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More Than This

Page 19

by Shannyn Schroeder

  “Honey, that’s called a date.”

  “No, a date ends in sex. It doesn’t start with it.” Quinn curled her legs under herself.

  “Are you sure he’s on the same page?”

  “He didn’t say otherwise.”

  “Yeah, he did. If it was just sex, he would’ve left. He wouldn’t have stuck around to chat.”

  “That would make sense if it was a one-night stand. We’re friends. He promised he’d still be my friend.”

  Indy snorted.

  “Besides, a relationship with him doesn’t fit into my plans.” She paused, not sure how to continue. “I asked him to be my sperm donor.”

  “You what?” Indy’s eyes widened and the fear in Quinn’s mind exploded.

  “I asked him to consider being my sperm donor. I don’t know what I was thinking. It was just that he was so nice to me, and we were talking and all I could think was ‘what a great guy.’ That’s what I’m looking for in a donor.”

  “That’s what you should be looking for in a boyfriend. What did he say?”

  “Not much. I think I freaked him out.”

  “Ya think?”

  “Sarcasm is not helping.”

  “You’re not giving anything a chance because of your stupid plans. You’re going to throw away a potentially great thing because it follows a different path. Don’t fear detours. They can lead to exciting places.”

  Quinn shook her head. “I don’t need a lecture on my choices. I need help.”

  “Let the relationship develop its own course. If it’s meant to be, it will find a way.”

  “You sound very Zen. What about having sex?”

  “Do it. It’s fun,” she answered with a wink.

  “Again, not helpful.” Quinn knew the conversation was going nowhere. Indy kept pushing her in Ryan’s direction to try to waylay her pregnancy plans. She switched gears to her other pressing problem. “I need you to go with me to a speed dating thing tomorrow night.”


  “I don’t need you to do the rounds. You’d be there for emotional support and to be my wingman.” Even with Ryan claiming to be her friend, she knew he wouldn’t want to be her wingman to find another date.

  Indy flipped her long blond locks over her shoulder. “Fine. But I won’t promise to be nice. Where and when?”

  “O’Leary’s at seven-thirty.”

  “Are you fucking nuts?” Indy’s hands flailed, matching her irate tone.


  “You’re seriously going to Ryan’s bar to find a date. You’re going to flaunt yourself in front of him and flirt with other guys. After you had the nerve to ask him for his sperm.”

  “Ryan set this up to help me meet someone for my summer romance.”

  “For someone so smart, you can be totally clueless. He’s a man. Everything changed when you had sex with him.” Her arms continued to punctuate her statements.

  “You make Ryan sound like a teenage girl. You’re right. He’s a man. By definition, he should be okay with no strings sex.”

  Indy blew out an exasperated breath. “He won’t be okay with seeing you with other men. Even if he knows it happens, he doesn’t want it in his face.”

  “Can we forget Ryan for a minute? I’m doing speed dating tomorrow. I need help selling myself in three minutes or less.”

  Indy crossed her arms.

  Quinn waited for the irritation to pass. Indy never stayed angry long.

  “You’re making a huge mistake. You’ll regret screwing this up.”

  Quinn looked at her sister. Indy was rarely this serious. “I appreciate your concern. But Ryan knew from the get-go I wasn’t interested in dating him. If he walks out of my life because we had sex and I want to date other people, then he’s not much of a friend.” The thought sickened her a little, but she wanted to believe it.

  “You’re wrong.”

  “It’s my life. My choices.” She hoped to God Indy was wrong.

  Indy uncrossed her arms and leaned forward. “You’re starting to sound like me. That should be a red flag announcing you’re messing up.” She stood and stretched. “I’m hungry. What do you have to eat?”

  “Leftover Chinese food.” Quinn led the way to the kitchen, mulling over Indy’s words. Roles had been reversed for so many years, she didn’t know what to do. She’d always been the responsible one, pointing out Indy’s mistakes.

