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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Rebecca Clark

  "I do. I miss Miri and even Kalus too," I reply.

  The expression in his black eyes changes to something softer. "We'll get them back."

  "How do you know they're still alive?" My mind unravels thinking about their fate. I need Ry to tell me they'll be okay. I'm on the cusp of breaking and I need his reassurance to stay strong.

  "The Queen would never kill them. That's her only leverage to get to you." The softness in Ry's eyes disappears as soon as he mentions my mother. It's clear that the wounds she's inflicted on Ry run deep.

  "I can't help but feel like all of this is my fault." My mind drifts off to the faces of my loved ones.

  "Don't do that," Ry says.

  "Do what?" I counter.

  "Blame yourself for something you had no control over. Alexa, stop making excuses for your mother. You are not the reason she's cruel. Having a child doesn't make one a savage. So stop blaming yourself. It's unbecoming for a princess to do such," Ry snaps.

  A heat courses through my body and my face reddens.

  Ry looks me over from head to toe. "I don't get it. You're so strong and capable but you have this weak edge that drags you down. Be strong. Be you." He groans while shuffling his hands through his hair. "You have been a human too long and have lived a life that was forced. Stop trying to be accepted by everyone. We're not guaranteed tomorrow or the next day so do something that doesn't involve obsessing over what's happened to you. Stop playing the victim."

  There's nothing I can say. His words sink in and they sting a bit, dare I say he's right. "Okay, Ry."

  Ry doubles over with laughter at my meek response. A smile spreads across my face and I realize how ridiculous I've been acting. "I said OKAY, you're right!" I add a little emphasis by imagining Ry dangling from a nearby tree. I watch as Ry's face pales, which in itself seems impossible.

  I respond with a mischievous wink.

  "Let me down!"

  "First you must say you're sorry for talking to me like that."

  "I will do nothing of the sort, Princess Alexa. You said I was right!" he yells from above.

  "Then you can hang from the tree for a bit," I say. For once I feel completely in control. Before I get too cocky about the situation I put a shield up around me to prevent Ry from retaliating and using his powers on me.

  "Fine! I'm sorry I spoke to you that way but you did need a stern talking to," Ry screams from the tree.

  "That's an apology?" I question with a sarcastic smirk. "If so, that's the worst apology I've ever received."

  "I'm sorry, Alexa." Ry speaks in a low voice.

  "Alexa? Don't you mean, princess?" I asked somewhat jokingly.

  "I'm sorry, PRINCESS Alexa!" Ry complies with my demands. "Now let me down, please."

  Slowly, I lower him to the ground. I also bring down the protective shield. Part of me expects him to come at me with his own powers but he doesn't. I watch as Ry approaches me, "Can we call a truce, princess?" He extends his hand and I oblige by returning the sentiment. Without a word, we shake and silently agree to move on past this little game.

  "Ry, I was thinking tomorrow first thing we attack. I'm sick of waiting around. What do you think?" I wait for his answer. My heart is beating out of my chest while I wait for his answer. Tomorrow could be the day.

  "Yes, I think that's a good idea," he admits.

  "Really? I mean yes, that's the plan. I will inform Sheri's contact and hopefully she will pull through and bring some beings to help us with our attack." I exhale a breath and continue. "I want to head in first and then have the beings back us up. I feel the less casualties the better. No more unnecessary bloodshed."

  "I agree we'll be the first ones in. I think we should try to disarm the power. If they're using Miri for her powers, we need to figure a way to stop it. I'm guessing it's a spell of some sort from a being with lesser powers than your family." Ry adds, "That leads me to believe the being must be from Tribus. I'm familiar with the feeling of the magic."

  I take a minute to organize my thoughts. "You're saying it could be someone that you know?"

  "No. You don't think I'm the only angry being left on the planet, do you? Your mother destroyed my home, family, and surrounding areas. However, she didn't target each being on the planet. She recruited beings from my planet to help destroy their own kind. The hatred for her is not lost, however. Some that work for her are hell bent on keeping her in power."

