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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

Page 17

by Ashley Jade

  Grunting, he runs his hands up my thighs, cupping the swell of my ass and spreading me wide open for him as he eats me.

  I suck him harder, faster, and he moans, his body jolting with pleasure.

  But it’s no match for what he’s doing to me. His tongue is so talented—so fucking cunning and devious—that when he attacks my clit and finds a rhythm that makes me pulsate and fall apart like only he can—I erupt like a volcano.

  My orgasm is almost painful, and it hits me with a force I’m not prepared for as he pumps his finger inside me.

  “Fuck yeah,” he rasps against my flesh as I clench around the long digit, coming with a loud moan I can’t keep inside. “That’s what I want.”

  I fight to catch my breath while he laps at my climax, until a wave of determination hits me and I go at him full force, sucking him with everything I have as I cup his weighty balls.

  “Christ.” His grip on my hair tightens as I gag on his cock. With a feral grunt, he thrusts his hips. “Don’t fucking stop.”

  I can feel him flexing tight with each frantic suck and pull and I know he’s close. Shuddering, his dick throbs in my mouth, ready to unload.

  When he finally does, it’s with a violent groan that makes my insides clench and my head feels light as he shoots down my throat.

  I quickly shift to face him so he can watch me swallow it all.

  A moment later, I dip my head and run the edge of my tongue over the drops that spilled onto his balls.

  “I might be a virgin, but we’re very much on the same playing field.”

  He doesn’t argue as he reaches for the blunt on his nightstand and lights it.

  Snuggling against him, I wrap my arm around his torso and rest my head on his shoulder. I expect him to protest and kick me out like the last time I snuck into his bed…but he doesn’t.

  He pulls me closer, tracing little circles up and down my spine with his thumb as he tokes away.

  I take the blunt from him and inhale. “Will you take me driving again tomorrow?”

  He pries the blunt back from me and brings it to his lips. “Yeah.” A defeated sound escapes him, and he takes another long drag. “Fuck.”

  “Holy shit,” I all but squeak as I step on the gas. “I’m driving…like down a real road. A road with freaking stop signs.”

  Oakley’s smile is so bright I’m glad I’m wearing sunglasses. “I know. And bonus—you haven’t run anyone over yet.”

  A rush of exultation runs through me as I continue coasting down the street. “Dude…I can’t believe I’m freaking driving.”

  I feel so…normal.

  I can’t help but smile.

  Placing a hand over his heart, he mock-gasps. “Well, fuck me sideways, Bianca Covington. Is that a smile?”

  Narrowing my eyes, I stick out my tongue. “Asshole.”

  His grin grows. “You should do it more often.”

  “For your information, I only smile when I have a good reason to.” My lips curve. “Thank you for giving me one.”

  “We should celebrate.” He gives my knee a slight squeeze. “What’s your favorite thing?”

  I open my mouth to say him and the huge thing nestled between his legs, but I don’t want to be corny, so I settle for my second favorite.

  “Ice cream.”

  His eyebrows shoot up. “Seriously?”

  I make a face. “Don’t tell me you hate ice cream.”

  The fact that Liam hated it drove me crazy.

  “Nah, ice cream is the shit. I just see you eating healthy crap all the time so I’m surprised.” He points to the left. “There’s a shortcut to the pier if you turn here.”

  I eagerly make the turn because the pier has the best ice cream stand.

  My stomach dips when it occurs to me. “We might have a small problem.”


  “I still don’t know how to park.”

  Oakley chokes out a laugh. “I got you.”

  I know he does.

  The look of sheer disgust Oakley shoots me is almost comical.

  “Mint chip?” he questions as I happily lap away at my cone. “I thought you wanted ice cream…not toothpaste.”

  So much for Oakley not judging.

  We start walking down the boardwalk. “What’s wrong with mint chip?”

  “Everything,” he says while gesturing to his chocolate cone. “Chocolate on its own. Awesome. Mint—cool.” He shakes his head profusely. “But chocolate and mint together? Motherfucking blasphemy.” His face scrunches. “It’s a mortal sin against taste buds.”

  He’s wrong. So fucking wrong.

  However, everyone has their flaws.

  I walk over to a bench near a quiet area where there aren’t many people. “Maybe you just got a bad batch when you tried it.”

  “Nope. Trust me, no matter how many times I’ve tried it, it always tastes terrible—”

  Rising on my tiptoes, I press my lips to his.

  I’m expecting him to push me away since we’re in public, but he doesn’t.

  I faintly register the sound of something dropping before one of his hands grips the back of my neck, and the other curls around my hip possessively as he thrusts his tongue into my mouth.

  Once again, I’m held captive by him…because no matter how much I give, he always demands more.

  Like he’ll never get enough of me.

  Moaning, I sag against him, but the sound is swallowed by Oakley’s ravenous kiss.

  When he finally lets me go, I’m utterly breathless.

  The tip of his tongue sweeps across his bottom lip as a lewd grin curves his mouth. “On second thought. It’s not so bad.”

  Laughing, I give him a playful shove because we both know that kiss was a lot better than not so bad. “Dick.” I peer down at his cone that’s now a melting chocolate puddle. “You dropped your ice cream.”

