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Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Celeste Prater

  “Yes my sweetness,” he hissed hotly into her ear. “Ride me. Feel how I want you.”

  His hips rolled harder against the back of her thighs, pushing her jeans tightly against her clit with his hardness, stoking a fiery inferno already threatening to explode at any moment.

  “Push that hot pussy on me! I feel your heat on my cock. That pussy is mine. Come for me!”

  His raspy, seductive words alone took her over that fine edge. Her incoherent moan of completion stifled as his mouth slammed down on hers once again, drinking in her pleasure.

  “Well, if this is what a private dance is like around here, where do I freaking sign up?”

  Cassie! Oh shit! Jerking her head up, she gazed wide-eyed at the man wrapped around her. Chests heaving in unison, she gasped as he leaned forward and sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. She panted through the last throbbing pulses of the orgasm he had given her so easily. Releasing her slowly, he placed a soft kiss upon her lips. She read regret in his eyes, knowing they mirrored her own. Feeling the familiar heat rising across her chest and flaming to her cheeks, she released her grip on his shoulders and slid her legs down his. Moving his hands to her waist, he shifted back slightly to allow her feet to touch the ground. They stood there a moment, searching each other’s eyes for some type of answer to a question they didn’t know how to ask.

  “I am Dru…Daniel Tarquinius.” Seeing her eyes widen, he blinked rapidly then said, “I am known as Drusus.”

  “Tarquinius…you own the club?” At his nod, she released a shy smile. “Nice to meet you, Drusus, I’m Avelina Roth. My friends call me Lina.” Nice to meet you? What the fuck! Oh my god! What did I just do? He didn’t even know my name. Hell! I didn’t even know his and I just came all over his crotch! Wanting nothing more than to run like a deranged woman to the exit, Lina’s eyes darted to the door, back to Cassie, then back to the gorgeous man standing before her. She now knew how a deer felt at the sight of a high-powered rifle.

  Holding his palm out to her, his face grew serious, tone commanding. “Come, Avelina.”

  “What? Wait! Cassie.” Even with her mind in turmoil, she instinctively placed her hand into his. Realizing what she had just done, she jerked it away and gestured back toward the wall, mind screaming to take control of the awkward situation. “Look, I don’t know what that was or even what it means, but I can’t go wherever it is that you want to take me. Honestly, I’m still a little freaked about the obvious pain you were in before you decided to make me a wall ornament.”

  He silently studied her face before releasing a deep throaty laugh that immediately softened his features, revealing even, white teeth and a perfect dimple in his right cheek.

  How in the hell did I ever think this man could not have gotten more handsome? She vaguely registered her internal battle to keep from lifting her hand and touching his flawless face.

  “Oh, my beautiful fiery conjux, you will test me, won’t you?”

  She latched back onto her comfortable anger, the alternate too ridiculous to comprehend. “And that’s another thing! What are all of these strange words you keep spouting? I’m already confused without you throwing a foreign language at me too.”

  Not one to remain silent for long, Cassie sidled up to them both. “Look it. I see that there is some unfinished business between you two. Whether it’s to define some crazy words or finalize your ‘private dance,’ it’s really none of my business.” Turning to Lina, she pulled the silver card from her purse. “I know who he is and I have all his contact information, chica. If you end up missing tomorrow I know who to finger to the cops.” Winking, she twirled around and headed back toward the crowd, her words trailing behind. “Maxim promised to show me an amazing trick with a cherry stem. Call me later, Lina.”

