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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

Page 22

by K. R. Richards

  “Not all men.” Decker gave her a mock wounded look. “At least not this one, since he found you.”

  He flashed one of those devastating smiles that made her heart skip a beat. He seemed to know it too! He took advantage of that and moved in to brush his lips against hers.

  She laughed and smiled up at him.

  “Let’s sit for a few, it’s almost five. When Jackson and his team finish, we can go.”

  She nodded, let him take her hand and lead her to one of the sofas.

  Jackson returned ten minutes later. He showed them the sketch artist’s drawing. “Miss Green says this looks almost like him. What do you think?”

  “That’s him,” Decker said. “You saw him too, Jax.”

  He nodded.

  “It does look like him except his eyes are really dark. They are so dark they look pure black,” Jade remarked. She shivered remembering her encounters with the man.

  “Okay, this is good. Our people in the department will know who to look for now. We have a sketch and two reports.”

  “Isn’t it dangerous not to tell your colleagues what they are up against?” Jade asked.

  Jackson nodded. “In truth, yes, but there is nothing that can be done about it. We can’t acknowledge supernatural forces in the department. I’m lead on the case, so under most circumstances, I will call the shots. Most of my guys are trained for this sort of thing, ah, by me, so keep that quiet. We’re labeling him a dangerous psychopath, and that’s the best we can do.”

  “Okay, that makes sense. What about the people watching out for Maisie, will they be aware?”

  “Some will, yes. It will be different guys doing the patrols.”

  “It’s the best that can be done, babe.” Decker took her hand.

  She nodded. “I know it is. Thank you, Officer Montgomery.”

  “You’re Decker’s girl now, Jade. It’s Jackson, or Jax, to you.” He gave her a nod.

  “Okay. Thanks, Jackson.”

  “You’re welcome.” He looked to Decker. “Keep in touch while you’re in Sedona, will you.”

  “I’ll keep you informed.”

  “Good. I’ll keep you up to date on things here. Have fun. I’m walking Miss Green to her car, and following her home to find out exactly which apartment is hers, and I’ll check it out too. I’m giving her my personal cell number. We’re finished here.”

  Jade said good-bye to Maisie. Decker came to stand beside her as Jackson led her away.

  “I’m worried about her. You don’t think Ciaran will try to hurt her do you?”

  Decker shrugged. “I honestly don’t know, babe. I hope not.”

  “He did threaten her,” she persisted.

  “I know he did and you know he did, but he never said he was going to kill or hurt her. There’s nothing more we can do. You and I know he’s a demon and he can’t be arrested. If he continues making threats against her, we might be able to get her some police protection. I’m sorry; it’s the best the department can do in this situation.”

  Jade was still frowning. “I know. I understand. I don’t like it, but I know you have to follow the rules here. I’m just worried that Ciaran might really harm Maisie, to hurt me. I don’t think I have to tell you I would feel horrible if something happened to her.” She placed a hand on his arm and gave him a half smile. “She promised me she would keep in touch with me. I did give her my cell number, and I have hers.”

  “We’ll just make sure you keep in close contact with her then.” Decker gave her a smile and a nod. He continued, “If he continues threatening her, and if the department can’t offer her enough protection, we’ll find a place where she’ll be safe on our own.”

  “Thank you.” Jade leaned in to kiss his cheek. She gave him a bright smile. “That makes me feel much better.”

  Brody and Liam were going over their plans for the new security system they would install the next day. Harper and Erin went to gather up some things for their planned circle.

  “Hey.” Decker smiled as he sat down beside her. “I just want to tell you that what you did for Maisie earlier was amazing. You lifted her, and gave her confidence and strength. I was very impressed, babe. You are very good at what you do. I have to confess, I was near the door, and when you were on the other side talking to her before you came out of the room, I heard some of what you told her. I wasn’t eavesdropping on purpose. But I was interested in hearing my girl work, so I kind of hung out for longer than I should have.”

  “Thank you. It is times like this that make doing readings worthwhile. She already knew most of the decisions she was making concerning men were wrong. Sometimes people just need someone to confirm what they already suspect. And they need someone to believe they can change, or maybe make some suggestions because they are in so deep they can’t see a way out.”

  “I think you changed her life today. To me, that’s pretty amazing.” He gave her hand a quick squeeze.

  “Were you the one who paid for her reading?” Jade asked him.

  “And if I was?” A guilty smile turned up the corners of his mouth.

  “I would say, thank you. That was a wonderful thing to do.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “It was nothing compared to what you did.”

  “So I guess we are both pretty spectacular people.” Jade laughed.

  “Yes we are.” He grinned at her. Especially together. He told himself, it would just get better as they learned more about each other. He didn’t know how he knew that, but he felt it deep inside.

  “Jackson mentioned you used to be a detective.”

  Decker nodded. “I was until Liam was injured and came home. I asked to be transferred back to patrol. I needed a regular day shift. Being a detective meant there was no set schedule. If you were on a case, you worked until it was solved. Liam had a lot of doctor’s appointments and therapy appointments in the beginning. I would have quit if I had to, but the Captain is a good guy. He let me set my own schedule. I go in early, so I can get off at a decent time in the afternoon. After Liam was released from the hospital, Brody was around in the mornings, and he scheduled his jobs later in the day. I came home in the afternoons. We had nurses come in regularly, and we made sure one of them could be there when neither of us could be with our brother.”

