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When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle)

Page 44

by Tabitha Black

  "Wasn't that a nice snack?"

  Rosa's eyes flew between the two others at the table. She couldn't believe the question had come at the exact moment she'd been picturing Grant's delicious tongue between her legs.

  Laughing, Valerie reached out and squeezed Rosa's hand. "Honey, you have the most adorable face. I was talking about your sandwich—I have no idea what exactly you were thinking about, but…"

  "It sure wasn't turkey on rye," Grant said, squeezing her other hand. "How about we get out of here?"

  He helped Rosa out of her chair, taking her hand again. When she gasped as her bare feet hit the chilly floor, he chuckled and made her squeal as he bent and picked her up. It wasn't the fact that he had done so; it was the feeling of his warm arm directly under her bare bottom that had her turning pink as her gown.

  Grant waited until her legs were wrapped securely around his waist before he spoke softly. "Don't worry about your little quim getting Daddy's shirt wet, honey. We'll all get new clothes tomorrow."

  She instantly buried her face in his neck at the thought of her undeniable arousal already beginning to seep through his shirt.

  Once back in their room, Grant carried her into the bathroom. Rosie looked around. This bathroom was easily twice or even three times the size of the one in her room. The tub was huge, and the shower could easily accommodate two or more people. Seeing the permanent rings and fixtures that offered many possibilities for bathing a submissive, she looked away.

  Valerie smiled as she moved to turn on the faucet, checking the temperature before setting the plug into place. "You do like bubble baths, don't you, Rosie?" she asked, reaching for a bottle on the counter.

  "Oh, yes," Rosa said. She adored bubble baths but had given far more than she had enjoyed herself. She watched as a generous capful was poured into the stream and the bubbles instantly began to appear.

  "Let's get you onto the potty before your bath," Grant said, effortlessly using one hand to push her gown above her waist before moving to place her on the toilet.

  Rosa instantly wanted to jump up, but was suddenly aware that she did need to empty her bladder. However, she certainly didn't want to do so in front of them.

  "Um, I-I said I didn't want to participate in water sports," she said speaking softly, blushing at the amused look that Grant and Valerie exchanged. Dropping her gaze to her bare feet, she saw the tips of Grant's shoes as he moved to squat down in front of her. He lifted her chin with his finger, forcing her to look up. Rosa's hands tugged at her gown, pressing the silky fabric down to cover her front.

  "Sweetie, going potty has nothing to do with water sports unless you're urinating on somebody, or they on you. The kink is also referred to as 'Golden Showers' and while some people might enjoy that, I promise neither Mommy nor I have any intention of breaking any of your hard limits. Now, go potty—your bubble bath is almost ready."

  Her eyes went as wide as saucers at his explanation. Shit, I should have paid attention to Master Marshall when he was going over that list. Oh God, Grant must think I'm an idiot. Unable to think of a single word to say, she simply nodded, and was grateful when he stood and stepped away. Both of them were in the room, but neither acted as if emptying her bladder was anything other than a biological need. Closing her eyes, Rosie allowed her bladder to release, the relief she felt letting her know that it had been entirely too long since she had last gone to the bathroom. She reached for the toilet tissue, her hands shaking just the slightest, knowing that some Daddies—or, she supposed, Mommies—didn't allow their Littles to wipe themselves. When neither of her parents objected, she quickly pulled off several squares, wiped herself and dropped the tissue into the bowl. Pushing the lever, she jumped off the toilet, grateful to be done.

  "Good girl. Grant, could you please take down her hair while I remove her polish?"

  "I'd love to," he replied.

  After Rosie washed her hands, he dried them for her before picking her up as if she weighed nothing. He set her onto the counter between the two sinks, then turned her until she was seated sideways, her feet dropping into one of the basins.

  Rosa giggled as Valerie picked up her foot, causing her Mommy to smile. "Someone is very ticklish, isn't she?"

  Rosa gave a nod, only to hear Grant chuckle. "Be careful, sweetie," he said. "I don't want to pull your hair."

