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Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 15

by Celeste Prater

  Without hesitation, Drusus agreed. “Done. Now let us go.”

  “Prince, I have one more thing that needs to be corrected. Basilius holds a female Insedi. He will kill her as soon as we leave. Come, I’ll take you to her.”

  Drusus and Severus gaped at him. Drusus voiced both of their thoughts. “Gods, I thought they had all perished. Yes, take us to her.”

  * * * *

  Lina moved along the dark corridors with the silent group, her hand held tightly in Drusus’s grasp. Her head swam with everything she had encountered during the short time Basilius held her. His taunts at how he would kill Drusus, his fingers digging into her arms until the pain finally turned to numbing agony, flew to the front of her thoughts. She felt immediate sympathy for the female Insedi who had to have endured much more and for much longer at the hands of that sick bastard. A female Insedi, amazing! I bet she’s an Amazon if the size of the Insedi men are any indication.

  After many twists and turns, they finally reached a thick door with a tiny window. Lifting a heavy bar from the mooring embedded into the walls, Ulixes entered and returned with a short, curvaceous female with big, brown eyes. He uttered soft, soothing words before presenting her before Drusus. Her dark hair and clothes were dripping wet like Drusus and Severus. She shook in fear, eyes perplexed in her pale face as she looked back and forth between Drusus and Severus. Her lips trembled as she spoke.

  “My prince, you must leave this place. Please, he will kill you.”

  Lina suppressed a smile. Well I’ll be damned, she’s built like me. Rushing over to her, Lina placed an arm around the trembling female, casting a pleading look at Drusus and Severus who were standing with equal looks of shock on their faces. “Well say something, damn it! I bet she is scared out of her mind and I certainly don’t know her language.”

  Snapped from his immobility, Drusus rushed forward. “Forgive me. Zonia, I cannot believe it is you. Ferox will be so pleased to learn that you live. Quickly, you must follow us from here. We are going home.”

  Bursting into tears, she bowed her head and spoke in their native language. “Thank you, Trejani! Please do not punish Ferox when you return. He had no choice. He feared they would kill me. Please spare him. If you cannot find it within your heart, take me as well. I would rather die than live without my love.”

  Looking perplexed at her words, Drusus lifted her chin. “What do you mean, Zonia? I have no plans to hurt your mate.”

  Ulixes stepped forward, laying a comforting hand to Zonia’s arm. “Basilius used her as leverage against your warrior. He was our contact on Earth. He feared for her life. He agreed to trade himself to Basilius once he fulfilled his duties if Basilius allowed her to live and return home. He knew Basilius would kill him, and Ferox welcomed it as penance for his duplicity with you. Forgive me for allowing this to occur. I assured she was not harmed. However, I could not stop Basilius from having her continuously doused to stop her from misting.”

  Hugging Zonia to his chest, Drusus spoke softly to her. “Calm your fears, little one. I will not harm your mate.” Glancing up at Lina, he smiled gently. “I would have done the same in his place. I would do anything to save mine.”

  Ulixes turned to the Protonecis warriors warily watching the halls for signs of threat. “Nicomedes, Tycho, Argus, Leto, prepare for escort formation. We need to get them out of here, and it must appear that they are our prisoners. Bind their hands, but do it loosely.” At their nods, he turned to Drusus. “Where is your transport located? We will need to exit as close to it as possible.”

  As he allowed a warrior to bind him, Drusus looked to Ulixes. “We entered through the north gate. The transport is not far from there.”

  “Good, come along, quickly.”

  Lina’s muscles refused to relax until they passed beyond the massive wall. As they moved into the darkness cast by the imposing fortress, they all tore themselves free from the makeshift bindings. Thankfully, all had gone smoothly with Ulixes’s intervention. The palace was in an uproar, their king was missing, and none knew what to do. Ulixes had to stop several times to provide instructions to the guards to evacuate the people, effectively leading them away from discovering Basilius running amok, or hopefully dying, among the catacombs.

  The further they moved away from the imposing wall, Lina felt her body began to tremble uncontrollably.

