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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

Page 21

by K. R. Richards

  “Huh?” Maisie actually smiled. “I guess you’re right. I’m not hopeless after all.”

  “No, you are exactly where you should be. You are learning and growing. The fact that you came here for a reading today and that you asked for help and guidance instead of when you will meet your soul mate, is proof. Remember, you who told me everything that you want and need to work on. I just gave you some advice on how to go about accomplishing that. Your higher self always knows what you need and if you learn to listen and tap into your inner wisdom, then you will know as well. Now the only thing left is doing the work on yourself, so you need to remember to love, trust, and honor you. You’re halfway there already.” Jade opened the door.

  She was surprised to see Decker standing in the hall not far from her door. It appeared he was standing guard. Actually, she knew he was. He grinned at her. Memories of their pleasant morning together made her tingle all over. She smiled back at him.

  Maisie’s phone rang. She took her phone out of her bag and looked at the number.

  The panicked look on the girl’s face prompted Jade to ask, “What’s wrong?”

  Maisie shoved the phone back in her pocket. “It’s the number of that Black Crystal shop. My appointment was for three o’clock. I left a message on their machine this morning that I couldn’t make it. I’m not answering it. I don’t want to have anything to do with those people again.”

  “Please don’t answer any call or text from those people. I have to be honest with you, those people sound more like scam artists than metaphysical healers and teachers. I am so glad you cancelled your appointment there today. There’s no such thing in this business as sexual therapy. What did you say his name was again, and where is this shop? Have you considered calling the police and making a report about the Black Crystal? I’m certain they would check into something like this. You might prevent some other women from being hurt.”

  “You’re right. I should do that. I will call the police when I get home. I’m never going back to that shop anyway.” She paused then said, “Oh, the owner’s name is Curran. Curran, um, Sullivan, I think is his last name. The day I was there, I saw three other guys in the shop, all hot, of course. There were two massage therapists, and another reader. His name was Thor, if you can believe that.” Maisie rolled her eyes.

  Curran Sullivan. Ciaran O’Sullivan? Could it be the same man? Decker was not far away. He had heard what Maisie said. He was all ears now, she could tell, even though he was acting as if he was oblivious to their conversation.

  “Where is this shop, Maisie?” Jade asked in a gentle tone.

  “It is further east, near Val Vista and the 202 South, in one of those new shopping plazas.”

  Decker gave Jade a slight nod and a small smile.

  “Come over here with me, Maisie, and I’ll find some crystals for you. I hope you didn’t pay a terribly high amount for the ones you purchased at the Black Crystal, because crystals absorb energy, and since they came from there, I would strongly suggest you throw them away.”

  “They’re here in my bag. I don’t want them anymore. I set them near my bed as he instructed and I had bad dreams, more like nightmares actually. I’m sure I paid too much for them. It was fifty dollars for the little stones in this bag.”

  “If you’re sure you don’t want them, I will take them and dispose of them for you.” Jade took the plastic bag Maisie handed her by the corner.

  “You did overpay, these are low-grade stones,” she said as she peered at them through the plastic. “I think they probably paid fifty cents to a dollar a piece for them. I’m going to give you some great stones today at no charge. You had an hour reading, so I will knock off twenty dollars and the only thing you owe today is sixty dollars. That ought to make up for what you paid for the reading and the stones from that other shop.”

  “Wow, thank you so much. I truly couldn’t afford a reading today. I have done a couple of interviews this last week and have a couple of leads on other jobs. I’m so glad I did come today. Wow, I actually feel at peace now.”

  Maisie sighed. She continued with a bright smile, “I have become interested in angels, and have been praying more lately. I asked for advice, for help, last night, so I could make some sense out of my life. I asked for guidance on how I go about improving it. This morning I woke up and I knew I wanted to come here for a reading, no matter the cost. I knew I should not go back to that Black Crystal place. A woman I used to work with at my old job told me a month or so ago that White Magic is the best shop in the East Valley. I won’t even mind eating hot dogs for a week. I feel so much better, so much stronger now. I think you are an angel.” Maisie smiled at Jade with happy tears in her eyes.