  Now that’s a mortal sin.

  There’s a flirtatious glint in his eye. “Guess you’ll have to share more of yours with me.”

  I go to kiss him again, but stop myself because I can’t make this nagging feeling go away.

  I don’t want a marriage proposal or anything—because yikes—but I’d like to know what he’s thinking when it comes to us.

  I swallow hard. “Oakley?”

  “What’s up?”

  “What are we doing?”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “Having ice cream.”

  I give him a look. “I meant this…us.”

  Face screwing up, he takes a small step back. “I guess we’re having that talk, huh?”

  I blow out a breath. “Look, I’m not gonna stand here and do that thing where I act like one of those hipster girls who are all, ‘I’m not like other girls, baby, I’m way better,’ and then pretend to be cool with something I’m really not just to keep a guy I’m into.” I pin him with a look. “I want what I want, and I refuse to apologize for it.”

  Amusement dances in his eyes. “And what exactly is it that you want from me?”

  “I want you…this…whatever this is.”

  Uneasiness enters his expression. “You know I don’t do relationships, baby girl.”

  I tell him the truth. “I don’t do relationships either.”

  Hell, I wouldn’t know the first thing about having a relationship. And if I’m being honest with myself, they kind of petrify me.

  However, I’m not okay with him screwing other girls.

  “But I do have one rule.”

  Despite looking like he wants to flee the scene, he stays. “What’s that?”

  “Don’t sleep with anyone else.” I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “Or at least if you’re going to, have the decency to give me a heads-up and tell me we’re over before you do.”

  Coming closer, he tips my chin. “Deal. But only if you follow my rule.”

  Oakley wanting rules is surprising, but he’s entitled to have one too.


  “I’m not taking your virg
inity, Bianca.”

  I search his face for signs that he’s joking…but there aren’t any.

  “Why not?”

  He laughs, but it’s humorless. “There are a million reasons why I shouldn’t…but for starters? I don’t fucking deserve it.” He strokes my cheek with his thumb. “You obviously kept it this long for a reason and I don’t want you throwing something important away on a fling—”

  “Hey,” Jace says behind me.


  Eyes going wide, Oakley blows a gust of air into my face. “Got it.” He looks at Jace and Dylan. “Bianca had an eyelash in her eye.”

  “Thanks,” I say, playing along. “Hurt like a bitch.”

  Dylan scrunches her nose. “I hate when that happens.”

  I promptly ignore her and focus on my brother. “What are you doing here?”

  Jace gestures to the hand that’s entwined with his girlfriend’s. “It was a nice day out and we’re both off, so Dylan suggested we come to the pier.”

  Of course she did, because somehow the bitch always finds a way to ruin my life.

  His curious stare bounces between me and Oakley. “What are you guys doing here?”

  “Ice cream,” I blurt out at the same time Oakley says, “I’ve been teaching her how to drive and we came here to celebrate.”

  “Wait…what?” Jace says, his expression a mixture of shock and miffed. “You’re driving?”

  “Yeah.” I can’t help but smile again. “It’s only parking lots and side streets so far, but I’m learning.”

  “She’s killing it,” Oakley adds and it’s all I can do not to beam.

  “That’s good.” Expression pinched, Jace grips the back of his neck. “I just…I guess I always thought I would be the one to teach you how to drive if—when—you were ever ready.”

  Well, shit.

  “Oh.” I wince. “I mean, I would have asked you, but…” He’s the last person I’d ever want to teach me. “You know how you are, Jace.”

  Evidently, he doesn’t though because his expression twists in confusion. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Oh, boy.

  “No offense, but you’re not exactly the epitome of calm and chill.”

  He’s visibly offended. “What are you talking about? I’m always calm and chill.”

  Dylan and Oakley exchange a bemused glance before they start laughing.

  “I love you, baby,” Dylan says, “But Bianca has a point. I’d never want you to teach me how to drive because you’d be biting my damn head off every two seconds.”

  “Fuck yeah he would,” Oakley chimes in. “Just the other day you bitched because I was going ninety on the freeway.”

  Jace turns his irritation on his friend. “What part of speed limit don’t you understand, fucker?”

  My guess would be the limit part, because well…Oakley doesn’t like limits.

  Exasperated, Jace throws up his arms when Oakley laughs. “Fuck me for not wanting my best friend to crash his car and end up roadkill.” His expression becomes serious. “Fine…whatever. You can teach Bianca how to drive.” He wags a threatening finger in his face. “But don’t you dare teach her your shitty habits behind the wheel.”

  Oakley holds up his hands. “I promise I’ll keep Baby Covington safe.”

  I have to order my heart not to swoon.

  Jace relaxes. “Good.” He looks around our little circle. “Since we’re all here, why don’t we head over to Sushi Sushi and grab some lunch?”

  “Hell, yeah,” Oakley says.

  Linking her arm through Oakley’s now, Dylan smiles. “I feel like it’s been forever since we caught up. What have you been up to lately?”

  Fortunately, neither Jace nor Dylan see the side-eye Oakley shoots me.

  “Not much,” he says, focusing his attention back on his cousin. “Just chillin’.”

