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Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 4

by Celeste Prater

  Heaving a deep sigh, Drusus leaned back against the wall. “I sensed her, Severus, long before I touched her. That did not happen with Sabela. I had to know. One touch across her wrist and the Occasio surge was upon me. I have never felt energy like that before. So powerful, it nearly brought me to my knees. My mind was lost and I kissed her, Severus. Hell, I almost mated her against the damn wall! I am force-bound. What have I done?”

  Stabbing frustrated fingers through his hair, Drusus stared at Lina flipping the pages of the big book, oblivious to their attention. “I cannot let this continue. Gods, I will not take that chance again! But I want her, even if it is just the once!” Staring back into Severus’s questioning eyes, he made his decision. “No matter how this night transforms, I’ll conduct Fractus. I will sever the bond and be done with this nonsense. It will be best for all.”

  “It is not the same, Trejani. I can see that in your eyes, no matter your words. She is not Sabela. She is not a conniving temptress that tricked you into performing the Conciliatio. Gods damn it, you were asleep when she forced the kiss upon you! Do not make this decision lightly, for she may very well be your true mate. The very female that could move you to Sepiternus.” Confusion lit his eyes before he placed a light touch on Drusus’s forearm. “You would so lightly brush away the ability to stabilize your life force and achieve immortality? It is the only way for you to ascend the throne, Trejani, and finally lead us to victory against Protonecis.”

  “Enough!” Pushing away from the wall, Drusus glared into Severus’s eyes. “I hear your words, Severus. I understand your desire to see me upon the throne, but a mate would bring weakness as it did my father. He became a shell of his former self when Basilius had my mother killed. He leads not with reasoning or determination but with unfocused vengeance. Our work must continue here as it has. We bring continuous energy to our world and our species. What we do procures mates for our males. With their energy stasis, we only grow stronger. Using our minds, not our hearts, is how we will become victorious!”

  Before Severus could respond, Drusus felt a light tap to his shoulder. Relieved to have a distraction, he held up a finger to Severus and turned around. “Ah, yes, Ferox. What do you need?”

  “Trejani, I forgot to tell you earlier that I need to leave early tonight. I promised to help Tycho move to his new apartment. I am the only one with a truck.”

  Drusus smiled. He was happy that Ferox was interacting with the other warriors. “Of course, Ferox. Just let Ludo know that he will need to assume your duties.”

  “Thank you, Trejani, I will.”

  Drusus used Ferox’s departing body as an excuse to stare in Lina’s direction. Thankfully, she still had her nose buried in the phone book and hadn’t fled out the side door. Drawing in a deep breath, Drusus turned, lightly clasped Severus’s shoulders, and slowly exhaled his tension. “Heed your own words, Severus. We have time. Now, do what you do best and protect me from danger lurking within every shadow while I feed my lovely companion…and if you truly love me, for god’s sake stay out of sight! I did not like the way she favored your handsome face.”

  Laughing, Severus knocked his knuckles with Drusus, a common Earth custom he was coming to relish. “As you wish, Trejani, I will keep to the mists so you will have no worries that I will abscond with your treasure.”

  Chapter 4

  “So, have you a selection?”

  Startled, Lina straightened her spine then took a deep breath before replying to the hunk hovering over her left shoulder. She squashed the urge to lean back and soak up his warmth. “Yes, I want a greasy hamburger and fries. I don’t know why I even bothered looking at the listings. I already know a great place over on Congress. Call me a cab and you can follow me over or ride with me, your choice.” She silently congratulated herself on the steady and imperious tone that belied her tremors at his nearness. His breath blew hot against her ear before he casually moved to her side and slouched against the bar. She could feel his eyes assessing her as his deep voice caressed her senses.

  “We will take my car.”

  Finally looking into his eyes, she narrowed hers at the unyielding emerald stare encircled with thick, black lashes. What I wouldn’t give for lashes that beautiful. That is so unfair! Focus, Lina, focus! Folding her arms over her chest, she gave him her trademark annoyed glare. “You are not listening to me. I don’t know you well enough. Following or riding is not going to kill you.” She wanted to be pissed when his sensuous mouth lifted at one corner, but couldn’t find the strength when he reached out to untangle her arms.

