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Fault Lines

Page 20

by K. C. Stewart

  Vince was waiting for him on the first floor. He had been talking to Miles. The man had been spending a lot of time with their Canidae guests and was gaining a lot of information for them. Apparently his mate had been taken in by Canidae. She was half tricked, half kidnapped into joining them and then hidden away. It had been two years since he last saw her but he never let up his search. Miles was good at what he did. Owen had to wonder if she was even alive anymore and what would happen to him if he ever found out that she wasn’t.

  Vince and Owen left Miles to meet the wolves. There were four of them tonight: Cobie, Sadie, Mollie and Aspen. Cobie and Sadie were already in their fur and ready to go. Owen told the other two to change and be back in fifteen minutes. The young ones were always self-conscious at first. It would take a year or so for that to wear off.

  Vince and Owen changed as well. It took them considerably less time than the girls since they had done it hundreds of times before. Their dominance came into play too. The less dominant the wolf, the harder the change was. It was why submissive wolves couldn’t change at all. At one point they probably could have but none that he knew of had that ability.

  When they were all there, Owen took the lead and for the first time in what seemed like years, he let his wolf have free reign.


  The morning started off ok. She had a very small hangover that was gone after a cup of coffee and a bagel. Mira took a shower, which helped her feel relatively human again. It wasn’t until she was brushing through her hair contemplating what color she wanted to do next that she remembered something from the night before.

  “Oh fuck.”

  She found her phone and dialed Zach with trembling fingers.

  He was less than thrilled to be woken up. “What?”

  “Good morning sunshine,” she said in a chipper voice. “What the hell did I do last night?”

  “Hah,” he laughed dryly. “You don’t remember? You got all chatty with Owen’s voicemail.”

  “No.” Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.

  “‘Fraid so.” He yawned.

  Mira was panicking and for good reason. She did not remember what she said but it had to have been bad. All drunken phone calls were bad. What would possibly tempt her to drunk dial Owen?

  “What do I do now?”

  “Wait for him to contact you? I don’t fucking know.” He was so helpful. She told him as much and he responded, “if you’re going to insult me, I’m going back to bed,” and hung up.

  Mira couldn’t sit still. She tried, she really did, to remember what was said but all she remembered was her frustration over the hiccups. There wasn’t much Mira could do at this point. Beyond calling him and leaving an equally embarrassing voicemail this morning, or have the unlucky fate of him actually picking up, her only other option was to wait. She decided the first step to figuring this out was to get changed, to keep moving through her daily routine. The hour it usually took her to get ready for the day only took twenty minutes. Her hands were jittery when she picked up her phone again. This time she called Sadie.

  “Hey Darlin’, what’s up?”

  “I did something really stupid last night,” she confessed in one breath.

  “Hold on.” Mira heard her moving around and then a door closing.

  “Alright, I’m all yours. What did you do?”

  “I might have gotten drunk while playing games with Zach and called Owen.”

  “You might have?”

  “Yeah, I only remember little bits of it but Zach confirmed my suspicions.” She was so screwed. They hadn’t talked in weeks and their last encounter hadn’t gone so well. His words “I could have loved you,” haunted her. Every time she looked in the mirror she saw a woman Owen could have loved if given the chance. Story of her life right? It made life a bit harder to live knowing that she let go of something potentially life altering and fantastic because she was scared.

  And she just made it worse.

  “Did you talk to him or leave a message.”

  She sighed. “Message.”

  Sadie was quiet as she thought over Mira’s dilemma. The news though, wasn’t good. “I don’t know how to fix this. I’m sorry. I think you are just going to have to wait and see what he does. Do you remember what you said?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t. I only remember the hiccups.” Mira wished there was something she could do but she had no idea what that could be.

  “He was out with the newbies last night, myself included, for a run. He probably didn’t even get it yet.”

  Somehow that made it worse. “Well, if you see him or hear something, let me know.”

