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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Rebecca Clark

  "Your so-called loved ones will be released and they can go back to wherever they came from."

  "Does this include your husband?" I bite my tongue as soon as the words release from my mouth. If looks could kill, I'd be dead; the daggers shooting from the Queen's eyes are no joke.

  "He is no such thing. He died a long time ago. The day he took you from me is the day he died." Her volatile expression is matched accordingly to her deep red eyes. She takes a few steps closer while staring me down. I stand there waiting to be struck or yelled at but nothing comes. Instead she offers me some time to think about everything. Once again her fluctuating demeanor has me confused. I see a bit of a being that may really care and then in the next minute crazy obliterates it.

  "Gavin, please take the princess to the gardens. I believe she needs some time to reflect on what exactly it is that she should do before she says something that gets her locked up, or worse."

  With a nod of his head Gavin directs me to the door. I fall in step with his stride as we briskly walk to a door I've never seen before.

  "This way." Gavin opens the door and ushers me through. He's all business. He does nothing to indicate that he's concerned for himself, or anyone else for that matter. Could I have imagined his earlier plea for help?

  I climb three stairs and go through a smaller door and surface into a beautiful courtyard. This space is incredible. It makes the dull compound seem out of place, as this nook is full of light and life. The door slams behind me and I notice I'm alone.

  I never thought I'd find myself in a situation like this. Part of me knows what I'll choose but I need to think of the big picture. The one that doesn't only involve me but the beings that are counting on me for a new life.

  The breeze on my face filters through my hair leaving me momentarily breathless. I drag my hands through the tall grass. The roughness of each blade scratches the palm of my hand keeping me tethered to the moment. My heart hammers in my chest with each step I take.

  "What are you doing, Alexa? There's no choice to make. We don't work with her. We kill her."

  I can sense Ry's anger but he really can't do much about it at this point. I need to make my own decision.

  "I'm thinking what decision will cause the least amount of destruction. If I stay maybe I can persuade her to be less of a monster. If I don't, then there is a chance that a lot of lives will be lost today."

  "If you stay no one will be leading the galaxy to greatness. Instead you'll be the Queen's puppet master, is that what you want?"

  "No," I reply honestly.

  "This is what she wants. She wants you to make the decision to stay. Can't you see she's orchestrated everything up to this very moment? Be strong, Alexa, we all need you." I feel Ry's presence dissipate along with my magical cloak. I hope he's back in time to help me fight her. I already know she's not going to like my decision.

  I continue walking on the path, alone, which in a roundabout way brings me right back to where I started. After a few moments of deep breaths I make a decision, my decision. I will have to live with the result however it may go. I swallow down the vomit that's sneaking up on me. My own body rebels against my decision but I know it's the only way.

  "It's time Ry," I warn, hoping he can hear me wherever he is. I know I made him mad in the garden but where could he have gone?

  Whether I am ready or not, the time has come to face my mother and give her an answer. I lift my hand to the door and knock. The door opens and to my relief it's only Gavin who was waiting for me.

  "Did you come up with a solution, Princess?" His glassy eyes confirm my first assumption. He needs my help.

  "Yes, I have, Gavin. I hope you're ready."

  A sly grin flickers across his face. "As you wish."

  Without another word I confidently step past him and make my way back down the long hallway toward my very own version of hell—my mother.

  Unfortunately the walk back to her takes no time at all. As soon as the door shuts behind me she eagerly pounces. "I've given you more than enough time to think about your predicament. What have you decided, Alexa?" Her smug grin quickly fades when I flash a cynical smirk. Time to play with your head, Mom.

  "Yes, the decision wasn't very difficult," I admit.

  "Oh, really, then please don't keep me waiting another minute. Are you staying here with me or is they're going to be an epic battle where your beings are sure to lose?"

  Nervously I twitch, an automatic response to her cruelness.

  I take in one last deep breath and slowly release it. "I'm leaving with your prisoners." My voice projects a swagger that I only hope I can back up with actions.

  "Really Alexa, you think I'm going to let you go that easily?"

  "No, I never once thought that was an option."

