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The Darker Side of Pleasure

Page 20

by Eden Bradley

  Lower, yes…

  As though he heard her silent plea, his hands dipped lower, unbuttoned her wool slacks, let them slide down her legs.

  “Christ, Magdalena, but you are gorgeous. Every silken inch of you.” He moved his hands down, over her hips, her thighs. “Your skin is so polished. Unmarked. Virginal. But I’ll take care of that eventually.”

  She shuddered. What would he do to her? Her nerves were strung tight. Combined with her increasing arousal, she could barely stand still.

  He came around to the front of her body, ran one finger over the curve of her breast, and her nipples peaked. “Spectacular. Have you ever had your nipples pinched hard enough to hurt? Really hurt?”

  Oh, God.

  Her nipples hardened even more.

  “That’s only one of the things I will do to you. Maybe not today, but eventually.” He paused, smiled. “Or maybe today. One thing I can promise is to keep you guessing. You should know, for your article, for yourself, that that’s a part of it. The element of surprise. The wondering. The small heartbeat of fear about what might happen next. The anticipation for the bottom. The smug satisfaction for the top. Yes, we can be evil in that way. You will learn to love it, if you don’t already. But I think you might have discovered the pleasure of the unknown even now. That little thrill.”

  He moved around behind her again, lifted her hair, stroked the back of her neck. She felt as though his fingers were between her thighs. Her sex went damp. She pressed her thighs together.

  “No, Magdalena. In fact, let’s have you spread your legs for me.”

  He couldn’t be saying this to her, couldn’t be asking her to do this!

  His mouth was right next to her ear. “You will do it, Magdalena. For me.”

  His hands slid down over her lace-clad buttocks, his fingers brushing the back of her thighs, then insinuating themselves between them.

  “Spread for me. Now.”

  His voice was harder than it had been before. Her legs were shaking. She moved them apart a little and his hand immediately dove in to cup her damp mound.

  “More. I know you want to. My hand is right there. I can feel your heat, your need. You’re soaking wet and I’ve hardly touched you. Do it, Magdalena. Don’t fight me.”

  Her mind whirling, she did as he said. She couldn’t manage to think about it. What was happening to her?

  “Ah, much better.”

  Why did she feel pleased at the approval in his voice?

  “You see, it’s an easy thing to do, following orders. You simply need to hand yourself over to me. I’ll take care of everything. Now, down on your knees.”


  “Shh. No talking back. Just do as I say.”

  “But I can’t—”

  “You can. And you will.” He pressed his hand to the back of her neck. Not enough to hurt, but it was clear he would force her down if she didn’t go on her own.

  She sank to the floor, her heart slamming into her ribs.

  “That’s it. Now spread your knees apart. Place your hands on the top of your thighs, palms up.”

  She did it, hardly believing this was her on her knees on the floor, doing whatever this man told her to do. And enjoying it. Yes, something inside her was breaking apart, opening up already. How much more would he put her through before this was over? How lost would she become in what was happening here?

  “I’m going to go over the rules now. The most important thing for you to remember is that I am in charge. You will not speak unless I tell you to. And when you do, you will address me as ‘Sir.’ You will do as I tell you, obey me without question or pause. You may wonder why I ask certain things of you. Trust that I know exactly what I’m doing, that everything has a purpose. You will come to understand eventually. Meanwhile, if you have questions, you will ask them once the scene is over. When we are no longer in role, you may speak to me as you normally would. Is that understood? You may answer me.”

  She nodded, a strange sense of liquid heat infusing her limbs. It became all too real at this moment. “Yes. I understand.”

  He reached out and buried the fingers of one hand in her hair, pulled tight, until her scalp burned just a little. But he’d made his point.

  She gasped at the small shock of pain, and at the way her sex clenched in response. “Yes, Sir.”


