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Thug Passion 2

Page 11

by Mz. Lady P

  An hour later, I was sitting outside the address that was on the State ID. She lived in a three flat building on the third damn floor. This bitch would live on the top floor. I prayed I didn't go in labor wobbling up the stairs. I knew that she wasn't home because she was at the meeting with Thug. I walked up to the downstairs door and I was glad that it was open. The stairs had my ass about to pass out.

  Once I made it to her door, I jimmied the lock and went inside her apartment. I was about to sit down until I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I ran inside a closet and hid. Looking out of the cracked door, I noticed it was her. She dropped her purse and keys on the coffee table. As she walked past the closet, she pulled her shirt over her head. Once I heard the shower come on, I walked out the closet and found the bathroom.

  "Step out of the shower you nasty bitch."

  "Oh, my God! What are you doing in my house?"

  "I should be asking you why the fuck were you in my house fucking my husband, but fuck all the pleasantries. Get on your knees and open your mouth." Sabrina was crying like a newborn baby. "Shut the fuck up and open your mouth. Open it wide like you did when you sucked my husband's dick." I smacked her across the face with the gun and she opened wider. I took out my acid and poured it down her throat I watched as it burned her insides up and practically melted her tongue and lips away.

  "Aghh! Aghh!”she screamed out in pain and kept trying to reach for me. I stepped back from her so that she couldn't grab me. She fell down in the tub and looked up at me with pleading eyes.

  "HA HA HA!” I laughed at this bitch crying as she was dying. I pulled out Ms. Pearlie and shot her in the neck and between the eyes. I left that bitch stanking in the shower and got the fuck out of dodge. On my out of her building, I bumped into an elderly lady. I assumed she was her neighbor or something.

  "Congratulations is it a boy or a girl?"

  "I smiled I rubbed my stomach. "Actually its two boys." I walked away from her and got into my car. I pulled off and made it home in record time. I showered and was back in bed reading by the time Thug came home.

  "What you still doing up, Ta-baby?" He stood in front of me and took off his clothes. I wanted to fuck him so bad, but my ass was tired.

  "I was waiting up for you." He pulled the covers back and the empty Magnum wrapper was on his pillow. I had placed it there purposely. He hurried up and grabbed it trying to throw it away before I saw it. I turned my back towards him and cut off the light. I had fucked him up in the head; he didn't know if he was caught or not. It felt good seeing his ass sweat. He got into bed and held me tight.

  "I love you, Thug."

  "I love you, too, Ta-Baby."

  The next morning the entire family was over for breakfast. Us ladies were discussing the baby shower and the fellas were watching TV.

  "Ka'Jaire turn to the news I want to see if my numbers came out in the Lottery last night," Peaches said as she continued to flip the pancakes. I thought nothing of it until I heard the reporter giving the breaking news report.

  Twenty-Two year old Sabrina Santerelli was found murdered in her condo in the twenty one hundred block of Taylor. She had multiple gunshots and was burned severely with what investigators believe was some type of chemical. We have no one in custody at this time. However, the downstairs neighbor says that she saw an African American female leaving the apartment building. The neighbor said that the woman was pregnant and she asked her the sex of the baby and the woman told her she was pregnant with twin boys. If you have any information on this murder case please contact Area 4 Detectives.

  "Every time some shit happens it’s always the blacks they blame it on. They have stooped to an all time low talking about is was a pregnant woman with twins. That's fucked up," Ms. Peaches spoke oblivious to the elephant in the room. I locked eyes with Thug, Malik, and Sarge and the look in their eyes let me know they knew I was the culprit. Ta'Jay and Barbie had a smirk on their face and were trying their best not to laugh. Thug had his jaws clenched and the veins were protruding in his neck. He was pissed off and I knew it was about to be some shit.

  Chapter 24- Thug

  The Massacre

  Tahari had guilt written all over her face. She pissed me off sitting there sipping on that damn orange juice. I waited patiently until everyone left. I had Marta take the twins to the park. I needed the house to be empty when we had this discussion. I sat in my office sipping on some Patron and smoking a blunt trying to calm down.

