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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

Page 31

by Joseph Arnold

  “Um, I think you might want to check the eggs.”

  “Oh yeah, right.” Riley raced back to the kitchen just in time to save breakfast.

  They ate breakfast and recalled the events of yesterday and the gentle way Sarina had held Riley in his time of need. It felt so natural to her as if indeed he was her king and she his queen. They had discovered a united role together where neither one’s plight was greater than the others. A place where there was time to listen and be listened to even in the face of saving humanity. Everything else: Mary, her work, her family all seemed to have enough attention and the systems functioned without her.

  This man was shifting his own world to be in hers and she needed to do the same. It all sounded so simple, but it was the hardest thing she had ever considered. How was it that he was able to shift everything in his life for her? But, the relationship was young and don’t these patterns always end up the same? Watch, he’ll get complacent and fall out of love with me. These things always happen. But still, we do have these enhanced abilities. That must mean something.

  “Sarina … Sarina?”

  “Huh, what?”

  “Dana said to meet him at the alley in fifteen minutes so I think we ought to leave now.”

  “Yes, I just have to gather my things. Are you ready?”

  “Ready and willing.”

  They gathered their things and their thoughts. Riley picked up the bracelet and Sarina picked up the urn. Riley noticed the bottom of the urn and asked, “Is that a compartment on the bottom?” He was pointing to the area of the urn that was hinged closed.

  “How did you notice that?”

  “Look.” Riley took the urn and pointed to a slight discoloration along the bottom and pressed his finger gently on one spot and it popped open.

  “Wow, I opened that when I got it but closed it and had not figured out how to open it again. And you went right to the spot and pressed it and opened it. How did you do that?”

  “Observation is my job. I simply saw a blemish and touched it.”

  “Well, you are amazing. Maybe that’s why I love you!” Sarina smiled and noticed Riley didn’t hear her as he seemed deep in thought.

  “I wonder if …” He took out the bracelet from his pocket and slid it into the opening. It was as if the urn was made for it. The bracelet slid in and the urn closed on its own with a very secure click. “Interesting,” he said.

  “Why did you do that?” she asked. “And did you see it close on its own”

  “Yeah,” as he pressed the same spot and removed the bracelet and handed it to Sarina.

  “Well, what do you make of it?”

  “I don’t know but the two objects seemed to be made for each other. Come on, let’s go” and off they went to the alley next to The Magic of Chin Chin.

  Dana was waiting as they arrived within seconds of the prescribed time. “Glad you two made it. This will likely be your final journey into the heart of the spirit world. Your connection is now complete with your profession of your love for one another.”

  Sarina blushed slightly and Riley smiled as Dana continued. “Love is the answer to all issues and you now possess the most powerful gift of all. And this last gift ensures that your other gifts will serve you even more. Riley, when you let go of your twin, you unlocked a very powerful feeling that allowed you to profess your love for dear Sarina. Sarina, when you accepted the detective’s love, you unlocked a very special gift for both of you. The masculine and feminine are separated but rely upon each other for strength where truth resides. If you had not found this, your quest might not have come this far. Use this final gift well and you will prevail.”

  Dana said a prayer and the three entered the void. Once inside, Dana’s final advice reverberated in Sarina’s and Riley’s very souls. He said, “You have come this far and no longer require my guidance. I will be by your side and within your beings but I will leave you with this: the beings you will see are only what you manifest from your own deeper experiences of this and other lives. They appear as images you alone create. It will be your task to find a way to manifest what you need to prevail. Detective, do you have handcuffs with you?”

  “Funny, I always carry them. Just a habit I suppose. They were a gift from Jennifer when I was a rookie.”

  “These will be the only truly human object required in the end. You will know what to do with them when the moment presents itself. Are you both ready?”

  “Yes,” said Sarina.

  “Yes,” said Riley.

  “Then off we go.”

  The door closed behind them and they walked the familiar path with the drumming and chanting constant companions once again …

  Chapter – Twenty Two

  There was a wind gust! Dana, Sarina, and Riley were swept through the portal! They seemed to quickly accelerate, everything was a blur and if any beings were nearby, they went unnoticed. Sarina felt a strange sensation, much like being accelerated on a rollercoaster as the cart sped down the track. She wondered if Riley was feeling the same. The three journeyed through a tube resembling a hallway. Riley thought of it much like a wormhole he had seen in a movie called “Contact” he had watched long ago. He imagined the sensation was like that of a quick acceleration, as if being propelled skyward in a NASA rocket, even though he had never experienced that. Sarina was tightly locked arm in arm with Riley. The only relationship to movement was the scenery flashing by outside the tube. Lights passed not so much as specks but as lines at what seemed to be the speed of light but those rules did not really apply here. Riley’s thoughts were beginning to take over his consciousness as he closed his eyes and used his gifts to better see his surroundings. His mind wanted to regain control and it took every ounce of concentration he had to force his mind to retreat and not let go of his hold on Sarina’s arm.