  Before she can dispute my response the double door swings open. Kalus, Kasper, and a pale looking Jax stand behind me. So, that's where Ry went, he was releasing my beings.

  I watch my mother's face as the look of terror washes over her. "How did you get out?" Her shaky voice betrays her monstrous look.

  "That would be me." Ry steps forward after dropping the cloak. His devilish smile spreads across his face.

  Makin raises his arms as soon as he sees Ry. The buzzing alerts me that he's going to conjure magic to stop him. Quickly, I manage to block Makin with my own magic.

  "Get everyone out of here!" I scream over the buzzing. I peer over my shoulder. They are all still standing there. No one moved. "Please, I can take on Makin. Check the basement for other captives. Jax, find your guards."

  "I'm not leaving you again, Alexa." Jax comes up beside me as I hold my hands up exuding an invisible force towards Makin.

  "Ry, take Kalus and Kasper, get everyone out of here!" I screech as my hands warm.

  "I'm not leaving you now, princess," Ry growls.

  "This is not a request, Ry, you need to protect the others, please protect my sister." I sharpen my gaze at him for only a moment. "Please, I'll be fine in here."

  Ry breaks away from our group, succumbing to my request. For a moment I feel a bit of comfort knowing he is with Miri.

  Makin is tiring, I can tell as he tries to draw in more magic. His arms begin to shake; he no longer can hold them up. "Queen, get out of here," he manages to squeal.

  I don't take my eyes off Makin but out of the corner of my eye I can see my mother making a run for it. I look around and see a table. I imagine the table blocking her exit. As soon as I do the table fills in the doorway making it impossible for her to get around. I decide I've had enough of tiring out Makin. I conjure up a sleeping spell. Within minutes he's lying on the ground.

  Shaking out my arms, I slowly saunter over to my mother. Watching me closely, she backs herself up into the corner, cowering. "It didn't have to come to this, my daughter." She swallows hard. "You'll be sorry. I tried to save you from a dark life but I can see now that's not possible."

  "Oh, but it did, Mother. You are a monster and you need to be stopped."

  A single tear falls from my mother's face. "I wish you made the right decision, Alexa."

  "You can stop with the I-care-about-my-daughter act, it's definitely too late for that." I can't believe she is still trying to get me on her side. "I have no idea what you're talking about and I really don't care anymore."

  I stop playing this game of hers and turn to face Jax. "Where's Miri?"

  "She's safe. Ry found her and brought her out to Sheri," Jax replies. "The two of you saved us."

  "Not quite. Did you think we wouldn't be ready for you?" Makin rises to his feet. Before I know what's happening, Jax is thrown against the wall clutching his throat while gasping for air.

  "Don't you take this out on Jax!" I snarl, hurling a chair through the air. He shuffles to the right barely missing the impact. The ruckus causes him to drop the invisible hold on Jax. I watch as Jax's body slinks to the floor. My stomach knots.

  "How dare you tell me what to do?" Makin hollers. "I knew I
should have killed you when I had the chance. But I guess there's no better time than the present."

  "I am the princess." My voice is strong and fearless. I take one look at Jax's still body. My body begins to quake and the hot flashes become stronger and stronger. My hands ignite. I motion toward Makin and fireballs come spewing out of me. One after another he dodges them. How is he so powerful?

  "Is that all you have?" he mocks.

  "You’ll see." I throw up a protective shield and rush toward him. I conjure a dagger and one appears in my right hand. I crouch into a stance and prepare to pounce. I recall the days where Kasper taught me self-defense and hand-to-hand combat. I'm thankful he taught me something even though I gave him such a hard time.

  "You're going to fight me?" He throws his head back and cackles.

  I don't give him a chance to prepare. Instead, I attack, one hand with a dagger, the other with a fireball. Before I can get close enough to strike, I freeze, unable to move my body.

  "No protective spell is strong enough for me, little girl." He clutches my throat. I try to scream, but no sounds come out. He's crushing my windpipe.