  I had to be more relaxed when I talked with her. I called her over the intercom system. I watched as she entered the room holding her stomach and wobbling. I think she’d put a little extra into the wobble. She was laying it on thick, but she wasn't fooling me, I wasn't about to take it easy on her. The shit she did could have gotten her and my babies hurt.

  "Did you do it?" I knocked back a shot waiting for her to respond. Tahari stared down at her nails and held them out in front of her face.

  "Did I do what?" she had a smirk on face.

  "Don't fucking play with me, Tahari. You know what the fuck I'm talking about. So get that look off your face."

  "Hell yeah, I murked that bitch. She disrespected me after I gave her a chance to stop trying to get at you. Since I was gone, you and her thought it was okay to fuck in my house. I knew you were fucking her all along. So shut the fuck up talking to me about murking that bitch." Tahari threw something at me and got up and walked out of the office. I took a look at what she had threw at me and it was Sabrina's ID.

  “Damn!” I said out loud. That's how she knew I had fucked that bitch. I got up and went to find her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed. "I understand that you're mad about me having sex with Sabrina. My issue is that you killed the bitch while you're pregnant with my seeds. What would have happened if you would have went into labor?" She sat there quiet refusing to make eye contact.

  "I didn't go into labor so leave it alone."

  "Your mouth is a little too smart for me right now. I'm going to get out of here and check on my traps. The next time you feel like committing a murder, could you please run it by your man first?” I kissed her on the forehead and left. I felt bad for her finding out about me fucking Sabrina, however; she was dead wrong for murking the bitch without running it passed me. That shit could have fucked up my cash flow. My kids could have gotten hurt behind her actions.

  I headed toward the traps to make sure everything was cool. With Sabrina being dead, I had to make sure my product and my money was accounted for. I looked down at her state ID and for the first time I paid attention to the last name on it. Santerelli.

  The wheels in my head started to turn. It took me back to my beef with the Santerelli family. I still had not been paid for my services that I had provided them, which led to the demise of Don Santerelli. If this bitch was any relation to them that meant this hoe was trying to infiltrate my organization. Sabrina had a lot of access to our money. She knew the traps as good as me and that was why I had give her more duties.

  She never gave me a reason to think she was a snake besides the fact that she wanted my dick touching her tonsils. Her address was in the middle of Mob territory. I decided to drive through Little Italy just to scope out the scene. As I rode past the Santerelli clubhouse, I saw their crew standing outside posted smoking cigars, drinking, and playing cards.

  As I slowly drove past, Marco Santerelli smirked at me as he alerted his men of my presence. I was glad they saw me. I had made my presence known. Unfortunately for them, the next time they saw me, my bullets would be doing the talking. That bitch Sabrina was lucky I didn't get to her ass first. I would have chopped her ass up and mailed her body parts to the Santerelli clubhouse.

  After checking on the traps and getting the daily counts, I decided to close down for the day and meet up with Malik and Sarge. I needed to catch them up on everything that was going on. I had a strange feeling they were about to move on us.

  "The last thing we need is a war with the Italians. That shit wil
l be bad for business. We getting so much fucking money out here. A war will definitely fuck up our cash flow. I say we move on them pasta-eating motherfuckers sooner than later," Sarge said taking a pull from his blunt.

  "I agree Big Bro. We need to handle this shit ASAP. You feel me? It's been a minute since my trigger finger did some damage." Malik held his hands up and gestured as if he was shooting a gun.

  "Okay. Let's do it, we move on them Sunday. Those are the days that they're outside the clubhouse deep as hell. I'm trying to lay as many down as I can. We riding our Kawasaki's and all black everything. Don't let Peaches know about any of this, she is retired from this shit. It's time for her to sit back and let us take care of her. I know she will be mad, but she will have to just suck it up." We shook hands and headed home.

  I needed to get home and deal with Tahari. I stopped and got her and the kids some Ronny's Steakhouse. She loves their baked potatoes with all of the toppings. When I arrived home, my mother was sitting in the family room with Tahari and KJ watching TV.