  Sensing her distress, Drusus called for the others to stop as he eased her to the ground. Ripping a length of shirt from his body, he bound her injury, cursing Basilius’s life for having touched her. After retrieving water from Severus, Drusus helped her take small sips before brushing his hand across her cheek. “Are you feeling better, mellis? I need to take you from here.”

  At her nod, Drusus scooped her into his arms and continued walking. “It will be all right, sweetness, we are almost there. Lean your head on my shoulder and relax.”

  Doing as he said, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and inhaled his familiar scent. “Drusus, thank you for coming for me.”

  Softly kissing her swollen check, he whispered in her ear. “Sweetness, I would do anything for you. I would give up my life to save yours. I love you.”

  Pulling her head back, she tried to discern his features in the dark. “What did you say?”

  Chapter 15

  “You heard me, mellis. I love you and you are never leaving my side again.”


  “Yes, love?”

  “You know that I love you, too, right?”

  “I do now.”

  She knew he could not see her pained expression but hoped he could hear it in her words. “I should have said it sooner. When he took me from my office, all I could think about was you. I thought I was going to die. My biggest regret was not telling you how I felt. I was scared. Not from being taken, but scared of saying how I felt if all it really ended up being was lust. We haven’t even been together for a solid week yet. I was afraid that it was too soon and it couldn’t really be something that deep. I was fearful you would try to change me…like the others. I’ve been hurt so many times, I didn’t trust in what I felt…not until I thought I would never see you again. Am I making any sense?”

  “I know exactly what you are saying, sweetness. I, too, have been hurt in the past. I know how it can drive our decisions. It is a frightening thing to feel something so overwhelming that you cannot trust the words that could define it. What I feel is beyond the simple word of love. You are everything to me. I will not change you, Avelina. You are perfect to me. Your mind, your humor, your body, all is perfection.”

  Warmth spread through her entire body from those whispered words. Reaching up, she caressed the side of his face. Were those tears along his cheek or sweat from the fight and fast pace of fleeing?


  “Yes, Drusus?”

  “I wish you could see my face in the darkness. My words are not enough.”

  Sighing, she laid her head against him again, turning her face to kiss his chest. “I don’t need to see your face, Drusus. I feel the same as you.”

  Finally, they reached the hidden transport. After Severus removed the cloaking, they all scurried on board as he powered the ship and punched in the return trajectory. Drusus pulled her down with him into a small jump seat, securing a harness over their shoulders. Ulixes guided Zonia to a similar seat and gently buckled her in. Not prepared to bring back additional bodies, the transport was not equipped with extra seating, leaving Ulixes and the four guards to grab hold of anything sturdy.

  Drusus punched something into a device and then shouted to Severus. “Father is moving the battle cruiser back to Insedivertus as soon as he sees we have exited the atmosphere.”

  As they lifted away, she glanced around the transport and almost giggled. She clamped a hand over her mouth, knowing it would be very inappropriate to giggle-snort in this dire situation. Perhaps she was finally experiencing the mental break she expected from the moment she fell from that god-awfu
l vortex onto a land her vivid imagination could never have conceived of, not to mention her shivering trip through space to this awful place. Oh my god, she had traveled through space! Surely, one would understand her inability to remain sane. Now, watching five large males packed chest to back in a transport capable of holding three unseated bodies, tops, their uncomfortable shifting and jostling for better position just struck her as the funniest thing ever.

  Drusus discreetly swiped at his eyes before patting Lina on the leg. “Go ahead, sweetness, let your laughter free. I need to hear you laugh.”

  Letting her hand drop she tried to maintain a sober face but failed miserably. In under two minutes, the walls resounded with the booming laughter of every relieved soul on board.

  * * * *

  Lina stared up at the tall, imposing emperor while he greeted Drusus with a hard embrace. She was at least grateful that all the Insedi spoke English in deference to her already confused expression.