  They spent time devising questions and answers for speed dating. Indy agreed to come and help weed out the assholes. Then Richard called and Indy scurried out to meet him, ending their sister time.

  So much for taking a break. Why couldn’t Indy see what a waste of time he was? Indy’s words echoes back at her. Was she as bad as Indy?

  No, I plan things. I set goals and do what I need to do to reach them. Indy flies around and takes things in stride without trying to adjust them to suit her.

  I’m right about Ryan and my plans to get pregnant.

  She grabbed a book to read in bed when her phone rang. She answered without thinking. “Hello.”

  “Hey, babe.”

  “What do you want, Nick?” She leaned against the arm of the couch, regretting answering the phone.

  “I’m outside. Can I come up?”

  “I was getting ready for bed.”

  “I could join you.”

  Surprisingly, he sounded sober. “Not a good idea.”

  “Can we talk?”

  “Why?” Her impatience grew.

  “I can’t do this over the phone. Please let me up.”

  Quinn pinched the bridge of her nose. How many turns could one day take? “You have five minutes.” She disconnected and buzzed him up.

  Moments later, Nick stood in the doorway looking ragged as hell. He hadn’t shaved. His eyes were shadowed, and he looked drained. He stared at her. “You look great.”

  She reached up, smoothed her hair, and looked down at her clothes. “I look the same as always.”

  He stepped into the room. “No, you look different. You have a glow.”

  She snorted a laugh. “Give it up.”

  Nick shook his head. “I’m serious. You look happy.”

  Her lips barely curved. “I guess I am.”

  “Good. I’m glad.” He walked through the room stiffly, his hands fidgeting.

  “What’s up?”

  “I’m not.”

  She waited, arms crossed.

  “Not happy. I haven’t been in a long time.” He turned and stepped closer to her. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I haven’t been happy since we split up.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. What happened with your . . . girlfriend?”

  “False alarm.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “You always did like to make things difficult for me.” He inhaled deeply. “I miss you. I miss us. Things were good when we were together.”

  Quinn’s hands dropped and anger balled in her stomach. “Things were good for you when we were together. You were responsible for nothing, except having fun, which meant sleeping with every woman in sight.”

  “We had fun together.”

  “Yeah, but I live in the real world where bills have to be paid. People count on me. Life is more than a good time.” She realized her arms were waving every bit as much as Indy’s had been. She crossed her arms again.

  He inched closer. “I don’t have a shot?”

  She shook her head softly. He kissed her forehead and walked toward the door.

  Without turning around, he said, “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ll check in with you every now and then.”

  She didn’t answer. She knew he would show up periodically, but she also knew she was really over him. After locking up, she snuggled in the sheets and inhaled Ryan’s scent that still clung to the pillow.


  Early the next morning, Ryan slogged through the bar. He had spent a lot of time the previous night getting the dance floor ready and blocked off for speed dating. Mary was truly exc
ited. He was surprised to see her behind the bar.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  Mary looked up from the cup of coffee in her hand. “I’m doing one more run-through for tonight. I want to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. You are going to be here, right?”

  “Yes, I said I’d be here.” He paused, not wanting to ruin her optimistic mood. “My friend Quinn might be a no-show, though.”

  She slumped forward. “What? She confirmed. Not once, but twice. She’s bringing a friend.”

  She plans on coming? The news startled him more than seeing Mary after her long night. Quinn must’ve responded before they spent the afternoon having sex. She would show, since she’d committed. “I could be wrong.”

  Mary put her cup down. “Could you call her?”

  “You have her number.”

  “She might agree to still show if you asked her.”

  I don’t want to ask her. “I’ll try.”

  “Thanks.” She drank from her cup again.

  “Go home. I’ll see you tonight. Who’s coming in now?”

  “Jenna called. She’s running a little behind.”

  “Okay.” He headed for his office. A few minutes later, he heard Colin’s happy whistle in the hall.

  Colin stuck his head in. “Hi. What’s Mary doing here? I thought she was running the dating thing tonight.”