  “Thank you, Maisie. I am happy you came in today.”

  As they reached the crystal section, Jade began to explain the properties of the different crystals to her.

  Maisie fell in love with a simple rose quartz pendant.

  “That is a perfect choice for you, Maisie. One of the many things rose quartz will help you with is self-love and heart healing. Rose quartz will aid you in doing the inner work and healing you need to do before you can draw the right romantic partner into your life. It’s great that you chose a pendant because you can wear it. If you can, wear it when you sleep too. That will provide more healing for you and dream time is when we receive a lot of messages.”

  Jade explained the purpose of some of the other stones. She told Maisie it was important for her to choose her own, as people were generally drawn to the stones they needed. As Maisie was right-handed, Jade instructed her to pick up and hold some of the crystals she was attracted to in her left hand, her receiving hand, and the crystals meant to be hers would let her know, by her thoughts or feelings as she held them.

  Maisie chose a green Aventurine for general healing, as well as emotional and heart healing. Being green, it would also help her to bring abundance into her life. She was especially drawn to rhodochrosite. Jade explained that the gemmy, deep pink stone was soothing to the emotions and the physical body. It helped a person ease through changes, would bring in compassion, heart healing, and assist her in achieving a balanced and loving approach to life. It also would help a person face the truth about their self, and others in a gentle loving way.

  Next, Maisie chose an amethyst. Jade told her amethyst would bring spiritual wisdom and enhance her psychic abilities. It also helped with motivation and balancing emotional lows and highs. Amethyst would also offer protection and healing.

  Maisie refused to choose anymore, saying Jade had been far too generous already.

  “Five for five, Maisie. You get two more.”

  “What would you suggest?”

  “I think you need a black tourmaline for protection. Overall protection, as well as from people who might try to scam you, like those guys at the Black Crystal. It also gets rid of negative energies in your environment. It helps you to de-stress, by getting rid of negativity, and it will help you keep a positive attitude.”

  “Oh, I certainly need that. Thank you.”

  “I think you might like Celestite. It, along with the Amethyst and gemmy Rhodochrosite are high vibration stones. You said you’ve been trying to communicate with angels, and this stone definitely helps with angelic communication as well as bringing in Divine energy and increasing your spiritual development. It helps with creative expression and clear thought. Celestite helps you stay calm in times of stress.”

  “Wow, thank you so much, Jade! Oh, the Celestite is such a pale, clear blue.” Maisie beamed at her.

  “Here’s one more, a special gift from me.” Jade picked up a long, slender, pinkish tinted crystal point about two inches long.

  “This is a Lemurian Seed Crystal point from Brazil, a very high vibration stone. They are very special. They spread light and love throughout the world, universal love and unconditional love. They are, in essence, pure love. The Lemurians are also used for angelic contact. This one is pink which adds a large amount
of self-love, and helps us to love ourselves unconditionally.”

  Maisie smiled. “Oh, it’s incredible,” she said as she opened her left hand and gazed down at it. “Oh my, I can feel it. It is strong, in a very pleasant way.”

  She reached for Jade and gave her a hug. “I had better go. I’m sure you are busy and I’m going to a movie tonight with my friend Deana. I need to stop by the grocery store on my way home. Thank you. Thank you, so much, Jade, for everything.”

  “Do let me know how everything is going for you, Maisie. Come in and hang out in the shop anytime,” Jade called after her as she walked toward the counter.

  She turned to smile at Decker when she felt the warmth of his hand rest against the small of her back.

  She heard Erin say, “Your reading has been paid for, Maisie. You don’t owe us anything today.”

  “Who paid for my reading?” Maisie looked to Jade.

  Jade shrugged. “I have no idea, but if Erin says it’s paid for, it is.”

  “The person wished to remain anonymous,” Erin informed her with a mysterious smile.

