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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

Page 5

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “Oooh!” she screeched, clutching her arms over her bosom even though her back was turned to him. The look she shot him from over her shoulder was murderous. “Don’t you have any manners at all? Why didn’t you knock?”

  Liam’s mouth went suddenly dry, as his eyes roamed over her back and well-formed bottom. His palms fairly itched to explore those smooth globes, and he could feel hot blood pounding into his loins. “Well, how was I to know you would be changing clothes in the middle of the afternoon?” he growled impatiently.

  “In case you haven’t noticed,” she gritted out while grabbing her gown off the bed, “it’s almost time for dinner. I thought I would freshen up a bit beforehand.” She stepped into her gown, unwittingly providing Liam with a perfect silhouette of her breast through the clinging chemise. She glanced over her shoulder and saw the direction of his gaze. “Don’t stand there gawking at me! You could at least have the decency to turn the other way, since you’ve already intruded on my privacy.”

  Liam reluctantly turned toward the door but couldn’t resist goading her. “You’ve gotten awfully bossy for someone who was refusing to take the cabin a short while ago.”

  “Yes well, I’m learning from you. That’s all you’ve been doing, bossing me around.” She sighed with relief. “Alright, you can turn around, I’m decent.”

  She was more than decent in the blue dress. She looked feminine and pretty and absolutely desirable, but Liam refrained from saying so. Instead, he cleared his throat and addressed the issue he had come to discuss.

  “Listen, Selena. I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided we should get married.”

  Selena sat down abruptly on the bed and stared at him in amazement. “What? Have you taken leave of your senses? You’re the last man I would think of marrying.” She blushed from the lie but desperately hoped he would chalk it up to indignation.

  Despite the fact that her statement corresponded with his earlier thoughts about her, Liam felt himself bristling. “Well, you’re no peach yourself, Miss Darcy, and I certainly don’t want to be married to you.”

  “Good, we’re agreed then.”

  Liam took a calming breath to keep from throttling her and spoke through gritted teeth. “No, we’re not agreed. I’ve been thinking about it, and it’s the only way we can travel together and protect your reputation without raising suspicions. Let’s face it, after that scene on deck, no one is going to believe that you’re my sister.”

  “So what you are saying is that I should give up my freedom just because you can’t control your lust?”

  “As I recall, you were kissing me back for anyone to see. Not exactly sisterly behavior was it?” he needled.

  “Oooh!” she screeched again. “You are a cad after all. I might have known you would blame me for that kiss even though it was you who grabbed me.”

  “As a matter of fact . . .” Liam stopped midstream, realizing that they were getting farther from his topic. He took another calming breath and folded his hands behind his back. “Please, just hear me out.” He walked to the window and looked out at the late afternoon sun. “I think it would be best if we married, in name only. That way, we could travel together without damaging your reputation. When we reach Oregon, we can have the vows annulled.”

  He waited for her reaction and the moments ticked by in silence. When he couldn’t stand the tension any longer, he turned to face her. Selena was frowning, apparently lost in thought.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  Selena couldn’t tell him what she thought, because her feelings made no sense, even to her. On the one hand, his suggestion to get married had made her heart leap with strange excitement. As much as she would like to deny it, she found Liam extremely attractive. On the other hand, he was the most infuriating man she had ever met. She settled on attack as the best form of defense.

  “I think that you must think I’m an idiot. Do you actually expect me to believe that once I marry you, you won’t try to exercise your husbandly rights?” She raised a haughty brow to stare at him expectantly. “If I agreed to marry you, then technically, I become your property. You could force me to do something I don’t want to do. Judging by the way you were just ogling me, I don’t trust you not to take advantage.”

  Her accusation stung Liam’s pride. “I assure you, Selena, I don’t want to be stuck with you for a wife, so I will do everything in my power to avoid consummating the vows with you. It will be a relief to get to Oregon so that I can get rid of you.”

  The words were said in anger, and Liam regretted them as soon as they were out of his mouth. Selena rose with what little dignity she could muster and reached for her suitcase.

  “Don’t bother Mr. McKenzie. I’ll find some other way to get to Oregon.”

  Liam’s hand was there to stop her. “No, wait. Selena, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I’m happy to escort you to Oregon. I’m just trying to say that the marriage will only be temporary.”

  “There isn’t going to be a marriage, Mr. McKenzie. Not with the way you feel about me.”

  “Dammit, I don’t feel anything about you!” There he went again, putting his foot in his mouth. What was it about this woman that turned him into such a bumbling ass? “I don’t mean that I don’t feel anything about you, I just mean that I don’t dislike you.”

  Selena crossed her arms and faced him, raising that same haughty brow. “Well, that’s certainly a good basis for a marriage!”

  He released a low growl of frustration. “You know what I’m trying to say. Now unless you have a better suggestion, getting married seems to be our only way out of this mess.” He waited for her reaction, but she just stood with lips pursed in displeasure. “Selena, with your permission, I will speak to the captain and arrange for him to marry us.”