  "Where is Baby girl at?"

  "Baby girl got her smart mouth ass upstairs. I don't play that talking back to me and rolling her eyes. I'm Grandma Peaches not Grandma Brenda. I whoop kid’s ass, I don't negotiate with them. When I say do something that's what I mean."

  "Ma’, you didn't whoop my baby did you?"

  "I tore her Ta'Jay looking ass up. She acts just like her when she was little. I'm telling you Ka'Jaire she is going to give you hell. I'm here now so no worries. She is going to fall in line real quick." I felt sorry for my daughter because I knew Peaches got that ass. For the rest of the night, I chilled with the family until my mother left.

  Lying in bed, I waited for Tahari to get out of the shower. She exited and I could tell the babies were starting to wear here down. She grabbed the Shea Butter and I took it from her

  "Let me do that for you." I laid her down on the bed and began to rub it all over her body. She looked beautiful pregnant and all.

  "I'm sorry about earlier, Bae. I was just upset that something could have happened to you and the kids. Please forgive me for raising my voice."

  "It's cool. I know you were just concerned about the babies and me. I promise I will never do anything like that again." Tahari was looking so good to me I had to taste her. It had been so long since we made love. Pulling her to the edge of the bed I placed her legs on my shoulders. I slowly inserted my tongue inside of her.

  "Mmmm. That shit feels so good, Thug. Please don't stop." Tahari moaned as she rubbed my head. I licked and sucked on her until she came." We kissed each other passionately. Tahari sucked all of her juices off of my lips. I positioned her on all fours and entered her from behind. I wanted to tear her ass up, but I didn't want to hurt the babies. I gave her long slow strokes hitting her G-spot each and every time.

  "Damn, Ma’. You dripping wet, it's running all down your legs.”

  "It feels so good! Keep going I'm about to cum. You got my pussy feeling so good. I missed you so much."

  "I missed you, too, Ma’. Promise me you'll never leave me again." I thrusted in and out her as I spoke each word.

  "I promise, Thug. We're going to be together forever."

  Minutes later, we both came at the same time. Tahari always come and be dripping, but this shit was running like water out of her. She got up and went to the bathroom.

  "Damn baby you got my pussy wet as hell. I could go for another round of that. Oh, shit Thug!"

  "What's wrong?" I jumped up from the bed and ran into the bathroom.

  "I just wiped myself and it's slimy with a little blood. I think we need to go to the hospital." We got dressed in record time and headed to the hospital. The whole drive I was terrified that I had harmed the babies. Once we arrived, they took her up to the labor and delivery. I got in contact with the family and let them know what was going on. The doctor informed us that she was going into preterm labor and there was no way to stop it. The twins were in distress and needed to be removed immediately.

  She was prepped for an emergency C-section and three hours later my sons were born we named them Kaine and Kash Kenneth. Seeing them come into this world was the best thing in the world. I shed tears of joy looking at my little niggas. I already had two kids, but it felt different witnessing them come into the world. At that moment, I loved Tahari even more for going through what she did just to birth my seeds. She was more than just my down ass bitch, my friend, or my wife. She was now the mother of my children and that shit meant the world to me.


  Despite my wife just giving birth to my sons, I still had business to tend to in the streets. Tahari had to stay in the hospital for about another week and the twins for another month or two until their lungs developed more. They also needed to gain more weight since they were born only weighing two pounds each. They would have to feed through feeding tubes until they would be able to ingest baby formula orally. The doctor assured us that they should be able to grow and live healthy lives despite being born two months early.

  Sunday had arrived quicker than I expected. Malik, Sarge, and I had gone over the plan several times during the previous week. We mounted our bikes and made sure to conceal our machine guns. The sounds of our engines could be heard blocks away. As we strolled through Little Italy, the scene was familiar; they was all out there as I knew they would be. They were smoking cigars and just shooting the breeze oblivious to their untimely demise. Without has hesitation our bikes came to a halt and we open fired. They never had a chance to return fire.