  She knew she stood with her mouth agape but couldn’t seem to change her expression, so she quit trying. From the moment the spaceship had lifted from Protonecis, she was astounded at the view before her. She had seen very little on the incoming trip since Basilius had bound her and left her lying on the floor of his craft. She could only remember choking on fine, powdered dust after landing and being unceremoniously shoved from the ship. Her confusion only increased upon finding herself pulled into a massive compound that looked as if it dated back to ancient Rome. She would never be able to watch Gladiator again without flinching.

  Without the threat of imminent death at the hands of a mad man, she was enthralled to watch Drusus’s home world, bathed in colors of magenta, gold, purple, and turquoise, grow larger in the black, velvet nothingness of space as Protonecis, swathed in dull browns and grays, dwindled to a tiny glowing speck in the distance. She was speechless at the sight of the enormous spaceship flanking them on the return. Insedivertus was breathtaking, and Insedi technology was beyond comprehension. When their craft had approached what appeared to be a large city, Severus had directed it toward an enormous silver, triangular building that was so flawless in design she could not discern any seams or openings. Thinking that any minute they would crash into the expansive side, an entryway suddenly appeared and they landed silently and without issue. The inside was as impressive, if not more so, than the exterior. Rows upon rows of spacecraft of varying size and shape filled the interior while men scurried around to assist in their arrival. She had immediately felt the deference, pride, and genuine respect they felt for their prince. Drusus had grabbed her hand and dragged her outside the building before kneeling and touching the land for several moments. She found herself taking in great gulps of the fragrant air as she watched him do the same. She felt strangely light on her feet, as if the gravitational pull was not as strong as Earth’s. It was a heady feeling. She then slumped into Drusus’s arms when he reached for her, and basked in his strong hold while she stared at the three, large moons hanging low in the night sky. All too soon, the emperor and a cache of intimidating warriors arrived.

  Now here she stood, a miniscule earthling among a giant race of aliens. Unbelievable! Shaking herself from her introspection, she stared hard at the emperor.

  How in the hell can he look exactly like Drusus and still be his father? He is way too young looking to be over three hundred years old. Drusus has a lot more to explain about their longevity.

  Her gut clenched when the man she scrutinized immediately turned those burning eyes in her direction, clapped Drusus on the arm, and sidestepped to stand directly in front of her.

  Bending lower to stare into her eyes, Lucien Tarquinius allowed a very rare smile to lift his lips. “You are a very brave and extremely beautiful female, Avelina. I can see how my son has lost himself to you. Severus has told me of your effective battle tactic of biting. I will remember never to have you angry at me.”

  At the sound of muffled chuckles, heat shot across her cheeks and she slid her eyes downward in embarrassment. “Well, he pissed me off and it was in the way.”

  All mouths gaped open when Lucien threw his head back, roaring in laughter. “Ah gods, son! You have a handful here. You are a very lucky man indeed!” Face sobering, he lifted a hand and gently moved her face up with the crook of his finger. Leaning forward, he placed a tender kiss on her cheek. Whispering quietly, just for her ears, his eyes filled with warmth. “You remind me of my mate, full of spirit and humor. She would be very happy to know that you are in our son’s life. Welcome, Avelina Roth.”

  Nodding in understanding and unsure whether to bow or hug him, Lina settled for kissing him lightly on the cheek as well. Smiling gently, he lifted himself to his full height, looking toward Drusus.

  “Son, I know that you wish to get your lovely mate back to Earth quickly, but promise me that you will return soon so I may spend more time with you both. Two years is too long for a father to be without his family.”

  Clasping the top of Lucien’s shoulder, Drusus nodded. “I promise. I will not wait so long between visits.”

  Turning to Ulixes, Lucien stared into his eyes. “I wish to thank you and your warriors for what you did. You made a life-altering decision, one that ensures you cannot return to your home world until Basilius is no longer in power. My son trusts you, so therefore, you have my trust as well. Zonia informed me of your kindness throughout her ordeal, of which we are extremely grateful. I am leaving it in your hands as to whether you remain here on Insedivertus or return to Earth with Drusus. What say you?”

