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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

Page 6

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “Now, can we get out of here?”

  Selena nodded and led the way outside. She blinked and shielded her eyes as they emerged onto the deck. The sun was too bright for her liking. Liam seemed to understand her hesitation, and he gently took her arm as they began to stroll along the rail.

  It didn’t escape Liam’s notice that the few crewmembers they encountered were inclined to stare at Selena with appreciation. He could now understand why she had hidden her charms while she worked as a barmaid. If she had worn proper clothes and kept her hair brushed neatly back from her face, she would surely have been mobbed by lustful men. Remembering the gown she had worn in the saloon, he darted a quizzical look at her.

  “What happened to the dress you were wearing the first night I saw you,” he inquired.

  Selena’s grimace attested to her dislike of the garment. “I threw it away. I always hated wearing it, but it was a necessity.”

  “Well I’m relieved to know that the rest of your wardrobe is more suitable.”

  Selena’s cheeks turned a delicate pink. So Liam had noticed the change in her appearance. She noticed everything about him, and it reassured her to realize that her interest was returned.

  He was looking exceptionally handsome this morning, in a clean white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark breeches that fit snugly over his lean hips and well-hewn thighs. His tanned skin contrasted with the shirt, and his hazel eyes sparkled in the sun. Realizing that he was speaking to her, she blinked rapidly.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “I was asking whether you felt better in the fresh air.”

  Selena’s cheeks turned a brighter pink, and she looked away. “Yes I do, thank you.” Grasping for a way to shift his attention from her, she gestured lamely. “Surely you must have other things to do besides watch over me?”

  “Not really,” he smiled.

  “Oh. Well why don’t you go and eat breakfast then?”

  Liam grinned broadly, “I already did that too, while you were still sleeping. It’s nearly ten o’clock.”

  Selena’s cheeks were burning with color. She was normally a very early riser, and hated for him to think she had been lazing around. She gestured dismissively as she looked out over the rail, avoiding his gaze.

  “Well, you don’t need to hang around with me.”

  Selena looked particularly pretty with her flaming cheeks, and Liam felt the urge to hug her against him and soothe her embarrassment, but he thought better of it and gave a casual shrug. “I don’t mind.”

  The morning was fine, and a cooling breeze drifted over them, causing Selena to sigh with relief. She stopped in a shaded spot and looked out toward the water behind them, unaware of how the wind plastered her skirts to her body, providing a clear outline of her buttocks, hips and thighs.

  Liam was not inclined to waste such a view, and he stood behind her, letting his eyes drink their fill of her very fetching backside. His enjoyment was interrupted by a throaty chuckle, and they both turned to see Captain Harris approaching.

  “Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie,” he said with a smile. He winked at Liam. “I see that you are enjoying the sights.”

  Realizing that the Captain had caught him ogling his wife, Liam flushed and gave him a sheepish grin. “Indeed, sir. I’ve never seen such lovely scenery. I find it hard to take my eyes off the view.”

  Liam and the Captain shared a laugh. Selena frowned as she looked from the two men to the river. While their surroundings were pleasant, she couldn’t see anything spectacular about them, and she wondered what she was missing.

  The Captain sobered, but there was still a twinkle in his eyes. “I trust the two of you enjoyed your evening.”

  Selena gave him a charming smile. “Yes, we did sir. We must thank you for the bottle of champagne. I had never tried it before, and I quite enjoyed it.”

  Captain Harris gave her a slight bow. “It was my pleasure, my dear. Now, I must get back to my duties, so I will leave you two to enjoy the day.” He touched his cap and made his departure.

  Liam watched until the Captain had disappeared from view before he turned back to face Selena. He was relieved to notice that a healthy amount of color had returned to her face. Liam brushed a stray lock of her hair behind one ear and saw a delicate flush rise in her cheeks.

  “You’re looking better,” he murmured huskily.

  “Am I?”

  Selena was mesmerized by the intent look in his eyes. Those hazel orbs were dotted with flecks of vivid green, and they seemed to glow with warmth when they settled on her slightly parted lips. She stood still as he bent to kiss her.

