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Perfect Pitch

Page 2

by Debbie White

  “I have an idea for a new story. Can you stop by and give me your opinion?”

  “Sure. I’ll be over after work. You want to grab a bite to eat?”

  Cierra paused. “I’ll fix us something here.”

  She pushed back her desk chair and folded her arms. “I’ll fix one of her favorites, and then maybe she’ll be more receptive to my new book idea.” A sheepish grin slowly appeared on Cierra’s face.

  She placed a hand on her stomach and moaned. “Gosh, Cierra. You sure do know how to cook. I didn’t get that skill from mom.” Courtney shrugged.

  “I love to dabble in the kitchen. It wasn’t anything fancy,” Cierra said brushing off the compliment.

  “Fancy or not. What you can do with a can of tuna…”

  Cierra laughed. “I can’t wait for you to read my outline.” She jumped up from the table leaving the dishes and made her way down the hall to her office.

  Courtney lifted her brows with the fast exit of her sister and scooted her chair out, sprinting down the hall after her.

  “Here.” Cierra said nodding up to the large whiteboard.

  Courtney scanned the notes then turned her attention toward Cierra.

  “I love it. This sounds like the perfect contemporary romance novel. The women are going to eat this up!”

  “Do you really think so?” Cierra smiled as she rocked back on her heels.

  “Ah, yeah,” Courtney replied tipping her head up and down.

  “What a relief. I never know if I’m hitting the mark in this genre.”

  “Oh, Sis, I think you have this time for real.”

  “By the way, I need to go to some games for research. Please join me.” Cierra pleaded with her sister by giving her the puppy dog eye look.

  “Well it just so happens my new friend loves the Golden Bears.”

  Cierra flashed a broad smile then pulled her sister in for a hug.

  She knew it was because her sister’s friend liked baseball, but she didn’t care. She was happy for the company,

  “I’m so glad you could come tonight,” Cierra said.

  Courtney winked at her sister as she squeezed the arm of her current boyfriend. “I don’t have to be at work tomorrow until ten.”

  Shaking her head, Cierra got a vision of her sister and her newest lover. Putting her hand up, signaling she didn’t want any details, Cierra wagged her finger. “Stop. Don’t say another word. I get it. You get to sleep in.”

  They finally arrived at the parking lot adjacent to the pier. After they parked and gathered their things, the group began their trek to the entrance. As they walked, Courtney reminded Cierra about Zach. “What are you going to say to him, if you run into him?”

  Cierra’s lips twitched. Just thinking about him got her anxious. “I don’t know. Probably the truth. I’ve been busy,” she said.

  The real truth, however, was the insecurity she felt with men. She’d not had the best of luck with lasting relationships. She’d dated some real losers. The one she’d thought would be her life partner had turned out to be a two-timing creep. After that, she found it difficult to trust. If she just wanted sex that was easy—she could follow the path her sister led. What was it she called it? Friends with benefits. Cierra wanted more. She wanted a relationship—someone she could spend her life with. Cierra sighed as she quickly glanced at the other riders on the ferry. She didn’t see him. Her heart sank a little. Deep inside, she was hoping he’d be there. She wanted to introduce him to her sister.

  The crowd began to cheer. Popping noises and bright colors soon lit up the sky at the postgame evening fireworks show. Cierra felt as if someone was staring at her. She casually turned toward her sister only to find her doing just that.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I was just thinking.”

  “Thinking about what,” Cierra asked.

  “Actually it was more like wishing.”

  Cierra cocked her head.

  “I just wish you’d find someone to spend your free time with.”

  Cierra blushed. “Sis, don’t worry about me. I’m not even looking, right now. I’m just taking each day as it comes. Even with Zach,” she said.

  Courtney nodded. “I hear you.” She drew closer to Cierra’s ear. “You know what you should do for research for your new book?”

  It was difficult to hear over all the cheering. “I’m listening,” Cierra said.

  Courtney grabbed Cierra by the shoulders and gently shook her. She studied every aspect of her face building up the moment to blurt out her idea. “See if you can get an interview with Colton Diaz.”

  Colton Diaz was Cierra’s all-time favorite player. Shoot, he was all the gamer babes’ favorite player. Tall, dark, and handsome, Colton’s good looks and his performance on the mound made him a favorite. A southpaw (left handed) pitcher, he played the position like no one else could. His specialty pitch was a backdoor slider—a pitch that appears to be out of the strike zone, but then breaks back over the plate. The crowd would go crazy every time he threw that pitch.

  Cierra gulped. “Do you think he’d sit down with me for an interview?”

  With gazes locked in shared curiosity, Courtney said in her most poised tone, “I don’t know, but it’s worth a try.”

  Cierra stared intently at her sister while tapping her finger to her mouth. “My idea for the story was about ballgames and fans, but I like your idea even better,” Cierra said.

  “Just think of it as adding to the drama of your storyline. A baseball fan and a player duking it out over the pretty girl.” Proud of herself for helping in the plot department, Courtney puffed out her chest and flashed Cierra a smile.

