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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

Page 33

by Joseph Arnold

  “Only because you are still in your human form while in the spirit realm. Remember, few humans have ever experienced this in complete human form so you will naturally be subject to the physical definitions of the human world. I will try to explain what is happening.”

  The three floated along while Dana explained. “For ease of understanding, I will label the two energies as light and dark, although these labels are not true but they will suffice. Light energy is not attached to the Mind Body or ego and cannot be controlled by it. Light energy simply allows flow without control. This is what you might call pure untainted energetic flow. Dark energy depends on the Mind Body or ego for guidance and knows not how to allow flow without control. This need to be controlled stifles dark energy and so requires flow from light energy. Dark energy is neither required to ask for nor does it actually take light energy because light energy is always flowing without reservation. So light energy freely flows and dark energy does not. These two energies are opposites and need each other for balance. Are you two following this?”

  “It makes sense to me,” Sarina said, although not completely sure.

  “I sort of follow you but I can’t seem to wrap my brain around it,” said Riley. “Although you spoke of Mind Body and ego, I thought these were terms used for humans and not spirits.”

  “I use these terms so you might better understand this realm. Of course, what is actually happening is not what I am saying, but human language is limited so I use what is at my disposal. Does that ease your thoughts, Detective?”

  “Somewhat. Go on,” said Riley, not completely sure but attempting to follow Dana’s train of thought.

  Dana gave Riley a concerned look. “Okay. Dark energy cannot infect light energy simply because the ego of dark energy is too busy maintaining control and it cannot afford to expend its own energy pushing back against the flow of light energy. This is how it has always been. If ego is replaced by authentic enlightenment then dark energy and light energy flow without restriction. When light and dark energies are in balance the two energies have no separation or difference in feeling. Light energy cannot exist without dark energy and dark energy cannot exist without light energy. We cannot know up if there is no down, left if there is no right. The same applies to light and dark. But light and dark must be precisely balanced, which is why the very existence of the Human Race is in peril. Simply put, there is no longer pure balance. Humans cannot make healthy choices without this system in pure existence, in pure balance. The current imbalance between light (or unstifled) energy and dark (or stifled) energy is why human choice has become unbalanced and solutions to your problems are not apparent. We are standing at the precipice of the greatest choice humanity will ever make. The choice of creating a global community or complete and utter self-destruction.”

  “Does the absence of ritual contribute to this imbalance?” Sarina asked.

  “Yes, my dear, the absence of ritual is the sole reason humans are in this pivotal time. If ritual can be re-established, Earth’s energy will be rebalanced and humans can, again, be free. If not …”

  “... Humans will become extinct,” Riley finished.

  “Correct. Human life as you know it will transform into energy and feed dark energy, perpetuating imbalance in the spirit realm and Earth’s destiny will follow a path of dark energy. Light will continue to flow but cannot intervene. Only humans can intervene to balance the energies. Do you both understand why you have been called to this journey?”

  “We hold a key of transformation. Our job, if you will, is to help balance the energy,” said Riley.

  “That is indeed your purpose. You cannot fail. You can only choose one way or the other. You must discover the key and how it can be used as a tool, much like your gifts are tools that help you make choices. Your destiny is to help humans remember how to live not on Earth but in Eairth.”

  “Eairth?” Sarina asked.

  “Eairth is an emerging concept with a few scholars of your age. This new way of understanding is setting the tone for a new way of living. Eairth means to live within the ecosystem and not upon it. When humans finally understand this concept, everything and every way you have known how to be in this lifetime will shift back into balance.

  Sarina was noticing that light has no end. It simply continued on into infinity. The feeling she and Riley were experiencing was nameless. There was no heaviness, only weightlessness, and their consciousness was full of love. It was as if they were living within the air and not simply breathing it.

  “I still wonder why the dark energy felt so oppressive if it is needed for balance,” said Riley.

  “The other ingredient, if you will, is that Cum-Hau is attempting to contain the energetic power,” said Dana.

  “I'm not sure I follow,” said Sarina.

  “The flow of light energy into dark energy is infinite or non-ending, but the flow must happen between the light and dark energy to complete the cycle. This energetic cycle keeps the universe in balance. Cum-Hau is struggling to contain dark energy and this is why you felt the oppressive heaviness when you were in his chambers.”

  “Like a balloon filling with air stretching to its limits, about to burst from the pressure,” said Riley.

  “Something like that,” responded Dana. “It is more like a drain connected to itself. On one end, there is a flow into this drain from the universe. On the other end is Earth that is connected back to the universe. Cum-Hau is like the plug being held in place by his own ego on one end of Earth. He believes he has enough ego to contain this energy, but the pressure has become so great that his power is not enough to hold back the energy flow much longer.”

  “What will happen if this plug is removed?” asked Sarina.

  “No one knows for sure. Some, including Cum-Hau, speculate that a violent and fearful devastation will occur while others attest Earth will regulate the re-creation of balance in a gentle loving way. Whatever happens, it is clear that something needs to shift one way or the other. Cum-Hau is counting on a more violent event that destroys the human species in a violent way. What also is clear is that you two are paramount in this next phase of Earth’s evolution.”