  Their lips touched tentatively at first, but when her arms slid up around his neck, Liam deepened the kiss. He pulled her body fully against him as he claimed her lips with possessive fervor. Selena’s knees wobbled, and she clung to him for support. She tangled her fingers in the slightly curled hair at the nape of his neck, and heard him groan when she lightly stroked him there.

  He released her lips to trail hot open mouthed kisses down the side of her neck, and he released a growl of displeasure when his lips encountered her collar. He moved to her earlobe, where he nibbled and nuzzled until Selena was breathless.

  “I want you,” Liam growled, still kissing the sensitive flesh of her neck as he pressed his hips against her, insinuating one muscled thigh between her own. She could feel the hard ridge of his erection against her belly, and she gasped. “Let’s go back to the cabin.”

  The true nature of their relationship came back to Selena in an instant. She pulled back, using her arms as a wedge to put some space between them.

  “Ours is a marriage in name only, remember?”

  Liam frowned at the reminder. He found it hard to remember anything in that moment. He couldn’t recall any of the reasons he had wanted to remain a bachelor, and he found it irritating that Selena could keep a cool head while his was spinning. His frown deepened as he reluctantly released her and stepped back. He needed to put some distance between them if he was going to be able to think straight.

  Liam cleared his throat and looked away. “Perhaps I should go. I wanted to have a look around the ship.”

  Selena stifled a sigh of disappointment and gave him a nod. “Feel free. I’ll just stay here for a while.”

  He hesitated a moment longer. “If you’re sure you’re alright then.”

  “Yes, of course. I’ll be fine, just go and do . . .” she gave an airy wave of her hand, “whatever it is that you would normally do. Don’t worry about me.”

  Selena turned away and refused to meet his gaze. She eventually heard his retreating steps and she relaxed her rigid stance to lean against a post.

  Her heart was still beating faster than normal as she thought about the last few moments. She knew that Liam had been just as affected by the kiss as she had been, and that gave her a glimmer of hope. Given some time to accept their marriage, she hoped that he might come to cherish her. There was no doubt they were attracted to each other, and Selena trusted her intuition enough to realize that there was the potential for something special between her and Liam, but it would need time to grow.

  Releasing a sigh, Selena noticed the passing scenery. The river was wide, swelled by the spring rains, and the water was muddy brown. The banks were thickly wooded, and bright green leaves mixed with dark to make the forest appear lush. Birds and other wildlife were abundant, and as she watched, a doe and her fawn appeared from the edge of the trees to drink from the river.

  Selena stood watching for a long time, and she would occasionally see signs of human settlement, usually a rough cabin tucked among the foliage, but for the most part, the land seemed to be untouched, and it was beautiful. The sights and sounds soothed Selena’s spirit, and her headache finally went away completely.

  At a loss as to how to occupy her time, Selena wandered along the deck. She would be stuck on board for the weeklong trip to Independence, and she wondered dismally
how she would avoid going insane from boredom. She rounded a corner and came to an abrupt halt. Liam was standing only a few feet away. His back was turned to her, but he was not alone. Selena ducked back around the corner and peeked at them.

  A beautiful young woman stood before him, looking up at him coquettishly through her dark lashes. She had shining auburn hair and bright blue eyes, and she was smiling delightedly at something he had said. Selena noticed that the other woman’s gown was of the latest design, and the fabric was fine quality muslin. It was white with small blue flowers, and a wide blue velvet sash spanned the woman’s tiny waist.

  Her bosom was full, and more than a hint of cleavage showed. Her matching bonnet was tied at a jaunty angle beneath her chin with the same blue velvet. As she listened intently to Liam, she placed a gloved hand on his arm and laughed. She looked alluring and feminine and as fresh as spring.

  Selena hated the way she was flirting with Liam. She strained to hear what the woman was saying.

  “Do you happen to know the Boyd family?” she inquired in honeyed tones.