  He let her go, turned, and she watched him walk to a high, carved, antique armoire set against one wall. He opened the doors. Inside was an array of leather items, some with dangling bits of metal. There were also chains and lengths of rope, coiled and hung from hooks. The same heat that had coursed through her body earlier turned to fire. Her head was spinning.

  He came back to her. “Lift your hair for me.”

  She complied. He bent over her and fastened a leather collar around her neck.

  She felt…she wasn’t sure what exactly. There was a tightness in her body. Reluctance? No, more than that. Fear? Panic?

  Tears stung her eyes. She shook her head, biting her lip. She whispered, “I cannot do this. Please. I can’t.”

  He went down on one knee so he could look her in the eye. He held her chin in his hand, forcing her to meet his gaze.

  “You can. I know what you’re feeling. You’re fighting it. But your body has already proven that you want this. Just let it go. Stop struggling. You can do this. You can allow yourself to have this. Don’t you understand this means you don’t have to be responsible for anything while you’re with me?”

  She shook her head again, unable to speak.

  “Do you realize that even as you fight this, you have not broken your submissive pose at all? Your hands are back where I told you to place them, palms up on your spread thighs. Your mind might want to be in charge, but your body has already given itself over to me.”

  She took in a deep gasping breath. What he said was true!

  One stray tear spilled over and crept down her cheek. He gently wiped it away with his thumb.

  “I will take care of you, Magdalena. Cry if you must. But let it happen.”

  She nodded, her eyes still blurred.

  He stood. She didn’t watch this time as he walked away, moved about the room. He came back and stood behind her once more.

  “Stand, my dear.”

  He helped her to her feet, and pulled her arms behind her back. A moment later the soft grasp of leather closed around her wrists, then she heard the clink of the buckle.

  Panic set in full force and her pulse raced through her veins. He rubbed the skin just below the cuffs with his thumbs. “Shh, it’s alright. You’re fine. Take a few deep breaths. Clear your mind. Clear yourself of the fear.”

  She tried to do as he said, drawing in a deep breath, blowing it out, but her chest still felt as though it were weighted down somehow. Was this her standing here nearly naked, collared and bound? She couldn’t believe it. Yet at the same time her nipples were hard and aching, her sex swollen with need. Her mind and her body battled; she still didn’t know which would win.

  He led her to a waist-high bench, pressed gently between her shoulder blades with his hand.

  “Bend over this now. Don’t fight me, Magdalena. Just do it.”

  She went over, doing her best not to put too much thought into it. The velvet was soft against her skin and she thought vaguely that it must be of the highest quality, silk velvet maybe, since it didn’t feel scratchy on her bare flesh.

  She felt completely vulnerable, bent over, her hands fastened behind her back.

  “Lovely,” he murmured. “You have one of those gorgeous, heart-shaped asses. It begs to be stripped bare. To be beaten.”

  She flinched. A small laugh from him.

  “But not yet. We’ll take things slowly.”

  He brushed a hand over her back, a light, feathering touch. His fingers moved over the lace of her panties, down to the back of her thighs, behind her knees. His touch was sensual, gentle. And everywhere he touched a trail of desi
re lit her skin, making her tremble inside.

  If she spread her legs just a little he could slide his hand between them again…

  When he slipped his fingers beneath the edge of the black lace, she drew in a sharp breath and her legs moved apart of their own accord.

  “Eager, are we? That’s exactly what I like to see.”

  Again that wash of pleasure at the tone of his voice, at his approval.

  His fingers slipped to that juncture at the inside of her thigh. So close.

  “You’re burning hot. Do you know what that makes me want to do to you?” He paused. “Everything. But I will honor our agreement, even though I’m as hard as I’ve ever been in my life.”

  Oh, God…

  His voice lowered until it was almost a whisper. “Our contract doesn’t preclude me from doing this.”

  He slid his fingers into her wet cleft. She moaned. He went to work right away, pushing his fingers into her while he wrapped his other hand around her waist to dip down and massage her clit.

