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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

Page 16

by Ashley Jade

  He melts like butter in the midday sun. “Well, shit—” He catches himself. “I mean, shoot.” He looks at me helplessly. “How the hell can I say no to that?”

  Yeah, I’m no help in this situation. “I couldn’t.”

  Not only because it’s ice cream which is a straight-up gift from God, but C.J.’s far too adorable for words.


  He holds the chocolate ice cream cone out to her, but she snatches the other one in his hand.

  Oakley’s mouth drops open. “Hey, that’s mine.”

  C.J. doesn’t agree though because she happily laps at what appears to be mint chip ice cream.

  “Smart girl.” I sink to my haunches so I’m eye level with her. “Mint chip is my favorite.”

  C.J. holds it out to me, and I realize she’s trying to share. “Aw, no thank you, baby.”

  Oakley makes a face. “Trust me, you should take it before she shoves it in your mouth.”


  As if on cue, she thrusts the cone forward and I get a mouthful of mint chip.

  “So yummy,” I tell her because no way in hell would I ever be mad at a kid for sharing their ice cream with me. Especially when it’s my favorite. “Thank you.”

  “Good job sharing,” Oakley praises, looking like he’s trying his hardest to hold back laughter. “We just need to work on you being less aggressive about it.”

  “That’s not such a bad thing,” I say with a wink. “Sometimes being persistent pays off and you end up getting exactly what you want.”

  I can feel those intense blue eyes boring into me. “Is that so?”

  I’m not sure if it was intended or not, but there’s a flirtatious tilt to his voice. I’m suddenly grateful for my tan complexion because I’m positive I’m blushing a thousand different shades of red right now.

  “Well, being persistent is how I got you.”

  Realizing my blunder, I avert my gaze. “I mean, you know…got my friendship with you.”

  His expression turns stormy. “Right.”

  “Uh-oh,” C.J. calls out.

  We both turn our attention back to her. “Does that mean she had an accident?”

  Laughing, Oakley shakes his head. “No, that’s how she says my name.”

  Jesus. I’m pretty sure that’s the most endearing thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

  After it’s clear C.J.’s had enough of her ice cream, Oakley tries to wipe her face again, but she’s not having it.

  Whining, she turns her head from side to side.

  “Here,” I say, grabbing the wipe from him. “Let me try.”

  Making silly faces and noises to distract her, I quickly clean off her lips and cheeks.

  Pretty soon her whines of protest turn into adorable fits of giggles and she starts making faces back at me.

  We’re having so much fun fooling around, I almost don’t hear Oakley’s next sentence. “You’re really good with her.”

  I’m about to speak, but his face is etched in so much agony my chest aches.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat breaks the fog around us.

  “What’s going on here?”

  I look up at a short, stocky man glaring down at us with an angry scowl on his face.

  “Hey, Dad,” Oakley starts. “I took C.J. for some ice cream, so we were cleaning her up.”

  The man’s face softens a fraction…until his eyes wander over to me again.

  He doesn’t say a word, but it’s clear he doesn’t like me.

  I wish I knew why.

  Wiping my palms on my jeans, I stand up and extend my hand out to him. “Hi, I’m Bianca.” I gesture to C.J. “Your daughter is beautiful.”

  The man glances at my outstretched hand like it’s manure. “I know who you are.” He looks at Oakley. “Get inside, Oak. Now.”

  Oakley’s jaw tics. “For fuck’s sake relax. We were just talk—”

  “Now.” His eyes narrow. “You know damn well you need to stay away from her.”


  “Look,” I begin. “I’m sorry for whatever I might have done—”

  He holds up a hand. “That’s enough.” He takes a step closer. “If you want to talk to me or Oakley then tell your father to get a lawyer. Until then, stay the hell away from my son. Because if you don’t, I’ll have no choice but to get a restraining order against you. And believe me, sweetheart, you don’t want that.”

  What. The. Actual. Fuck.

