went flying. She got her first look at her fully aroused lover and purred. Was all of that just for her?

  Before joining her on the bed, he got several of the foil packets out of the box. After putting one on, he left the rest within easy reach.

  The bed dipped when he finally lay down beside her, rolling her right into his waiting arms. He rose over her, his expression serious. “I’m a bit out of practice with all of this. I haven’t . . . not since . . . well, let’s just say it’s been a long, long time.”

  She loved his honesty but wasn’t sure how to respond. Finally, she decided on some direct action and took matters into her own hands.

  • • •

  Emmett wasn’t sure how she’d react to his confession, but a second later she reached down to stroke his erection once, twice, three times. The sensation nearly drove him over the edge, but her next comment startled a laugh out of him. “Well, Emmett, all I can say is that it sure looks like everything is still in good working order.”

  All right, then. He couldn’t remember any of the few girls he’d slept with ever being playful. He grinned back at her. “I guess there’s only one way to find out for sure.”

  With that in mind, he eased Jana over onto her back and moved to cover her lush body with his own. S
he rewarded his efforts by drawing her legs up around his hips. He rocked against her, loving the small noises she made as the head of his erection rubbed against her clit. By the time she was digging her nails into his shoulders, he was more than ready to take it to the next level.

  It took several short thrusts before her body took most all of him. God, she was so damn tight, but the fit was perfect. She gasped, though, when he pushed forward that last little bit of depth. It took what little sanity he had left to hold still long enough for her body to adjust to the sudden invasion. “Sorry, Jana. Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “It’s been a while for me, too.”

  A second later, he felt her slowly relax beneath him. Still, no need to rush things. He kissed her again, his tongue moving in the same slow rhythm as his hips. Had he ever known anything as perfect as the way this woman’s body fit to his? Not that he could remember.

  “Emmett! Please, I need more!” Jana’s kiss-swollen lips pouted as her body rose up to meet his. She stroked her palms down his back to grab his ass, causing him to flex hard and deep.

  He held back again. “More of what? Tell me what you want, Jana.”

  Staring up at him with such amazing hunger in her eyes, she slid one hand between them, seeking out the point where their bodies were joined. “What I want is for you to give me everything you’ve got, Emmett. Now.”

  He nodded, ready to take her at her word. He pulled back until he’d almost withdrawn completely and then thrust forward hard and fast and with no hesitation. When she keened out her approval, he did it again. This time his control snapped as the sensation of their bodies pounding together over and over again drove away all coherent thought. Jana arched up and cried his name as her climax ripped through her. That’s all it took to have him panting in desperate pleasure as his body went rigid while he shuddered in release.


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