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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

Page 15

by Ashley Jade

  “The semester ends in May,” I remind Stone. “I’ll be moving in before you know it.”

  Pouting, he slings his arm around my shoulders. “Fine, but at least think about it, okay?”

  Leaning over, I kiss his cheek. “I’ll think about it.”

  I start to pull away, but he kisses my lips.

  “I love you,” he whispers between soft kisses that have my heart fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird.

  I’m about to tell him the same, but his mother clears her throat. Loudly.

  A moment later, a jubilant woman carrying a large tray of various cake samples swoops in. “Gosh, I just love seeing couples in love.” She places the tray down in front of us. “Whatever you two decide on, let us know and we’ll get it all taken care of.”

  I’ve known what kind of cake I’ve wanted ever since Sawyer stopped by my dorm room with little drops of heaven in cupcake form.

  The moment I took a bite of the moist, holy grail of chocolate that is red velvet—my heart was sold.

  Stone’s mom, however, isn’t a fan. Therefore, she insisted we try some samples and then decide.

  “This one,” she says, pointing to the cake in front of her.

  It’s strange how she has her heart set already because it doesn’t even look like she’s tried any of it.

  The woman smiles. “That’s our lemon and raspberry cake.”

  Pushing aside the carrot cake he was devouring; Stone takes a bite of the lemon and raspberry one and gives his mom a hum of approval.

  After scooping some more on his fork, he brings it to my mouth. “Try it, Bourne. It’s not bad.”

  I reluctantly take a bite.

  He’s right…it’s not bad.

  But it’s also not what I want.

  Needing to get rid of the weird aftertaste it left on my tongue, I stick my fork into the red velvet cake and eagerly shovel it into my mouth.

  So fucking good.

  “This one is my favorite,” I affirm, going back for more. “It’s perfect.” And because I can’t resist, I go for a third bite. “What kind of frosting is this? It’s amazing.”

  Realizing I’m being rude, I offer Stone the rest so he can try it. “Damn. This is good.”

  I fight the urge to tell him I told him so.

  The woman laughs. “That would be our cream cheese frosting.” She starts writing something down on a notepad. “We get a lot of compliments on our red velvet cake. It’s an excellent choice.”

  Stone rubs his nose against mine and then kisses the tip of it. “It’s settled then. We’ll go with the—”

  “Lemon raspberry,” Stone’s mom interjects.

  Oh, no she didn’t.

  I fight the urge to throttle her. “I’m sorry. What?”

  She points to the lemon raspberry cake. “We’re going with this one. It’s simple but classy.”

  It’s boring.

  Not to mention, the last time I checked it wasn’t her wedding and unlike my father, she wasn’t shelling out a dime for the ceremony or reception.

  Clearly uncomfortable, the cake lady looks between us. “I can come back—”

  “No need,” Stone’s mom assures her. “We’ve made our decision.”

  “No, we haven’t,” I grit through my teeth.

  Stone looks like a deer caught in headlights. “Maybe we can try a few mor—”

  “No,” his mother insists. “This is the one.” Looking at her son, she sulks. “It was your grandmother’s favorite. She would have wanted you to have this cake.”

  Her manipulation game is hella strong, I’ll give her that.

  The cake lady—who looks even more uncomfortable now—taps her pen against the pad nervously. “Should I put you down for the lemon raspberry then?”

  “No,” I say at the same time his mother hisses, “Yes.”

  We both turn to Stone who looks like he’s contemplating the best way to drill a hole through the floor so he can escape.

  “Let’s let Stone decide,” his mother says.

  I cross my arms. “Fine.”

  Stone takes a bite of the red velvet cake. “This one is delicious.”

  I’m about to gloat, but he takes a bite of the lemon raspberry again. “But I like this one better.”

  Of course, he does. Mama’s boy.

  I start to protest, but he gives my hand a gentle squeeze under the table. “Come on, Bourne.” His lips find my temple. “Just let her have this.”

  I try to ignore the look of sheer satisfaction on his mom’s face when I mutter, “Fine.”

  Chapter 22


  My steps slow when I spot Oakley sitting on the bench by the lake, inhaling a gigantic sandwich.

  I probably shouldn’t be so fascinated by the sight, but there’s something about the savage way he tears into it with abandon.

  I can’t stop myself from staring.

  Some people are just so unequivocally interesting…everyone else becomes boring in comparison.


  Oakley scoots down on the bench, making room for me. “Hey.”

  I place my purse and the Styrofoam carton containing some cake samples down next to me.

  Given we—correction, Stone’s mom—already made the decision, I suppose there was no reason to take any home, but I figured I deserved some goodies.

  “It’s a nice day out,” I declare, looking around the lake.

  Pausing mid-bite, he gives me a pointed look. “Don’t do that.”

  I bristle. “Do what?”

  “Talk about the weather.” He gulps down the rest of his sandwich. “We’ve never done the bullshit small talk.”

  Part of me wants to remind him that I don’t remember everything we’ve done or haven’t done—and he’s no help because he won’t tell me—but it’s oddly refreshing how open and honest he is.

  And how at ease I feel in his presence.