  It quickly becomes clear there’s an unspoken third rule between us.

  Don’t tell a soul.

  Chapter 26


  I’m standing in an empty classroom sweeping shit into the dustpan when I hear footsteps approaching behind me.

  For a moment I wonder if it’s Jace coming to finish the fight we started a couple weeks ago, but then I hear it.

  “Do you have a death wish?”

  Cole. The other Covington brother.

  And my former best friend.

  I spin around. “What the fuck do you want, Covington?”

  Eyes swirling with rage, Cole crosses his arms. “Stone tells me you keep bothering Bianca.”

  At that, I laugh because the little shit is not only a sissy, he’s also a tattletale.

  Cole takes a step forward. “What the fuck is so funny, asshole?”

  I give him the truth. “That Bianca’s fiancé is such a little bitch he came running to you to snitch on me.”

  For a moment I swear I see his lips twitch before his expression turns stoic. “He’s worried about her.” He shakes his head. “But that’s not the point. The point is how many motherfucking times do we have to tell you to stay the hell away from her before you get it through that thick skull of yours?”

  I’m about to argue that Bianca’s a big girl and if she wants me in her life, I’m not gonna stop her, but then he says, “Was it not enough that you almost killed Sawyer because you sold her drugs? You had to try and take out my baby sister too?”

  And there it is.

  The massive cinderblock of guilt lodged in my chest rears its ugly head.

  I could stand here and make excuses. Tell him that Sawyer approached me about getting her Adderall so she could study and when I realized she had a problem, I tried to get her to stop…but it was too late.

  But it doesn’t fucking matter.

  I never should have sold her that shit to begin with.

  She was my friend. Someone I cared about.

  And I treated her like a run of the mill customer.

  A quick buck to make ends meet.

  And Bianca?

  There’s no excuse for what I did to her.

  It’s something I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life.

  I look him in the eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  It’s the God’s honest truth. Fuck knows I never meant to hurt either of them.

  I can tell he’s fighting the urge to take a few swings at me, however, whatever he sees in my expression has his anger dissipating and being replaced with sadness.

  He rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, well, sorry doesn’t fucking cut it, Oak. Not this time.”

  I have no retort for that because he’s right.

  He exhales sharply. “Real talk? If you ever actually cared about her, you’d stay the hell away. She’s happy now, man. Really fucking happy.” His eyes meet mine. “Let her go.”

  A nagging, troubling feeling turns my gut to lead as he walks away.

  “Cole,” I call out before he exits the classroom.

  He stops. “What?”

  “I don’t think that’s true.”

  Confusion spreads across his face. “You don’t think what’s true?”

  “That she’s happy.” Gripping the broom handle, I add, “Call me crazy, but something isn’t right there. He’s not good for her.”

  I fucking feel it in my goddamn bones.

  He snorts. “Nah, I’m not gonna call you crazy, but I will call you jealous.” His jaw locks. “She’s happy with Stone. Trust me, if she wasn’t, we would fucking know. And unlike you, he’s a good guy who wants the best for her.”

  “I want the best for her too.”

  Which is exactly why I’m fucking telling him this shit ain’t right.

  “Then stay the hell away,” he growls before walking out.

  I can’t.

  Not only because my heart doesn’t like that idea.

  But because of the fucked-up feeling churning in my gut.

  The one telling me not to walk away.

  Because she needs me.r />
  Chapter 27


  I find Oakley mopping an empty classroom in the psychology building.

  I approach him cautiously, hoping like hell he didn’t change his mind about being friends. “Hey.”

  He pauses. “Hey yourself.”

  “Look,” I start, taking a step toward him. “I know things were a little crazy the other day, but I was hoping we could still hang out.”

  Part of me is expecting him to decline, but to my surprise, he doesn’t.

  “I work twelve to eight during the week, but after that I’m free.”

  “Well, most of my classes end before five, but I have a class that gets out at seven on Tuesdays.” Remembering Stone will be at work tonight, I add, “Do you want to hang out after you get off? You can come up to my dorm and I can order us some dinner.”

  His eyes travel over my face and his lips curl into a soft smile. “I’ll be there.”

  I can’t help but smile myself. “Good.” Giving him a small wave, I spin around, however due to the wet floor, I end up slipping.

  I’m about to hit the floor face-first, but Oakley wraps his arm around my waist, catching me.

  His breath tickles my earlobe. “You okay?”

  No. I’m most definitely not okay.

  I’m trying to ignore the way his hard body is pressing against my back and the big hand that’s splayed across my belly, but it’s like telling a blind person to look at the stars.

  “I think so,” I manage to squeak out. And then because I’m a frazzled mess, I blurt, “Do you have a craving for anything in particular?”

  My heart beats double time when the hand on my belly tightens as his nose finds the spot just under my ear and he inhales me.

  “You know, food-wise,” I whisper, hoping it breaks the spell he’s got me under.

  His voice is a low rumble. “Whatever you order is fine.”

  A moment later he backs away and resumes his mopping.

  I’m about to leave, but then I remember. “Thanks for teaching me how to drive.”

  It’s clear I’ve taken him by surprise because he bristles. “How do—”


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