  Sarina and Riley both realized that they were about to confront their deepest fears. Dana had been telling them this story about the spirit world in precise and calculated segments all along, and they both now realized why he did not tell it to them as one complete story. If they had known the whole story at the beginning of this quest before they had experienced the spirit world themselves and acquired their gifts, they might not have been able to make it this far. They would have been far too scared. But instead fear was now a tool. They needed to embrace fear as their ally and not attempt to conquer it if balance was to be restored. Only then could the light and dark energies be in perfect alignment with the universe. That alignment would release the blockage, which, in turn, would allow these light and dark energies to flow uninterrupted and in pure balance once again.

  “What you are feeling is a great sense of self,” Dana continued. “You are close to what you humans call enlightenment. This word has great power on Earth. Some use the word Creator as if you were formed by a higher source. You are the only creator of your human self; there is no other. All humans are creators of self; this is how it has been forever. No greater being exists; no god controls anyone or anything. This is what Eairth is truly like.

  “Cum-Hau knows this and is very clever at hiding it from the human race. Fear, in its unbalanced form, is a fantastic cloak hiding truth from any who succumbs to its powers. It is imperative that you do not succumb to the fear many are projecting at this time. No apocalypse or instant mass destruction of your planet will be imminent, only a continuing spiral of self-destruction with Cum-Hau orchestrating your demise.

  “But if humans can remember that they are their own creators, Eairth and the human race will continue on to their joint evolutionary ascension, which began after the Mayan calendar concluded its current cycle on December
21, 2012. Ann’s death at the moment of the Winter Solstice was in itself, a key component in the plan to either save or destroy the human race. She was like the venom of the rattlesnake that holds the antidote to reverse the deadly effect of its own poison. That antidote is a new consciousness that will continue through the end of 2016 and lead to the salvation of the human race. If the antidote is administered in time, your species will then evolve to a higher vibration and unite as one race to solve its problems with useful information both technologically and spiritually for its continued existence.”

  “You certainly make it seem forbidding, Dana,” Riley gasped.

  “It is hard to convey the truth in all of this. Your language is simply too limited. If you can conceptualize the situation as one where, no matter what happens, humans will transform to a different vibration as opposed to suffering a physical death, then it might be less daunting for you. Try not to use your thoughts to form an image but rather use your emotions to feel the possibilities of shift in one direction or the other. Either way this goes, humans will transform to a different vibration. The vibration will simply be higher or lower than it is now, either lighter or heavier, more transparent or more dense. You have tools in place to help with this choice. The end of one era and the beginning of another came to pass and humans are feeling the energy shift, right now. You must now make another choice. Are you prepared to administer the antidote?”

  When Riley and Sarina let go of thought, they understood the transformation as complete for this evolutionary period in Eairth’s time. The clarity reached helped them to see that the entire human race was poised to shift together. If their choice was for the light, then all the people on Eairth will work together to make the shift to a higher vibration and the evolution of the species will once again be in balance with the environment on what will become True Eairth. If their choice was for dark and imbalance to continue, the current evolution of the species will continue on a downward spiral and the communities of Eairth will continue to fragment as the evolution of the species reaches a lower vibration while Eairth’s environment continues to decline. Sarina and Riley looked at each other without words.

  “You two may want to listen to this information closely. This may be your greatest tool of advantage and may help you make your choice. Cum-Hau has been in darkness for so long that he has forgotten how powerful light can be. Like humans, he so wants to control with fear, he has forgotten the old ways. You have seen and have embodied those ways. They will be your strongest allies. Cum-Hau has many tricks, but they are all illusions designed to hide truth. You can overcome his illusions if you remember what you have seen in the hall of dark and light.”

  Sarina and Riley closed their eyes and saw inside themselves what Dana spoke.

  “You no doubt, by now, have figured out what Cum-Hau does not possess. It is what you possess.”

  “The urn,” Sarina said.

  “Yes and the bracelet to be placed inside the urn along with Ann’s ashes. Separately, these items are useless in your quest; together, the three constitute the antidote in a trilogy of faith.”

  “Like the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?” Riley asked.

  “Indeed so,” said Dana. “You possess very sacred objects, and Cum-Hau does not know this. Is there anything else you seek to understand or see?” asked Dana. He was looking directly into Sarina’s eyes as he spoke.

  Sarina was wearing the eagle whistle around her neck and felt she needed something from this realm to help in her quest to let go. She knew she needed to feel complete before she left this segment of her own quest and journeyed on with Riley.

  “I need to be separate for a moment, Riley,” she said while gazing back into Dana’s eyes.

  “I understand,” said Riley.

  “Let’s go, Detective,” said Dana, never leaving Sarina’s gaze.

  They both backed out into the void, beyond the portal, and remained silent. Riley understood about letting go. He knew the release when he let his unborn twin sister go. He knew this sense of freedom and was hoping Sarina was about to feel it.

