Book Read Free

Perfect Pitch

Page 3

by Debbie White

  Colton pulled her in even closer. Their eyes locking hard, Cierra didn’t blink a lash for fear of missing some signal. She could feel the warm air from his mouth and smell the sweetness of something he’d eaten or drank.

  He pulled her the last couple of inches in until their lips met. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. Her head was dizzy with pleasure and the craziness of what was taking place.

  He kissed her softly then stepped back. “Eras bella,” he softly spoke. “You’re beautiful,” he offered in English.

  Cierra heard footsteps coming from behind her. She whirled around to see a staffer ready to escort her out. She turned back toward Colton. She swallowed once and then spoke. “Can I interview you again? I don’t care where. I just want to …” She didn’t finish.

  Colton took out his phone. “What’s your number?”

  Cierra rattled it quickly, and then she repeated it just to make sure he had it.

  He smiled. “Got it. I’ll give you a call, pretty lady.”

  She smiled. She turned toward the park employee and nodded, letting her know she was coming. She took the few steps toward her and began the trek out. She looked back once more to get a last-minute glimpse of the hunkiest ballplayer on earth. What she didn’t expect to see, however, was that he was looking back. Their eyes locked for a brief moment and then she heard, “This is the way out, Cierra.”

  She wasn’t quite ready to leave the ballpark. She amused herself by looking in the gift store. She wanted to purchase a jersey with the number sixteen on it. She fingered through the various colors and styles. She already owned many tee shirts, what she really wanted was a jersey. She looked for her size, and when she found the one she wanted, she took it up to the counter to pay for it.

  “This is our most popular color and style,” the clerk said as she rang it up.

  “I had a difficult time deciding. It just means I may have to buy another one the next time I come.”

  The clerk handed Cierra her bag, and deciding she’d delayed her departure long enough, Cierra headed out the gate that would take her back to the pier. Cierra loved to ride the ferry. It was her favorite transportation to San Francisco. The traffic was horrible getting into the city. She’d drive if she had to, but this was her preferred way. She waited about fifteen minutes and soon she was on her way to the other side, where her car would be waiting for her. Another forty-five minutes after that, she’d be home. Cierra tossed around ideas for her new book. Would she make the fan a stalker, or would she just be your every day, typical fan? Would she be so devoted that she’d keep stats on her team, or better yet, her favorite player? These were all sketchy plots for her story line. One thing was certain—Colton would be in it.

  Cierra arrived at her house around dinnertime. She wasn’t in the mood to prepare a big meal. It would be silly to go through all the work for only one person. She missed home cooking, though. She would invite her sister over sometimes, and they’d cook enough food for an army. Cierra looked in the fridge and pulled out some sliced deli turkey and cheese. Another sandwich was on the menu for tonight.

  Chapter Two

  Developing the Characters

  Determined to get the rough draft finished and submitted to her beta readers, Cierra had to settle for watching the next game on television. She was hardest on herself when it came to deadlines. Sitting down with her laptop, Cierra started plucking away. Before she realized it, she’d written thirty-five hundred words. Impressed with her milestone, she decided to take a break. Just then the phone rang.

  “Cierra? Hi, this is Zach. Did you get my message?”

  Cierra’s heart began to race. She wasn’t expecting him. Cierra had to think quickly on her feet. “I was going to call you later, but I’ve been extremely busy with my new project,” she fibbed.


  “It’s a writing project for my job,” she added.

  “Wasn’t that a great game the other night?” he asked. Not waiting for her answer he said, “Listen, the reason I’m calling is that my cousin was able to get four tickets to Saturday night’s game. I know you have boxed seats already, but this is a VIP ticket that will also give us access to meeting the players,” he boasted.

  “How did your cousin get VIP tickets?” Cierra quizzed.

  “He has connections,” Zach replied. “Ask your sister if she’d like to join us.”

  “She’ll want to bring a friend. Is that okay?” Cierra asked.

  “Sure. I have four tickets.”

  “Okay, sounds fun. Listen, I’ve been sort of busy but wanted to know if you’d like to grab a bite to eat and see a movie?” If she was going to add another hero to the story she needed more for her story. There was a long pause. “Well, if you can’t fit it into your schedule …” she said, trying to cover up the obvious awkward silence. “We can do it another time.”

  “No, it’s not that. I was just looking at my calendar. How about Friday night?”

  Cierra smiled into the phone. “Sounds great. Any food or movie preferences?”

  “You choose,” he said in a low tone.

  Cierra felt her heart pound. “Okay. See you on Friday.”

  Zach picked her up and they grabbed a hot sandwich from the local deli and then headed to the movies. The aftershave or cologne he had on was driving Cierra crazy. She tried so hard to try and figure out the scent that she missed much of the movie. Every now and then his arm would touch hers and it would send signals to all areas of her body. The light stubble he grew on his face also lent charm to his already wonderful package. Cierra really liked him. Maybe she finally met someone she could form a solid relationship with, someone who was actually adult enough to understand and value what being in a solid relationship meant. Her mind briefly went to the ballfield and her interview with Colton. These two men had some similarities, yet they also were as different as night and day. Colton was rich, famous, and good-looking. Zach was good-looking and kind of a loner. She was kind of a loner, too. She didn’t want to be swayed by Colton’s animal magnetism or his good looks, or his mad kissing skills. There would be no way he’d ever fall for her, long term. She’d just be another toy for him, right?

  After the movie, Zach suggested a nightcap at the local tavern. When they arrived, it was pretty wild, with lots of young people shooting darts and throwing back cold ones. The two found a table in the back corner and sat down. A few couples were dancing, some were sitting up at the bar, and some were watching the big-screen televisions that were strategically placed for easy viewing from most of the seats.