  “Dad,” Oakley barks. “Are you out of your goddamn mind? She didn’t do anything wrong. Lay the fuck off her.”

  The vein in his father’s forehead makes an appearance. “Goddammit, Oak. I’m trying to protect you.”

  Protecting him from what?”

  “What did I do?” I question, my voice coming out wobbly. “What—”

  “Nothing,” Oakley reassures me. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Bianca.” He glares at his father. “Don’t you dare put my shit on her.”

  His father frowns. “Oak—”

  “What the hell is going on?” A slightly disheveled Stone snarls before rushing to my side. “Are they bothering you?”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, but Oakley’s father cuts in.

  “Bothering her? Quite the opposite, young man.”

  Stone’s understandably confused. “What’s he talking about?”

  “Nothing,” I say, but Stone focuses on Oakley.

  “You better stay the hell away from my fiancée, asshole.”

  “Or what?” Oakley goads, taking a step forward. “You’ll tell her brothers since you’re too much of a pussy to deal with me yourself.”

  “That’s enough, Oak,” his father says. “We don’t have to take this bullshit from them. Let’s go back inside your apartment.”

  Oakley starts to walk away, but Stone mutters, “Listen to your pops, you lowlife junkie.”

  “Jesus, Stone,” I shout. “What the hell is the matter with you?”

  He turns his furious glare on me. “I don’t want this piece of shit anywhere near you.” He wraps his hand around my wrist like I’m a chew toy he’s trying to take ownership of. “Do you fucking understand me?”

  “Talk to her like that again,” Oakley seethes as he walks over to us. His eyes flick down to where Stone’s hand is still secured around my wrist. “I fucking dare you.”

  Stone scoffs. “Last I checked, she was my fiancée, not yours. Therefore, you need to butt out of our relationship and stick to the only things you’re good at like getting so drunk and high you kill innocent people.”

  My stomach drops. Not only are his words brutal, they no doubt make Oakley feel even worse than he already does.

  “Stop it, Stone.”

  “That’s enough,” Oakley’s father roars. “Keep saying that crap to my son and I’ll make it my personal mission to make your life a living hell, you little shit.”

  “Stay out of this, old man.”

  My mouth drops open in shock because this isn’t the Stone I know at all. “Sto—”

  His hand tightens around my wrist so hard I nearly wince. However, I force myself to keep it together because I don’t want to make this ordeal any worse. “Shut up, Bianca.”

  Oakley takes another step forward until he’s towering over Stone and staring him down like an animal who’s just found its prey. His anger is so palpable it’s practically vibrating throughout me. “Say one more word, motherfucker.” After several long beats go by, he snickers. “That’s what I thought.”

  A moment later, he heads inside the apartment complex with his dad and C.J., but not before we hear him mutter, “Little bitch.”

  I pry my wrist out of his grasp. “What the hell, Stone?”

  He slaps his chest. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Why the fuck were you talking to him?”

  Given he’s so mad, it’s not the best time to tell him Oakley and I are friends.

  Besides, our friendship is my secret.

p; The one and only thing I have for me.

  And as of late, the only thing that gives me a glimmer of light in the darkness that’s starting to suffocate me.

  “I saw him walking up to the complex with his little sister, so I stopped to say hello. It’s not a big deal.”

  Stone’s eyes nearly pop out of his head. “Not a big deal? He tried to kill you.”


  “But nothing. Christ almighty, pull your head out of your ass and stop acting so stupid.”

  “I’m not stupid.” My next words are out of my mouth so fast, it takes us both by surprise. “And the next time you treat me like I’m trash you can take your ring back and shove it up your ass.”

  His expression softens. “I’m sorry, Bourne. I didn’t mean to.”

  “Didn’t mean to what?” I hiss. “Call me stupid or tell me to shut up?” I hold up my red wrist. “Or grab my wrist so hard you hurt me?”

  He hangs his head. “All of it.” His eyes close and he exhales. “I’m just trying to protect you.”