  “I will. Hang tight, Mira. It’s not as bad as it could be.”

  From where she sat, it was pretty freakin’ bad.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Owen’s temper was getting worse. He was snapping at everyone and there didn’t even need to be a reason anymore. Most kept clear of him these past few days. But Tyson was determined to get him out of his mood. Owen was on his way to Tyson’s house, who had a three day trip planned for them. They had a spot deep into the mountains where they used to disappear to every so often. It had been two years since their last trip. Part of him wanted to be doing this alone. Lately all he wanted to do was be alone. But Tyson would follow regardless of what Owen wanted. So he agreed to this trip and hoped he could find some direction while he was gone.

  They weren’t telling anyone but Sadie. She would tell the pack when they were well on their way. Tyson didn’t want anything to come between them and this trip. So naturally, that would mean Lee would be at Sadie’s when he got there. “So much for it being a secret,” he said when he saw her car. Lee had been underfoot for days. He couldn’t shake her. She was one of his closest friends and he loved her company but ever since the run with the young wolves, she had been so clingy. This trip was as much to get away from her as everything else.

  Owen sighed and climbed the steps of their porch. It was a cooler day with a nice breeze so Sadie had the windows open. It was perfect weather for where Owen and Tyson were heading. It was a small silver lining. Owen had been trying to find them lately. It was the only thing he could think to do to not be miserable over everything.

  “I don’t know why I keep sabotaging him,” Lee’s voice drifted through the open window.

  “What did you do? You keep talking about this horrible thing you did to him but what was it?”

  Owen quieted his steps.

  “I was on duty while they were out running with you and the rest of the newbies. Well, Mira called while he was out and left a message. I really don’t know why I did it. We had made amends and I thought I was over this protective jealousy thing but I listened to the message.”

  “Fudge. Holy fudge. Mira told me she drunk dialed him.”

  “She did. She was very drunk and it was an incredibly sweet message.”

  Mira had called?

  Owen stepped closer. He needed to hear this. Rabbit had called him drunk one night. Drunk or not, she had reached out to him. Why hadn’t he seen the message? Why didn’t Lee tell him?

  “You listened to it?” Sadie asked.

  “I did. I shouldn’t have but I did,” she said with guilt heavy in her voice. “I-I deleted it.”

  “What!” Sadie exclaimed, angry and confused. “Why would you do that?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t seem to stop ruining his chances with her. I don’t mean to but then I just freak out and do or say something horrible.”

  Owen’s knuckles cracked with how hard he was squeezing his fists. She deleted his message. His chance at making amends was ruined by his ex-fucking-girlfriend. He never thought that Lee would stoop to that level, especially so long after they had broken up. He was so angry with her. Owen had never felt like this with Lee. Even when she broke his heart, he wasn’t angry like this.

  A growl started low in his throat and vibrated over his skin. His wolf demanded her submission. He had gotten lenient with her
lately. Not anymore.

  “So let me get this straight. You don’t want him and he doesn’t want you, but yet, you won’t let him have anyone else. Did I get that right?” Sadie asked, disgusted. “I can’t believe you right now. That’s my sister you know? I want her to be happy and you are not only fudging over Owen, but her too.”

  “I know, I’m so sorry, Sadie,” Lee’s voice cracked. “What? What is it?” Lee looked behind her at where Sadie was staring. Owen stood in the doorway. He had opened the door, silently announcing his presence. Sadie looked pissed and seemed to tell him that whatever he was about to do, Lee deserved it. Lee however, looked like she was going to vomit.


  He shook his head and walked inside. “No. You don’t get to talk. You are done talking. You are done protecting me. You are just done.” Owen’s voice was quiet and steady but he was having trouble holding himself back. “What did the message say?”

  Lee bit her lip and he growled. She wouldn’t be dodging this.

  “TELL ME!”