  “I love that idea. Both guys will fall madly in love with the heroine and she’ll make the decision who wins her heart at the very end. It’ll keep the readers guessing until the very end.

  Courtney raised her brows up and down and a wicked smile formed her mouth. “Kinky, I like it. Oh, and by the way, my cut is 5%.”

  Cierra wrinkled her brows. “Yeah, I’ll think about it.”

  * * *

  All the way home, Cierra thought about her sister’s idea. It was a great one, but she wasn’t sure if she could pull it off. That’s why Cierra was a writer as opposed to an actor or some other profession that explored expression. She hid behind her words on paper, but it didn’t stop her from being critiqued. Reviews hurt sometimes. But there were no greater feeling of accomplishment than when she connected with a reader. That’s why she wrote.

  When Cierra got home, she saw the blinking light on her answering machine. As her heart raced, and in fact, may have skipped a beat, Cierra hit the play button. She listened intently as Zach told her he stayed home to watch the game. He’d been a little under the weather. Cierra smiled as she listened to the rest of the message.

  As she began writing her new story, the idea of meeting Colton entered her mind. Everything she’d ever read about him told her he was a great guy. He was always participating in charitable work—especially with children and animals, both charities dear to her heart. She wasn’t well-known yet and didn’t have the clout necessary just to pick up the phone and call Colton’s press agent. She had to do some research on how to get an interview. After searching the internet, she found her source and drafted an email. After she hit the send button, she pushed back her desk chair and stretched. Now, I just wait, she mused.

  About a week later, she got a message from the Golden Bears’ press secretary stating that Colton would be pleased to do an interview with her and that she should contact them to schedule a date and time. Looking down at her brown-eyed companion and feeling a bit confident, Cierra patted Dash on the head. “I guess I do have some clout,” she said.

  She’d been to that ballpark a thousand times, yet today she had sweaty palms and a heart that was beating a mile a minute. No nachos or cold beer today—she was meeting Colton. Cierra promptly arrived at the designated location. She was given a lanyard that had a guest card attache
d which would allow her access into restricted areas. She would be escorted the entire time, however. Cierra didn’t mind that at all. She made a quick restroom stop, ensuring she still looked presentable, and decided at the last minute to let her hair down. She brushed her golden locks, tossed it behind her ears, and headed out for what could be the most exciting day of her life. She felt she’d adequately prepared for the meeting. After all, this was not her first interview.

  But when she stood directly in front of him, all of her confidence left her body. She managed to put her hand out to make the introductions, but she was shaking badly inside. “Hello, Colton. I’m Cierra Ward.”

  His handshake was firm, but she noted his soft skin. She’d hoped her hands felt soft to him.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Cierra.” He gestured for her to take a seat. “I’ve never been interviewed for a book before,” he said.

  Cierra pitched her idea for the book. “Well, it’s kind of a unique twist in a romance plot. Attractive girl fan falls for an exceptional player,” she said not divulging the entire plot.

  Colton shot a quick grin toward her.

  Stammering to move on quickly to the questions so that he wouldn’t see how red her cheeks were getting, Cierra cleared her throat. “Are you ready to start?” she asked.

  “Well, not so fast. Can I ask you a few questions, first?”

  Cierra softened her brow and lips. “Sure,” she answered.

  “Where do you live?”

  Cierra found it difficult to speak. Every time she looked at him, she felt like she’d fallen under a spell. His eyes were mesmerizing. “I … I … live about forty miles north of here. It’s a small town. You’ve probably never even heard of it before,” she said.

  “How many books have you written?”

  Glad for a work related question, Cierra puffed out her chest. “Eight. Three are part of a series, and this will perhaps start a new series as well,” she said.

  He nodded his head and narrowed his eyes. “One last question. You’re not going to put my real name in the book are you?”

  She felt her cheeks growing warm again. That could mean only one thing—her cheeks were probably about the size of ripe cherry tomatoes and the color of them, too.

  “No. No real names. This is fiction,” she clarified. “I just thought it would be cute to have a romance story about a loyal fan and a ballplayer,” Cierra said. Cierra could feel the pulse thumping in her neck. She caught herself holding her breath. She let out a sigh. “And I might add a good-looking one at that.”

  Outwardly amused and trying to keep a straight face, Colton shook his head.

  Cocking her head, Cierra’s eyes widened. “Surely you’ve seen the signs that all the pretty ladies hold up in the bleachers?” she asked.

  Colton let out a jolly laugh. “I’ve seen them. But I try not to really pay too much attention.”

  “Really? Well, I have to tell you, the gamer babes that come here, hold up huge banners saying they want to marry you. They are dead serious,” she said.

  He laughed. “Yes, I’ve seen them before. I just figured it was some grand marketing scheme. I didn’t think women really swooned over me like that.” Changing his tone from laughter to seriousness, he asked, “Is this going to be a stalker-type fan?”

