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When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle)

Page 43

by Tabitha Black

  "Are you going to be naughty again, young lady?" Valerie asked, as her swats concentrated on turning Rosie's sit-spots as red as her buttocks. "Are you going to go lifting your gown and wiggling your bottom at strangers?"

  "No, Mommy!" Rosie wailed, her back arching, her bottom burning and her entire being aware of exactly what part of her Daddy was looking at. She was shocked that she could feel more and more moisture filling her sex, overflowing to drip down her thighs and God knew where else. Another sharp crack under her left buttock had her begging. "Please, Mommy, I'm sorry. Please, I won't… I promise… owww, Mommy!" When another swat landed exactly over the previous spot, she changed her tactics.

  "Daddy! Please, Daddy… make her stop… it hurts!"

  Grant shook his head, knowing that it did hurt but looking at the indisputable evidence that it was also turning their Little girl into a very highly aroused woman. "It's supposed to hurt, Rosie. You were naughty, and naughty girls need to be spanked very, very hard. It's also very naughty to try and get me to make Mommy stop spanking you. You'll find out that trying to pit your parents against each other is never a good idea. Now, stop that struggling and push your bottom up for Mommy. Show her that you know you were naughty and rude. Take your punishment like our good girl."

  He watched as she collapsed in surrender at his words. Her legs stopped attempting to pull out of his hold; her hands released their tight grip around one of Valerie's ankles to press flat against the floor. Rosie pleased him tremendously when her bottom stopped its wagging and actually lifted, as if asking for the attention it so needed. An additional bonus came when she spoke her next words.

  "I'm sorry, Mommy. Please… please spank me so I won't be naughty again."

  "Certainly, sweetheart," Valerie said, as if the words were nothing surprising. "Push your bottom up just a bit more. Daddy is going to help you keep your legs spread nice and wide so that Mommy can make sure you have learned a lesson."

  Rosie's body shifted, her face burning as her sex was displayed even more clearly with the further opening of her legs. Her tears dripped onto the carpet and her wails renewed, even louder, as her new Mommy gave both her inner thighs a dozen hard smacks until they burned as red as her posterior. When it was finally over, it was a very well-spanked submissive who lay spent and sobbing over her Mommy's knees.

  Valerie ran her hand gently across the hot, crimson cheeks, stroking softly and murmuring nonsense as they waited for their Little to calm. When only a few hiccups and sniffles sounded, Grant bent forward and placed a gentle kiss on the center of her sex, the tip of his tongue giving one single stroke between her plump lips. Rosie's entire body convulsed, and another gush of moisture flowed. Grinning, he released her ankles and stood. Lifting her off Valerie's lap, he gave her a hug before setting her onto her feet. "Go to the corner now, sweetie."

  At his direction, she nodded, accepting the hand that Valerie offered, and allowed herself to be led to a corner of the bedroom. She had never before stood in a corner, but obeyed her Mommy's orders to press her nose against the wall.

  "Step closer to the wall, sweetie. I want your little titties touching it as well. You need to be as far into your naughty corner as you can get."

  Rosa felt Valerie's hand between her shoulders, pressing her forward until her breasts were squashed against the wall, her pebbled nipples flattening at the pressure. Her hands were guided behind her, and when she was told to keep her gown at her waist because naughty little girls in the corner had to display their hot bare red bottoms, she pulled her gown up, her body quivering with the knowledge that her new parents were looking at the evidence of her disobedience.

  Grant and Valerie stood back, their hands clasping each other's as they simply stood and took in the vision that was Rosie. They couldn't have hoped for a more perfect beginning. The girl on the auction block had drawn their attention but it was the well spanked Little in the corner who was capturing their hearts. Smiling at each other, they kissed, as if sealing a promise that this would be a time they would never forget.