  “Yes, of course. They are our neighbors. We helped Matthew to raise a new barn last spring.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful,” she cooed, while one gloved finger toyed with the neckline of her dress, undoubtedly drawing Liam’s eyes to her bosom. “Well, I’m Natasha Boyd, Matthew’s niece. My family and I are traveling out to Oregon to settle nearby. Uncle Matt said there is plenty of rich farmland near him that still hasn’t been claimed. Is that true Mr. McKenzie?”

  Liam nodded. “Yes, Miss Boyd. Oregon is truly a land of opportunity for anyone willing to put in some effort.”

  Natasha’s smile was sugary sweet as she looked up at Liam. “Well, I’m delighted that we will soon be neighbors, Mr. McKenzie, and it’s such a relief to know that we will have a strong, capable man like you traveling with us.”

  Selena narrowed her eyes as she watched the other woman run her fingers suggestively along Liam’s sun bronzed arm while looking up at him through her lashes. Selena felt a possessive urge to march up to them and stake her claim as Liam’s wife, but she couldn’t very well do that when she knew their marriage was a sham.

  It pricked Selena’s pride to think how quickly Liam had found someone else to flirt with. She swung on her heel and stalked back to their cabin, her enjoyment of the morning completely destroyed.

  She paced the tiny confines of the cabin, feeling caged and restless. She was going to have to tread more carefully if she wanted to guard against being hurt. While she wished that her relationship with Liam might blossom into a true marriage, it was far from certain. There was no sense in letting her hopes get too high.

  Selena didn’t see Liam again until lunchtime. He reappeared to see if she wanted to eat with him, but she declined the invitation. Her appetite had not returned since the previous evening.

  “Are you alright?” he inquired with a concerned frown.

  “I’m quite alright, thank you. I just don’t feel like eating anything right now.” She refused to meet his eye, staring out the window instead.

  “Would you like me to bring you back something?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Well, you need to eat,” he insisted, coaxing her with a teasing grin. “You’re tiny as a mite as it is. If you don’t eat something, you’re likely to blow away with the first strong wind.”

  His humor rankled. Selena was certain that he must be comparing her slight figure unfavorably to the luscious Natasha’s. Wanting only to get rid of him, she flung up a hand.

  “Fine, bring me a tray, and I’ll eat here.”

  Wondering at her sour mood, Liam frowned. “Why don’t you try to get some rest? It might make you feel better.”

  “Maybe I could if you would leave me alone,” she snapped.

  “Alright, I’m going. There’s no need to be so testy.” Liam left and closed the door behind him.

  Selena released a deep sigh as she heard Liam’s departing footsteps. She wasn’t going to win his affections by behaving like a waspish shrew. She would have to get a handle on her temper and cultivate some patience if she were going to have any chance of making a real marriage with him.

  Her abrupt change of mood had Liam shaking his head. “What’s gotten into her?” he muttered as he made his way to the dining room.

  The small room was already crowded by the twenty or so passengers on board. Liam stood just inside the doorway, looking for an unoccupied table.

  “Oh, Mr. McKenzie, please join us,” Natasha Boyd called out from a corner table.

  Liam made his way across to her, and Natasha made the introductions to her father Gerald, her mother Marcia and her sister Susan. It was clear to Liam that Natasha took after her mother, for the older woman had similar features, but her auburn hair was sparsely streaked with grey. Still, the woman could have passed for much younger than her age.

  Gerald was slightly balding, with heavy patches of grey at his temples. He was dressed in a business suit, but it was evident from his physique that he had led an active life.

  Susan looked more like her father, with light blue eyes and brown hair. She was pretty, but she didn’t have the dramatic beauty of her older sister. Where Natasha was overtly flirtatious, Susan hung back, friendly but quiet as she gave Liam a shy smile.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all, we were just sitting down to eat and there’s plenty of room for one more.”

  Natasha’s eager comment was followed by assenting murmurs from the rest of her family, and Natasha smiled as she patted an empty seat beside hers. Liam took the proffered chair.