  “Nor am I going to kill you. Your fear is unfounded.” Taking both her hands into his, he gently rubbed his thumbs across her wrists, his voice taking on a soothing tone reserved for frightened animals. “Think of this as a date and I have arrived at your home to escort you to dinner. Is this a normal event for you, to have your dates follow your cab to a dinner, then to a theater, or perhaps a dance?”

  Cheeks heating, Lina released her held breath. “Well, when you put it that way, it does sound a little silly. Damn! You are very good at this!”

  “Good at what?”

  “Making me do things I normally wouldn’t do, that’s what. This is so unlike me that I’m afraid to look in a mirror right now. I may see a face I don’t recognize.”

  Laughing, he pulled her from her seat and took her hand into his. “You can walk away anytime you wish, Avelina. You are not a hostage. Now please, let me feed you.”

  Sighing in resignation, she nodded to the exit. “Lead on.”

  * * * *

  Eyes wide and mouth hanging open yet again, Lina could only stare as a sleek, black Infiniti IPL G Coupe rolled up to the front of the club. That is at least a 65,000-dollar car! Who is this man? Snapping her teeth back together, she watched as Drusus exited the vehicle and stalked around the front of the car. No, he didn’t walk like an ordinary man. He prowled like a predatory beast intent on his frozen prey, hips swaying as those muscular legs ate up the ground. Her body shivered despite the warm summer evening.

  Gracefully, he opened the passenger door while looking her dead in the eye. “Good, you are still where I left you. I had visions of chasing you down the street. That would have only made me hungrier.”

  Trying not to decipher that last statement, she slowly lowered herself into the surprisingly roomy interior. The pleasant smell of expensive leather surrounded her when the door shut. Goodness! Am I in a car or a cockpit? She enjoyed watching his return trip to the driver’s side. Amazed, she watched as he casually crawled into the bucket seat next to hers. For such a large man, he fit perfectly. Before she could squash the sound, she let out one of her famous and embarrassing giggle-snorts. Clapping her hand over her mouth, she darted a quick glance to her left.

  One black-winged brow rose high on his forehead. “Have I amused you?”

  Rubbing her palms up and down the top of her thighs, she barely succeeded in suppressing another snort. “No, I’m not laughing at you. Well, sort of not laughing at you. I imagined you trying to stuff your big body into my yellow Ford Escort. Your knees would be up in your chest and I’m pretty sure your head would be cocked at a very odd angle. Breathing would be next to impossible. Instead, you would die of embarrassment from being seen in a car with milky-white headlights, missing two hubcaps, and a flapping door guard that will not stay in place no matter how many times I hot-glue the damn thing down.” There it came, another giggle-snort. She was hopeless. Ah hell, why does he have to smile at me that way? I want to lick that dimple just to see how deep it is. Shut it, Lina! Get yourself together!

  Shaking his head and moving the gearshift to drive, he steered the car smoothly away from the curb. “Yes, that would be an experience best left unrealized. Nevertheless, I do enjoy making you laugh. Your face lights up and your eyes turn a deeper blue. I would humiliate myself to see that again and again.”

  Taken aback at his confession, she stared straight ahead at the glow of taillights and a city pa
ssing quickly by her window.

  “What do you do, Avelina? How do you earn your way in this world?”

  Relieved at the opportunity to fill the strained silence, she passed him a grateful smile. “I’m a starving artist.” At his startled look, her smile grew larger. “Okay, seriously. I work at an art gallery downtown as an assistant to the curator. More like a ‘gopher’ to the curator. Coffee runs, picking up dry-cleaning, answering phones, helping set up shows, or any other bothersome task that crazy woman wants me to do. I am an artist but haven’t had the opportunity to show my work. Since I’m not a recognized artist, I schlep for the curator and cross my fingers that I get a break one day. The pay is atrocious, but at least I get to be around other artists and keep up with the trends. I may not have fancy things, but at least I’m around what I love.”