  “She’s nervous and wanted to check on things again. What are you doing here?”

  “I figured I owed Mary some help.” Colin was as calm and laid-back as ever. No anger or tension rolled off him after last night.

  Ryan looked at his brother quietly for a moment and decided he could confide in him. Regardless of their issues, they were still brothers. “What do you know about photography?”

  Colin crossed his arms and leaned on the doorjamb. “Is this a trick question?”


  “Not much. What are you looking for?”

  “What if someone had pictures taken they don’t want anyone to see?”

  “You got a Playboy Bunny I haven’t met?”

  “I’m serious.” He ran a hand through his hair and reconsidered telling Colin.

  “It was a joke. What’s the problem?”

  “I have a friend who had some unflattering pictures taken. What’s the likelihood they’d be destroyed?”

  “I don’t know. If the guy’s less than professional, it’s a couple of clicks of the mouse and her image is all over the Internet.”

  “That’s what I thought.” He picked up his keys again. “Keep an eye on things. Jenna will be here soon. Tell her I’ll be back before we hit lunch.”

  “Need any help?”

  Ryan shook his head. “I can handle this.”

  He drove to Hill Studio. On the way there, Ryan told himself he would speak calmly and rationally. There was a possibility this guy was legit and Quinn’s pictures would be safe. Given her track record, though, he was scum looking for a quick buck. Ryan would pay whatever price to save her the embarrassment. He figured the possibility would occur to her soon, once the embarrassment left, and she could focus clearly.

  Ryan parked in front of the building and strode quickly to the door. He rang and was buzzed up without question.

  At the door, a young girl met him with a smile. “Hi, can I help you?”

  “I hope so. I wanted to speak with the photographer.”

  She opened the door wider. “Xander’s not here, but he should be back in a minute.”

  He followed her in and scanned the loft. It was mostly empty space, except for the photography paraphernalia. “So what happens after pictures are taken? Do you give me the only copies?

  “No, we save it on our computer in case something happens to the client’s file.”

  Ryan narrowed his eyes at the girl. “So my photos could be spread anywhere?”

  Her eyes widened in shock. “No. Xander would never do that. He’s a professional.”

  The door behind her swung open. A man entered. Based on Quinn’s description, this was the photographer. He did look like a model. He was younger than Ryan. His eyes registered the girl’s distress. “Hello. Can I help you?”

  “Hi. My name is Ryan. I need to speak to you about some pictures.” He turned pointedly to the girl. “Will you excuse us?”

  She hesitated. “Xander?”

  Xander looked at her. “Go around the corner for a coffee break. We’ll be fine.”

  She exited quickly. When she was gone, Ryan focused on Xander. “Quinn Adams.”

  Xander’s head snapped up and his gaze locked on Ryan’s. “What about her?”

  “Her pictures. Where are they?”

  “None of your business.”

  Ryan stepped closer, his nerves thrumming.

  Xander put his hand up. “I don’t know who you are, and I can’t release a client’s information.” If he had any inkling he was about to get beaten, he showed no sign.

  “She’s embarrassed. You managed to destroy her self-confidence with your inability to take a good picture. I don’t need to see them. I want them destroyed.”

  Xander straightened, puffing his chest out. “I’m good. She wouldn’t relax. It’s not my fault she’s got hang-ups and her photographs didn’t turn out.”

  “I don’t give a fuck how good you are. She’s a teacher. If those pictures get out, her entire life will be ruined.” Reining in the need to punch this pretty boy was getting more difficult by the minute.

  Xander stepped forward. “I’m not a hack or a porn peddler. I don’t send around my work for a few laughs, and I don’t release a client’s project to a lunatic who comes in here threatening me.”

  “The threats haven’t even started. Call her. Get her permission.” Ryan stepped back and pointed to the phone.

  Xander opened a drawer and pulled out a sheet of paper from a file. He dialed and waited a few seconds before saying, “Hi, Ms. Adams, this is Xander Hill. I need to speak to you. Please call me back.” He turned to Ryan. “No answer.”