  I’m suddenly struck by how I’ve never felt more myself than when I’m in his company.

  Which is weird because I’m still trying to figure out who I am.

  “Okay, no small talk.” A nervous feeling zips up my spine when I see a few students walk by the lake. Jace and Cole could stroll by and spot us at any moment. “Do you want to go somewhere else?”

  His response is gruff. “No.”

  Okay then.

  It’s almost comical because Stone avoided my brothers like the plague…yet Oakley isn’t scared one bit.

  Not that I should be comparing them. They’re totally different. Like apples and oranges.

  Reaching down, I pick up the container and open it.

  The cake lady must have felt bad for me because I notice she slipped three red velvet samples inside.

  I happily reach for one and take a bite.

  Oakley’s expression becomes curious as he eyes the container.

  Seeing as he just devoured his lunch, I’m almost positive he’s not hungry, but I offer him one anyway. “Do you want some?”

  “Hell yeah, I do.”

  He happily picks one up and takes a hearty bite. A moment later he makes a bitter face.

  “Yeah, I’m not really feeling this one.”

  I have to suppress a laugh because it’s the lemon raspberry. “I’m not a fan either.”

  He places it back in the container and goes for the carrot cake next. “This is pretty good.”

  I’m surprised he actually had a chance to taste it because it’s gone so quickly.

  Bottomless pit that he is, Oakley picks up the red velvet and pops it in his mouth.

  His eyes close and he utters a low moan…almost like he’s savoring it.

  “Fuck yeah,” he groans.

  Arousal snakes up my spine and I almost drop the damn container.

  I’m suddenly very aware that he’s seen me naked.

  And gave me the best orgasm of my life.

  When he brings his thumb to his mouth and licks it, I have to force myself not to think about what e
lse his tongue can do.

  “That shit’s amazing.”

  I lick my dry lips. “Yup.”

  He tilts his head. “Why are you acting weird?”

  I straighten my spine. “I’m not acting weird.”

  I’m totally acting weird.

  His gaze is penetrating. “Yeah, you are.” Those blue eyes drop to my lips, lingering on them. “You should stop looking at me like that, baby girl.”

  Both his threat and his piercing stare send a trail of goose bumps down my arms.

  Feeling bold, I whisper, “What happens if I don’t?”

  He leans in so close his mouth hovers just above my ear. “I’ll bend you over this bench, tear your little panties off with my teeth…” The tip of his nose skims the column of my throat. “And fuck you so hard everyone on campus will hear you scream my name.”

  Instantly, my head goes light and my body tightens, my nipples becoming so hard they could slice through glass.


  In the distance someone clears their throat. Loudly.

  When I turn my head, I see Sawyer standing there. Her brown eyes are as big as saucers…and she’s muttering the Lord’s prayer.

  Shifting down the bench, I put some much-needed physical distance between Oakley and I.

  “Hey, Sawyer.”

  “Hi.” Her stare ping pongs between us. “Guys.”

  “We were just eating lunch,” I explain, hoping she didn’t hear any part of what Oakley said.

  Sawyer nods slowly. It’s evident by her expression that she doesn’t know what to make of finding us together. “Uh-huh.”

  I’m starting to feel like I got caught with my hand inside the cookie jar.

  You know, if the cookie jar was a devastating sexy guy you’re undeniably drawn to threatening to fuck you so good that everyone in a fifty-mile radius would hear you scream his name.

  I grab my purse and get off the bench. “I just remembered I have a class that starts in ten minutes.”

  I don’t…I just need a moment to gather my bearings.

  I turn to Oakley. “See you around.”

  A wolfish grin stretches his delectable mouth. “Enjoy your class.”

  Chapter 23



  A groan rips from my chest as I toss and turn in bed.

  What the fuck was I thinking?

  You can’t be friends with someone you’re in love with.

  Especially when she’s engaged to another man.

  Sitting up in bed, I scrub a hand down my face.

  I should stay the hell away from her.

  But I can’t.

  Because she looks at me like she needs me.

  Like I can fix her.

  As if I’m the remedy for whatever turmoil is happening inside that beautiful head of hers.

  And if there’s even a small chance I can take the edge off the fucked-up situation I caused…I’m fucking doing it.

  I’m grabbing my gym bag off the floor so I can get a quick workout in before my shift starts when I hear a knock on my door.

  I open it and I’m greeted by my frazzled looking Dad who’s holding a happy as can be C.J.

  I’m beginning to think the terrible two’s are some kind of myth because that kid is always in a good mood.


  Dad swiftly places C.J. in my arms. “Can you watch her for an hour or so? An emergency happened at work and I have to get my ass to the office before an atomic bomb goes off.”

  Given he has a high-stress job, there’s always an atomic bomb threatening to go off. However, I’ve rarely seen him so out of sorts so whatever’s going down must be big.

  “Sure.” I bounce C.J. in my arms as she reaches for my cheeks. “You want to hang out with your big brother today?”

  She grins. “Uh-oh.”

  I keep wondering if she’s ever going to say my name right, but I know I’m going to seriously miss her calling me Uh-oh the moment she does.

