Book Read Free

Falling Into Love

Page 18

by TC Rybicki

  His lips slowed until they halted. We stayed that way for a few seconds, pressed together just breathing in and out, feeling and enjoying the experience.

  “I should get in the truck,” Dane pulled me closer, one more inch and I was falling off the seat, but he had me. He’d never let me fall. I kissed his chin. “This is a public place and we’re approaching indecency.”

  “But we’re fully dressed.”

  “Yeah, and I really should get in the truck.”

  I cocked my eyebrow, “In the back?”

  “You wish.” He let go and walked around to his side. I held my hands up. There’d be no more locking Dane out anymore, anytime, for any reason.


  “Here we are.” Dane flipped up his console and I scooted quickly. His arms were my final resting place. I swore I’d never let another pair of arms wrap around me like this.

  “Now, that’s better. Where to, Beautiful?”

  “I’m yours all weekend, so I don’t care as long as we’re together.” He leaned back. I never made myself completely clear and Dane was confused. Sometimes I swear he liked being confused by me. “I was always breaking up. You had to know that.”

  “Not exactly. Why not tell me the truth?”

  “Because I didn’t want to jinx it. I don’t like saying everything out loud until I know it’s a done deal.”

  “You could have saved me days of stress. It’s not that hard, ‘Dane, I want to be with you. I’m breaking up with Grant.’” He moved my mouth for me and I couldn’t help but laugh even though I hated myself for making him feel that way.

  “Sorry. I’m complicated.”

  “Tell me something new, but you said all weekend. Care to explain? Do you still want to see Ally and Dinah?”

  He was so cute. I laughed harder. “No, that’s okay. I made that up.”

  “But Ally is your best friend. You made that up from the start? If so, I might think you’re being a little crazier than normal.”

  “Ally is technically real, but she went to North Texas in Denton, silly and we’ve grown apart. She hardly texts anymore. The strange thing is, I don’t miss her either, so she is no longer my best friend. The Ally I told Gram about is a made-up version, but not exactly fictitious. Follow me?”

  “Not even remotely, Syd. What about Dinah?”

  “Fifth Harmony.”

  “Come again?”

  “You know, Fifth Harmony, the group. Ally, Normani, Dinah, Lauren, and Camila, but she’s gone now. I’m not sure how it’s going to go for them without her. I mean seriously.” I did my best melodic singing voice, “‘It’s all on you, it’s all on you. It’s all on you, so what you wanna do? And if you don’t have a clue not a clue, I’ll tell you what to do. Come harder just because I don’t like it, like it too soft. I like it a little rough not too much, but maybe just enough.’ Who else is going to sing it with the same effect?”

  “She died?”

  “No. Die? Jeez, you’re dramatic, Dane. She left the group, but only a few months ago so I guess you hadn’t heard that news. Seriously, you don’t know who I’m talking about? ‘Worth It?’ Surely, that registers?”

  “No, hi, I’m Dane Ellsworth, a businessman pushing thirty, I don’t have a damn clue what you just said. But let me get this straight, you picked random names from a girl group and lied to me and Josie? Also, did you just say you like it a little rough because damn.”

  “You’re making me sound bad. I don’t lie to Gram normally, but the fewer questions, the better. I was afraid she’d say, ‘be home tonight.’ And Ally is real.”

  “But she isn’t here and that’s not what you meant.”

  “No, and the rough thing was from a song, so we’ll figure out details like that, eventually.”

  “Whole weekend, huh? As soon as my head stops hurting, you can tell me what you want to do with me all weekend and start by playing me this dirty song you quoted.”

  “Stop. I think you might misunderstand what this all means and why’d you have to say you’re pushing thirty? That makes you sound old and a little pervy.”

  “So pervy, but it’s the truth. Now about our weekend and my confusion, why don’t you spell it out?”

  “I thought I could stay at the ranch with you and we could sort out things.”