  Sarina closed her eyes and rather than look for something, she simply listened. She heard the flute sound and sank into her feeling body. She raised the eagle whistle to her lips and passed her breath through the instrument. The sound of an eagle came forth from somewhere deep inside her soul. The flute responded and the dance began. Sarina sensed fear and love at the exact moment she engaged her sight, with eyes still closed. She saw Joe emerge from the light and stand facing her. She dropped the whistle to her chest and spoke his name. “Joe,” she said, letting her tears flow down her cheeks.

  “Sarina,” he said as he reached out and embraced her. “I have missed your touch all these years and am happy you are here. You look well. You have grown more beautiful.” Joe released her embrace and wiped a tear from her cheek.

  “What happened to you?”

  “I followed my bliss and embraced my own fear as you now do. I found the balance I searched for my entire life. I’m truly sorry I wasn’t able to remain in your physical world. When I discovered my truth, I knew my physical body had to dissolve. My captors must have sensed this, which is why they had to kill me. I was able to gaze into my assassin’s eyes as he squeezed his trigger and saw tears fill his eyes. I grabbed his shirt as the last human breath left my body and showed him how much love I felt for him.”

  Sarina gazed into Joe’s eyes and thanked him for being in her presence during her process of letting go. “Joe, I will always love you and admire how graciously you sacrificed your own life so that others might know what happened. You are so beautiful and I will always remember our time together.”

  “Sarina, although my time in your physical life has passed, I as well will always dance with you whenever you need me.” Joe began to back away and fade as he said, “Now go with Riley. He is you physical partner now. His loyalty for you is unwavering and his love boundless. He is a good man and will never leave your side. Be strong in your quest for your own truth. This will help you when your choices are hardest.”

  With that, Joe merged back into the light, and Sarina believed Joe when he said he will always be with her. She emerged by Dana’s and Riley’s side and bowed in silence. The three left the void and returned to the alley.

  The sounds of humanity were everywhere. People were moving in every direction caught up in their own thoughts as if the rest to world did not exist, rushing here and there, talking on phones, seemingly oblivious to the environment. Have we really come to this? Sarina thought. Why did we let go of ritual? Was it to create a better life? Was this a better life? She sensed disconnect within the throngs of people walking quickly after the end of their work day towards something inchoate. She recalled Riley’s comment about being on a treadmill in life.

  “If administering the antidote restores balance, will ritual return to people’s lives?” she asked.

  “I was wondering that myself,” said Riley.

  “Not without your influence. Are you willing to administer the antidote?”

  “How do we administer the antidote?”

  “I cannot offer you an answer. But if you continue to follow this journey with me and Riley and you will find your answers when you complete your quest. This takes an enormous amount of faith and walking in the unknown.”

  Riley and Sarina gazed deep into each other’s eyes and they both understood what they must do.

  “Yes,” they said in unison.

  Dana smiled as he spoke. “Wonderful.”

  “How about ritual?” asked Sarina.

  “Offer them choice and they will respond. Right now, most humans don’t believe they have any choices. Money has to be made, deadlines met, bills paid. All of these things are illusions, but fear keeps them bound to their treadmill, as the detective noted. Once you administer the antidote, ritual will begin to return with your help. Come,” said Dana. “Back to Yumma’s”

  They walked to the restaurant and met with Yumma.
“Ah Dana, it is so good to see you again.” Yumma gave Dana a great hug as if to squeeze his very life from his body. Dana’s eyes bugged out a bit. “And Sarina and Riley.” Yumma extended his arms out to Riley who prepared for a similar hug. He kissed Sarina on her cheek and bowed. “I am so happy to see you all. Now sit and tell me of your adventure.”

  By this time, Riley and Sarina knew who Yumma was and the conversation was easy and informative. The owner explained his relationship with Dana and how they were twin brothers from ancient times related to the Mayan prophesies. Their role was to aid Sarina and Riley in their journey of choices. They talked for hours in the back room of the restaurant. He explained that the woman Riley saw was part of the council, which Riley already knew, and was in place to monitor him alone.

  This was why only I saw her and not Sarina, he thought.

  “Exactly,” said Yumma.

  Riley jumped a little. “Did you read my thoughts,” he asked?

  “Not your thoughts, your emotions,” he said with a laugh. “Human emotions are easy to read and yours are quite simple. If you have not figured this out yet, I will tell you. The woman you saw, who takes on many forms, was your twin sister.”

  Riley sat back in his chair looking dumbfounded. “I thought council members are those whose physical form exists on Earth. My twin died in our mother’s womb.”

  “Ah, but you see, Detective, you are not an ordinary human; you are extraordinary. Indeed, your sister was not physically born to Eairth in this time but you needed information that only she had access to. So she was allowed to interact with you before you were born as a spirit or energetic soul and passed information to you from her. In this way it was like she was born in this time but not physically. Does that make sense, Detective?”

  Sarina leaned forward and smiled. She had heard of this before. A twin is not born physically but critical information is transferred to the brother or sister before he or she is born. It made sense to her.

  “Hmm, I guess it makes sense,” said Riley, although his wasn’t sure he fully believed it. “I felt connected when I visited her in the spirit realm and I feel complete now, but ...”


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