  I use all the ability I have to grip his hand and try to pry him off of me. It proves to be useless. Little black dots begin to cloud my vision. This is it; he's going to kill me, and there's nothing I can do. A single tear falls from my eye.

  Makin chuckles and continues to grip my throat while applying more pressure. With the last bit of strength I have, I imagine my whole body on fire. Maybe if I am too hot to touch, he'll let go. Within a few moments, he lets go, screaming obscenities. I fall to the floor, barely conscious.

  I look up to see Makin screaming at someone. With my last shred of energy, I shift my eyes to see who he's screaming at. Kalus stands there yelling my name, but I can only read his lips. My surroundings start to fade.

  This is it. I must be dying.

  Don't you dare think that, Alexa, Dolon scolds.

  I can't even die without being harassed, I joke.

  You are not dying. You have used all the energy you need to quickly recharge.

  Can you recharge me? I ask, half joking.

  No, your body needs a timeout.

  Makin has powers. I didn't see that coming, I choke.

  He's using another being's abilities. You need to find the source and stop it. Dolon's agitation is noted.

  Once I come to, I'll get right on that, I reply. Does he think I'm willingly taking a break? Ugh, I can't even almost die in peace.

  The being is nearby. Use your senses to find the source, he suggests.

  "Alexa, can you hear me?" A low, familiar voice asks.

  I flicker my eyes and see Jax staring down at me. Panic sets in as soon I see his torn t-shirt and the gash below his left eye. Several scrapes across his chest are caked with dried blood. What did they do to him?

  "Are you real?" I whisper.

  "Yes. I'm real. How are you? It appears as if you passed out. I came to a few minutes ago and saw you over here. Kalus and Makin are in the hallway, fighting each other," Jax confesses. "Sheri showed up with the other beings and they are battling the guards outside. Ayu flew in as I was gaining back my senses. He wants me to tell you that she showed up. Ry is out there too."

  Slowly, I sit up, regaining my senses. "Wow, that's great. We needed some help." Dolon's words play back in my head… Find the source. "I know what I have to do, Jax."

  "Let's do it." Jax extends his arm and pulls me up towards him. He lets out a soft groan of pain.

  "Are you okay, Jax?"

  He pulls me in close and wraps his arms around me. "I am now. Come on. We have to help your father."

  "Where's the queen?" I cringe, thinking we let her get away.

  "I'm not sure, but don't worry. She can't get far on her own," Jax replies through gritted teeth.

  After taking a few steps, I steady myself against Jax and push my senses out, searching for Makin's newfound powers. The door in the hall. That's it! I remember passing that earlier and finding it odd that I could hear the buzzing of magic behind the door.

  "Jax, I need to get to a door in the hallway. I saw it on my way to the courtyard. I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling that's where I need to go," I pant.

  "Done. Follow me. Hold on to my shirt and stay directly behind me." I do exactly as he says. I ball my fists up into his tattered, bloody t-shirt and stay behind him. We weave around debris that appears to be the result of the battle between Makin and Kalus. This is confirmed as soon as we round the corner and I see both beings engaged in hand-to-hand combat. This must mean they're tired of not getting anywhere with their powers or they agreed to not use any. Either way, I don't want Makin to see me moving toward the door. I quickly cover us in the invisibility cloak, not wanting to draw attention.

  "This is the door right here." I grab Jax by the arm and pull him toward the looming metal doorway. The buzzing is still consistent, but it is lacking the strength I witnessed before when passing by. I quickly try the doorknob, but unsurprisingly, that doesn't work. Jax also tries, even adding a bit of his strength behind it, but the door doesn't budge. I place both hands flat against the entrance and imagine it opening. Within a few moments, my hands start to warm and the door begins to vibrate. I look over at Jax and he stands there watching me with his mouth hanging open.

  With a loud thump, the door falls inward and a puff of dust mushrooms out filling the room. A few moments later, as the haze clears, my gaze drops to the source of the humming. A small being sits on a chair in the center of the room. Her head hangs down with her long, light-brown hair covering her face. She's not moving and I'm afraid the being may be injured.