  "Why did she go after you then?"

  "Because our uniting was prophesied by the Oracle. She knew we were going to work together against her. Honestly there was not much your mother could do to stop us, well unless she killed one of us." Ry let out an emphasized groan, "She did try to kill me but unfortunately for her I survived."

  Chills coursed through my body. "What happened, how did you survive?"

  "I don't want to talk about it." He diverts his gaze. I can see the pain etched in his face and it breaks my heart.

  "I'm so sorry you went through this, Ry, there is no excuse for such behavior. My mother is a deplorable excuse for a being." Even mentioning her name leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I frown, searching his face for some sort of sign that he's okay. I'm about to say something else, but Ry's eyes immediately darken, and I keep my mouth shut. Clearly he's endured enough torture.

  Ry shakes his head and continues on with our plan as if he didn't reveal a huge part of himself. "I think it's best that you approach your mother as her daughter in an effort to get close to her so we can kill her."

  "Perhaps I go alone. If you come with me she'll see right through us," I add. I need to assess the situation alone. Maybe she's being forced to act like this. Maybe she's not all that bad. I really need to be the one to see her reaction to me, alone.

  "Not if she can't see me. I can work on disarming the power while you serve as a distraction." Ry can't hide his grin. The prospect of him being so close to her undetected clearly excites him.

  I know I'll be unable to sway him from tagging along. "If that's what you think is best," I choke out as my gut clenches tight. I try to mirror his enthusiasm with a fake half-smile. I don't think I'm ready to kill my mother.

  "I'm going to tell Ayu the plan and help orchestrate his part with the Plitans. I can't wait to see your mother's face when the swarm of little green men attack. She thought she eradicated the Magna Galaxy of their kind." I nod my head and watch as Ry spins on the ball of his foot and stalks off toward the forest.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Walking toward the compound where I was once held is somewhat cathartic. I'm no longer the same being I was a short while ago. I've grown. I've accepted my fate or, better yet, I've embraced it, with help of course. No one can lock me up against my will now. I think it also helps that Ry is walking directly next to me, under an invisibility cloak.

  "Why are you smiling, Alexa, you look possessed." Ry must be able to tell that I'm enjoying my little walk to the compound.

  I stifle a giggle and reply, "I'm thinking about seeing the people I care about again. Oh yeah, and the look on my mother's face when we destroy all that she has worked so hard to achieve."

  "Wow, you are cynical." Ry laughs, "I kind of like this version of you."

  "Of course you would say that," I say. "Now be quiet, I need my head space to concentrate."

  It doesn't take long for the first guard to approach me. The look of panic on his face is priceless. I think that means he's heard of me. "Take me to my mother, now!" I demand with a straight face.

  Shockingly enough it works. Without hesitation he directs me toward the compound. I cross my fingers and make a silent wish that the cloak doesn't shift or the magic in the compound doesn't reveal Ry.

  More guards file in behind me as we close the distance between the tall doors and the edge of the once thriving center. With a newfound confidence, I continue to terrorize the guards. "Is this the fastest way to the Queen? Do you know who I am, I'm the princess…"

  Before I could finish, Gavin my old gua
rd from Mapu appears. The look on his face is chilling. He almost appears relieved to see me. The swarming butterflies in my stomach slow as I focus on the big picture, seeing my loved ones.

  "I trust you are well, Princess Alexa. It's always a pleasure to see you." Gavin's tone is somewhat dismal but I carry on as if I don't notice. "What business do you have with the Queen?"

  "She's my mother and I'd like to speak with her concerning my future." I bite my tongue as I finish the sentence. The mere thought of working alongside a dictator makes me want to vomit.

  "She'll be pleased to hear this. Please follow me." He holds up a hand to signify that he doesn't need the rest of the guard to follow. This surprises me. Why is he so quick to trust me?

  Eyes from all sorts of beings follow us through the winding hall toward the gold double doors. Before Gavin swings them open I swear I hear him say, "I hope you have a plan to save us all."

  "What did you say, Gavin?"