  Chapter 3

  Dumbstruck, Lina glared at Cassie’s departing back. That little wench! I cannot believe she just left me! Arms crossing over her chest, she ground her teeth in frustration. As if I would just take off with someone I don’t even know. Chewing her bottom lip, she shot a furtive glance around the room. Well, I kinda know him, don’t I? It’s not as if he’s going to drag me out by my hair and murder me in the parking lot. He owns the club for god’s sake! She inwardly cringed at some of the looks she received from a few of the women hanging around the bar, ranging from envious to smirks. God! I must look like a total slut! Oh, screw it! It’s not like I hang out with them. Forehead furrowing, she began to chew on a nail. Hell, I don’t even know if he meant he wanted to leave the building. Maybe he only wants to take me in that back room for a private dance after all. Her inner demons decided to come out and play for a bit. Was this just a ploy to suck me in to thinking he really liked me? Is he playing me? How many other women has he fucked up against a wall in here? Oh my god! This is so embarrassing! He’s probably laughing his ass off at me right now. Hey little fat girl, did you actually think I want you for your bod? Come with me, said the spider to the fly. Oh, and don’t forget your purse. Reality check, Lina!

  “Have you worked it all out now, Avelina? Your face gives away so much of your thoughts, you know.”

  Whirling around, she glanced at his left hand then directly into his eyes. “Are you married?” She instantly felt stupid, realizing that he would never wear a wedding ring in this place. Talk about a warning sign!

  “No, I am not mated.”

  “There you go again with your strange way of talking. Girlfriend? Lover? Gay?”

  “No. No. And how can you even ask me the last with a serious face?”

  “Well, you got me there so forget I asked.” Lifting beseeching eyes to his, she quietly asked, “Would you lie to me?”

  Without hesitation or even a slight flinch of his eyes, he responded, “Never. I am incapable of lying to you, Avelina.”

  A soft laugh containing no mirth left her mouth as she picked up her purse and plopped back into her chair, staring at her hands as if they had all the answers. She suddenly felt old and tired at the ripe age of twenty-six. “Oh Drusus, or Daniel, whoever you are…that’s what they all say. I want to believe you, I really do. I was stupid enough to date a guy for a solid six months before his wife called me for a little chat. Never knew she existed. How smart does that make me? Now I have a guy trying to change me and I don’t want to be changed, yet I keep hanging in there, hoping that he learns to like what he sees. Isn’t that the prime definition of insanity, repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome? My man-radar is busted, so you’ll have to excuse my disbelief in what you say.”

  “They are idiots and I am Drusus.” He stood motionless, silently urging her to continue.

  Pointing around the room, she leveled her eyes back to his. “Okay, Drusus. Look at this place. Look what happens in here…find the right song and you’ve hooked their hearts. Bring out a cowboy or a warrior and soon the lyrics and the man become intertwined. It is almost attainable. It’s your job to make it attainable, even for a little while, but it’s all an illusion, isn’t it? You’re an illusion. You’re too beautiful to be real. At the end of the night, it’s all really a lie, right? I’m not saying it’s your fault, far from it. We come here willingly and believe what we want to believe. You tell us what we want…no, need to hear and we believe. It’s a woman’s ultimate fantasy that someone as unattainable as you could actually be attracted to her, and not just waiting for their excess cash to end up in a thong. Perhaps a woman is hoping she’s the one that you find different from the others. Maybe that smile was real…perhaps a touch was unique to her. Maybe, just maybe, his refusal of her money and a gift of a torn shirt is a true connection. Oh, and the ultimate harbored fantasy is to be able to prove her love by not stopping her beautiful creature from doing what he does best. Her ability to prove her trust by not flinching or scratching out eyeballs as other women feel her guy up…to respect that he’s an entertainer and has a job to do…to sit back and smirk, knowing this bad boy is coming home to her. If only we mere women cou
ld excise the heart from the eyes, we’d be much happier. Enjoy the flesh and call it a day. Wouldn’t that be something?” Shrugging, she slumped further into her chair and looked at her hands twisting her purse straps, a sure sign that she had been on another one of her famous rants. “I’m done now. I promise.”

  “Gods you are beautiful! You have no idea of your worth, do you?”

  Spine straightening, she glared at him. “I like myself just fine, thank you very much!”

  “No, that was not my intent. Your mind is fascinating. The way you reason through what you encounter in this world. You hold nothing back. There is no deceit, just truth as you see it. This is refreshing.”

  “Oh shut it, you’re going to give me a complex.”

  Smiling, he held his palm out again. “Come, Avelina.”