  Ulixes looked at the emperor with respect and gratitude. “I—we— thank you for your kindness and understanding. We are humbled and have given this great thought. We would like to go to Earth. I have told my warriors of this strange world and they would like to see some of its wonders. If you wish, I can return here as needed to assist you in defeating Basilius. Our people will need to know of his treachery. Until then, they will inaccurately believe Insedivertus to be an enemy, and I do not want innocents to pay the price of his insanity. I was close to him for over two years and had no idea the level of atrocity he had committed. It will take time for them to come to this same understanding.”

  Lucien clasped Ulixes’s hand in a firm hold. “I am in agreement, Ulixes. We will do our best to assure that innocent Protonecis subjects do not pay the price of his evil. I look forward to you returning to assist in our efforts. What you have told us so far about his tactics and weaknesses will help us get started on removing him from power, and for this, you have our utmost appreciation.” His eyes morphed from steely strength to warm affection as he released Ulixes and turned to the delicate Zonia.

  “Zonia, Drusus has told me what Basilius did to your mate. I am in agreement with him that Ferox will not be punished for his actions. I believe he has suffered enough with your absence. It is our duty as Insedi to protect our females so another warrior does not find himself in a precarious position of choosing between a bonded mate and his homeland. The choice will always be the mate and I would not deign to think it would be otherwise. Go now, ease Ferox’s pain.”

  Bowing low, Zonia raised relief-filled eyes to the emperor. “Our world is blessed to have you as our leader. I wish you well, sire.”

  One by one, nine souls stepped into the swirling vortex leading to Earth.

  * * * *

  Standing behind a wall of massive men, Lina grasped Zonia’s hand and squeezed. Zonia stood proud, a beatific smile enhancing her excited face. Lina thought she looked exceptionally cute in her new jeans, sandals, and soft, pink tank top. Ferox had no idea his beloved had returned and was standing a few feet away, ready to rejoin him. Lina was happy that the club had already closed for the night and they did not have to wait longer to reunite them. Zonia squeezed her hand in return before Lina dropped it and stepped away.

  Drusus moved toward the bar and motioned for Ferox to come forward. Severus, Ludo, and Petrus stood in place, shoulder to shoulder.

  “Yes, Trejani,
what can I do for you?” His eyes appeared haunted as he looked around Drusus to see the three warriors bearing solemn faces, stances at full attention.

  “I believe I have something that you lost, my friend.”

  Brows drawing closer together, he looked back to Drusus in confusion. “Something I lost, Trejani? I do not understand.”

  Stepping aside, Drusus motioned to the three.

  Slowly, their bodies parted to reveal the petite female, tears streaming from her eyes as she smiled at her mate.

  Ferox released an agonized wail, leapt over the bar and fell to his knees before Zonia. He grabbed her around the waist and held her tightly as she stroked his hair. Tears streaming down his face, he pulled her down to his lap while pressing kisses across her face, mumbling words of affection, sorrow, and happiness. Zonia pulled a necklace from around her neck and placed it lovingly around her mate’s, her words low and meant only for him. Ferox choked back a sob as he gripped his mating necklace in a shaking hand and placed his forehead gently to hers. It was a beautiful sight.

  The warriors moved away and leaned against the walls, trying unsuccessfully to hide their own tears.

  Drusus returned to Lina, pulling her close against his body as he watched the heart-wrenching scene. “I love you, mellis. I never want this to be us. You will leave your tiny apartment and come home with me. Do you understand?”

  Looking up at him through the blur of her tears, she simply nodded at his command and turned her gaze back to the couple.

  Reluctantly, Ferox pulled away from Zonia. Brushing his hands through her hair, he kissed her deeply then set her away from him. Turning, he moved toward Drusus and dropped to his knees, palms out and head bowed. “Trejani, I ask that you take me from this place so my Zonia does not see what must happen. I am prepared to die this night. I betrayed you. Basilius had Zonia, and I told him things. I told him things that allowed him to take your mate from you. I do not deserve to live for what I have done. I thank you for allowing me to see her one last time. I can die a happy man knowing my Zonia is not in the clutches of that bastard any longer. My heart is free.”


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