  The meal was passed pleasantly, with the Boyd family insisting that Liam tell them all about Oregon and the trip ahead of them. He was happy to satisfy their curiosity, and he had them all laughing as he told them about the trials that he and his brothers had faced when they made their crossing and were first getting established.

  “So, Mr. McKenzie, your brothers are married?” Natasha inquired.

  “Yes they are,” Liam said with a nod.

  Natasha batted her eyelashes at him, and Liam thought she would fit in perfectly with the other young ladies in Oregon. Her head was full of the same sort of girlish nonsense. He smiled at Marcia and Gerald.

  “They are both happily settled, and have been pestering me to take a wife.”

  Natasha gave a small laugh. “Well, I, for one, am certainly glad you’ve remained single.”

  Liam’s smile deepened, and he cleared his throat. “As a matter of fact, I have taken a wife. We were married just yesterday.”

  “What?” Natasha’s normally soft voice suddenly sounded strident. “Why haven’t you mentioned your wife before?”

  Liam hated to admit that he wasn’t used to being a married man, and he still thought of himself as a bachelor unless reminded otherwise. “I guess the subject just didn’t come up until now.” Natasha’s parents were quick to offer their congratulations on the marriage, and their comments smoothed over the awkward moment.

  “Did you come back east to get married, Mr. McKenzie?” Gerald asked.

  “No, not exactly. My wife and I just happened to meet, and we hit it off,” Liam replied.

  “How did you meet?” Susan asked, obviously hoping to hear a romantic tale of the event.

  Liam shifted a bit uncomfortably in his chair. He hadn’t been prepared to answer questions about his relationship with Selena, and he sought for a tactful way to describe the events of their meeting. “Well, it was by accident really. I went to a restaurant where she happened to be a waitress, and we just sort of . . . well, you know . . . I liked her.”

  Natasha’s shock was obvious, and she made no attempt to soften her remarks. “Do you mean to say that your wife had to work to earn a living? That’s dreadful!”

  Marcia gave her daughter a stern look. “Don’t be rude, dear.”

  Liam’s eyes had taken on a flinty hardness as he looked at Natasha.
“I actually found it quite refreshing that she was such a hard worker. That’s just the kind of woman I need. Being a farmer’s wife is not easy.” As he said it, he realized the truth of the words.

  Recognizing her blunder, Natasha hastened to smooth it over. “Well, I didn’t mean there was anything wrong with working, it just took me by surprise, that’s all. I always find it sad when a woman is unfortunate enough to have to work to support herself.” Natasha’s voice trailed off.

  “Where is your wife, Mr. McKenzie?” Marcia inquired. “I should be pleased to make her acquaintance.”

  “She wasn’t feeling that well, so she’s resting in our cabin. I’m sure you will have an opportunity to meet her soon,” Liam smiled.

  “We shall all look forward to that,” Marcia stated kindly, though it was obvious from Natasha’s mutinous pout that she didn’t agree with her mother’s statement.

  Liam rose and gave them a slight bow. “It has been a pleasure dining with you folks. I should get back to my wife. I promised her I would bring her something to eat,” he said.

  They wished him a pleasant afternoon, and Liam returned to the cabin, carefully balancing a tray of food he had procured from the kitchen. He found Selena just as he had left her, staring out the window.

  “I brought you some lunch.”

  She turned and gave him a tentative smile. “Thank you. I am a bit hungry after all.”

  Selena sat on the edge of the bed, and Liam placed the tray beside her before sitting on the foot of the bed. She was uncomfortable beneath his unwavering regard, and she gave her attention to the food. The only sound in the cabin was her fork clinking on the plate. In the awkward silence, they both remembered their earlier kiss.

  Selena polished off most of her lunch before she tasted the custard that he had brought her for dessert. It was creamy and luscious, and she sighed with pleasure. Remembering that he liked sweets, she smiled at Liam shyly. “Would you like a taste?”

  Liam watched as her tongue darted out to lick a speck of the custard from her bottom lip, and the true meaning of his answer escaped her. “Yes, I would,” he murmured.


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