  He could picture her dressed for work, short skirt cupping that plump ass, silky blouse accentuating her dark hair and creamy complexion. He glanced over and smiled at her contented look. He suddenly hated that she had to struggle, that she found no appreciation for her efforts. He felt a strong sense of possessiveness for her, an overwhelming need to make her life easier. What the hell!

  “You have no one to help you? What about your parents?” His chest tightened as he watched the twinkle in her eyes dull before she glanced back out the window, her fingers twisting the straps of her purse again.

  “They died when I was twelve. I haven’t thought about that for a long time.” She took a deep breath and glanced at him. “I grew up in foster care. I was lucky to land in some decent homes.” She looked away quickly, hands still clutching her purse.

  Keeping his eyes on the road, he reached over and placed his hand on her twisting fingers. He felt himself calming as her hands stilled and she lightly wrapped her pinky around his. “I am sorry that you lost your parents. I am sorry that I made you think of it again.”

  She pulled a hand away and began patting the top of his, a small smile on her face as she looked toward him. “I’m okay, Drusus. I’ve been taking care of myself for a very long time. I met Cassie when we were fifteen. She didn’t have anyone either and we’ve been close since then. It made us strong and we have each other now. It could have been worse. I consider myself very fortunate.”

  He felt a tightening in his throat at how precious this woman was. She had lost her family at a very young age, lived among strangers, and barely met her needs with a crappy job, but she was giving him comfort. Swallowing hard, he opted for distraction before he unmanned himself.

  “What medium do you prefer?”

  Face perplexed, her brows rose. “What?”

  “Your art. What kind of art do you make?”

  Appearing impressed he even asked and thankful for the reprieve, she smiled. “Mostly in clay. There is nothing like taking something completely unremarkable as a lump of clay and turning it into something that catches the eye, touches an emotion, or even causes controversy. You leave a little of yourself out in the world to be viewed by others that haven’t even been born. This blows my mind. In fact, you’re an artist, too, Drusus.”

  Amazed at her ability to not drown in the drama of her childhood and find happiness when offered, he sighed in infinite relief as he pulled his shaking hand back to the steering wheel. Casting a quick glance to her before looking back to the road he asked, “How so?” He could feel her eyes assessing him, taking her time before responding.

  “You work hard to mold your body into a living work of art. I imagine it’s very similar to working with clay. Granted, nature gave you a head start with the genetics, but you have the final say on how you work your medium. You could have just slouched in a recliner for days on end and left your mold to form at the will of building calories, too much salt intake, and lots of beer…but no, you chose to work with what was given and purposefully sculpt it into a shape you envisioned. You then take your hard work and put it in front of others to enjoy or despise in envy. See, you are an artist.”

  “What if I told you that I do not work out and this body is as the creator provided?” Never turning his eyes to her, he stared directly ahead. He enjoyed her low chuckle.

  “Then I would have to say you’re a very fortunate man, Drusus, but I warn you not to reveal that to the gym rats out there or you’re likely to get decked. It also makes me want to watch you down a greasy hamburger all the more, you lucky bastard.”

  He was surprised at the sound of his own laughter filling the car. “Ah, mellis, you make my heart light, and that means sweetness by the way…I have no desire to be chastened by you again. However, I fear your desire to watch me eat may be delayed for a bit, since your favorite spot has a line circling the block.” For some reason, he found himself relieved that he could keep her to himself a while longer.

  “Damn! I was hoping it was late enough to avoid the crowd. I should have known better. They are very popular.” At that precise moment, her stomach decided to agree with her disappointment by issuing a very loud, grumbling roar. “I cannot believe I just did that. I am refusing to look at you right now so give me a minute while I recover. Don’t take it personal.”

  His infectious, booming laughter filled the car again. “Stop, Avelina, my sides hurt! I do so enjoy your wit. Now will you please come to my home so I can help your poor stomach? I live not two minutes from here. It will be much faster than waiting in a long line. If it would help to alleviate your fear, text your friend with the address.”