  Rosa continued to calm down from the spankings. Though she wanted desperately to rub her hands across her burning buttocks, she knew that to do so would most likely earn her additional heat. She was grateful she was facing the wall as the memory of how she had felt flooded through her. Going over Grant's lap for the first time had been embarrassing but nothing truly novel. However, going over Valerie's had been life-changing. Never before had she considered that being spanked by a woman, feeling her hand blistering down onto her backside, could do anything other than cause her pain. Stifling a moan, she closed her eyes. How could she admit that pain wasn't the only thing her body had felt? What would people think if they knew that she had practically been gushing as a woman lit into her ass? God, she would never be able to deny her arousal—not from this couple. She had felt her own cream dripping and had seen the evidence in the large wet spot on Valerie's dress when being led to the corner.

  Thinking of Grant spreading her legs open, knowing what he had seen, had her quivering. The place where she had felt him kiss her burned, her clit throbbing as if furious it had been neglected. As well as wanting to rub her nates, Rosie's hands ached to cup her breasts that felt heavy and swollen, her nipples throbbing inside the smocking of her bodice as they were pressed against the hard surface of the wall. Her nose ached as well. She'd never considered standing in a corner to be so, well, physically demanding, especially when Valerie reminded her to push forward the moment she tried to back away to relieve some of the pressure. She knew that it would take only a brief moment for her to explode if fingers took a few swipes between her legs. She had no idea that the soft moans and gasps she was uttering as these images consumed her were being heard and adored by her new parents.

  Suddenly, she jumped and shrieked when a loud boom shattered the silence. She whipped around, her hands going to her heart, her eyes huge.

  "It's okay, sweetie," Valerie said, moving forward to envelop the woman in her arms. "It seems the fireworks have started. Do you want to come watch?"

  Rosa really wanted to stay exactly where she was, safe in the woman's embrace, her cheek pressed against the softness of a breast instead of the hard plane of a man's chest. The emotions still warring inside her had her nodding her head, her eyes clenched tightly shut once she became aware that hers were not the only nipples pressing against clothing.

  "Ye-yes, please," she managed. After another quick squeeze, she felt the arms release her, but was very happy when she felt her hand being taken. When Grant took her other, and the three walked to the windows, she was thrilled. Not at the bursts of color beyond the glass, as magnificent as the sight was. No, she was thrilled that she felt at peace. Even though both had spanked her, she felt more cared for, more connected to another, than she had in a very long time.

  They watched until the display ended with a long, incredible display of light. When Rosie had continued to jump with each loud bang, both of her parents slipped an arm around her, sandwiching her between them as if to let her know she was safe. As the last ember faded from the night sky, they remained in front of the window, their reflection appearing before them. The image of two tall, dark haired people bracketing her smaller, blonde haired frame had Rosa smiling and then gasping, and her new parents smiling as they all realized that a pair of very damp, very cute ruffled panties were still around the Little girl's ankles.

  Valerie bent and ran her hand down Rosie's leg. "Let's get these off, shall we?" she said, though all three knew it was a rhetorical question. "Honey, I'm afraid these slippers need to come off too. I agree they are the cutest pair I've ever seen, but they are too big to fit through the leg holes of your panties."

  Rosa giggled and nodded, allowing the slippers to be removed, curling her toes into the carpet.

  "I see our little girl needs some personal Mommy attention," Valerie said, as she guided Rosie's feet out of the panties.

  Rosa had no idea what that meant until she felt he
r toes being stroked. She couldn't help but giggle, as her feet were very ticklish. Valerie stood, the pink panties hanging from her fingers.

  "Little girls do not wear red polish, young lady. That is a color reserved for grown-up women. I might allow you to wear pink or clear polish, but nothing darker." Seeing Rosie's eyes widen, as if worried the red polish had just assured she'd have a red bottom, Valerie smiled. "It's not your fault, sweetie. I know you weren't aware of that. You're not in trouble. We'll take care of it when you have your bath." She paused and looked at her watch. "In fact, I do believe it is time for a bath."

  When the sound of a rumble was heard, Grant chuckled. "Perhaps we can wait just a bit. It seems that either our Rosie has a bear in her tummy, or she is hungry. Why don't we go get a snack before bath and bed?"