  Jade smiled at him and laid her hand on his arm. “You are a good brother, Decker.” And a good man.

  Decker shrugged. “He’d do it for me. Brody would too. Besides, I like working in the patrol car. I have the opportunity to help people. Every day is different. I have contact with citizens of Chandler every single day, and sometimes I can truly help them and make a difference in their lives. That is the best part of my job.”

  Jade smiled. The more she learned about Decker, the deeper she cared for him. He really was a great guy. The best kind of man really. More and more, she thought he was the best kind of man to have as a boyfriend.

  “We’re ready!” Brody informed them.

  Decker helped her up. “Time to go eat, beautiful.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s Italian tonight,” he told her.

  They filed out of White Magic with Brody, Liam, Erin, and Harper.

  “In all the excitement, we forgot to properly dispose of the stones Maisie bought at the Black Crystal,” Jade worried aloud as they sat at their table waiting for their food to arrive. She snagged a piece of bread from the basket and dipped it in the sauce she had spooned onto her plate.

  Erin spoke, “they will be taken care of, sweetie. Claire poured some lavender and pine oil in the water, and Riley said she will bury them near the fountain in the courtyard area before they leave tonight.”

  The little restaurant was close to the Decker’s neighborhood. It was tucked into the inner corner of an L-shaped strip mall. It was a nice, relaxing atmosphere and the brothers promised the food was unequalled. Jade thought the freshly baked bread certainly was.

  “So, what’s on the agenda for our circle tonight?�
� Brody asked.

  “Definitely more meditation,” Erin threw out.

  “I think we will do another meditation where we all focus on one person at the time, and see what we pick up,” Harper suggested.

  “That’s perfect. Maybe we should concentrate on spirit guides during that meditation.” Jade looked to Harper and Erin.

  “Excellent idea!” Harper agreed.

  “What if we don’t have any?” Brody asked.

  “Spirit guides? Everyone has some guides, teachers, and angels around them all the time,” Erin informed him.

  “I’ve never been aware of any around me.” Brody shrugged.

  “They’re there,” Jade assured him.

  “You’re never alone!” Harper raised a brow and grinned at Brody.

  “Now, that’s a scary thought,” he laughed.

  “At times, I’ve had the feeling there was someone with me,” Decker admitted. “I don’t know who, but I’ve picked up on some things over the years, and there were times I just knew I wasn’t alone.”

  “Me too,” Liam said softly.

  “So do we have the same spirit guides with us all the time or are there different ones?” Brody looked to Harper.

  “There are different types of spirit guides. There are healers, who help us with any problems we have be they physical, spiritual, or emotional. Now that you’re actively sitting in circle, you’ll have some to help keep your body attuned so you can reach a higher vibration and receive messages. There are guides who help you work on relationships, help you with your job, and even some to help guide you to find your life path. We probably have hundreds of teachers during our lifetime. Some may be with us only once to help us in a certain situation, others a handful of times, while a few may be with us our entire lives on the Earth plane. We have guides who were assigned to us at birth and many that may come in and out, some to help us grieve, help us be happy, to learn a particular lesson and at the end of it all, there are those who help us make our transition and cross over.”

  “Wow, how do you know all this?” Brody shook his head in wonder.

  “We learn from our Spirit teachers, as well as our physical teachers on Earth.” Harper shrugged.

  “Oh. Will we be able to see them, the guides?” he persisted.

  “Not physically, well I should say normally you won’t see them with your physical eyes, though it does happen on occasion. Most often you’ll see them in your third eye, feel them, or just know they are there.” Harper reached up and tapped his forehead. “Right there is where you’ll see them.”

  He reached out, grabbed her wrist, and brought her hand back down to the table. He held it there as amusement sparkled in his blue eyes.

  “Have you ever seen a Spirit with your physical eyes?” he asked her after he released her.

  “A few times,” Harper answered.

  “Have you?” Jade asked Brody.

  “I thought so once, but I was young.” He shrugged.

  “Children are more open to seeing ghosts and spirits. They believe what they see because they haven’t been told not to yet. The older we get, the more we succumb to peer pressure from family, friends, and even ourselves. Most people shut themselves off from the spiritual realm, unless, or until, we make a conscious decision to be open to it,” Jade explained.

  “Okay, so if we do this meditation, will I actually see my own guide or guides in my mind’s eye, or do you see them when you’re focusing on me?” Liam asked.

  “It can be both. During the mediation where we will all focus on you, Liam, you might see the same guides that some of us see around you. You may see a completely different guide than we do. Each of us may see someone different, or several of us may see the same one,” Erin provided.

  She turned to Brody. “I assure you someone, likely more than one guide, will be around each one of you.”

  “Cool.” Liam leaned back in his chair and grinned.