  Laughing at the thought, she calmly replied, “Well, that would make for an interesting story line, but it might change the genre from romance to thriller. I think we’ll just keep her as a loyal fan, but I do like your creative position,” she said, strumming her pencil on her pad of paper.

  Cierra was on a roll now. She continued with her synopsis of the story. “She’ll be obsessed with baseball, and not have much of a life beyond it, until she meets the man of her dreams, that is,” she said.

  Colton brushed his hand across his face. He paused before he spoke. “When you say it like that, it makes it sound like baseball isn’t worth living for. It pays my bills, not to mention the activity side of the sport. It keeps me in shape.”

  He got that right. On and off the diamond, Colton was ripped. He had what many would describe as a solid frame. It was beautiful and she admired his strength. It was most difficult to conduct the interview with the well-defined pecs and a six-pack visible under his tight tee shirt. Someone had to do it, she giggled to herself. She tried to deflect her eyes from his bulging muscles.

  “Oh, I didn’t mean anything derogatory by that. I just sort of know what it means to live for baseball. See, I’m a loyal Golden Bears fan as well. I’m a season ticket holder, and well, I don't miss many games. In fact, I’ve been known to book a flight and see the game in other states,” she added. Before he could respond, Cierra quickly asked, “Speaking of that—which field do you like to play most on, excluding this one, and which one do you least like playing on?”

  “Well, let’s see.” He paused as he gathered his thoughts. All the fields have pluses and minuses. It’s more about the weather. When we play back east, the heat, humidity, and rainstorms actually can dampen our mood and our game.”

  Cierra nodded her head. She totally understood that. Heat and humidity did a number on her hair. Changing gears to get back to the story at hand, she asked him the next question. “Well, let me start by asking you, when did you first start playing baseball?”

  “I was about five years old,” he answered.

  “Pee Wee team?” Cierra asked.

  Colton inched his way a little closer to Cierra. “Yes. Then from there I just rode the ranks until I went to college. I was playing for the farm team when the coaching scout approached me about playing for the Golden Bears.”

  “How exciting. I bet your folks are proud of you.”

  “Both of my parents are gone,” he murmured.

  She let him know he’d struck a chord with her as well. “I’m sorry. Mine are too. It’s just my sister and me now. Do you have any siblings?”

  Colton shook his head no. “I have a couple of cousins.”

  The interview went better than she’d expected. He answered all of her questions. He was such a gentleman. Cierra couldn’t believe he wasn’t married, or at the least have a steady girlfriend. “What do you look for in a mate?” she asked.

  Colton looked at her with his penetrating brown eyes. She started to squirm a bit in her chair. Cierra realized it sounded as if she was hitting on him. “For the book,” she stammered.

  Colton was quick on his feet. “I thought maybe you were flirting with me. In that case, since it’s just for the book, I like women who are independent, strong, and educated. They should be humble, sweet, and kind,” he added. “I also like a woman who enjoys staying in to watch a movie—oh, and it wouldn’t hurt if she could cook,” he said laughingly.

  Cierra thought about all his requirements for a good catch. It didn’t seem unreasonable. She wondered if it would make an interesting story, though. He was kind of average and normal in what he wanted for a girlfriend or wife. But then again, that’s what made him so attractive. He was just a regular guy with this cool job, great looks, great income, and the Spanish accent. Well that right there was enough to pull you right on in.

  “Well, this concludes our interview,” she said rising from her seat. “It was great to meet you,” she added, extending her hand.

  “I enjoyed this. It was something different than the standard baseball interview,” he told her as he gently pulled her closer. Cierra trembled softly as she anticipated his next move. She’d definitely read too many steamy novels. She just knew he’d pull her in and kiss her at any moment. She took a deep breath pulling in her top lip with her tongue, sighing softly.

  He gently squeezed her hand. “Are you all right?” he asked as he rolled the R in the word are. She was more than all right—she was turned on, for sure.

  She widened her eyes as she studied his face. He was much more handsome up close. She’d be the envy of every woman who ever swooned over Colton Diaz. She nodded.

  “I guess I’m a little nervous,” she wh

  “Nervous? About what?”

  She remained silent.

  “Hopefully I’m not making you nervous,” he said, still holding onto her hands.

  She shook her head.

  “Okay. I think I am making you uncomfortable. I’m sorry. It’s just when I’m with an attractive woman I get excited and the Latin charm in me comes out.”

  Cierra took another deep breath. “I don’t know what I expected, actually. I guess I’m being a bit childish. It’s just that my sister Courtney … she suggested I write this book about a fan and a ballplayer. She knew how much I adored you. Your skills. You’re such an asset,” she said, turning beet red as she eyed his beautiful golden skin and deep brown eyes.

  He let out a sensual laugh. “Baby, I have skills on and off the field. We should hook up.”

  Cierra was on fire now. She couldn’t even concentrate. Did Colton Diaz just ask her out on a date?

  “Uh … yeah … uh … that would be awesome. It would be great research for the story.”


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