  If that’s the case, he has a real funny way of showing it. “Protect me?” I snort. “The only thing you did was puff your chest and piss in a circle around me like some kind of animal.” I cross my arms. “What you said and did was totally uncalled for. He already feels bad enough about what happened, and he doesn’t need you—”

  “Hold the damn phone. Are you seriously going to stand here and defend him to me, your fiancé?”


  “No.” I inhale a breath. “I don’t know.” I rub my face. “Calling him a junkie and a killer was below the belt. Oakley’s trying to be a better person.”

  He just needs someone to be there for him and believe in him so he can start believing in himself.

  Stone’s face hardens. “How would you know?” Anger fills his expression. “Are you talking to him behind my back?”

  Oh, fuck.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him the truth and let the chips fall where they may, but I know it won’t go over well.

  He’ll end up getting my brothers involved and everyone will watch me like a hawk even more.

  I already feel like a bird trapped in a gilded cage, and if they tighten their reins on me and do everything they can to forbid me to see him…I’ll lose what’s left of my mind.

  So…I lie.

  Because sometimes you can want something so much, you’d do anything to keep it.

  Even if it means crossing all the lines and breaking all the rules.

  “No,” I whisper. “I haven’t.”

  I don’t know what to make of the expression on his face. “What about him moving into my apartment complex? Did you know about that?”


  “Not until I ran into him today.”

  Seemingly satisfied, he nods. “Okay. I believe you.” Visibly relaxed now, he folds his arms around me. “You know how much I love you, right? That I’d literally do anything in the whole wide world for you.”

  “I know,” I whisper against his chest. “But you scared me today. I didn’t know who you were.”

  I loathed seeing that side of him.

  He plants a kiss on the top of my head. “It won’t happen again, Bourne. I just saw him near you and I freaked because all I could think about was the accident and the possibility of losing you.”

  Guilt floods my chest because I hate that I have to keep things from him. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  It’s the truth. Oakley and I are friends, but I’m committed to Stone.

  And hopefully in time, I’ll be able to tell Stone the truth and merge the two parts of my life together and they can be friends, too.

  Although after the events of today, that’s doubtful.

  He brings my knuckles to his lips and kisses my engagement ring. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

  Ignoring the panic setting in, I give him a smile. “Me too.”

  Chapter 25


  Painful pressure between my legs jolts me awake.


  The sound of Stone’s winded grunts and the sensation of his dick thrusting inside me makes everything clear.

  “I was sleeping,” I snap.

  Wrapping his arm around my waist, he turns me so I’m lying flat on my back and squeezes one of my tits. “I know but you looked so sexy I couldn’t resist.”

  A moment later, my legs are pressed to my chest and he’s pumping inside me again.

  It hurts so much worse than it usually does.

  Probably because I wasn’t prepared.

  “You feel so good, Bourne.”

  I want to tell him that can’t possibly be true because it’s the equivalent of the Sahara down there, but I’m so tired of fighting. It’s stealing every drop of mental and emotional energy I have.

  Closing my eyes, I try to conjure up moments from all the decent sex we’ve had in the past.

  Back when things were good between us and we felt unbreakable.

  However, it doesn’t work because it only reminds me of how strained things are now.

  I give him a fake moan, hoping to speed things along. Usually Stone finishes fast, but tonight him and his dick are taking their sweet time.

  Too bad I’m not in the right state of mind to enjoy it.


  Thunder booms loud enough to shake the entire house.

  A minute later, lightning follows, illuminating the windows of my bedroom.

  Panic crawls up my spine. It rarely rains, let alone thunders in California, but whenever it does, it never fails to put me on edge.

  When I was younger, I used to sneak into Liam’s room and wait for it to end, but clearly that’s no longer an option.

  And given my dad is on another work trip and Jace and Cole have moved out…I’m all alone in this big-ass house.

  So, I do the next best thing.