  Rosa relaxed, watching as the red polish was removed from each of her toenails, and then purring when Valerie gave her a foot massage. The sensation was new to her—and surprising in that she never felt the urge to pull her foot away. When she felt a brush being drawn through her hair, she turned her head to the mirror. Before her eyes moved any further, she gave a soft gasp, her hand moving to the small charm hanging from the pink collar they had given her.

  "It's a bear," she said softly.

  "Yes, you'll find that Daddy and I both have an affinity for teddy bears. We were very excited to see you holding Janice. It was a sign that you belong with us. Do you like it?" Valerie asked, watching every expression flicker across Rosa's face.

  "I love it," she said, her eyes meeting Valerie's in the mirror. Rosa felt her heart fill at the thought of belonging to these wonderful people.

  "I'm glad," Valerie said, moving to give Rosie a hug after Grant stepped away to turn off the water, the bubbles threatening to spill onto the floor.

  When he called that the bath was ready, Valerie helped Rosa off the counter. "Come here, Rosie," Grant ordered softly, "let's get you into the tub."

  He was a little surprised to see her hesitate, as she had seemed so relaxed only a moment earlier. When he saw her fingers twisting in the fabric of her gown, unconsciously tugging it down, he smiled. Of course, she was playing the part of a shy Little who knew her Daddy was about to take off her clothes—and for the first time. "It's okay, Rosie. Come, let me help you into the bubbles."

  He watched as she closed her eyes and her hand moved to press the gown against her body. It was as if she was afraid to have it removed. He had already seen her bottom and her sweet pussy, but he'd never met a woman who didn't see flaws in herself that no-one else saw. "Rosie, look at Daddy." When her eyes slowly opened, he gave her another smile and extended his hand. "Come, little one, I promise you'll be fine." Her first step was hesitant, but it was a step nonetheless. He didn't speak again until she was standing before him.

  "That's my girl," Grant praised, pulling her into his arms for a brief hug. Setting her away, he slowly bent forward and kissed her softly on the lips. He felt her quiver, and his cock thickened in his pants. His fingers slowly untied the small ribbons at the front of her bodice, gently pushing the soft fabric aside. Knowing what she was expecting, he deliberately did the opposite. Instead of running a finger over an exposed breast, he moved to slide the thin straps off her shoulders, holding the gown in place for just a moment with the simple pressure of his fingertips. Looking into her eyes that were gazing into his, he released his hold, the slither of the soft gown touching her body briefly before falling to puddle onto the floor.

  Rosa's eyes drifted shut again, her small whimper telling Grant that she was fragile, that her exposure was harder for her than he'd expected. With a soft whimper, she moved one arm to cover her breasts, her other hand going down to hide her pubic mound.

  "No, sweetie," he said gently. "You aren't to cover yourself from Daddy or Mommy. We love looking at our sweet girl. Now, put your hands down at your sides. I promise you won't like the consequences if you are naughty."

  Though his voice was gentle, his tone low, he was prepared to change it if Rosie didn't obey. There would never be a question of her obedience, though it might take a few additional spankings to instill that into his shy Little girl. He was about to pop her bottom when she slowly obeyed, baring herself to his view, her eyes wide.

  "There's our pretty girl," Grant said, his eyes raking her from head to toe even as he looked to see Valerie doing the same from her position behind the young woman. Rosie had the 'shy, modest' Littl
e role down pat, her entire body flushing a pretty shade of pink. He lifted her and set her down into the tub where she instantly sat, sinking down until only her head was above the concealing bubbles. Grant smiled as she sighed deeply, leaning her head against the back of the tub, her eyes closed as her hands moved languidly through the water, releasing a subtle fragrance as the bubbles popped around her.

  "What a precious sight," Valerie said softly. "But our girl looks so small in that huge tub."

  "She won't be alone for long," Grant said, looking to the tub to see Rosie was sitting up, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open as he slowly undressed his wife.

