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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

Page 32

by Joseph Arnold

  The energy feels intense, thought Riley.

  I feel like I am weighted down and can’t move, thought Sarina. I’m scared.

  Riley reached out to Sarina and took her hand in his. I’m right here, he thought. This is an energy and not a material feeling. We are sensing this and not really experiencing it. There is no real pressure, only thoughts.

  Riley and Sarina felt as if the energy was focused directly on them and yet its intention seemed everywhere. They both were vibrating at the same frequency but something was not quite right.

  The energy still feels stuck, thought Sarina.

  I feel it too, thought Riley. Like a stopped up drain.

  Riley released Sarina’s hand and they expanded their bodies out of the lotus position into a standing position and the infinite number of lights they had seen before returned. They were forming into symbols unlike anything Riley had ever noticed. Sarina recognized some of the shapes. They were symbols she saw in different indigenous cultures in areas almost untouched by western civilization. Some were identical to crop circles found in the wheat and barley fields in England on Earth. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold.

  Riley, they are so beautiful.

  Why don’t humans see this on Earth?

  Some do, but maybe most humans have forgotten how powerful this is or maybe have been taught to fear this.

  Maybe they simply choose not to believe in their mysteries. I have always explained the phenomena away as unimportant or simply nothing worthwhile to notice. I have a very different belief now!

  The light show continued with the high frequency vibration until Riley and Sarina chose to move on. Their journey continued and came to an energetic multi-tined fork in their path. Both paths were dark and mysterious. They were faced with another choice.

  Now what? Riley thought.

  Riley, just relax and wait.

  They relaxed into a deep meditation and without speaking they seemed to know which direction to choose even though so many paths were in front of them

  The path they chose led them deeper into an unusual energy field. The field was unsettled and electric pulses began to flash touching the left side of their bodies. The pulses grew with intensity as they moved forward. The pulsing became almost unbearable and they used their ability to ground the electric pulses, which eased the intensity to a tolerable level although they winced slightly with every pulse.

  These energy pulses are only entering the left side of my body. I feel like they are trying to warn us of something, thought Sarina.

  Riley concentrated and asked, Me too. Did we make a poor choice?

  Wait, Riley. The energy seems different. I... can ... hardly ... breathe!

  What's happening? I'm ... also... having ... a tough time ... breathing! The vibration began to lower and they felt thick or dense. The heaviness was almost crushing their bodies. Both Riley and Sarina felt the air pushing down heavy on their bodies. Riley and Sarina were grasping at the air around them as if trying to pull invisible curtains down. It was as if they were on a planet with ten times the gravitational force of Earth. Just when they felt so weighted that they might not be able to take another step, they squeezed into an enormous chamber and the gravitational force, or whatever it was lifted. The chamber was occupied by large beings dressed in heavy cloaks standing in grand circles around them.

  Each being was at least twice the size in both height and breadth of the average adult man. Their eyes glowed a translucent green and a mist, slowly rising from their hooded heads.

  Riley gasped for a breath and thought, I can breathe again!

  Sarina let out a quick sign. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to take another breath!

  After a moment, Sarina caught her breath and thought, Riley, look, they have no auras.

  Yeah, I know, Riley thought back, his breathing stabilizing.

  The large beings advanced on Riley and Sarina closing ranks in their ever-tightening circles. They opened their cloaks and revealed wings twice the length of their bodies. Riley stood in a defensive posture and Sarina raised her arms as if calling to something above. But to no avail. As they stood in the chamber, the large beings drew closer menacingly and a deafening sound began to echo all around them. Both Sarina and Riley fell to the floor on their knees clasping their hands over their ears. The beings surrounded them, blocking any escape, and made to seize them. Just then as the sound was about to blow out their eardrums and just as the beings were about to grab them, a figure appeared from nowhere and approached them. He was dressed in colorful clothing, unlike the drab clothing the beings surrounding them wore. His headdress was tall with plumage of exotic birds from the jungles of Central America. Sarina recognized the feathers. She had seen these before on her many trips to Central and South America when she visited indigenous tribes. He waved his hands and the room went silent, but the ringing in their ears persisted.

  “I see you have followed the path that led you to this chamber. Do you know who I am?” the figure asked.

  Riley and Sarina rose still in pain from the sound. Sarina gasped and put her hand to her mouth. She was so taken by this being’s appearance that she was not able to utter a single word or form any thought.

  “Cum-Hau,” Riley finally said as he shot Sarina a puzzled glance.

  “Well done, detective. Do you know why you are here?”

  Sarina finally found her voice. “To reclaim the rituals for humankind,” she said as she looked back at Riley with obvious approval of his deductive reasoning abilities.

  “Very astute, Sarina, and how do you propose to do that? I have intentionally stifled the rituals for thousands of your Earth years.”

  “Why?” Riley asked.

  “My brother is returning to your Earth soon after the end of the ancient Mayan calendar, which marks another passing of one of our years. I want him to see how futile his idea of helping advance your species has been.”

  “Why have you done this?” asked Riley.

