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Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 14

by Celeste Prater

  “Thank you, father, but Severus and I will travel alone. I need only a small transport to carry us there. We must arrive with stealth.”

  Shaking his head, Emperor Lucien clasped Drusus’s shoulders. “Son, I know the excruciating pain you feel. I would wish this on no one, but you must not do this alone. At least let me send in a battleship to distract this mad man while you recover your mate. We will not engage him but will toy with him in believing you are on board and wish to negotiate. Will you let me do this for you?”

  Nodding, Drusus clasped him in return. “Your assistance is appreciated and accepted. Father, Basilius had to have traveled to Earth from the Insedivertus vortex. You must ensure its protection now that he is aware. Severus and I entered without anyone being cognizant until we approached the outpost. I can only assume this is true of the exit site as well.” Drusus knew his father was furious despite his outward appearance of calm. The telltale clenching of his muscles and strong jaw betrayed his frustration.

  “Yes, this troubles me greatly that I allowed the sniveling youngling to venture across our land without notice. It will not happen again, this I promise. I will also send additional warriors to Earth to guard the vortex.”

  “Thank you. I know I have not seen you for two long years, but we must leave immediately, father. Is our transport ready?”

  “Yes, the cloaking fighter is ready. Our engineers mapped the coordinates to take you close to Basilius’s kingdom. Unfortunately, we do not have enough information to assist with the best entry into his stronghold.”

  “This is sufficient, father. If we do not send a contact message back or return by time the three moons rise tomorrow, you know what to do.”

  Eyes glittering with anger and resolve, Lucien stepped closer. “I will end our tentative stalemate and hit his world with so much firepower the bastard will believe himself in the bowels of Inferni. Return to me, son. I want to meet the female that has placed this fire within your eyes.”

  * * * *

  “Yes! Yes!” Drusus pulled his necklace from his shirt and placed a quick kiss to the tooth, the first smile crossing his face since he had last seen Avelina. “It is warm again. She is alive!”

  “Thank the gods, Trejani!” Unlatching his seat restraint, Severus jumped up and began collecting their packs.

  Releasing a shuddering breath in relief that the bastard had not killed Avelina, Drusus peered out the forward windows and gritted his teeth at the place Basilius had taken her. None that had traveled here before him ever returned, yet he held out hope that he and Severus would prevail. They had landed on the dark side of the planet, gray tinged and gloomy as seen by the light of a single, small moon. The land held no sweeping, color-filled vistas, gentle, swaying grasses, or impressive mountains, as his home world did. There was nothing comforting or inviting about the flat terrain, sparse vegetation and skeletal trees. Shaking his head, he ceased to wonder why Basilius was so intent on acquiring Insedivertus.

  Releasing the door locks, Drusus glanced back to Severus before taking his pack. “Father’s engineers will receive heartfelt thanks from me on our return. They have gotten us closer than I had hoped. Let us make quick work of this.” Stepping out of the transport, he was concerned at the cloud of fine, gray dust they had disturbed. It settled across his boots and trousers. They would need to tread carefully to avoid supplying their location to the watchers. Stepping aside as Severus emerged, Drusus quickly pointed to the ground to alert him to the clinging mess.

  Nodding his understanding, Severus bent to the ground and began carefully arranging rocks in an arc next to the craft. “Here, let me mark the ground near the doorway. If we lose the locator on the way back, we will be able to find the entrance. We must leave the transport cloaked.” Pressing a lever below the lip of the door, the ship vanished from sight.

  Even with the overwhelming desolation of the Protonecis environment, Basilius’s kingdom reflected his pomposity and left no doubt in Drusus’s mind that Roman travelers had visited this planet in times now long past. Their influence was evident as their craft had passed close above the sprawling capital.

  A thick wall made of cut stone, jutting over fifty meters into the dark sky, surrounded the entirety of the compound and revealed patrolling guards along its length. Within the walls, the land enjoyed healthier vegetation and well-tended, colorful ground covering.