  They traveled for what their minds perceived as hours or days. Riley thought they may have been traveling into the future yet they never felt hungry or tired. They simply observed the string of lights passing by. Riley wondered why there was no sensation of movement. He had felt that they were accelerating, but once they reached a certain “speed,” there was no longer that sensation. Then, suddenly and abruptly, they stopped or at least the lights flashing by changed from lines to points and they were in another void floating in boundless space with no orientation of up or down, left or right, forward of backward. There was no sudden jolt when they stopped, which surprised Riley as he glanced over to Sarina.

  Sarina seemed to be in a trance like state with a peaceful look on her face. Riley wondered if he looked distraught to Sarina as she looked into his eyes. Riley thought he must look concerned as he glanced over to Dana.

  “This is the way.” Dana assured them that they were on track and that this was just a transitional port from the human world to the center of Source. Sarina and Riley closed their eyes and saw spirit creatures of all shapes and sizes milling about that seemed to be just looking at them or more like they were looking through them as if they were not able to see them. The beings’ auras were all colors that appeared to blend together without separation. Distinguishing one form from another was difficult. They were all floating around moving by and through each other with, what became apparent, little regard for the three’s presence.

  Each time Sarina and Riley moved through one of these beings, electrical pulses surged through their bodies. At first it was a bit overwhelming, but Sarina and Riley soon adjusted and realized they were able to ground the charge instantly in some unknown way and not be affected by the constant pulsing throughout their bodies, allowing them to focus on their surroundings. They remembered how Dana told them that the spirit world was not like anything they ever imagined.

  Riley discovered that there were two types of pulses. One affected the right side of his body more, while the other his left side. He checked with Sarina and she validated his signs. The pulses on the left side of his body were more intense like the shock from an electrical cord. The pulses on
right side of his body were gentler like the feeling of a massage tool he might hold in his hand. Riley wondered what this meant.

  Sarina seemed to know that this was the way these beings were communicating with them. “Riley, just allow the feeling of the pulse nudge you in any given direction. These gentle nudges will seem to indicate directional changes for us.”

  They were in constant motion passing through or being passed through whatever or wherever this was. The pulses were strong and subtle, depending on how Sarina and Riley interacted with the beings and they shifted their direction accordingly. “Sarina,” Riley thought. “I don’t feel fear or rather my feelings seem balanced.” Sarina nodded.

  As they proceeded, the beings began to organize into large groups.

  “We are entering collectives right now,” Dana said. “You will notice beings who are grouped tightly within these collectives. These are the council members that I spoke of from their respective worlds.”

  They passed literally billions of these collectives. “I still don’t understand why Earth is so important in this realm,” said Riley.

  Sarina touched Riley gently on his arm with her free hand. Their grip on each other was still tight and unyielding. This calmed Riley’s mind somewhat and he smiled at her

  “Wait and see,” replied Dana.

  They passed through countless more collectives and came to another portal of sorts. This time there was a single being, not so much blocking their way, but rather floating motionless in their path. This being was shrouded with a substance rendering it impassable. They stopped and no energy was exchanged. Riley noticed the urn glowing under Sarina’s cloak and took it from her pocket. He looked at her and said, “We must hold this up together.”

  “Riley, what do you see?”

  “I see that we can pass though by removing the illusion that holds us here.”

  “How will the urn help?”

  “I'm not sure but I just know.”

  Sarina looked at the being not sure what was about to happen and then over to Dana who stood motionless. Sarina was sure she noticed a smirk on his face but quickly looked away, back in the direction of the floating being.

  Riley and Sarina held up the urn and closed their eyes and the shroud melted away revealing only light. The light was so bright that Sarina and Riley squeezed their eyes tightly together. In the next instance they projected themselves forward, not actually moving but simply relocating to another altered reality, which placed them solidly into a newly formed space. They were moving to a new dimension where reality shifted from one set of rules to another. This was why Riley and Sarina needed to let go of any physical thought and simply allow whatever might happen to happen.

  This was not anything like tele-transportation concepts that Riley had seen in the movies. It was more like willing the self to be somewhere else while remaining stationary.

  This must be what shape shifting is, he thought.

  I agree, Sarina thought and winked at Riley. Where are we?

  They were at the entrance to an enormous room. It feels like a throne room. Can you see the huge chair and the tapestries? They remind me of a medieval court, thought Riley. He realized they were communicating not with spoken words, but with their thoughts. I like this form of communication, Riley thought as he looked around his new environment. Why can’t I read your other thoughts? I can only read the thoughts you are directly communicating to me.

  I noticed that, thought Sarina. I'm not completely sure why, but I do like this way of communication as well. It saves energy. I feel like we must be so focused on staying connected that other thoughts are far less important so we are only able to receive and transmit thoughts specific to whatever is happening in the moment. I suspect this is what happens when we channel pure thought on identical vibrational frequencies.