  Ryan pulled out his cell phone and called Quinn’s cell.

  “Hello?” Her voice was heavy with sleep.

  “Hi. Tell this asshole you want those pictures deleted.”


  Ryan passed the phone to Xander at his desk.

  “Hello, Ms. Adams?”

  Ryan couldn’t hear Quinn’s voice, but he knew she’d panic.

  “I can’t remove anything without your permission. Okay. I’ll be here.” He closed the phone and tossed it back to Ryan. “She’s on her way.”

  “Fine.” Ryan crossed his arms and stood stiffly.

  “Sit down. I think you woke her up, so she’ll be a while.” His tone had changed and he was no longer confrontational.

  Ryan sat and propped his right ankle on his left knee.

  “This is my business. My livelihood. I wouldn’t risk my reputation to ruin hers.”

  Ryan didn’t respond. He didn’t trust this guy.

  Xander leaned back in his chair. “She told me she was taking pictures for herself, not a man. Who are you?”

  “A friend.”

  “Uh-huh.” He smirked as he straightened. “You should probably leave. She doesn’t want you to see them.”

  Ryan’s shoulder rose and fell. “I don’t need to see them. I’ve seen the real thing.”

  Xander’s eyes shot back to his. One eyebrow rose. “A friend, huh?”

  Ryan’s knee bounced. He hadn’t yet thought of how to categorize his relationship with Quinn. His only thought was to protect her.

  They sat in silence. Xander shuffled papers on his desk and Ryan watched the clock. The young girl came back and set a cup of coffee in front of Xander. She looked from Xander to Ryan and back, then escaped to another room.

  Twenty minutes later, the bell rang and both men rose. Xander pressed the buzzer. Ryan waited for Quinn to come in, expecting to see her panicked.

  She came barreling through the door, hea
d up, eyes blazing. The panic was there, buried under the anger. She wore no makeup, a loose T-shirt, and shorts. His gaze wandered to her feet. Her purple toenails peeked out from the sandals.

  “Hi,” Xander said. “Thanks for coming.”

  Quinn nodded to him but walked past. She stopped within a foot of Ryan. Her subtle scent gripped him. Looking up, she spoke through clenched teeth. “Can I speak to you?”

  Xander took the hint and disappeared.

  “Why are you here?” she demanded.

  “Take a breath and relax.”

  “Don’t tell me to relax. Just because we had sex doesn’t mean you can run all over my life.”

  “You’re not thinking clearly. Listen to me. The photos are digital. They’re on his computer. He can do whatever he wants with them.” He saw the moment the possibilities registered in her brain. “Or he could get hacked.”

  Her face paled and she covered her mouth with a trembling hand. “Oh, God.”

  He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. “It’ll be okay. We’ll have him delete everything.”

  “How am I going to know that’s it? How can I be sure?”

  “I’ll be sure.”

  She stepped back and looked up at him. “What the hell was I thinking?”

  “You were taking a chance. Completing your adventures. Don’t let this stop you.” He leaned down and kissed her. She tasted like mint. She must’ve brushed her teeth and flew out the door.

  Her muscles relaxed as she melted into the kiss. He pulled back.

  “Thank you.” She tucked her hair behind her ears. “You can go now. If you had said something, I would’ve handled it myself.”

  “I’ll wait.”

  Her look bore into him. “I don’t want you to see them.” She crossed her arms to let him know it was non-negotiable.

  He leaned close and whispered in her ear, “Like I told the artist over there, I don’t need pictures. I’ve seen the real thing.”

  Color rose to her cheeks. “I still don’t want you to see them.”

  “Fine.” He reclaimed the chair.

  “Xander, we’re done,” Quinn called.

  Xander walked to his desk and clicked the mouse. “Regardless of what your boyfriend thinks, I would never send these out on the Internet.”

  “I believe you and I apologize for him busting in here. I’d just feel better if they didn’t exist.”


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