  He doesn't respond. However, his eyes plead for help, revealing that he is a prisoner of the Queen. Interesting. I wonder how many other beings are forced to serve her.

  "I think we may have more support here than we thought, Ry."

  "Move forward with the plan and don't count on anyone but yourself." His sharp words speak volumes. As much as I would like to believe Gavin is on our side, there really is no way to guarantee that.

  Walking into this room previously would have given me nightmares. But I have a job to do and I need to follow it through no matter what that looks like. The Queen stands directly across from me. Her mouth drops open as our eyes meet. It appears the element of surprise is working.

  The few hushed conversations that were happening when I walked in have stopped. I throw my gaze around the room, not recognizing most of the beings present. I see a few familiar guards and of course Makin. An uncomfortable silence falls on the room. I decide this is my moment to act. "Queen, I'd like to have a word with you, if it's not too much of a bother." Slowly I curtsy, never taking my eyes off her.

  My mother's sidekick, Makin, stands next to her wildly waving his hands while he whispers into her ear. I can't hear what he's spitting out but it sounds like he demands the guards to seize me.

  "You will do no such thing," my mother replies while simultaneously meeting the eyes of each guard in the room.

  "Are you crazy?" Makin directs his outburst toward my mother. He then looks at me with a hollow stare. He is void of humanity. The black eyes staring back at me are vacant. A shiver slides down my spine.

  "I will excuse your outburst as a panicked response, now please let me be. All of you please leave me and my daughter. We have a great deal to discuss." Her calm demeanor rattles me. Did we walk into another trap? I try to hide the fear that's chipping away at my newfound tough exterior. I take a few breaths and remember that I'm not alone; Ry is standing right next to me.

  I watch as each being slowly exits the room gawking at the sight of me. I uncomfortably smile and even give a few a wave and an eye roll.

  "Alexa, dear, what do I owe this unannounced visit?" She throws her head back and lets out a demented laugh. We both know I'd be paying her a visit after the destruction she caused in Aurora.

  At this point I find it very hard to contain my anger. She really is twisted and her behavior is fueling me to move forward with the plan to destroy her. I nervously bite down on my lip to stop myself from using my powers. "Why have you done all of this? Couldn't you have lived on your planet happily without making everyone else miserable?"

  She steadies her gaze at me and takes a few steps forward. The previous signs of the warm welcome, even if fake, are now erased from her face. "You don't speak to me like that. You're insolent and for that alone I could have your head." She uses both hands to smooth out her emerald green gown. I watch as the stones in the dress twinkle and I take a moment to realize she really is plain old crazy. Her mood changes so quickly and erratically.

  "I'm sorry, Mother. I don't see why so many people have to fear you. Why can't we all get along? Why do you need to venture to other planets and dictate how the beings should live?"

  "Alexa, let me get this clear," she says. "You, new to this galaxy, are going to criticize my actions. How dare you?" Her deep purple eyes flicker red and I know something's off. I know she's not all there but it almost feels like she's not even the one talking.

  "No, that's not what I mean. I want to understand why this is happening."

  She shudders with pure rage as she watches me squirm. "Well, dear, that's a conversation for a later date. Right now you have decisions that need to be made. I need your power and you want your friends to be safe." Her lips curl as she revels in this position of power.

  "Before we strike any deals, mother, I'd like to see Jax, Kalus, Miri, and Kasper. I won't hear of anything else until then." I firmly hold her gaze and don't bow down. Even as the redness in her eyes swirls around like a viscous tornado. I hold my ground.

  "Fine, you will see that I'm no barbarian. They're in the holding cells here in Pumalia. You know, where they kept you." The last comment stings as I swallow hard the bile that's creeping up the back of my throat.

  "Take me to them, please, Mother," I say with a sardonic smile.

  "Gavin, see to it that Alexa is always heavily guarded."

  Gavin nods while using simple hand motions to direct the guards.

  "Take her to the prisoners. And, Alexa, I wouldn't try anything funny, you're not the only one with abilities here." I knew that piece before she warned me. The compound is swirling with magic. I distinctly feel Miri's power as well as something else, something stronger.