  Their bodies jerked and fell onto the tables, chairs, and the ground as the bullets entered their bodies. Once we laid their asses down, we zoomed off on our bikes burning rubber in the process; leaving a bloody and smoky scene. We dropped the bikes, clothes, and the guns off at the Chop Shop. We destroyed the evidence and parted ways. It was time to sit back and continue to watch the motherfucking money pile up.

  The next day it made headline news. It made the front page of the Chicago Sun-Times. It was being called the worst massacre since the famous St. Valentine's Day Massacre back in 1929. We had laid down thirty-five active members of the Santerelli Crime family. After reading the article, I was elated that we carried the shit out. There was a picture of Sabrina along with Don Santerelli; the bitch was his granddaughter.

  Chapter 25-Peaches

  Shit Just Got Real

  It felt good as hell to be out of prison. You never appreciate your freedom until you no longer have it. I wanted to jump right back in to the mix of things, but Thug flat out refused only wanting me to sit back and be a damn grandma. Don't get me wrong I loved my grandbabies. I just couldn't believe I had so many of them. I had to say their names so that I could remember them. Let me see; it's Ka'Jairea, Ka'Jaire Jr, Kash, Kaine, Sar’Jay, and Malikka. Six damn grandkids. I prayed that they were done making kids. I barely could keep it up with the ones we have already.

  I wanted so badly to go back to my apartment, but my kids refused. They brought me a home in Forest Park, Illinois. It was too damn quiet for me out there. I loved the city and all the drama that went along with it. Just looking at my kids finally getting the happiness that they deserved warmed my heart. Lord knows they had been through the storm and weathered every obstacle. I was so happy that they were able to deal with the Venom and Cassie situation. We could all breathe a sigh of relief.

  Thug's birthday was this weekend and we had planned him a party at Gentleman's Paradise. We rented out the whole club out just for my baby. The strippers have even been paid in advance to come in and perform just for him. I was surprised when Tahari suggested the stripper idea. That was her husband so she got no arguments out of me. Thug never celebrated; he was all work and fatherhood, so he deserved to have some fun and enjoy the fruits of his labor.

  The twins had finally came home after two months of being in the hospital and Tahari didn't want to be out in the air with them, so I decided to do the rest of the sho
pping for the decorations. There was no need for us to cook since there was a restaurant inside of the club. The guests could just order their own damn food especially since it was an open bar. They had to pay for something.

  I was going in and out of different stores shopping. I felt like someone had been following me all day. If it was their ass was going to regret it because I had my .22 in my purse. I didn't have time to be killing no motherfucker today. Ain't nobody got time for that.

  "Long time no see Peaches." The voice behind me gave me chills down my spine. It had been over twenty years since I heard it. This was the last motherfucker on Earth I wanted to see. I was scared to turn around. I just kept walking, I didn't have time for his shit back in the day and I don't have time for it now.

  "You're still fine as hell. Is that pussy still as good as it was back in the day?"

  "What the fuck do you want Vinny?"

  "We need to talk about ours sons?" I turned around so fast and looked at this motherfucker like he had two heads. "If memory served me right my children are nonexistent in your Mafia world. They don't even know your ass. I have raised them without you all these years. Trust me they don't need a grimy motherfucker like you in their lives Vinny Santerelli."

  "If you want to keep them alive you will get your ass in this car and listen to what the fuck I have to say." Hearing those words scared the shit out of me. I got inside the car and it pulled away.

  I watched as Vinny lit his cigar. He was still nice looking after all these years. He was the splitting image of Ray Liotta's character in the movie Goodfellas. I thought back to when I first met him. We both went to Catholic School together. Imagine that, a black girl going to school with the children of local mobsters. It was cool until casual sex led to pregnancy.

  That shit was a no no. Italians were not supposed to date black women let alone get them pregnant. I still couldn't believe I let that motherfucker get me pregnant twice. We were his best-kept secret. At one point, he helped out with them until his father Don Santerelli found out. He said if Vinny continued seeing me or taking care of my kids, he would cut him off and disown him. It's obvious that he chose his father.


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