  Rosa didn't know where to look, and couldn't have spoken if her life depended on it. As Grant unhooked his wife's bra, slowly drawing it down her arms, Rosa felt her nipples tightening. When the skirt joined the blouse and bra on the floor, Rosa's stomach flipped. Her Mommy was beautiful. Her breasts were high and firm, with large, dark nipples that were puckering as the air and Grant's fingers brushed across them. They were surrounded by areolas that were even darker. The flat plane of her stomach was tanned, her hips slender. Rosa couldn't keep her eyes from sliding lower, her face heating when she saw Grant pulling down the lacy black panties, exposing Valerie's neatly trimmed pubic hair. When she turned around to give Grant a kiss, Rosa got a good view of her bottom. It was also high and firm, and Rosa just knew that it didn't bounce and jiggle like hers. Long, slender legs were tanned and well-toned. Rosa slammed her eyes shut when she realized that Valerie was coming towards the tub. God, even her walk was sexy, as if the woman knew she looked incredible naked.

  "Scoot up, sweetie," Valerie said, as if climbing into a tub with another woman was nothing out of the ordinary.

  Rosa managed to slide forward a bit, not wanting to expose her imperfect body to this gorgeous woman. Valerie stepped into the tub, sitting down behind her, smiling as the young woman froze in place. Valerie reached for the large sponge and the bottle of body wash. "Sweetheart, you need to scoot back a bit," she said softly. "Daddy needs more room."

  Rosa's eyes flew open to see Grant, one leg in the water, his other still on the floor outside the tub. Her heart stopped at the sight of his sex. Almost completely erect, it jutted from the curls of black hair at his groin, thick veins running down the sides, a huge, mushroom-shaped head with its tiny slit appearing to be winking directly at her. Shoving herself backwards, she squealed as she pressed against soft flesh instead of the hard surface of the tub. She was trapped between these two incredibly perfect people. Unaware that she was doing so, her eyes drifted closed again, her teeth capturing her bottom lip as Grant settled into the tub, small waves undulating across the surface of the water.

  Seeing Rosie's eyes shut yet again, he softly admonished her. "Open your eyes, Rosie. I don't want to see them closing again." Though she obeyed, it was only for an instant, closing them again when Valerie lifted the sponge to begin washing her shoulders.

  "Relax, honey, Mommy is going to wash your back."

  Rosa gave no response, but didn't protest as the sponge began to rub along her shoulders. Valerie ran it down her spine, allowing the fingers of her free hand to follow its path, softly stroking Rosa's skin, feeling how stiffly the young woman was holding herself. Giving Grant another look to see that he was watching every movement, she lifted her eyebrow.

  He leaned forward. While he appreciated the role playing, her shyness could only be tolerated for so long. Surely she wasn't as innocent as she appeared? She certainly had been misinformed as to what water sports meant, and the brief moment her eyes had opened it had been like seeing a deer caught in headlights. But that was impossible. She had stood on a stage only a short time ago, offering herself to any bidder for their pleasure for several days. She had pledged to submit to whatever the winner desired, so long as it was within her hard limits. It was time to remind her of that fact. They only had a few days, and he had no intention of having to spend them constantly reassuring her that she wasn't going to be hurt.

  "Rosie, look at me." When she did, he could see her chin begin to quiver, and her eyes shining with tears. "Oh, baby, what's wrong?" When she didn't answer and a tear slid down her cheek as Valerie's fingers caressed her bare shoulder, it instantly became clear. "Rosie, you've never been with a woman before have you?" When she attempted to close her eyes, he continued. "No, keep your eyes open. Look at Daddy."

  Rosa forced herself to open her eyes and meet his. She shook her head slowly, mortified at her admission. She forced herself to move past her embarrassment—this was the freaking Castle after all, not the local mall. People did not come through the door looking for the latest fashion or a hot Cinnabon. Instead, they came to enjoy all sorts of sensual, physical pleasures. These two wonderful, kind people had paid big bucks for the privilege. She might be far less experienced than some, but if not now, when? If not with two people who had already entered her heart, who else? Before they climbed from the tub in disgust, marching her down to Master Marshall's office to demand an immediate refund and a far more experienced submissive, it was vital that she somehow convince them of her desires.