  Evidently thinking that was a good idea, Valerie handed the panties to Rosie. "That sounds wonderful; just let me change my dress, and we can go eat," she said, the wet spot on her dress suddenly drawing everyone's eyes. She grabbed a change of clothing out of the closet and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Suddenly alone with Grant, Rosa felt a mixture of emotions swirl through her. Pushing aside her embarrassment that her stomach had growled, as well as the thought of a bath, his speaking the word 'bed' had her flushing again. Exactly what did that mean? Having worked in the Nursery, Rosa knew that any number of beds were available. While most of the clients who wore the bracelets indicating the infant program slept in actual adult-sized cribs in the Nursery, others could be put to bed in napping rooms, or guest rooms in other nursery areas. There were also beds in the dorm rooms, but those were usually reserved for those in the older teen program. She supposed she could also be returned to her own bed, but felt instantly saddened at that thought before remembering that due to the anonymity of the Castle's policy, they should have no idea that she was a Castle employee. Despite checking that possibility off her list, confusion still consumed her. If she had only one parent, she had no doubt that she would most likely sleep with him… or her. However, knowing that Grant and Valerie were a real, married couple, she felt lost.

  Despite her attempt to keep herself from doing so, she turned her head and looked at the large king-sized bed that she had managed to avoid until now. Large posts rose from each corner, rings that she knew were intended to be used to restrain, or, God, spread-eagle a submissive in plain sight. Fluffy pillows were piled against the headboard, as if beckoning a girl to cradle her head on their soft surface. Shocked at the image that had popped into her mind, she closed her eyes. She had not seen a couple, but a trio, snuggled together in the huge bed… but what had her sex turning into a faucet yet again was that all three were naked, and she was the one in the middle.

  Grant watched as her face turned its beautiful pink, her soft unconscious moan letting him know that she was no longer thinking about her spanking, the fireworks, her upcoming bath or the fact that she was obviously hungry. Her eyes might now be closed, but he had seen her gaze at the bed; first as if afraid it might swallow her, and then afraid that it wouldn't. He grinned as Valerie, now dressed in a simple black skirt and white blouse, paused as she returned to the bedroom. He watched his wife's eyes go to their sweet Rosie to see her eyes closed, a soft smile on her face as she stood before the bed. Valerie lifted her eyes to his, the smile on her own face and the look of desire in her eyes alerting him to the fact that she was most likely just as aroused as their Little submissive.

  "Shall we?" Valerie asked, bringing Rosie out of her reflection as she walked to the door and turned back to look at them. "Before we all climb into that wonderful bed, we are definitely going to need some fuel."

  Rosa's heart stuttered at Valerie's casual reference, and she was unable to suppress her grin as Grant reached out to take her hand as they left the room.

  Chapter Six

  As they walked down the corridor, it became obvious to Rosa that the couple had read the information packet about the Castle quite thoroughly. Either that or they had been here before. Not a single step was hesitant as they walked, Grant never even pausing as he glanced at his watch. "The Buffet is about to close, and that's probably more than any of us care to eat. Let's go to the café and grab a sandwich."

  "That sounds perfect. I didn't think I was hungry, but the thought of a sandwich is very appealing," Valerie said. "Rosie, sweetheart, give Daddy your panties so he can slip them into his pocket. I'm afraid they might be drawing just a wee bit of attention."

  Rosa's face turned scarlet as she realized that she was still holding the underwear—in fact, the scrap of pink was hanging from her fingers, swinging with her quick steps to keep up with Grant's longer ones. Thrusting them at him, she watched as he briefly lifted them to his nose, inhaling deeply. Oh my God! He didn't just do that! I'm going to die! Rosa didn't die but she did clench her thighs together as tightly as possible. She didn't dare look behind her, terrified that instead of a trail of bread crumbs, anyone would be able to follow her passage by the drips of her arousal shining wetly on the stone floor. She almost moaned when Grant winked at her before slipping the panties into his pocket. She was no longer sure she'd be able to eat a single bite, her entire being focused on the fact that these two people seemed to be making her desire ratchet higher and higher without even laying a finger on her body—except, of course, to spank her ass. Another voice caused her to rocket out of her thoughts again.