  “I think we’re already sorted out all there is. We love each other, and we go forward, but I will thoroughly enjoy what else comes from staying together all weekend. However, lying to Josie kinda sucks. I don’t like it.”

  “Neither do I and you cinched it. You’re old pointing out my guilt. You’d be in big trouble if I moved here a year or two back before I turned 18.”

  “I’m sure I would be. I would’ve turned myself in by now, but let’s be real. I’m already in so much trouble loving you, woman.”

  “So, we tell Gram the truth to ease your conscience?” He looked like he was thinking about something and didn’t answer right away. “Dane.”

  “Tomorrow, we come clean, but tonight is just for us.”

  I hit the song on my phone. “Give it to me, I’m worth it,” blasted inside Dane’s truck.

  He laughed rather loudly and squeezed me tighter which prompted one more kiss for the road. Dane broke away and started up Stud, “Okay, I get it now. You are so worth it, Syd.”

  Dane tossed the last scrap of a rib into his empty basket. How did he eat like that and look like he did? I was stuffed, so I offered him my chicken.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, I’m done.” I proceeded to lick off the last remnants of barbecue sauce. We both agreed, a hearty dinner was in order before we headed home. Neither of us had eaten much today. Dane cautiously took the plate from me, but his eyes focused on my mouth. I dropped my fingers onto my lap to finish the cleaning. I suddenly found myself nervous. Being nervous with Dane felt foreign.

  His lip curled, and the dimple shined.

  “You’re giving me thoughts.”

  “Right now?”

  “No, I’ve been having them for a long time, but tonight’s amplified. Why so skittish? I would never hurt you. Nothing’s changed except we’re admitting our feelings to each other.”

  “I know. It’s still a little different.” My fingers twisted the napkin in my lap until it was nothing but a scrap. Dane took three more bites of chicken before dropping his bones in the basket of carnage. Texas barbecue was a full meat feast with all the sides. “Well, we should get going. I’ll wave the waitress down for the check. She’s been circling the whole night trying to catch your attention.”

  “How could she do that when you’re the only woman I see?” My eyes rolled up and back.

  “Hey, they have a jukebox. Let’s go play something together and commemorate our first date.”

  “I thought my birthday was a date.”

  “Was it?” My shoulders shrugged. “Admit it, if I would have called it a date, you would have disputed it.”

  “Fine. I would’ve.”

  “Let’s go check it out.” I honestly had never worked a jukebox, so I let Dane take over. He scrolled through the catalog of songs. It was digital and divided into categories.

  Finally, he inputted a selection, but I didn’t know what it was. Most of the music being played since we arrived was country and I really didn’t know much about country music unless it was Luke Bryan or Sam Hunt.

  Dane held my hand and pulled me to the side as soon as the song started. “Dance with me.”

  “No one else is dancing.”

  “Good. We’ll be pioneers in this joint.”

  I missed the first couple of lines, but when the singer said something about being ‘imprisoned by the power of gold and an honest touch,’ Dane pulled me closer. His arm held me snug, I rubbed the back of his neck and our free hands interlaced. I didn’t know any fancy steps. I’d been to country and western nights once with my friends, but this dance wasn’t about that. It was just the guy singing about being loved in this life and us. I never heard it
before tonight, but I could tell Dane had and he chose it for me. We had a song. No one else on earth except the strangers in this hometown barbecue place knew we were together. I liked the sanctity of our relationship and I loved our song. He twirled me during the chorus, “…let the world stop turning.”

  I could spin in Dane’s orbit forever. He was right about us. Tonight, was all that mattered.

  The song wound down and I felt weightless as my feet came off the floor. Dane wasn’t shy about public kisses. He held me up and gave me a sweet kiss. A few people clapped. I was embarrassed, but also proud. I’d never done anything like that before.

  We paid the bill and I caught the waitress gawking at Dane once again. I winked at her and she turned away. First claim proclamation. It was stupid, and I wasn’t the jealous type. We’d never see her again, but it felt good to wind my arm around his and be by his side.