  She cringed at the level his voice had raised to. “She was drunk and rambling. She said that you both made a stupid mistake and that she wanted to see you.” Lee wouldn’t look at him. He could tell she was trying but he wouldn’t allow her eyes to raise and meet his. When he wanted her to look at him, he’d allow it but for now, her eyes weren’t worthy of anything but the ground.

  “What else?”

  “T-there was nothing else,” she lied.

  He walked over to her and lifted her so she was standing then tilted her chin up. He locked his eyes with hers. “Look at me and say that truthfully.”

  She couldn’t. She couldn’t get it out because it wasn’t the truth.

  “What else did she say, Lee,” he growled.

  The next words knocked the breath out of him. “She loves you.” He dropped his hold on Lee and turned away to pace. Mira loved him. His Rabbit loved him. Owen hung his head and smiled. He took what felt like the first breath in weeks. When he lifted his head he ran a rough hand over his face. He needed a plan.

  Calling her wasn’t an option. Too much time had passed. He needed to go to her, he needed to leave immediately. He needed to make this right and he knew now that it wasn’t too late for them. He prayed to Gaia he wasn’t too late.

  Owen turned to Sadie, a question on his lips but the woman was smirking at him knowingly. “965 Dogwood Lane.”

  Owen chuckled. “Thanks.”

  “You might want to know that she did call me in a complete panic the morning after the message. She doesn’t remember what she said. Just bits and pieces.”

  He nodded. That was good to know.

  Lee was still standing. She looked lighter somehow. The guilt wasn’t as burdensome anymore. “I’m pissed,” he stated and she nodded. “But I forgive you. Lee, you don’t have my trust anymore and you will have to work your ass off to gain it back but I will give you my forgiveness.”

  “Ok.” She took a shaky breath. “That’s fair.”

  “Tell Tyson why I bailed,” he told Sadie.

  Owen smiled. His Rabbit loved him and admitted it freely. He wasn’t going to let that go unnoticed.


  The meeting was boring as hell. Mira doodled on her note pad while looking incredibly interested in what Jason was saying. Truth was, she had no idea what this meeting was even about. That was happening a lot more often. She zoned out and would come back to confusion. Her mom was at her "wit’s end” with her and not so subtly asked her how the apartment hunt was going. So on top of her shit life, she was being pushed to move on and move out.

  When she zoned out, she always went to the same place. Owen. He occupied her mind more often than not. His memory was her own happy place. And yet the man had never returned her call. She would have thought she’d at least get a “fuck off” text but nope, nothing. Sadie didn’t have any answers either. She’d have to come straight out and ask him about the call and Mira wasn’t that desperate. Yet.

  “Alright everybody, that wraps up the meeting. I’m out the rest of the week but reachable by email if you have any questions. Have a good weekend.”

  She stood with everyone else and gathered her things. Only one more day and then she had a three day weekend. A good half of the office was out tomorrow but not Mira, she was working because she had nothing else to do.

  “Miranda,” Andrea the receptionist called. “You’re welcome.” She was grinning like a fool.

  “For what?” she asked confused and tired. Lately, she was always tired. Not sleeping at night would do that.

  “You’ll see,” she teased and Mira just didn’t care anymore.

  She walked through the office in her pencil skirt and heels. Her red lips were iconic at the office and one day last week she didn’t bother with the color. The place practically shut down thinking she was terminally ill or some nonsense until she ran out and grabbed a tube of red at the drugstore down the street.

  So Mira put on her face and did her hair in some kind of retro curl, she wore her stockings and slipped her feet into sassy pumps that killed her feet by noon. In other words, she carried on so not to cause suspicion.

  Her office wasn’t anything special. It wasn’t a room with a door but she did have privacy. She looked forward to slipping her shoes off and then staring at some numbers till the end of the day. As she came around the corner the first thing she noticed was a vase of calla lilies on her desk. The second thing she noticed was the man sitting in her chair going through the drawers of her desk.