  "Hello. I hope you are having a wonderful time, Rosie." Marshall smiled, having seen the three and loving the look on Rosa's face. She was so wrapped up in watching her daddy stuff what looked like the ruffled panties she had displayed at the auction into his pocket, that she'd had no idea that people were smiling and greeting her as the corridors became a bit more crowded with those returning from watching the fireworks out on the lawn.

  "Rosie, I believe Master Marshall asked you a question, sweetie," Valerie gently reminded her. "You don't want to get another spanking for being rude, do you?"

  The word spanking caused Rosa's head to snap up from where her eyes had been focused on the pocket where her panties had disappeared, and begin to shake before she even realized that Marshall was standing in front of them.

  "Um, no… I mean, no Ma'am," she said. "I'm sorry, Sir. I-I didn't hear you."

  "I was just asking if you are having a wonderful time, but I do believe you are, especially seeing as how you seem to be missing some of your wardrobe. Did you get a chance to enjoy the fireworks, or were you busy with another activity?"

  As she blushed furiously, her hand went behind her to cover a clenching bottom, suddenly feeling as if Master Marshall knew exactly what activities she'd been involved in. "No—I mean, yes." Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that Marshall was not likely to summon her to his office for a repeat of the swats. "I mean, I am having a wonderful time and I did get to see the fireworks. They were really beautiful, Sir."

  "That's good to know," Marshall said. "Remember, tomorrow night's display will be even more spectacular. I hope you have a chance to enjoy that as well. I'll leave you to it. I just wanted to thank you again for participating in the auction. I'm positive that Master Don would have been very proud. Goodnight."

  "Goodnight, Sir," Rosie said, giving him a smile, her bright eyes informing him that the girl who'd entered his office thinking of withdrawing was now extremely glad she hadn't.

  Marshall moved as if to step past the trio but paused. He bent down and looked Rosie in the eyes. "By the way, little one, I was talking about your slippers." He stood and turned away without another word, leaving her looking down at her bare feet, her soft giggle echoing against the centuries old stone of the Castle's walls.

  Once seated in the café, Rosa and Valerie decided to split a sandwich, both a little hungry but not enough to warrant a whole one apiece. Grant placed their order as Valerie led Rosa to a seat, bending to whisper for her to be careful and not to flash her bottom to those people in the café.

  Rosa nodded, her hands claspin
g the back of her gown to her legs as she took her seat carefully, positive that every single person was aware that she wasn't wearing panties. When Grant brought their order to the table, she glanced up, and the sight of one of the submissives from the auction being led to a table by a leash, and wearing nothing more than the skimpiest piece of leather around her very ample breasts, a black g-string her only covering below her waist, allowed Rosie to relax. God, she may be naked beneath her gown, but if she was careful, there was no way anyone else would know. Sliding her eyes to Grant, sure that he would be ogling the beautiful woman in the six inch heels, she found that instead his eyes were focused on her. It gave her an incredible sense of happiness.

  "Thank you, Daddy," she said, as she accepted a plate with her half-sandwich and a few baked chips. She didn't even question him as he placed a sippy cup that a toddler would find easy to hold in front of her. Instead, she sat in her chair, her feet swinging again, as her Mommy tucked a napkin into the neck of her gown, carefully cut the crust off the sandwich and then cut it in half. Accepting the small quarter section, Rosie gave her a smile. "Thank you, Mommy." She realized how easy it was to address this couple as Mommy and Daddy, and how great it felt to embrace the ageplay dynamic she had secretly adored for her entire life.

  "You're welcome, sweet girl. Now, eat and drink your milk."

  Rosa nodded, taking a big bite of her sandwich and then a big gulp of milk. While it wasn't her favorite beverage, it did replace some of the fluid she had lost when crying so hard. The thought of crying had her thinking of her bottom. Thinking of her bottom had her thinking of her spankings. Thinking of those had her thinking of Grant holding her legs spread open. Thinking of that had her sex pulsing as she remembered the feel of his tongue swiping through her lips of her pussy. Squirming on her chair, she felt her insides turning to liquid lust. Forget her damn underwear; she was positive that by now the back of her gown would look as though the Little sitting with her parents had had an accident and not made it to the potty on time. She jumped a bit when Valerie spoke.


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