  “Fine, I’m too embarrassed to fight you right now, anyway. You win.” Grabbing her phone, she typed as Drusus provided the address, then hit “send.” Quickly, her phone pinged in response and she smirked at the reply. Lucky girl.

  * * * *

  Of course he lives in a high-rise penthouse condo. Of course the lobby is bigger than my whole freaking apartment complex. Of course he lives on the 53rd floor with his own private elevator opening directly into his penthouse. Of course his furnishings and artwork are exquisite. Oh yes, let’s not be surprised by the spectacular floor-to-ceiling corner view of downtown Austin and the river.

  Absolutely refusing to appear overwhelmed by the opulence, Lina walked around the living area and pretended indifference. She glanced over at him. His back was to her, big bicep bunching as he spoke quietly into his phone. Good, she could gawk around a little longer. There was too much to take in at one time. She started with the dark, suede, sectional couch with wide cushions. It was large enough to comfortably seat twenty people. The high, recessed ceilings boasted uniquely-shaped chandeliers that cast soft, muted light onto the shiny hardwood floors, which were covered in obviously custom rugs. To the left was a formal dining room with another equally breathtaking view. Everything her eyes landed on was tasteful and masculine. Even though he had furnishings that she could never afford in her lifetime, she felt comfortable in his space. The room felt lived-in and welcoming, not sterile or ready for a magazine cover shoot. Thick, oak bookshelves lined one wall, filled with an eclectic array. Highbrow classics from Faulkner to Steinbeck, hard-to-reads such as Crime and Punishment and The Art of War, the entire Sherlock Holmes collection, books with foreign titles, all the way down to Car and Driver magazine. A Tom Clancy novel lay face down and open to the middle on his coffee table. If anything, he appeared well rounded in the reading arena.

  Following a wide hallway down one wall, she gasped when she realized his home wrapped around to the other side of the building. He had the entire fifty-third floor to himself! Realizing she was moving into what appeared to be a private sleeping area, she hurried back to stand in the living area close to the elevator. She flinched when he turned toward her.

  Placing his phone down, he moved closer. “Our greasy hamburgers and fries will be here in a few minutes.” His arm rose, palm open to invite her to take it. “Come with me to the kitchen, Avelina, and I will get our drinks prepared. We can eat at the bar area.” Noticing her rigid stance and her closeness to the elevator, he stopped his approach and dropped his arm to his sid
e. “Are you feeling fearful again, sweetness? Don’t be. No harm will come to you. Not unless you count the amount of grease we are going to consume shortly.” He presented her with an easy smile and she saw his sigh of relief when her shoulders relaxed and she stopped twisting her fingers together. She couldn’t fight the need to tell him why she was so pensive.

  “I’m sorry. I hate to admit that I’m a little overwhelmed here. This place is breathtaking. You’re breathtaking. This whole night has been surreal. By this time of night, I’m either elbow deep in a bucket of clay or nuking a frozen pizza in my tiny, little apartment with tiny, little windows and a beat up couch that I have to balance with a paperback copy of Misery. Hell, I’ve already confessed about my poor, little car. You are so far out of my league that I’m torn whether to punch the elevator button and flee or simply walk to your kitchen and let this dream continue. Either way, I’ll wake up in a minute. I’m sure of it.”

  He smiled softly as he watched her fingers twisting the purse straps again. She was such a dead giveaway when her nerves were on edge. Lord knew Cassie had slapped her hands enough to break her of this habit by now. Obviously, she needed additional lessons if she was to be in a room with him for any length of time. He looked up at her and appeared enthralled with her mouth. Realizing she was chewing nervously on one corner she released it and hoped her smile didn’t look like a grimace.

  “Your honesty continues to fascinate me. You say exactly what is on your mind, so I will do the same for you.” His voice was mesmerizing. She felt locked into place as he spoke.

  “Ignore this place. Ignore everything around you, just look at me. What I do affords me the ability to surround myself with items that comfort me. They are just things that can be taken away or replaced.” Gesturing to her then back to himself, he laid his palm to his chest. “This is real, Avelina. I’m real. This is my home and it feels very right for you to be standing in it.”


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