  “You are here now so you must know the history. My species has existed in this realm and on our world longer than Earth’s existence. We have traveled the cosmos gathering data to be stored in CSI for trillions of your Earth years. We navigate between what you call the universes via various dimensions that your limited minds cannot understand. Your scientists are only just now beginning to discover that there are more than simply four or five dimensions and that what you believe are the ‘laws of the universe’ are outdated. We are omnipresent within this spirit realm. Our physical bodies occupy a world you cannot see called Nibiru and we have been interested in Earth for billions of years. We helped accelerate your species by various means, which you no doubt have learned.”

  “Yes, we know all of this, although,” Riley glanced over to Sarina, “we previously did not know that Nibiru was not visible to our species. But, again, why stifle the rituals that access CSI and offer the people of Earth their salvation?”

  Sarina looked at Riley with surprise and wondered to herself how it was that he was able to continue given the fact that they had learned that Nibiru was invisible to the human eye.

  Cum Hau continued, “If the people of Earth remember how to perform these rituals, they will discover solutions to all their problems they alone created on Earth. They will see how feeble their attempt at developing human technology has been. They will abandon their need for oil, discover cleaner resources, and the environment will heal. They all will see how their religions have shrouded the truth of source. They will all see how political leaders have deceived them and split human communities apart. All humans will see how corporate leaders have exploited much of Earth’s resources including the corporations themselves.”

  Sarina and Riley looked at one another but refrained from thought communication for fear that Cum-Hau might have the ability to intercept their thoughts.

  “My brother and I differed in our desires. His desire was what you know as love. Mine is what you know as fear. Humans are easily contr
olled by fear and trust little in love. During the great battle 3,600 of your years ago, I was exiled to another region of your world you know as Central America. I created the people you call the Maya and initiated the calendar of markings to track the passage of Earth’s planetary orbit and other celestial events. The Mayan people were easily deceived but a few were not. Undoubtedly you know of these gods.”

  “You refer to Xbalanque and Hunahpu,” Sarina said. Sarina remembered these names from her dream and from the discussions she and Riley had with Dana. She began to wonder where Dana was but her thought was interrupted by Cum-Hau.

  “Yes.” He waved his hand in the air as if to stifle her thought, which caught Sarina off guard. “They were the keepers of the knowledge of love, but they were no match for my power and my army destroyed them.”

  Dana and the owner of Yumma, Riley thought.

  Yes, Sarina agreed. Sarina looked quickly over in Cum-Hau’s direction.

  He does not know they are alive, Riley thought also looking in Cum-Hau’s direction.

  Cum-Hau did not respond so Riley and Sarina concluded that he was not able to hear their thoughts.

  The urn, thought Sarina as she glanced at it. Why has he not mentioned this? Is this the key?

  Ah, yes, thought Riley. It must be the key. Why else does he not notice it? Can we somehow use this? Especially if he is not even aware of it?

  Cum-Hau continued. “My brother left behind many devoted followers to incarnate upon Earth to keep the rituals alive. The greatest one you know of is the man they called Christ. He attempted to spread my brother’s teachings but was no match for the infected leaders of his time and ultimately had to leave the region. He used the powerful rituals along with herbs and help from others to stage his apparent death on a cross erected from false rituals by the Roman leaders of his era. The people mistook his trick as a sign from a greater source. He fled the land and completed his days shrouded away from the masses to protect his knowledge. He fathered many children hoping to pass along the DNA mapping and keep my brother’s ideals alive. His bloodline lives on Earth today although it is almost impossible to detect.”

  Riley and Sarina were connecting the conversations they had with Yumma and Dana.

  “No matter,” said Cum-Hau. “I have placed many powerful leaders on Earth with my own DNA mapping, which is why your world is engulfed in so much strife today. Others with my brother’s DNA mapping have emerged on important dates along the Mayan calendar markings, but none have succeeded in altering Earth’s destiny. One of your greatest scientists, Albert Einstein, hoped to enlighten humans with his greatest scientific findings. Once he was recognized for his great mind, he attempted to lead the human race back to the ways of ancient rituals. Unfortunately for your species, he failed as the shroud of fear was the mask of disbelief. Another man unmasked the deception and revealed our lineage as the ancient Sumerians. His name was Zachariah Stichen, but he was not able to lead humans from their illusions and died relatively unnoticed. My greatest allies have been the world religions, for they have capitalized on my greatest tool, fear. Fear keeps the people in check, always without fail. The great leaders have done a superb job as well. Attila the Hun, Adolph Hitler, Richard Cheney, and others like them keep the people cowering in fear. I have inserted my personal spirit followers in these physical humans with unbridled success and my work is now coming to a close. The last follower you know well. His name is Camazotz.”

  Sarina’s eyes grew larger at the mention of her father.

  “Ah,” said Cum-Hau, “You know him, yes?”

  “He is, or was, my father.”

  “This I did not know. Thank you for sharing that piece of information (he was thinking of just how useful that information might be in terms of negotiations if need be). Cum-Hau seemed to be contemplating as he glanced from Sarina to Riley as if he was hoping for some information to spill out. “Camazotz is my greatest ally at present and has been most helpful, but as a result of his incompetence, his duties are yet incomplete. One more item is missing. He held it at one time but alas it is lost, the fool. No matter, the process continues and the result will manifest in time.”