  “Oh wow, this has been the best day ever.” Maisie smiled happily and said, “Please thank whoever paid for this for me.”

  Maisie’s phone rang again. She took it from her pocket and frowned.

  “Is it that guy? That Curran Sullivan from the Black Crystal again,” Jade asked.


  Jade turned to Decker. He gave her a nod.

  “Maisie, I know you said you have things to do, but could you stay for just a little while longer?” Jade asked her.

  “Okay.” Maisie shrugged.

  “This is my boyfriend, Mike Decker. He’s a police officer. Would you be willing to tell him what you told me about this Curran Sullivan and that new shop, the Black Crystal?”

  “Okay. Maybe it will keep other women from being swindled.” Maisie nodded. She started to put her phone back in her pocket when they all heard a ding.

  “He left a message.” Maisie looked to Jade.

  “Go ahead and listen to it. If it’s threatening in any way, I want to hear it,” Decker told her in a gentle tone.

  Maisie’s mouth dropped open as she listened and she paled considerably. She hit replay and held it out for Decker. “He knew I was here. How did he know I was here?”

  Decker listened. He recognized the voice immediately. Apparently, Ciaran O’Sullivan was currently using the name Curran Sullivan.

  “Maisie, you’ve made a grave error today. I can’t believe you would go to White Magic. You have no loyalty to me, and after all that I did for you. I even offered to heal you. That sinner’s paradise is a dangerous place for you to be. Jade is a black witch. You must pay for letting her sway you into darkness. The only way your soul can be healed now is by fire,” Ciaran’s words ended on a creepy laugh.

  “That’s a veiled threat. Can you possibly stay here for another forty minutes, maybe an hour? I’d like to call a buddy at the station. If you file a report today, it will help others, and it will help you if he should continue to harass you in the future.”

  Maisie nodded numbly.

  Jade held out her hand for the phone. Decker hesitated but then gave it to her when she arched her brow at him and gave him a determined look. “Babe, you won’t like what he says,” his tone was soft but serious.

  “I want to hear it.” She demanded.

  Decker watched as Jade tensed while she listened to the message. Her eyes met his as she handed him the phone.

  “Have a seat, Maisie. Do you want some coffee, tea, or water?” Jade asked in a pleasant tone.

  “Water would be fine.”

  “There is bottled water in the little fridge in my reading room,” she said as she gave Decker a meaningful look.

  She looked to Maisie again. “I’ll be right back. Just sit back and relax a minute, okay?”

  Jade took a tissue from the counter and walked back to where she left the little pouch of crystals Maisie had bought at the Black Crystal. She picked it up with the tissue and carried it into the reading room where Decker waited for her.

  “What’s that?”

  “Crystals he sold her from the Black Crystal shop.”

  “What are you going to do with them?”

  “Cleanse them then bury them in the earth.”

  She poured some water from a bottle in the fridge into a small glass bowl. She opened a carved box on the counter and poured sea salt from a silk bag into the bowl.

  Erin had come in. She watched, along with Decker, as Jade opened the bag, and plopped the six stones into the water.

  They were all surprised when the water began to bubble as if it were boiling. The water turned as dark as strong tea.

  “Is it supposed to do that?” Decker asked.

  “No.” Jade shook her head in disbelief.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Erin whispered. “Harper just came out of her reading, she doesn’t know about any of this. I’ll check on Maisie, and then fill Harper in.” She hurried from the room.

  Decker took out his phone. “I’m calling Jackson. He’s on duty today. I think the department should be in on this, mainly because those people are running a hell of a scam, a serious enough one that we just might be able to close down that shop. I’ll let Jackson know the other reasons.”

  “Okay, thank you. I’ll go sit with Maisie,” Jade said. She started to walk away then stopped and turned back to face Decker. “He wasn’t watching Maisie, was he? He’s watching me.”