  Selena didn’t know what to say. She had been daydreaming about the possibilities for a relationship with Liam. Perhaps this would be her opportunity to test the waters. Her biggest fear was that she would find marriage satisfying and he wouldn’t. If she fell in love with him and then he insisted on an annulment, she would be heartbroken. She would have to use caution to guard her emotions until he revealed his.

  “Well?” he prompted her. “Should I speak to the captain?”

  “Alright, Mr. McKenzie, but just remember your promise. I don’t intend to warm your bed once the vows are spoken.”

  “Good, we’re agreed. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

  Liam left without another word, and Selena collapsed on the bed once more. What had she done? She waited for a feeling of dread, but none came. For whatever reason, she trusted Liam. She felt certain he wouldn’t take advantage of her.

  The more she thought about it, she had nothing to lose. If affection started to grow between them, she would end up with the husband of her dreams. If love never blossomed, she would be free again once an annulment was granted. Either way, it would make for an interesting journey.

  It seemed like hours before Liam returned to fetch Selena. “The captain has agreed to marry us right away. I convinced him that it was a matter of some urgency. Are you ready?”

  Selena took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes, we may as well get this over with.”

  Liam tamped down his irritation at the remark. She didn’t have to make it sound as if marrying him would be so unpleasant.

  “Come on then.”

  He took her hand in his and led her to where the captain and his first mate were standing near the pilot house. Pulling Selena forward, Liam made the introductions.

  “Captain Harris, this is Selena Darcy.”

  The captain was an older man with gray hair, thick sideburns and a beard and mustache. His twinkling blue eyes took in Selena’s lovely features, and he gave her a wink before turning back to Liam.

  “Mr. McKenzie, I can certainly see why you are so anxious to marry the girl. I would find her too much of a temptation myself, if I were twenty years younger.”

  Liam flushed and r
efused to meet Selena’s gaze as he laughingly replied. “I knew you would understand, sir.”

  Captain Harris smiled down at Selena kindly. “And are you entering into this marriage willingly, my dear?”

  “Yes, I am,” Selena said with a nod.

  “Fine then. Mr. Gibbons, would you please stand as witness?” When the first mate stepped forward, Captain Harris withdrew a small bible from his jacket and smiled at them both. “Join hands please.”

  As the ceremony was performed, Selena didn’t notice anything other than Liam. She heard the vows as if from a distance, and when it was her turn to answer, her voice was surprisingly clear and unwavering. Her fingers tingled from the contact of Liam’s hand, and she was struck by how tiny and frail her hand appeared clasped in his. In no time, the ceremony was concluded.

  “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Mr. McKenzie, you may kiss your bride,” the captain said with a grin.

  Almost tentatively, Liam drew Selena against him. He gave her only a brief kiss, and she was mildly disappointed when he raised his head. She couldn’t read the expression in his eyes before he turned away.

  Both Liam and Selena were called upon to sign the marriage certificate, and then Captain Harris sealed the document, completing the legalities. He rolled up the paper and handed it to Liam.

  “There you are. You are officially man and wife.”

  “Thank you Captain Harris. You’ve done us a great service,” Liam smiled.

  “It was my pleasure, son. I hope you enjoy a long and happy marriage.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Liam murmured.

  He shook hands with the captain and the first mate before leading Selena to the dining room. He tucked the certificate in the pocket of his jacket and then held her chair as she sat. Settling himself in the seat opposite, Liam sighed.

  “Well, that’s done. Now we can relax. No one will have any reason to criticize us for traveling together.”

  Selena merely nodded. She knew that they would receive plenty of criticism if people knew the marriage was a sham, but she refrained from saying so. They ordered dinner and were surprised when the waiter brought a bottle of champagne to their table.

  “Compliments of the Captain,” the waiter said, pouring them each a glass and leaving the bottle in a bucket of ice.

  The waiter withdrew and Liam cleared his throat nervously before raising his glass. “What should we drink to?”

  Selena frowned thoughtfully. “May we each find happiness when we reach Oregon, and may we have a pleasant journey getting there.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” Liam laughingly agreed.

  Selena realized she had never heard Liam laugh before, and she smiled in response. His laugh was hearty and genuine, and his eyes crinkled at the corners and sparkled with humor. Her heart thudded in her chest, and she looked down at her glass shyly.

  They touched their glasses and he drank deeply as he watched her sip her wine. Selena had never tasted champagne before, and it tickled her nose, causing her to cough. Color flooded her cheeks, as she laughed at herself.

  “My, that’s nice.”

  She took another sip, this time knowing what to expect, and laughed with pleasure. The sound was musical, tinkling lightly through the air and completely charming her husband.

  They both relaxed somewhat, and the dinner was passed in agreeable companionship. It was the first time they had truly enjoyed each other’s company. They finished the champagne, and Liam was amused to see that Selena was quite tipsy. She obviously didn’t have a head for spirits. By the time they returned to their cabin, she was giggling and leaning heavily against his side for support.

  Liam hugged her close to him so that she wouldn’t fall down while he closed and bolted the door. He ignored the feeling of her body pressed against his and leaned over to turn the top blanket back on the bed. He laid her down and removed her shoes before lifting her feet onto the bed.