  The bracelet … thought Sarina.

  And the urn ... thought Riley. They must be connected and helpful in very useful ways.

  “What have you done with him?”

  Cum-Hau seemingly suspected nothing. “Camazotz is here with me. He has served me for the past 30 of your Earth years. And will be dealt with for his incompetence later.”

  “Can I see him?” she asked.

  The bracelet and the urn. Riley was directing his thoughts toward Sarina, struggling not to give away any clues.

  What? As she glanced over to Riley. Oh ... Yes, thought Sarina also working hard at keeping an even non-emotional posture.

  It seems to me that Cum-Hau doesn’t have all the information at his disposal.

  It appears not, Sarina agreed.

  “All in good time, Sarina. When my brother arrives, he will note the incompetence of your father and the devastation the humans have caused to Earth and relinquish his hold on this planet. I will be able to prove his error in his attempt at accelerating your species’ evolution and return the destiny of your Earth to the people I have placed in power to continue using their own free will, thus propelling your species into utter chaos and self-destruction. The devastation is far enough along in its downward spiral and with the continued leadership of my followers, your species will terminate itself, leaving Earth vacant of the human species that has mismanaged Earth’s resources.”

  “For what purpose?” asked Riley.

  “I will then repopulate Earth with a more advanced race to continue towards our final destiny of universal occupation. You are now free to go as the others before you who have stood here and listened to my plan. They, unfortunately for you, have not been taken seriously when they attempted to explain this to your fellow humans. Your species is so heavily entrenched in fear that it is unlikely you will convince your people what you have learned. You will be ridiculed and banished from your society as heretics.”

  Cum-Hau turned and walked away laughing, knowing there was nothing they could do, even if they returned back to their world. What Cum-Hau did not know was that Sarina and Riley were better informed than anyone before them. His arrogance was his weakness. Sarina and Riley picked up on his error and turned to leave.

  What do we do now? Riley thought.

  Cum-Hau does not seem to believe we can do anything. It seems prudent that we simply go back and work this out. Maybe Dana can give us an answer. Let’s simply ... leave.

  Can it be that simple? I mean it was so challenging to get here. Do you truly believe he will simply allow us to leave, just like that? Riley snapped his finger.

  Why not?

  Sarina and Riley turned and began their journey back, following the path back towards the great void. They were not met by the being that slowed their journey into the chamber. It seemed like they were being allowed to leave. They moved purposefully, but not too quickly or abruptly, being careful not to draw attention to their movement.

  When they returned to the space where the collectives gathered, they found Dana waiting. Sarina hugged Dana and said, “I am so happy to see you.”

  “I am happy you are well. Was your journey enlightening?”

  “I can’t say if it was enlightening,” said Riley. “It was quite informative and very bizarre.”

  Dana looked at Riley and then over to Sarina. “Come, I want to show you something.” The three moved out of the void in a new direction. “You met with the brother named Cum-Hau, who has control over the people of Earth, although it is not that he actually has control over humans. He has only put his allies in powerful places. He possesses no power that can control anyone and he knows this. If he loses the leaders in power, then he loses control of the people, but this shift can happen only if the people awaken and see that fear is what has held them in check all these eons. Follow me

  Chapter – Twenty Three

  Sarina, Riley, and Dana moved into another space through another portal. The hallway or tube they were in was lined again with an infinite number of tiny lights. The shapes these lights created were similar to the ones they had seen before: ancient symbols resembling glyphs on cave walls, crop circle images, and other sacred shapes from various religions on Earth.

  Riley was familiar with the religious symbols and was puzzled as he thought the religions were illusions created by men and women who used their dogma to create fear allowing them to control their followers.

  “Some religions were wholesome and adapted the old ways in their doctrines,” said Dana, as if he was reading Riley’s mind. “But eventually greed for power and money overcame the wholesomeness of the religions and the old ways were abandoned. These symbols were once, and still are, very sacred.”

  “I understand the sacredness of the symbols and hadn’t thought about the evolution of religion quite that way before. It makes sense that a man-created religion needed sacred symbols and simply co-opting ones that already existed for their own purposes seemed fairly efficient,” said Riley.

  “Riley, the energy feels different here. Can you feel it?” asked Sarina.

  Riley focused on Sarina’s words. “As a matter of fact, yes, the energy here doesn’t feel stuck, it feels free flowing. Why is that?” he asked.

  “Riley, Sarina, the energy of the universe flows through and within the universe, in all dimensions and is connected to all living things. It is never ending and never beginning, it just is. The energy you experienced where you were before was stifled, or stuck as you put it. The energy was flowing only in one direction. That place uses this energy of this place to feed its existence and this energy gives freely of itself. Both places need each other to exist. Without each other, there is no purpose and without purpose, there is no being. It is therefore important to unblock this stifled energy in the place you were with Cum-Hau.”

  “Why did the energy where we were before feel so heavy?” asked Riley.


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