  Small, rectangular housing structures encircled a predominant construction, several stories high and graced with tall marble columns at every entrance. This was the seat of Basilius’s rule. Insedivertus had similar structures, yet they now lay in ruins as their species moved toward greater technology and comfort.

  A squadron of fighter jets blasting upward from the compound and toward the darkened atmosphere brought Drusus back from his rumination and reminded him of Basilius’s equally impressive technology even as he clung to the ancient ways. Glancing down at the communication device his father had provided, Drusus shot a glance at Severus. “Let us mist and make haste, my friend, Father has entered Protonecis space and Basilius is none too happy.”

  Chapter 14

  Damn! This cannot be this simple.

  Still in mist form, Drusus and Severus held to the shadows. The trip through the stronghold had been easy. In mist form, they moved past a multitude of guards and servants without detection. Even if they had been fully formed, he doubted they would have taken notice, so intent were they in scurrying in panic as word of the Insedivertus war ship dominating the sky reached their ears.

  When they had finally located Avelina, she was in what appeared to be Basilius’s throne room, if the ridiculously large ornate throne was any indication. She lay on her side at the base of the throne steps, legs and arms bound and a cloth tied around her mouth. She was alone, which had drawn his suspicion. Basilius would not have left her without at least one guard. Drusus felt shattered at the fear in her widened eyes. He felt a sudden dose of guilt hit his gut, knowing she wore no panties under her skirt since they were now riding along in his left pocket. She must be feeling very vulnerable. He promised to make it up to her at the first chance.

  Severus’s words drifted across his mind. This may very well be a trap but we will not know unless we venture forward and look around. Are you ready? I cannot take a moment longer knowing that my future empress lies on the floor like a sack of flour. The poor thing has lost her shoes. I am enraged and am ready to be done with this foul place.

  Knowing Severus could not see his widespread grin or feel the warming of his heart at his friend’s revelation, Drusus could only show it with words. You are a worthy male, Severus Faal. I am proud to call you friend.

  Together they moved from the shadows but kept against the walls. The ceiling was domed and crossed with thick marble beams. Colorful banners hung from the beams and walls, depicting symbols they could not decipher. The walls were made of large cut and polished stones. Above them, a banister circling the entire room indicated a second story. A large staircase made of the same polished stone descended in a soft curve into the room below. Large, woven tapestry bearing the Protonecis colors of black and gold hung behind the throne platform. They could see no movement from the higher floor, nor was there any movement near the throne. Had they been in full form, he was confident the hair along their necks would be rising at the eerie quietness of the room.

  We can only hope my father’s diversion drove them from this room. Let us release her before they return.

  Remaining as mist, Drusus began untying the binds at her wrists while Severus worked the binds at her ankles. After her initial startled response, he saw relief flood her eyes as she quickly figured he was present and in mist form. He ran his palm across her cheek as she was pulling the cloth from her mouth. He could not stop himself from cupping the back of her neck and slamming his mouth down upon hers, showing her with his presence that he would get her out of this mess even if it killed him.

  “Oh, Drusus! I am so glad you’re here,” she whispered
huskily. “I’ve been so scared wondering if he had hurt you too.”

  He wanted desperately to reveal himself but he needed to retain mist form until he could assure he had her to safety. As the sound of grinding metal screeched across their ears, they both looked up at the same time.

  Water crashed down at the top of their heads and streamed down their bodies, immediately pulling him and Severus from mist into solid form. Blinking rapidly to clear his eyes, he saw that water was continuing to stream from over the top of the marble beams. His body remained sluggish at the violent, unintentional transition, only offering a minimal struggle as a guard threw him to the ground and shackled his hands at his back. To his side, Severus was suffering the same treatment. Soaked, Avelina struggled against her guard but was quickly bound and pushed to the throne platform. Staring into her tearful eyes, Drusus gnashed his teeth and howled in rage. He had failed her.