  "I wouldn't dream of it, Queen," I sarcastically respond with a dramatic curtsy before following Gavin out.

  The familiarity of the compound chills me. My eyes fall to the ground when I sense a bit of magic coming from a closed door up ahead. The buzzing is dull but nonetheless constant and clearly present. I make a mental note of the location and continue forward. I watch Gavin as beads of sweat roll off him. His eyes are fixed on the ground even as we turn corners. I wish I could talk to him, ask him what he said or what it meant.

  Frustration begins to grow in the pit of my stomach. I know I'm faced with a ridiculous choice. One choice is where I willingly go with the queen, my mother, while saving my loved ones. Or I fight for my loved ones and for the galaxy. However, why can't I let her use me as a pawn while I inch closer to her and her operation. Then I can turn the tables on her without the beings I care for becoming collateral damage.

  "Alexa, stop agonizing over this nonsense. You are not exchanging yourself for anyone." Ry scolds me in my own head.

  "I won't actually be staying with her to help her. I will destroy her at her own game," I respond. I will never let her control me or my powers.

  The uncomfortable silence splinters when Gavin speaks. "Princess, if you proceed down this hall you will see who you're looking for. You're not allowed to go into the rooms but you may look in using the window on the door.

  "Okay." I continue down the dark hallway only illuminated by a single light bulb in the middle of the corridor. Slowly, I approach the first door noticing the small window towards the top. I inch toward the door and stand on my tiptoes. I see a dark form on the cot in the corner. It's hard to make out who it is so I decide to tap on the glass.

  Moments later I see Kalus spring up on guard, ready to pounce at anyone breaching his cell. When his eyes meet mine I immediately see teardrops fall from his face. I know he's more scared of me being there than relieved to see me. Overall, he seems in good health, but filthy. I flash him a reassuring wink and continue to the next door across the hall from my father.

  There he is. Kasper, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding his head up while he methodically taps his feet. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's a bit restless. As soon as he sees me he stands and rushes to the door. The moment he puts his hands on the door he's thrown back from an electrical charge. I can't help the ang
er that courses through me at this very moment.

  "Lock it down, Alexa, we are not ready to fight here," Ry reminds me.

  I mouth the words, I'm sorry, to Kasper. He nods his head and smirks. I know he has faith in me and I won't let him down. I continue to the next cell and see Miri on the bed. A wave of nostalgia hits me. I remember the last time I saw her, when I tucked her into bed. I don't dare tap on the window, as she looks peaceful as she rests.

  I draw in a deep breath as I stalk toward the last door in the hallway. The sight of Jax catches me by complete surprise. His hands are bound above his head as his feet dangle in the air. Blood is smeared from one end of him to the other. His head hangs low. The fight he put up is evident. Tears prick the back of my eyes. This is all my fault.

  "Hold it together, Alexa, I promise we will get him out of there." Ry's voice is pained as he assures me. Surely this sight of Jax hurts him as well; possibly it even drudges up old memories.

  I gently knock on the window hoping he will raise his head so I can see his serene blue eyes. He doesn't move. My heart plummets, what did they do to him?

  I spin back towards the door and order Gavin to take me to my mother.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When we arrive back upstairs in the main room, the queen and Makin are waiting for us. I greet both with a tight-lipped nod and take a seat across from them. I make sure I don't show any signs of fear. I know if I do she will chew me up and spit me out.

  "What do you want, Mother?" I try to keep my voice to a low growl but I'm finding it hard to put so much effort into speaking with such a monster.

  "It's pretty simple, my dear, I want you." She mocks my stoic stance with her own.

  "What exactly do you want with me?" I bite my lip.

  "What's the fun in telling you that now?" Her grin widens, proving that she amuses herself with her response. This little game of cat and mouse is exhausting but it's exactly what she wants.

  "If I agree to stay with you, what do I receive in return?" I swallow hard and maintain my composure the best I can.


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