  “Ahhh,” she sighed, curling on her side in the bed. “That was a lovely dinner.”

  “Yes, it was,” Liam replied with a grin. “It’s the first time we’ve spent together today that we weren’t arguing, and I only had to get you drunk to accomplish it.”

  Selena giggled, and her eyes began to get droopy. “Goodnight, husband,” she said with a yawn.

  “Goodnight, wife.”

  Liam couldn’t help but smile at her as she promptly fell asleep. She looked so vulnerable and charming that he was tempted to squeeze in bed beside her. But he knew that would only lead to disaster. Instead, he tucked a blanket around her and used the second blanket to make a pallet on the floor.

  He lay there for a long time, listening to her breathing in the darkness. Her intoxicating scent hung in the air of the tiny cabin. He was tempted to leave the cabin and search out a game of cards or some other diversion, but he knew that would look mighty suspicious on his wedding night, so he stayed where he was. It was a long time before he was able to fall asleep.

  Chapter Three

  Selena awoke the following morning with a splitting headache. She groaned and closed her eyes against the bright morning sun, wishing she could just go back to sleep. Remembering the night before, she groaned again, this time from embarrassment.

  Her dress was crumpled and there was a stain on the bodice where she had spilled something during dinner. She could only imagine what her hair looked like, since she didn’t have a mirror. Reaching up, she groaned yet again, feeling strands of hair coming loose from the braids to fly in disarray around her head. She felt a definite need to clean herself up and change clothes before Liam saw her looking like this.

  He had already risen and left the cabin, but Selena had no idea how long he had been gone or when he might return. She remembered to bolt the door to ensure her privacy, and she hurriedly washed herself with a small cloth and basin in the corner of the cabin.

  Feeling somewhat refreshed, she dressed, trying not to aggravate her headache by any sudden movements. She unbraided her hair and began to brush it, enjoying the feel of the stiff bristles massaging her scalp. The doorknob jiggled and then there was a knock on the door that seemed too loud, and the voice even louder.

  “Selena, it’s Liam. Let me in.”

  Selena unbolted the door and sat back down on the edge of the bed as Liam entered the room. “Alright,” she grumbled testily. “You don’t have to yell.”

  Liam eyed her with amusement. It was clear that the effects of the champagne had left her a little worse for wear this morning.

  As she resumed brushing, he realized that he hadn’t known how long her hair was. He had only seen her wearing it up. He was fascinated by the way it shimmered as she brushed it into thick flowing waves that hung past her waist, and he wondered whether it would feel as soft as it looked.

  The dress she wore was plainer than the blue. There was no lace trim, but the garment fit her well. The fabric was light pink, printed with darker pink roses, and it looked like it would normally have complemented her fair complexion. But this morning, she looked pale, almost ashen. Clearing his throat, he turned to look out the window.

  “I came to see if you wanted to eat some breakfast.”

  The thought of food made Selena shudder with disgust, and she grimaced as she answered. “No, thank you. I think I’ll just walk outside a bit, get some fresh air.”

  Liam hid his grin. “Aren’t you feeling well?” he asked politely.

  Selena concentrated on braiding her hair. She was reluctant to admit the extent of her discomfort. It was simply too humiliating. Their first night as man and wife, and she had gotten drunk. He must think her a silly child.

  “I feel fine. I’m just tired.”

  “That’s good,” Liam said, this time not trying to hide his amusement as he turned back to her with a grin. “For a minute there, I thought you had too much to drink last night.”

  Selena gave him a narrow eyed glare and then winced at the effort. “You don’t have to be such a smart aleck a
bout it,” she ground out. “I’ve never had wine before, much less champagne. I didn’t realize it was so potent.”

  Liam’s smile only broadened. “Well, let that be a lesson to you. Take it easy on the spirits from now on.”

  “Thanks for the advice,” she grumbled.

  Turning her back, Selena finished braiding the long strands and wound the braids on top of her head, deftly securing the ends. When she was finished, she faced him once again, looking pale but tidy.

  Liam was vastly relieved that she had finished with her hair. When it was unbound and shimmering around her, it gave him too many ideas. Gesturing toward the door, Liam gave her an expectant look.

  “Shall we?”

  “Yes, but wait just a moment please.”

  Selena rummaged around in her suitcase and withdrew a wad of money. She held it out to him, meeting his eyes.

  “Here is the money I owe you, one hundred dollars. I thought you should have it now so that you can buy any extra supplies we will need for the trip.”

  Liam shook his head, making no effort to take the money. “Selena put that away. I’m not going to accept your money. You’re my wife.”

  “In name only,” she reminded him. “Now take the money.”

  For some reason, her reminder about the status of their marriage irritated him more than her persistence. “Put the money away, I don’t need it. I would have let you come with me even if you didn’t have any money.”

  Selena placed an annoyed hand on her hip while still holding the money out toward him with the other. “Look Mr. McKenzie, I always pay my own way, and we had a deal. Now take the money.”

  Realizing that she wasn’t going to back down, Liam accepted the money and stuffed it impatiently into his pocket. He would return the money to her eventually, but there was no sense in spoiling her mood with an argument this morning.


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