  “Jackson, hang on a minute. It’s Decker.” Decker covered the mouthpiece and pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

  “Everything is going to be fine, babe. Don’t worry. Go sit with Maisie. I’ll be right out.” He gave her arm a reassuring squeeze before she turned away.

  “Yeah, Jax. I have a lead on our demon and I think I know where you might find him, but first you need to come by White Magic and listen to this girl, Maisie. He’s using the name Curran Sullivan and he is apparently running a metaphysical shop called the Black Crystal near Val Vista and the 202 South. He ran a scam on this girl that had she participated, involved him having sex with her in order to heal her. He may be doing it to other women. Maisie wants to file a report.” Decker paused to listen. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. He threatened this girl, Maisie, on a voicemail, well in a roundabout way. It frightened her anyway, but I just want you to hear it.”

  Jade wanted to wait for Decker, but decided she needed to get back to Maisie. She pointed to the door and gave him a wave. Decker gave her a nod while he continued to converse with Jackson.

  “Yeah,” Decker spoke quietly into the phone. “He’s definitely watching Jade.” He paused to listen. “I’m aware of that.” He listened for a few more seconds. “Okay. See you in a few.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Wow. Just wow,” Maisie said as she shook her head slowly. “Thank God I came here today instead of that horrible place.”

  Jackson Montgomery, Decker’s former partner said, “It’s good you did, Miss Green. Don’t worry, we’ll send a patrol car by your apartment building several times a day for the next week or two, to make sure you stay safe. Please call us anytime you have concerns or if something seems to be out of the ordinary.” He rose and walked to the counter where he joined Decker, Jade, Brody, and Liam.

  “So? What’s the plan?” Decker asked his friend.

  “Well, Miss Green lives alone, no pets, no family in the area. She’s currently on unemployment and looking for a job. She lost her former job about two weeks ago. We’ll keep an eye on her apartment building for several weeks. I’ve cautioned her about being careful and keeping her doors locked, and not walking alone in parking lots, and the usual precautions. Miss Green and the rest of the department believe that we’re after a psychopath, and in truth, we are. It just so happens that this man is an eight hundred year-old demon psychopath.”

  He continued, “In the meantime, the Captain has sent men over to stake out th
e Black Crystal. We’ll also be sending in some female undercover agents. We’re going to keep an eye on that place, and see if we can’t get to some other women coming out of there. Once we have enough evidence, we can close the place down. The only problem is that won’t get rid of your demon. He can’t be locked in a cell.”

  “No.” Decker shook his head. “We’re working on the getting rid of him part.”

  “Good. Work harder. I’ll do my part too. I’m waiting for info from people I know who have dealt with demons. If this guy is scamming and threatening women, and all of you, he needs to be stopped before someone gets hurt.”

  “He does,” Decker agreed with a nod.

  Brody approached them and shook Jackson’s hand. “Let me introduce you to the girls. You’re still going to come in on your days off while we are in Sedona, right?” he asked Jackson.

  “Yes. Smitty is going to help on his days off also. I’ll coordinate everything with Connor, next door, so he knows what days he needs to stick close.”

  “Great. Thanks, Jax. I owe you.” Decker stopped him before he and Brody walked away.

  “No you don’t.” He grinned at Decker. Jackson turned his attention to Jade. “I know it’s hard, but keep this guy in line while you’re in Sedona, okay?” He gave her a wink and a smile.

  Jade laughed. “I’ll try.” She turned to Decker. “Should I expect trouble from you?” she teased.

  He gave her a sexy grin and a wink. “Nothing you can’t handle, babe.”

  “Please tell me that cute little red-head is one of the girls I need to keep an eye on. Is she?”

  Jade heard Jackson’s question to Brody.

  “Yeah, that’s Riley, she’s a feisty, little thing. Hot too!” Brody grinned at him.

  Decker rolled his eyes then laughed. “I apologize for them both.”

  Jade laughed. “No need. We’re all big girls and aware of how men talk about women. We don’t particularly like it, but we are aware it happens.”


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