  “I am so not going to go behind that curtain and stuff twenties in your shorts as you hunch on me. Got it?”

  His lips lifted slightly in amusement. “Got it. Let me feed you. Is this acceptable?”

  Feeling slightly better at the softening of his features, she graced him with a small smile. “Of course, as you can tell I never turn down a good meal.”

  “Never let me hear this from your lips again, Avelina. You are a beautifully formed female.”

  Baffled at how quickly his expression had turned serious, she shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t get me wrong. I like my packing, just telling the truth. And by the way, I like the way you talk.”

  “Good, because we have much to discuss. Come with me, Avelina.” Looking down to his open palm and then back to her eyes, he marveled at the anticipated loss, should she turn and walk away.

  * * * *

  “I am positive, sire. He is force-bound. The messenger just arrived. The transition was witnessed.”

  “Gods damn it! There has been no attempt since Sabela. He must not be allowed to complete Insessus! He will be nigh impossible to kill should they fully merge!”

  Ulixes stepped back, watching Basilius pace furiously before his throne, winged brows furrowed in thought. Gods, how I adore this man! Lovingly running his gaze over the striking figure before him, he ached to soothe that furrowed brow. He wanted to press himself against that muscular frame and run his hands through that spiked, jet-black hair. He imagined Basilius’s smoky, gray eyes returning his adoring gaze, allowing him to place his lips against that sensuous mouth. He felt his shaft growing as the sultry images moved to Basilius’s broad hand gliding down his belly to palm the proof of his need. No! I must stop this! Basilius would kill me as I stand should he know of these feelings. I must be strong for him. My love can only weaken him now. He works very hard to protect our people against the Insedi. To garner his hate would destroy me. Drawing upon his battle training, he forced himself to calm.

  “My king, if I may? Perhaps I should journey to this world for you again. To be your eyes. Discover more about this creature the Insedi prince has found compatible.”

  Basilius halted, swiveling around to face his troop commander. Focusing his gaze, he watched as Ulixes’s tranquil, brown eyes lowered to the ground, showing him the respect he deserved. His massive, warrior body held steady, broad battle-scarred hands calmly folded before him. Basilius knew Ulixes craved him, perhaps even loved him. He reluctantly admitted the man was striking with his broad chest, muscled body, and shoulder-length dark hair sporting streaks of warm gold. He could see how another might find him appealing. How foolish of Ulixes to think that he, the great Basilius, did not notice the carnal lust shining from his eyes before he diverted them. This weakness bound him to his king forever. A weakness that could be—and was—used at will. Let him imagine a shared pleasure, he cared not. To act upon it would assure his immediate death.

  “Yes, Ulixes, we must study this situation closely. Eradicating the Insedi females did not bring that cursed species to their knees as I had anticipated. This displeases me. Their ability to travel the mists has confounded my every move, but I know their secrets now. Insolent creatures to also believe I am not brilliant enough to find their path through the night sky.”

  Moving closer to Ulixes, he did not miss the slight tremor of the warrior’s hand. Purposefully brushing shoulders against him as he moved languidly around the still room, he lowered his voice to a rich timbre before coming to a stop before him. “Tell me Ulixes, would you take offense should I wish to join you in this journey of discovery?”

  Liquid brown eyes flipped up to meet gray before lowering once again. “No, my liege, it would be a great honor to serve you on this quest.”

  Nodding, Basilius moved back to the throne, settling against the plush cushions. “So be it. The prince may have found a new distraction but he will not enjoy it for long. We kill the prince—we break the emperor. We break the emperor and the Insedi’s will fall. Prepare us, Ulixes. We leave immediately.”

  * * * *

  As she had done before, Lina placed her hand in his. This time she didn’t pull away. She marveled at how dainty her hand looked on his large palm before it disappeared within a warm, commanding, yet gentle, grasp. His smile and charming dimple returned before he turned and started pulling her toward the exit.

  Angling the opposite direction, she gasped out, “Wait! Where are we going?”

  Without stopping, he threw her a confused glance. “To my home…I will feed you and then we will talk.”