  Slowly, I approach her while trying to get her attention. As soon as she looks up at me, I freeze. "Miri?" I whirl around to gauge Jax's reaction. He, too, is stunned. We both stare at Miri's exact lookalike. Could she have a twin sister?

  She blinks her large, almond-shaped, violet eyes while moving the loose strands of hair away from her face. "Who, who are you?" she cries.

  "I'm Alexa. Who are you?" I ask.

  "My name is Vella," her tiny voice reveals.

  "Why are you in here?"

  "He put me in here. The one with the dark eyes and gray hair. He doesn't like me, but he says if I don't do what I'm supposed to, then he will punish me." Vella's eyes grow large as she speaks.

  "Where are your parents?" I calmly ask. I know who her parents are. There is no denying that she's Miri's twin sister. The resemblance right down to their tone of voice is identical.

  "Dead. They died before I was old enough to remember them. I live with my aunt, the Queen."

  Disgust coats the inside of my mouth while the hatred for my mother grows exponentially.

  "You have powers like me." I smile, trying to place her at ease. "Can you feel someone using your powers?"

  "Yes, he always uses my powers. If I don't let him, then I will get punished. Vella doesn't like punishment." She nods repeatedly almost as if she is having a panic attack.

  "Listen, Vella, I'm going to get you out of here, away from that mean being."

  "No, no, I can't go. I'll get in trouble. Please don't make me get in trouble. I don't want to be bad." Tears stream down her face collecting on the floor beneath her.

  "Okay, please don't cry. I promise I won't get you into any trouble." I comfort her by gently smoothing back her knotted dark hair. "I'm going to go talk to my friend over there. I'll be back in a few minutes. Everything will be all right, Vella, I promise."

  I quickly shuffle toward Jax. "What is going on? Is this even possible?"

  He runs his fingers through his hair and lets out an exaggerated breath. "I guess so. It has to be. She looks identical to Miri; Vella must be her twin. That means she's your sister as well."

  His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I know she has to be Miri's twin. Of course that makes her my sister as well. This is too much. Where has she been all of these years? Why didn't anyone tell me about her?
  Before I can process these thoughts any further, the raucousness in the hall grows louder, indicating both Makin and Kalus are upon us. There's no time to escape. I quickly run back to Vella and pull her in tight against my body. We both curl into Jax for protection. I imagine us cloaked and hiding. The subtle weight of the invisibility shield brings only a little comfort to me. Vella's shaking and baby-like whines squeeze my insides. What happened to her?

  I motion to Jax that we need to leave now. He picks up Vella, holding her closely to his battered chest. Creases form on his beautiful face as he winces in pain. Clenching his teeth, he moves forward. I can't pry my eyes away from the two. If she's, in fact, Miri's twin, which I don't doubt, her behavior is of a much younger being than twelve years old. Worry creases my face as I watch Jax carry her out of the room. There's something about this being that lights me up. We don't even have to touch for me to feel the electric charge bouncing between us.

  Drawing a deep breath I avert my attention to the exit. It will only be a short period of time that we'll have to escape before Makin feels the shift in his abilities. Vella is the source and once she's removed from the area he'll realize that we've found her.

  Michael appears before us, dirt covering much of his body as well as his tattered clothing. "Hurry, we need to go!" He looks at Jax and then darts his stare at me, "Who is that?" His face twists with confusion as Vella looks up at him.

  "I'll explain later! Lead Jax to the safety," I demand. "I'm going back for Kalus." Before either can argue with me I pivot and sprint back to the two still fighting in the hall.

  Footsteps behind me briefly distract me. I turn and ready myself for a fight. Relief surges through me when I see that it's Sheri. "What are you doing here?"

  "I'm helping my best friend save her father." Her smile instantly warms me. "Let's do this." Sheri grabs my hand and pulls me along. The sparkle in her translucent skin continues to shine even though she's covered from head to toe in grime.

  "What's happening out there?" I whisper.

  "I'll tell you later. It definitely could have been worse but a lot of Jax's guards from Pumalia sided with us, against the orders of Maddox, and fought for him and you, the princess."


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