  “You usually have at least one principal guide that stays with you for the whole of your life, and you can have an angel or two as well,” Jade added. “They may or may not show up in this type of meditation. I’ve found it’s generally someone who is working with you at that moment, or because they are helping you with something going on in your life at the time.”

  “Could you see a guardian angel in this type of meditation?” Decker asked.

  “Yes.” Jade grinned at him. “I’ve seen many angels in meditations.”

  “There are usually one or more protectors, angels, teachers, and healing guides around you at all times. Any one of them can show up in your meditation.” Erin smiled as the waiter approached with their large tray of food. “It’s rare for all of our guides to show up in a meditation. Sometimes just one or two show up in a meditation like this. I’ve seen a few instances where a whole group is there also. I personally believe it just depends on what is happening with you, in your life, at that time and what you need to know or work on.”

  “I can’t wait. This is going to be awesome!” Brody nodded enthusiastically. He rubbed his hands together and grinned.

  “You’re always excited about food.” Decker grinned at his brother.

  “The food too, but I’m talking about the meditation tonight!” Brody laughed.

  “It will be interesting. I’m looking forward to it.” Decker grinned at his brother.

  The server set their plates in front of them.

  Silence descended upon the group as they enjoyed their meals.

  They gathered in the family room and took their places on the leather sofas and Liam sat in the recliner.

  The circle started much as it had before, with cleansing, prayers, and candles.

  During the first meditation, which was just a short meditation, the energy built and grew. They did not share the same vision as they had the last time they sat together.

  They discussed what each one experienced. Jade saw a white feather floating in the air above her while she stood on a beach and watched the waves upon the ocean. A rainbow lit the sky, as she looked further down the coast. Harper saw a smiling Tibetan Monk, walking along a mountain path. Erin saw glittering crystals growing inside a cave then walked out the mouth of the cave into a sunlit tropical paradise.

  At first, Liam saw only the color blue, then green. He felt as if he was sitting atop a mountain, looking down at a rocky landscape below him. Brody saw a scene that he thought might be Ireland, a green hilly landscape that rolled into rocky cliffs towering above a stormy sea. Decker felt the presence of the older man he had seen in a vision several times now. This time he was not at war, but sat in what he thought was the dimly lit hall of a castle, looking about at his family and clan, feeling content that they were safe, but also loss for some that were dear to him. He watched a group of children with pride. Decker felt they were the man’s grandchildren.

  “That was great!” Brody grinned as he rubbed his hands together. “What’s next?” He looked around the circle, smiling eagerly.

  “Let’s do a focused meditation and ask to see each person’s Spirit Guides. I’ll be first. Everyone close your eyes, but concentrate on me sitting here. Ask your guides to show you one or more of my guides then we’ll talk about it afterward. We’ll do three minutes on each person,” Harper suggested.

  Jade slipped a CD into Liam’s stereo. It was a soft, gentle instrumental for meditation. She left the volume on low. “The music is just to help you relax, and for background noise,” she supplied as she came back to sit next to Decker. “So everyone close your eyes.”

  Decker did concentrate and was about to admit he would get nothing on Harper when a tall, muscular woman with her face painted blue, dressed as a warrior and holding a spear in one hand appeared behind her in his mind’s eye. A Celtic symbol was engraved upon the leather shield she carried, and she wore a heavy breastplate over her tunic. Then another woman appeared. He guessed she was from medieval times. She wore a heavy, deep red gown. Oddly enough, she looked a little like Harper. There w
as a sort of glowing human form in the distance behind the warrior and the medieval woman.

  “It’s time,” Jade announced.

  There were sighs and deep breaths. Some stretched where they sat or stood to do so.

  “I saw woman from back in time, she could have been your sister or cousin, Harper. She looked like you. And there was this kind of hot, muscular warrior-woman too.” Brody turned to look at her. “She was fierce. When I saw her, I decided right then and there, I’m never going to piss you off.”

  Everyone laughed. Harper giggled.

  “She has shown up for me in the past, two other times that I remember. I did see her and the other woman tonight,” Harper admitted.

  “What’s her name, the warrior-queen?” Brody asked.

  “I don’t know, she has never told me.” Harper shook her head.

  “She was something.” Liam whistled. “Ferocious!”

  “I saw the same, Harp, but I also saw just a glimmer of an angel behind them,” Jade offered.

  “Of course you did, you always see angels.” Erin laughed. “Decker, what did you see?” Erin asked him.

  “The same as everyone else, and like Jade, I saw a definite glow behind them.”

  They continued around the circle. For Brody, most saw the man from the shared battle scene vision that resembled him. He was definitely a warrior and had two long braids coming over his shoulder. A tall wizard-looking fellow in white robes with a long gray beard made a brief appearance. Erin saw a long-limbed, fairy-like man around him also.

  “I’m not a fairy,” Brody stated. “And I don’t think I look much like that dude with the braids. He was way bigger than me.”

  “Oh, you resemble one another a great deal,” Harper assured him. “Let me braid your hair, then you can look in the mirror and you’ll see it then.” She reached up and tugged at a lock of his shoulder-length, golden-brown hair.

  “Ah, no. You’re not braiding my hair.” He removed her hand and placed it on the floor, keeping his hand over hers.


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