  For some reason, it was my mother’s voice that I heard. ‘Don’t get swept away in love, Sydney. It’s never what it seems to be in the beginning. Be practical. You first, everyone else is secondary.’

  She was wrong. I said that often, but the advice Mom gave on love sucked. I might have listened and been cautious before, but what was the point now? I’d already fallen and soaring with my eyes clinched tight was a rush. I didn’t know what the future held for us. That was the beauty of starting a relationship. We didn’t know if this was it or if we were foolproof, but taking the chance felt so good. I’d fall in love with him every day if that were possible.

  Warm lips pressed against my head. “Hey, princess. We’re back at the castle. Good thing you rested because I’m not the least bit tired.”

  “I bet you aren’t, but…” We were back at the ranch and I needed to tell Dane something that I was sure he’d understand but not exactly like.

  Dane squeezed my thigh, “But what?”

  “About the other night.”


  “I said things,” I begged for sex and Dane refused, but things covered it.

  “Pretty sure you begged for something, but that’s not important now. No begging required.”

  His hands were curiously searching for places to grab. I liked it. I wanted to be touched by Dane, but I blurted out the truth, “I’m not ready to have sex.”

  His eyes always gave away his sheer confusion. “Oh, well, we, I mean…” Dane let go and leaned back. “Did I do something wrong? You thought the song and dance were cheesy?”

  “No, of course not. I loved that moment. It’s just… I think if you wouldn’t have turned me down on my birthday, I wouldn’t have regretted it. But you know how I am about moments? I feel like it was our moment and it passed. Then we’ve had a week of uncertainty, silence and today this mini explosion. We confessed our love, I broke up with Grant and frankly, I’d like to absorb it all before we take the next step. I want it to be perfect.”

  “Okay, baby. I wasn’t pushing. It’s just…”

  “I know I’m confusing. Believe me I know exactly what we did and how I responded. I’ve replayed that moment in the truck over in my memory a hundred times at least.”

  “No, don’t do that. You don’t have to apologize, and you have the right to change your mind and I completely understand. That was then, and this is now. Tell me the truth. Do you want to go home instead?”

  “No way. I said I wanted a weekend with you. I meant that. Can you deal with me here, but showing some restraint?”

  “Yes, I can deal with following your lead, but I’m ready to go inside and practice how much restraint I have.”

  The sheet was turned back, and Dane was sitting in the middle of his bed looking eager for a man that had just hit a roadblock. He patted the spot left for me.

  I paused with my hands on my hips, “I guess I’m not crashing on the couch like the other night.”

  Dane shook his head, “No. We have restraint practice to do. You look super-hot by the way.”

  “You’ve seen me wear these pjs.”

  “Not in my room though. Come here. Look what I have.”

  He held up one of our many anthologies. Dane opened a page he had marked, so I curled up next to him to listen.

  “Let me not to the marriage of true minds

  Admit impediments. Love is not love

  Which alters when it alteration finds,

  Or bends with the remover to remove.

  O no! it is an ever-fixed mark

  That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

  It is the star to every wand’ring bark,

  Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.

  Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

  Within his bending sickle’s compass come;

  Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

  But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

  If this be error and upon me prov’d,

  I never writ, nor no man ever lov’d.”

  “Dane Ellsworth. You quoted Shakespeare to me for the first time. How dare you? Sonnet 116 is one of my favorites too. You know me so well.”

  “Maybe. Even I’m shocked you know which Sonnet it is. I read a few, but I like this one and I almost sort of understand it.”

  I pinched him. “That’s not the way you start off a night practicing restraint. You’re such a scoundrel. You’re trying to enchant me.”



  “Most women call it making them horny.”

  “Well, I’m not most women, am I?”

  “Nope. Not even close.”