  Smirking, she dug the soles of her shoes harder into the tiled floor. I knew these puppies would come in handy. “Not so fast, Romeo. We’re eating in public. I don’t know you well enough to go home with you.”

  Not disguising the frustration planted firmly on his handsome face, he stopped and allowed her to straighten. “Fine, where would you like to go?”

  “Yes, and as soon as she tells you then we will both know.”

  Lina glanced suspiciously over at the owner of those words, an extremely handsome man looming behind Drusus. He had the same height and build as Drusus but his hair was dark brown with lighter strands running throughout. The shoulder-length style and haphazard waves complimented his high cheekbones and strong jaw. He wore a black, expensively tailored suit, a red tie draped across one broad shoulder. His brilliant white shirt lay open at the throat, revealing the top of his hairless chest. Dark brows furrowed between his hazel eyes as he continued to glare at Drusus. He looked as if he’d just stepped off the cover of a romance novel. She had lived her whole life in this town and had never known that living, breathing Greek gods walked among them. She needed to get out more often.

  “I will be with you in a minute, Severus. You can stop staring now, Avelina.”

  Clamping her mouth shut, Lina looked back to Drusus. Turning, he dropped her hand only to reposition his at the small of her back. Bemused at the possessiveness of his touch and shocked she was comforted to feel it there, she wordlessly allowed him to move her over to the bar. He pulled a stool out, motioned for her to sit, and then signaled the bartender.

  “Ferox, bring me the phone book.” As soon as it arrived, he dropped it in front of her. “Pick something.” Before she could utter a word in protest, he and Severus moved to the exit and engaged in low, heated conversation. Unable to hear their words, she shrugged and opened the ridiculously large Austin area phone book to the restaurant section.

  “You were going to leave without protection detail again!” Severus narrowed his gaze, emphasizing his discontent.

  Rolling his eyes to the ceiling before looking directly into Severus’s stern expression, Drusus allowed a small smirk to grace his slightly innocent face. “We have been here five years, Severus, and I have yet to see a Protonecis warrior walking the streets, have you? And why are you here, anyway? Shouldn’t you be deep in a willing woman right now?”

  Severus furrowed his brow at his unrepentant prince. “Do not try to change the subject, Trejani. I am your Legati! It is my job to protect you. When I am not available, it falls to Petrus to assure your protection. I see him on the stage, not by your side. And no,
I have not seen one of that prick Basilius’s warriors on our soil, but this only means he has yet to find us.” Arms crossed over his chest, his stance became severe and unyielding.

  Knowing his commander and best friend was correct, Drusus nodded in approval. “As usual, you are right in this matter, Severus. I offer my apology for not considering the ramifications. I am not myself tonight. If you have nothing more to pursue I would be pleased to have you resume my protection.”

  Returning the nod, Severus relaxed his stance. “She was using me.”


  “The reason I am back so soon. The little vixen called for escort so she could enrage her uncommitted lover…worked, too. She was licking my ear when the cocky, little bastard walked in the restaurant. Got to give her credit though, he jerked her off me, threw her over his shoulder and left. Bet he is very deep in a willing woman tonight. At least I got a good meal.”

  Laughing aloud to see an unusual darkening of Severus’s cheeks, Drusus clapped him on the shoulder. “Our playboy got played? The others will not let you ride easy on this one, my friend!”

  Pulling at his loosened collar, Severus gave a sheepish grin. “Of this I have no doubt, Trejani. So if you are truly my friend you will let this go no further.”

  “Of course, amici, we will speak of it no more.” Pulling away the other side of Severus’s collar, he asked, “What have you done with your Conprobatus, Severus? Did you also escort a thief? The necklace is gone.”

  “Hah! It is nothing that sinister, my brother. It is secure at home. I no longer wish to locate a conjux. Why settle for one energy source when you can have many? There is time, Trejani, plenty of time.” Reaching out a finger, he flicked the tooth at Drusus’s chest. “I am surprised you still wear…Inferni! Drusus, it is heated!” Whipping his head toward Lina, his words came low in reverence. “You have found the future empress.”


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