  Her hips bucked into his hand, the pressure building inside her immediately. She could feel his breath hot in her hair. The vulnerability of her position made every sensation more intense. The sense of helplessness.

  “Come into my hands. Come, Magdalena.”

  Her climax hit her, fast and furious. Pleasure rolled through her, crashed over her. Her body shuddered, her legs shook, her sex clenched and squeezed at his fingers still pumping inside her.

  It seemed to go on forever. He didn’t stop until the last quivering spasms had subsided. When it was over he trailed hot kisses down her spine.

  “That was perfect.”

  This time she let herself revel in his pleasure, in her own. She was in no condition to fight anything now. At least, that’s what she told herself. But the truth of it was her body was half in love with this man, who could take her over in this way, bring her such incredible pleasure. Her mind wasn’t far behind.

  Oh, he’d gotten her too easily. But she didn’t really care right now.

  “Your skin is flushed. So beautiful,” he murmured almost reverently. “The only thing that would make it look better is my handprint on your ass.”

  Had he really said such a thing? But of course, she knew he was perfectly serious.

  “Are you ready for your first spanking? Because I am dying to give it to you. You may answer me.”

  Was she ready? Her body was ready for anything he wanted to do to her. But she felt she should at least think about it, make some sort of decision rather than allowing her body’s needs to lead the way.

  “Don’t analyze this. Follow your instincts.”

  He stroked a hand over her ass. God, she wanted to feel his clever hands on her skin. The lace was only in the way. Yes, she wanted him to spank her, to touch her. How he did it didn’t matter.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, please, Sir.” A pang at having to use that formal title. But she was too turned on to care.

  “Much better.”

  He moved his hands over her bottom again, sliding them down to the underside of her cheeks. The skin there was tender, sensitive. He gave a little pinch. She jumped.

  “You must do your best to hold still. No matter what I do to you.”

  There it was again, that small threat beneath his elegant tones. It made her heart beat faster, her sex pulse with need.

  His voice in her ear again, the dark scent of him surrounding her. “I’m going to strip you bare now. And then I’m going to spank you. It’s going to hurt. It’s going to be the most wonderful thing you’ve felt in your life. Get ready.”


  HE SAW HER TREMBLE, FELT IT BENEATH HIS hand resting on the back of her neck. Yes, she was scared. Of course she was. But she was also in a high state of arousal, which would make it easier for her to take. And her fear, her excitement, went right into his bloodstream, heating him up inside. He couldn’t remember ever having such a strong reaction to a woman, to her inarguable beauty, her responsiveness. He couldn’t wait to really get started.

  He slid his palm down her spine. Some day he would flog her long, lovely back. But not today.

  By the time his hand had reached the top of her curved buttocks, her breath was coming in sharp little pants. She gasped when he grabbed the edge of the black lace and pulled.

  Her naked ass was as gorgeous as he knew it would be. He had to take a brief moment to admire it before sliding the scrap of lace down her legs, then helping her to lift her feet to step out of the pretty, bad-girl underwear.

  He moved his hands up and cupped her heavy breasts. Even through the fabric he could feel the taut peaks of her nipples, the heat of her rolling off her body in waves. God, she felt good, all hot and soft but for those hard nubs of flesh. What would they look like, taste like? He almost groaned aloud just thinking about it.

  This woman was shattering his self-control suddenly. What was it about her? She was gorgeous, all pale skin and cool blond hair, those calm gray eyes. Virgin flesh was always the most entertaining. There was nothing like the novelty of being the first one to deliver a spanking. But he’d played beautiful new submissives before. None had affected him the way she did. It was always exciting, but his cock was absolutely straining to get at her.

  Perhaps it was the way she thought, the way she spoke. She had a brilliant mind, he could tell that already. And she was feisty. How clichéd that such a word, such a thing, should stimulate him as it did. But he knew that was part of the attraction. An attraction that seemed to be turning into obsession already.