  The one that feels right.

  I rush downstairs and snatch the keys to the guesthouse.

  And then I make a mad dash across the lawn.

  The rain is coming down so hard my hair and the t-shirt I’m wearing are drenched in no time.

  I manage to stick the key in the lock with my wet, slippery fingers. As soon as the door opens, I don’t waste a second running to his bedroom.

  The lights are off when I enter, but I can make out the outline of his tall form under the covers.

  To my relief, he’s alone.

  I tiptoe to his bed, but the wooden floor creaks beneath me, rousing him awake.

  He bolts up, ready to attack, but relaxes after he flicks the light on his nightstand. “Bianca? What are you doing?”

  I don’t speak. Hell, I don’t even think…

  I just launch myself at him.

  “I hate storms.”

  The hard planes of his body are warm and I can’t help but press myself against the heat of him as he wraps his arms around me.

  “Jesus. You’re freezing.”

  Nuzzling the tip of my cold nose into the crook of his neck, I breathe in his scent as he lays us down.

  “You’re soaking my sheets,” he murmurs into my damp hair, but he makes no move to let me go.

  Feeling bold, I reach for the hem of my shirt and slip it over my head.

  It lands on his floor with a wet plop, before I snuggle against his bare chest again.

  Skin to skin.

  I feel his heart rate pick up. “Bianca.”

  My name comes out like a warning.

  One that I ignore when I feel the hard bulge of his erection between my legs.

  Grazing my teeth against his shoulder, I shamelessly grind against it.

  A bolt of heat zaps through me when it twitches, and he makes a rough, almost-tortured sound deep in his throat.

  Our gazes collide, the air between us crackling and sizzling with tension.

  Slowly, I slide my fingers down his torso, stopping when I reach the waistband of his boxers.

  I tug th
e elastic, intending to tease him a little, but Oakley’s so hard, his cock springs out and slaps against his stomach, the silver barbell from his piercing grazing his navel.

  Holy shit.

  I knew Oakley’s dick was big…but it’s also…really attractive.

  He’s thick and long with veins and ridges, and the wide mushroom tip has a shiny pink hue that has me dying to wrap my lips around it.

  Feeling coy, I gently circle the small drop of fluid around his crown with my thumb, then bring it to my mouth, savoring his flavor.

  His throat bobs on a swallow and when he speaks his voice is so hoarse it’s nothing but a rasp. “Bianca.”

  This time my name is less of a warning and more of a plea.

  Locking eyes with him, I slip down his body. “I want to taste you.”

  I draw the head of his cock into my mouth before he can protest. The tip is so swollen it throbs against my tongue.

  I give it a deliberate, languid suck and a low, almost desperate sound leaves him. “Fuck.” His hand tangles in my hair and his hips jerk, imploring. “Suck it harder…” Blue eyes darken with need. “Deeper.”

  He’s so big there’s no way I can take all of him, but I try my best as I wrap my hand around his base and squeeze.

  A feral look crosses his face. “Jesus.” His mouth parts and his brows furrow. “Yeah…just like that.”

  My jaw aches as I do what he wants, sucking him so deep and hard his piercing nearly hits my tonsils.

  A look of raw pleasure lights his expression as I pick up my pace. “Fucking hell.”

  Face straining, he pumps between my lips…

  And then he stops.

  I’m about to ask what’s wrong, but he crooks a finger at me and rasps, “Get up here and ride my face.”

  It’s an offer I wouldn’t dream of turning down.

  I start to straddle his chest, but he grips my hips and spins me around. “No.” He slaps my ass before kneading it with his big hand. “You’re gonna finish what you started, baby girl.” Goose bumps graze my flesh when he plucks my panties to the side. “While I lick this sweet, tiny cunt.”

  It’s hard to focus as he peppers sloppy, hungry kisses along my slit, but I eagerly pull him back into my mouth, running my tongue over every inch of him as he proceeds to fuck my pussy with his.


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