  Owen hadn’t seen her standing there yet. So it gave her time to catch her breath. How did he know where she worked? Scratch that. Didn’t matter. But what the hell was he doing here? Mira hugged her notes and folder from the meeting to her chest. He looked tired. His olive skin was paler than she had remembered. He hadn’t been spending much time outside lately. His hair was a mess, long and shaggy. He had shaved recently though. But what called to her the most, were his sad eyes. God, that look. She saw it every day in the mirror.

  “Rabbit, are you done assessing me?” he asked without looking up from her pen drawer.

  “Um…what are you doing here, Owen?”

  He shut the drawer. “Coming to see you.” He leaned back in her chair and looked around the room. “It’s nice. Small but you are small too so it’s ok. At least you have a window.”

  “Er, yes. It’s nice. So why are you here?”

  His eyes scanned across the room, still taking it all in, then fell on her. Mira swallowed.

  “I like the office look. It’s very naughty secretary,” the grin he shot her was devilishly handsome.

  “Owen, please,” she begged. Mira couldn’t take that smile, not now. “Why are you here?”

  He pushed back from her desk and stood. He was taller than she remembered, and she was even wearing heels. He walked around the desk and leaned a jeans clad butt against the edge and crossed his arms. She didn’t take note on the way his arms flexed as he did so. Nope, Mira stared straight ahead not noticing how good he looked in a t-shirt or the way his jeans settled on his hips.

  “I have been informed that you left me a voice mail a week ago but I have had the unfortunate loss of not being able to listen to it before it was deleted.”

  She frowned. He hadn’t heard it?

  “I was told the important points of it though, just this morning in fact.”

  Her mouth hung open in an “O” shape. Well, that sort of explained…a lot of things, his appearance, his lack of response earlier. “How did you know where I worked?”

  He grinned. “Your mother was very forth coming once I introduced myself.”

  Her mother? What the fuck was happening right now. “You met my mother?”

  “Oh yes.” Those words held so much more than they were letting on. “Rabbit, I am here to ask you if you would like to reconsider your previous stance on our relationship.”

  “We don’t have a relationship,” she reminded him.<
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  He nodded. “No we don’t, but we could.”

  Oh god. Her heart was screaming at her to take whatever he was offering. It thumped hard and deep in her chest, threatening to explode if she didn’t accept. This couldn’t be happening right now, but yet, isn’t this exactly what she wanted? Isn’t this what she asked from him in that unfortunate phone call?

  “Mira,” he came to her, taking the folder from her clawed hands and smoothing his own into them. They were just as big as she remembered. “Rabbit, there is something here that can’t be ignored. You were meant to matter to me. You were meant to be in my life. I know this like I know how to breathe. You are part of me and having you gone these past few weeks almost destroyed me.”

  His hands traveled lightly up her arms to her shoulders. He smoothed a strand of her hair through his fingers before pushing it all back. The way he looked at her now was like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. It weakened her resolve. Mira had to close her eyes just to breathe. He surrounded every inch of her and made it hard to think.

  “Come home with me. Please,” he begged, “come back and let’s give it a try.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t just leave. I have a life here, family here, a job.”

  He smiled like she had agreed. “I noticed there was not a ‘no’ in any of that.”

  His thumb stroked over her jaw. He had to have been feeling just how much he was effecting her, how his closeness was turning her mind inside out.

  “I didn’t say yes either,” she pointed out.

  “True enough.” He took the last step to her until they were touching from head to toe. Her hands—the traitors—lifted and grabbed hold of the waistband of his jeans. This of course made him grin even wider.

  “Is it just your job you are worried about? Because I can offer you one with the pack. It won’t pay as much as you make here but it’s not like you‘d have rent to pay. And it comes with an awesome benefits package.” Owen leaned in and kissed her, soft and sweet. “Let’s see, there’s the cabin in the woods, fresh meat caught daily, warm toes, daily I Love You’s, unlimited pop tarts, a boyfriend and pet all in one, not to mention more love than you could possibly handle.”


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