  Whipping his head to the side at the sound of slow clapping, Drusus let loose a deep growl at the sight of Basilius descending the stairs, a silent Ulixes following several steps back. Drusus was surprised to see Ulixes dressed in obvious Earth clothing. Dark jeans, combat boots, black T-shirt and leather jacket let him know that he had a hand in Lina’s abduction. Curling his lip in disgust, Drusus’s glare moved over to the haughty ruler. As steadily as Insedivertus and Protonecis had progressed to modern ways in regards to technology, Basilius remained stagnant in his manner of dress, choosing to simulate a mixture of ancient Roman regalia. The imperial crest of a predatory bird clutching a dagger in one talon gleamed in gold stitching across the upper portion of his knee-length, sleeveless, black tunic. Gripping talons of gold clasped the edges of a short maroon cape flowing down from broad shoulders. A wide, leather belt cinched his narrow waist while displaying a sizable dagger nestled at his side. A lustrous, gold crown studded with precious jewels sat upon his arrogant head. His heavy leather boots resounded across the floor as he approached.

  Bearing a wide smile, Basilius stopped clapping and spread his arms wide. “Well, well. This is truly a lovely sight. The great Prince Drusus Tarquinius, future emperor of Insedivertus, lying helpless before my throne.”

  Nudging Drusus’s stomach with the toe of his boot, Basilius bent at the waist and snarled at him. “Why have you not turned back to mist, Insedi?”

  “Fuck you, you sorry bastard!”

  Laughing softly, Basilius strolled to his throne and lounged back into the cushions, ignoring Drusus’s outburst. “Ah yes, maybe it is because you are soaked to the skin in water? Your bodies may give the illusion of strength but I know your every weakness, you stupid vapor. I have captured and tortured so many of your species that I have extracted all I need to know.”

  Stormy, gray eyes full of hatred narrowed as he leaned forward on the throne, his elbow landing on his right knee as he held up one finger. “One, you cannot reform into mist when wet. I wager that impromptu bath hurt like Inferni.” Another finger shot up to join the other. “Two, you cannot survive without a constant influx of energy which you must return to your planet in order to receive more, accomplished by touching the land or through sleep. Either method leaves you vulnerable until done.” A third finger rose. “Three, you can only stabilize your life force if you finalize the mating cycle, a complete joining of energy with a willing female. With that feat, you become semi-immortal, living sometimes up to a thousand years of age. How am I doing so far? Have I missed any?”

  Standing, he swaggered back to Drusus and squatted before him. “Your father made it nigh past three hundred before I took his mate. I wager he has a good fifty years left before he dies of old age, if I am correct. Of course, if he does the near impossible coup of locating another compatible mate to replace that simpering woman whom I made beg for her life before I took it, then he has a chance of regaining this ability.” Jumping back to his feet as Drusus cursed him again and lunged forward on his knees. Basilius laughed as he strode to Lina’s side.

  “Which brings us to this lovely creature here…” Patting Lina’s head, he ran his palm down the side of her face, tilting her head back to force her to look up at him. “Yes…what to do…what to do. I believe I will fuck your lovely mate while you watch and then enjoy your pain when I slice this pretty neck as I did your mother’s.”

  As Basilius tapped Lina’s lips with his finger and Drusus roared in agony, Lina clamped down on the digit hard enough to draw blood. Howling in pain, Basilius grabbed her by the hair until she released him. Slamming a bloody fist against her cheek, she collapsed at his feet.

  Despite the violent strike and the immediate swelling to her right eye, Lina rose to her knees and spat at his feet. “You are a filthy bastard! I can’t wait to see Drusus gut you like the animal you are.”

  Favoring his injured finger, Basilius strode quickly back to Drusus and slammed a boot into his gut, flinging Drusus violently to his back. “Gut me? He is worthless to you! I am in charge of him now. He exists for my enjoyment! His entire race will live for my amusement!”