  Riley had a skeptical look on his face. There, he pointed, look ahead. Do you see that? They moved through the throne room and Riley noticed Dana was no longer with them. He looked around the huge chamber. Sarina, it looks like we’re on our own, he thought.

  So it would seem, Sarina thought back as she spun around, still locked tightly with Riley’s arm, looking for any sign of Dana.

  Sarina and Riley were seeing flashes of images as if on giant screens but there were no physical screens, only void. Look there, Riley pointed.

  They saw ancient civilizations playing out information about their societies. Some were very primitive yet the people were accomplishing great tasks in short order. They saw walls being built with stones that levitated as men and women looked on in what appeared to be deep focus. Their bodies swayed in unison and they seemed to be chanting in a language unfamiliar to him.

  Maybe this is the ancient Sumerian language, he pondered.

  Maybe, thought Sarina.

  In other scenes only one or two people were present while huge stones were moved. When one person was present, the being was larger than the others, like the ancient Egyptian carvings. When two people were present their size was normal, like the others standing near. They were usually a man and a woman together and rarely a man and a man or a woman and a woman.

  Masculine and feminine, he thought.

  Yes, agreed Sarina. Yet notice that the feeling that comes through when a man and a woman are together is the same feeling projected when man and man or woman and woman are present.

  I see, thought Riley. Even when man and man or woman and woman are together, the two energies are always in balance.

  These scenes played out over and over again but in different climates from various regions of a world. These images may have been from Earth but Riley was not sure.

  Sarina was seeing similar images but they focused more on ritual dancing and singing. The men and women were always together, swaying and singing in the exact way they did when they moved the large stones and always in community.

  Fascinating, she thought.

  Yes, Riley agreed.

  Riley and Sarina wondered why they were being shown these images. A voice sounded from the emptiness.

  “You are here to see how your human evolution took place.” Sarina and Riley both strained to see an image from where the voice sounded.

  Riley looked at Sarina and thought Dana.

  Yes, Sarina thought back.

  They realized that this was a viewing space revealing hidden secrets of ancient cultures by showing visual examples of how these tasks were accomplished. They watched these images play out again and again. The process was always the same no matter what the task at hand. Each task was preceded by the rituals Sarina had seen. She thought, if humans simply remembered what we have forgotten, we might be able to accomplish what we did during ancient times. These images were locked up and kept hidden from present-day humans. There had to be a way to unlock these ancient secrets again.

  Riley, we are here now watching ancient rituals that allowed humans to accomplish amazing tasks. Maybe we are two of only a few humans to have seen this place, she thought.

  Hmm ... maybe so. After all, these images show people accomplishing great feats our engineers are not able to perform today, or whenever we are, Riley thought.

  With all that we are seeing, why is it I feel an energy shift here? It is as though something in our present time is stuck, like a locked gate or something. It’s as if humans were once able to accomplish great feats together but now might not be able to accomplish these tasks unless we can work together once more. We seem to be connected in ways I don’t fully understand so that must mean something. The spirit world doesn’t seem to be creating any resistance. I feel a great sense of peace in this concept of working together again, don’t you? asked Sarina.

  Riley was sensing something and he was not sure if it was peace or resignation. I’m not sure but I think I do feel something akin to what you say is peace. I feel more of a sense of blockage, is that what you mean?

  Maybe that’s it. They moved forward not sure of what to do or how to do it. Then Sarina thought again,
Riley, what if we are simply supposed to be here and not do anything?

  I don’t see how that might help.

  Listen, let’s try and join together like we did yesterday.


  Let’s just try.

  Alright …

  They stopped moving and joined together with their gifts. The union of a man and a woman, masculine and feminine in deep meditation felt needed not only for Sarina and Riley, but also for this entire realm.

  The spirit world was not governed by Earth-bound, human laws. In Sarina and Riley’s human world, everyone seemed to believe that doing something was the answer to all problems. Generating thoughts, turning thoughts into ideas, forming ideas into habits, and then converting habits into solutions was a human belief. But here in the governing realm of all beings, everything was different. Thoughts were less present, only energy that generated feelings or emotions. This seemed to be a great realm of immense creation. Every being seemed to be in constant meditation.

  Humans certainly meditated on Earth and some even sat in quiet stillness and looked to love for the answer. Had Sarina and Riley found a common truth that held them together, effortlessly? Why had humans abandoned that which had served them so well? The answer was deeper in source and this meditation was a way to help find what Sarina and Riley were looking for.

  Time passed and Sarina and Riley remained still, floating in the traditional lotus position. They were not concerned with manmade time concepts and there was no agenda. They were being tested to see if they were able to truly let go. Not once did either Riley or Sarina veer from their integrity and not once were they distracted by outside influence or inner thought. They were simply being. And that generated a reaction.

  The points of light have vanished, thought Riley.

  I see nothing, thought Sarina.

  The void around them began to vibrate, first at a very low, almost undetectable frequency. Riley wondered if any human machine was able to measure this energy. The vibration rose higher and higher until the entire universe was in, what felt like, an altered state.


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