  He decided not to risk taking her bra off. It was bad enough looking at the smooth curve of her ass, knowing he was going to touch it. Knowing that if she parted her legs a bit more he’d see the pink lips of her sex peeking through.


  It was almost too much for him. When was the last time that had happened? Maybe never.

  He took a deep, calming breath, redirected his mind to the responsibility at hand. To be her first. He had to make it good, had to make it perfect for her.

  He feathered his fingers over her skin, tracing the outline of her cheeks. Yes, that perfect heart shape, too sweet. And untouched. Until now.

  He gave her a small swat. She jumped.

  “Calm, Magdalena. That didn’t even hurt. You’re just surprised.”

  Another swat, a little harder this time. Her skin showed a touch of satisfying pink already. He smoothed his hand over her skin, feeling the heat, then gave her a good smack.


  “Yes, that one hurt a bit, didn’t it? Just move into the pain. Breathe into it. You can do it. You can love it.”

  Another smack, then another. He began to create a tempo with his hands. He knew it was always easier if he gave the bottom a rhythm they could sink into. He kept it up, a series of easy slaps on her flesh, not too hard, just hard enough to hurt. He could tell from her breathing, from the way she was beginning to surge back into his hands, that she was getting some good endorphins already. That she was sinking into sub space; that place in her head where the outside world ceased to matter.

  He knew if he slipped a hand between those delectable thighs she would be soaked.

  No, too much. Focus.

  He slowed the rhythm down, paused to pinch the delicate flesh on the underside of those delectable cheeks. She gave a little jump, immediately surged back into his hands once more. Yes, he had her.

  But for the first time in his life, for some inexplicable reason, she had him, too.

  Lord, she’d never felt anything like this in her life! Her skin was warm all over, but absolutely burning where he’d spanked her. And her sex was on fire, crying out for release.

  Please, please…

  But she knew already not to say it aloud.

  This was all so different for her. She could not believe she was doing this, giving over all control and loving it. But there was no doubt she was.

/>   He’d stopped the spanking, giving her a moment to catch her thready breath. Then he smoothed his hands over her heated flesh. Yes, so good, his smooth palms sliding over her sore skin. Such a lovely contrast.

  Then his hand moved between her thighs and his fingers probed her cleft, found her clit, tugged and pinched at it. She went off like a rocket immediately, her climax stabbing through her like a thousand shooting stars. Her body shook with the force of it, with the exquisite rush of pleasure.

  By the time it was over she was trembling, gasping.

  “You are too perfect, Magdalena.” Was his voice a little shaky? Couldn’t be…

  He was sliding his fingers over her wet sex still, and the pressure was quickly building again. He worked at her clit with one hand; with the other, he began another slow volley of smacks on her ass. The sensation was intense, overwhelming. She didn’t know what to do. She wanted to push into his probing fingers, into his punishing hand.

  “Let it go,” he whispered.

  And she did, just let her body melt into the dual sensations, until the pain of the spanking and the absolute pleasure of his fingers working her clit, then sliding inside her, became all one thing. One sensation: pure pleasure. She rocked back into the pain, forward into the pleasure, not caring how wanton she must look.

  Soon she was reaching that lovely peak once more. This time she took one deep breath and fell over the edge, into the shattering embrace of orgasm. Her body shook with the steep rush of sensation. And before the last ripple subsided, he was pulling her up, against his body. She burrowed into the heat of him behind her. His strong arm held her tightly around her waist. She let her head fall back onto the hard plane of his chest.

  “Christ, Magdalena.”

  She smiled. She’d heard the ragged heat in his voice, felt the tremble of his body against hers. And knew a different kind of satisfaction.

  Being upstairs, dressed again and sitting in his elegantly furnished living room, seemed surreal to her now. Too unbelievably civilized, given what they’d just done together.

  Her head was still spinning a bit, her body light, weightless. She had to make an effort to keep a foolish grin off her face.


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