  “Thanks, I owe you.” Dad hands me her diaper bag. “Everything is in here.” Bending down, he kisses C.J.’s head. “Daddy loves you, be good for your brother.”

  With that, he takes off and C.J. stares up at me in wonder.

  It’s never been just the two of us before.

  “You hungry?”

  “Hungry,” she repeats, as if testing the word on her tongue before shouting, “Chee-chees.”

  Fortunately for her, I know that means she wants her Cheerios.

  Unfortunately for me, my dad forgot to pack them.


  As if sensing they aren’t anywhere to be found, she starts screaming Chee-chees at the top of her little lungs.

  Fucking hell.

  Thinking quick, I rummage around my cabinets and fridge. However, all I have is beef jerky, soda, a few bottles of water, and some left over takeout.

  The way C.J.’s face scrunches tells me she isn’t happy about this one bit.

  Cue the meltdown in…five, four, three, two…one.

  Attempting to soothe her by walking around my apartment, I scan my brain for something she might like.

  That’s when it dawns on me.

  “Hey, baby sis. You want some ice cream?”

  There’s an ice cream shop about a block away which is easily in walking distance.

  Suddenly, her cries of injustice over no Chee-chees comes to a halt.

  Crystal is super strict about never letting her have any sugar, but given C.J.’s big bro is the epitome of a rule breaker, I grab my wallet and head out the door.

  Chapter 24


  “I’ll be at your apartment in one minute,” I tell Stone from the back seat of the Uber.

  I have a two-hour break between classes today, so we made plans to spend some time together at his place and eat lunch.

  I hear him sigh over the line. “Shit.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Another sigh. “Ruth and I made plans to study. We have a big test coming up and we’re both nervous about it.” A weird note enters his voice. “Don’t worry, it’s not like that. Robby’s joining us when he gets out of class.”

  I’m not sure how to feel about this. On one hand, I know his schedule is insane and studying for tests is important.

  But on the other?

  We made plans and I’m annoyed he didn’t let me know he was breaking them sooner.

  I also don’t know how to feel about him insinuating I had nothing to worry about with him and Ruth because I wasn’t even concerned to begin with.

  However, I know he’s super stressed, so I decide to let it go. “It’s fine. I’ll just grab a bite to eat on campus and head back to my dorm.”

  I’m about to ask the Uber driver if he can pop a u-ey, but Stone says, “Actually, I was kind of hoping you could do me a favor.”

  “What kind of favor?”

  “Can you do my laundry? I’ve been working my ass off, burning the candle at both ends and I figured since you have so much free time seeing as you’re not working and all, you could help me out.”

  I grind my molars so hard I’m surprised they don’t turn to dust.

  It’s not the fact that he asked me to do his laundry.

  It’s the way he managed to make it seem like me being a full-time student myself was no big deal. Granted, I’m fortunate that my dad insisted I not work my first year of college due to all the shit that happened last year because he didn’t want me to be overloaded, but still.

  Forcing myself to breathe, I let it roll off my back because we’ve been arguing a lot lately and I’m so tired of it.


  I’m about to hang up, but then he says, “Do you think you can vacuum too?”

  “Sure thing,” I grit through my teeth before I click the end call button.

  A ball of dread lodges in my throat.

  I’m starting to feel less like his fiancée and more like his maid.

  Reluctantly, I hop out of the

  I’m heading inside the building when I spot Oakley walking through the parking lot.

  With a baby in his arms.

  Well, not a baby, because she’s definitely more of a toddler, but still.

  My breath stalls as they come into view.

  She’s the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen. Blonde hair done up in pigtails, cherubic rosy cheeks, big bright blue eyes…and my favorite feature.

  An adorable, albeit mischievous cheeky grin that invites you to smile right along with her.

  One that’s near identical to Oakley’s.

  Oh, boy. I didn’t know he was a father.

  Then again how could I? We only started our newfound friendship two days ago and haven’t had a chance to hang out yet.

  I approach them gingerly. “Hi.”

  Oakley who’s digging around a diaper bag while holding two ice cream cones, and his kid, looks up. “Hey.”

  “Do you want some help?” I offer.

  “Nah, I got this.” He places the little girl down. “Besides, C.J. can stand on her own, can’t you?”

  She gives him a big smile and I can’t help but notice the chocolate ice cream smeared all over her face as she makes little grabby hands for him.

  Oakley shakes his head. “In a minute, let me clean your face first.”

  “She’s so beautiful.” I look down at the little girl who’s still making those grabby hands. “I had no idea you had a daughter.”

  A flash of pain flickers in his eyes and I silently curse myself because it’s really none of my business.

  “She, uh… she’s not.” He fishes some wipes out of the bag. “C.J.’s my little sister.”


  A weird twist of relief goes through my chest and I have no idea why.

  Oakley bends down and starts wiping her face, but she’s not a fan of that because she turns away and starts yelling, “Eye-cream.”

  I can tell Oakley wants to cave, but he’s trying his best not to. “I know, but I have to get rid of the evidence before Dad comes.”

  Grabbing his cheeks firmly she gives him a serious look. “Eye-cream, Uh-oh.” I can practically see the wheels turning in her head as she continues uttering her request. “Peas, Uh-oh.”


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