  Eyes wide in fury, spittle forming at his every word, Basilius looked every bit the mad king as he spewed his intentions. Drusus struggled to move to his knees, his chest heaving for air as Basilius continued to rant. “I am the powerful King of Protonecis. Worlds will fall at my hand. One precise toxin dropped in your water supply and your precious energy-stabilizing females were gone. As soon as I have your almost mate analyzed, the same will happen to Earth! No one can stop me. Insedivertus will not be the last. I started the first steps of your father’s destruction when I took his mate, and he will perish upon learning of his son’s fate at my hands. It will not be a swift death, Drusus. He will know of every slice, every pain that you will endure. I will send your head to him and it will break his mind. All of your worldly treasures will be mine for the taking! Did you not think I knew of the precious minerals and the jewels you hoard? I will enslave your race to work the mines. Your world needs your energy, well, so be it! You will breed with our females and your progeny will follow in your footsteps, all loyal subjects to me, and a continuous source of energy!”

  “You are insane.”

  All heads spun to look at Ulixes moving further into the room, his eyes wide with disbelief.

  “Sire, we are at war with the Insedi to protect our world. This is what you have conferred to your loyal subjects. This is why I stand at your side. Are you speaking the truth, or are your words lies to antagonize our enemies? Tell me, my lord. I need to know.”

  Moving closer to Drusus, Ulixes grasped his arms and pulled him to his feet, holding him toward Basilius as he swayed to maintain balance.

  “Is this our enemy, Basilius? Has he and his father struck against us in hatred, or are they defending their world as we would? Tell me!”

  Eyes narrowing, Basilius stared intently at Ulixes, his mouth twisting in disgust. “How dare you call me by name, I am your king! You are nothing more than a lowly servant to use at my will. Do not think I am not aware of your fascination with me! Your sick love has poisoned your mind to think that you can elevate yourself to my level. To think you envisioned lying with me as a lover sickens me. I should have killed you the moment I saw lust in your eye. Be gone, I will deal with you later.”

  Lowering his head, a peace appeared to settle across Ulixes’s broad shoulders. Inhaling deeply, he calmly walked over to Severus, pulled him to his feet and faced him toward Basilius in the same manner he had done with Drusus.

  Deep voice lowered and pleading, Ulixes gazed intently into Basilius’s stormy, gray eyes. “These are not our enemies, Basilius. If I ever held any love for you before, it has now fled my body. I do not know you as a lover or a revered sovereign.” Moving cautiously around Severus, he began to approach Basilius. “You must undo what you have done, Basilius. Your people will not follow you on this treacherous path. They will discover the truth as I have and turn against you.”

  Basilius shook with barely controlled rage. “Guards, grab Ulixes and take him from this
room. He is to be put to death on the morrow for challenging me! Do it now!”

  When the four guards moved away from Severus, Drusus, and Lina, and instead stepped behind Ulixes in a show of support, Basilius’s eyes widened with sudden understanding. He roared in fury when Drusus and Severus dropped their unbound hands to their sides, freed by Ulixes as the guards watched. Pulling the knife from his waistband, Basilius lunged for Lina. Drusus felt his rage morph into a surge of strength and launched his body toward Lina.

  Lina screamed as Ulixes slammed into Basilius and Drusus pulled her away from the path of the arcing knife. Drusus cringed as he watched the tip graze a bloody trail across her left shoulder. Her body trembled against his, and they watched with horror as Ulixes and Basilius continued to struggle. They appeared equally matched in size and strength, but Ulixes fought with grace and fluidity against Basilius’s crazed flailing. Pulling his own knife, Ulixes hesitated briefly, then plunged it into Basilius’s shoulder.

  Screaming in agony, Basilius dropped his weapon and pushed hard against Ulixes, who then tripped backward on the platform stairs. Before Ulixes could recover his footing, Basilius fled around a tapestry behind the throne.

  As Severus rushed to follow, Ulixes halted him with a hand to his forearm. “Leave him. He will have barred the door on the other side. He has fled into the catacombs.” Turning to Drusus, he stared him directly in the eye, warrior to warrior. “Prince, we must leave this place immediately before Basilius alerts the others that are not aware of his insanity.”

  Reeling from the sudden change in events, Drusus gave him a quick nod. “Lead us, Ulixes. We cannot reform to mist.”

  “I have one condition. Take us with you. Our lives are done here, at least until Basilius no longer rules.”


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