  His lips were so soft and persistent. I spent most of my adolescence and teen years trying to fit in and be like all the others. Different was better. The change came sudden and swift. I can’t say Dane changed me but being around him so much made me want to change. It wasn’t changing to suit another because that would be bad. My attitude shifted to who I really was all along- a mix of bluntness and tender thoughts. I had strong opinions combined with glaring shortcomings, but Dane loved all of them. The look in his mismatched eyes was the same whether I was pissing him off or making him happy.

  We hung out in my bed, so many nights reading and talking, but tonight the book got pushed aside. Poetry wasn’t only written. It was also lived. Rhyme and cadence made perfect sense when Dane studied me. He was reading me tonight. I didn’t know how far I wanted to take things our first night as a couple, but he stopped at exactly the right moment.

  Dane rolled to his back panting, almost a perfect match to my heavy breathing. I’d never been happier and discontent at the same time. Some moments, I was sure I’d changed my mind. He wasn’t pushing, but I knew he was the right one. I whispered sleepy words to him. “It won’t be much longer. I’ll be ready.”

  A confident, “I know” was the last thing I heard.

  Blonde hair fanned out next to me was a welcome sight. It was also a reminder we were together. Sydney broke up with Grant, about damn time since I’d been asking from the beginning. I waited for her. Either I was dumb as hell or she was truly my destiny. I loved her so fucking much. She shifted and kicked in her sleep. Her wild sleep woke me up several times once we finally wore ourselves out messing around. It was a bit of a letdown Sydney asked to wait if I was completely honest.

  I was a guy and made all the wrong assumptions starting at the park, but she was right to speak up. I’m glad she loved me enough to be completely honest with her feelings. Sydney should never change to be who she thought others wanted her to be and after my long stretch of celibacy, she still made our alone time pretty damn hot.

  Sydney rolled another time and the sheet pulled away from her body. My eyes could get used to such a display every morning. I had to will my body’s reaction down. One day I’d have this every morning. We’d been official less than 24 hours; she wasn’t moving in just yet, but I’m glad she lost the pajama top so that I could cherish this memory. I hid her clothes under the bed and feigned grogginess when she asked for th
em just before falling asleep.

  A whack over the face ended my fantasy.

  “You look like a creep staring at my boobs while I’m asleep.” Sydney pulled the sheet back over her perky peaks.

  “It was an accident and I just woke up like two minutes ago.”


  “Maybe five, but the covers just now uncovered you. I swear.”

  She smiled. “You’re forgiven. I stayed all night.”

  “I remember.”

  “We’re going to be so epic.”

  “Most likely, but I need to check on work at least once today. Your call, now or later?”

  “Do it now, so it’s not hanging over us like my call to Gram. I’ll make us breakfast.”

  “Yes. Fuel for the fun we’re going to have.”

  I leaned in for a kiss. Sydney put her hand up. “Morning breath. No.”

  “I’ll risk it.”

  The work stuff was worse than I thought. Dad called. He got wind of one my negotiations. I had a long message about wasting time. I was supposed to be after loopholes to get Josie’s place. Why in the hell was I buying up properties in another direction? I was running out of time.

  I listened to the last part. “You know what, if you don’t answer me then I’m going to come over and we’re going to start going through shit together.”

  That couldn’t happen; Dad busting up my first weekend with Sydney was the ultimate cockblock. The thing is, I’d already found the surefire way to get Josie’s property. I had the loophole this entire time.

  Sydney approached looking like pure temptation in her pajama top minus the bottoms. I saw a sliver of panty at the hem, the very ones that spent most of the summer in my nightstand drawer. She sashayed into the office. I opened my arms and scooted the chair back to make room.

  Once Sydney was on board in my desk chair, I forgot about Dad’s phone call.

  She whispered in my ear, “Am I tempting you yet?”

  I lifted her hair to attack that slender neck of hers. “Always, since the first day in the bookstore.”

  “I meant the aroma.”


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