  Her hand rose from the water to swipe across her cheek. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice low. "I-I haven't, but… but… I want—"

  "To try?" Valerie offered, her voice soft behind Rosa. At Rosa's nod, she dropped the sponge and put both arms around her, pulling her back until she was securely held within her arms, her back against Valerie's soft breasts. "Oh, sweetie, you are so precious and I am very honored."

  "You, you are?" Rosa asked, shocked at Valerie's words, as well as how it felt to be held against a soft body. "You aren't mad? You don't want to exchange me for another girl?"

  "No baby, I'm not mad and neither is Daddy. We wouldn't exchange you for the world. Rosie, every woman has a first time, whether it is with a man or a woman. You obviously aren't a virgin, as you said you get birth control shots. Well, losing your virginity to a man is your first time, just as making love to a woman is also a first. They are both a little frightening, but I promise that if you'll only trust me and Daddy, you will not only learn, but you'll also receive a great deal of pleasure. Do you think you can trust us?"

  Rosa slowly relaxed. She wouldn't allow anyone else into the room, even in a figurative manner. It didn't matter what anyone else thought. Judging people wasn't something she did, and she would not allow herself to worry about being judged. Reaching beneath the water, she found Valerie's hand and slipped hers into it, her other one reaching out and finding Grant's. "Yes, I trust you both. I want to learn, please… please, teach me."

  Valerie gave her hand a squeeze, her eyes finding Grant's. He was sitting back again, his face showing his surprise and yet his interest as well. They had played with other Littles before, but had never had the honor of initiating a submissive in this way. Seeing his smile and his nod, she knew he was just as enchanted at the prospect of teaching Rosie the yin and yang of love—the balance of being loved by a man and a woman, both different and yet both the same; complementary emotions that would truly rock her world.

  Giving Rosa's hand a final squeeze, Valerie reached for the sponge again. She ran it over Rosie's shoulders and then gave Grant a nod.

  Rosa was soon in a different world, her Mommy running a sponge over her back and shoulders and the upper portion of her bottom, her Daddy running another sponge over her breasts, across her stomach and down her legs. She giggled when he lifted a foot, squealing as he ran the sponge along the arch, his movements causing her to slide in the tub.

  Valerie laughed as she wrapped her arms around Rosie's waist. "Careful, Daddy; little wet girls are quite slippery."

  Grant looked up, his eyes roaming over Rosie. "Shall we see if she is slippery elsewhere?"

  His question, his look, and his tone caused Rosa's giggles to become trapped in her throat. When she felt herself being guided forward, closer to her Daddy, she quivered. When he easily turned her and then pulled her down onto his lap, his erection
trapped against her back, she slowly opened her legs, allowing the hand that was sliding across her stomach access to the most definitely slippery core of her. Fingers slid through her blonde curls to find her opening, then one slipped inside.

  "Very slippery," Grant said, his finger sliding in and out of her, her clit jumping when his thumb ran across it. She moaned when he withdrew his finger, and once more picked up the sponge. "Watch, Rosie, watch Mommy wash her cunt." He heard her soft gasp at the word he'd used, but also felt her quiver under his touch.

  They watched Valerie pulling her legs up, dropping her knees open, the view obscured by the bubbles as well as the milky water, yet he knew without a doubt that Rosie was able to visualize exactly what Valerie was doing. "That's right, sweetie. Mommy is making sure she's all nice and clean for us, isn't she?"

  Rosa nodded, her eyes glued to the sponge, her own sex clutching, aching for her Daddy's fingers to return. Instead, she felt the soft sponge, mimicking every movement Valerie made. She flushed, understanding that her pussy was being made nice and clean for them as well.

  "Darling, I do believe there is another bit of our girl that needs tending to."

  Rosa expected the sponge to perhaps move once more across her breasts, as that was where Valerie had moved her own. Grant surprised her by patting her hip and then helping her to take a seat on the edge of the tub. Her eyes widened when he slid his fingers to her sex again, giving her blonde curls a gentle tug. He adored the moment that understanding dawned on Rosie's face.

  Valerie watched the two of them, Grant's fingers so large and thick as they ran through Rosie's pubic hair. "That's right, Rosie. Daddy is going to shave you, sweetie. Little girls do not have hair where Mommy does, do they?"


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