  “What do you want to drink?” Zach asked, his dazzling eyes locking hard onto hers.

  “A glass of merlot, please,” she replied, batting her lashes.

  When their drinks arrived, she played with the stem of her glass while she watched him take a long swallow of his ice-cold beer.

  “You seem like you’ve been around the block a few times. What is it you said you do for a living?” Cierra asked.

  “I didn’t,” he said, taking another drink and winking at her. “I’m actually retired.”

  “Retired? You seem too young to be retired.”

  “Early retirement. I was injured on the job. Now I just sleep late, eat bonbons, and watch baseball.”

  Cierra reached out and lightly smacked his hand. “You’re joking. Seriously though, what’s your gig?”

  “My gig,” he emphasized, “is trying to stay healthy and give back to the community. Maybe one of these days you can come by and see what it is that I do.”

  Cierra’s eyes widened. Something about Zach had her mystified. She was pretty much a closed book herself so maybe they were too close in personalities to be a good match.

  “You never told me what it is you do. Besides watching baseball twenty-four seven,” he asked, locking his stare on her eyes.

  Cierra took a sip of her wine. “Touché. I work from home,” she answered, still not disclosing all. Authors got a bad rap sometimes. She wanted to get
to know him better before she told him she wrote for a living, and that she mainly wrote romance. Besides, he just could be in her next book. She needed to take it a bit slow.

  “Well, looks like we both have some things we’re holding back. That’s cool. We don’t have to tell the whole story on the first couple of dates. Are you excited about tomorrow’s game?” he said, trying to change the subject.

  Cierra smiled. “You betcha. Thanks again for asking me and my sister.”

  “I couldn’t think of anyone else who’d appreciate those tickets as much as you.”

  “Are you going to let me in on how you obtained those tickets?” Cierra smirked.

  “Nope. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  Zach glanced at his watch. “It’s getting late. I better get you home.”

  The car ride back to Cierra’s house was fairly subdued. Cierra was thinking about the date and wondered if he was too. When he pulled up to her house he turned off the engine and then turned in his seat toward her. The sound of his leather coat making contact with his leather seats was the only sound inside the car. Cierra’s heart started to thump and she wondered if he could hear it.

  In a low amatory tenor, Zach told her how much he enjoyed the date. “Movie was good. Dinner was pretty good,” he said smiling.

  Cierra nodded. “The merlot was really good,” she said, wishing she’d had a second glass.

  Zach moved a little closer toward Cierra. She wondered if this time he’d kiss her.

  “I like you, Cierra Ward. You’re different than a lot of women. You’re not an open book and I like that about you.”

  Cierra laughed softly at the open book reference. “I’m on the quiet, reserved side. My sister is the total opposite,” she said, a soft smile forming across her mouth.

  Zach inched his way even closer. She could smell his aftershave once more. She took in a deep whiff. “What’s the name of that aftershave you’re wearing? It smells really good.”

  “Obsession. It was a gift. I don’t normally wear that kind of stuff. You really like it?”

  Cierra’s eyes widened. She couldn’t tell him just how much she liked it, could she?

  She moved a little closer toward him. Now they were in kissing contact closeness. Who’d make the first move? She deliberated at the thought

  In one swift move the two heads moved forward, finding each other’s mouths in a heated but much orchestrated pattern. Their mouths and tongues seemed to know exactly what to do. She moaned, he groaned, and soon she felt his hands running through her hair. She followed suit by pushing her hands through his dark, wavy locks. She could feel the stubble on his face as it softly brushed across her own. After a few minutes of some very sexy kissing, the couple broke lose, both of them breathing pretty heavily.

  Zach turned back around and threw himself into his seat. Cierra did the same. She pulled her shirt down as it had gotten drawn up during their heated exchange, and then tossed her hair back over her shoulders with her shaking hands.

  “That was intense,” he said.

  “I liked it very much,” she said. Then realizing that sounded rather dumb, she added, “I mean what a kiss.”

  The glow from the streetlight lit up the inside of the car and Cierra could see Zach smiling.

  “Well …” he said.

  Cierra quickly opened the car door. She looked over her shoulder as she proceeded to get out of the car. “Thanks for a wonderful evening.”

  “See you tomorrow,” he whispered.

  Once Cierra got into her house and relived the moments outside, she was thoroughly embarrassed. They’d both behaved like they were teenagers. She shook her head. Now it would be really awkward during tomorrow night’s game.

  Just as promised, they had seats in a reserved lounge area. The small glassed air-conditioned room had six cushioned stadium-styled seats with built in cup holders. Cierra settled into her seat and gazed out onto the field. The players were warming up, and she could see Colton throwing pitches to the catcher on the side of the field. She knew soon he’d be whisked away to the bull pen for his final warm-up prior to the game starting.

  Zach leaned over and kissed Cierra on the cheek. “Who did you say your favorite player was?” he whispered.

  Cierra rested back in her seat gracefully, turning to look at Zach. “Colton Diaz.”

  Zach cast his eyes out toward the mound where Colton was practicing. “Yup. He’s a pretty good guy.”

  Cierra was puzzled. “Why did you ask me that? You knew it was Colton. We’ve only talked about the players a zillion times,” she said.

  Zach was about to answer when Courtney interrupted his thoughts when she plopped down in the seat next to her sister. “This is so awesome. I’ve never had seats this good before,” she bellowed.

  Cierra cocked her head toward Courtney. “How many beers have you had?” she asked, motioning to the Golden Bears red Solo cup.

  “Ahh, Cierra. Don’t be such a killjoy,” Courtney pouted.

  Zach gently touched Cierra’s hand. “She’s just having fun,” he whispered.

  Cierra locked eyes with Zach. She noticed the bright alertness of his gaze with his velvet brown eyes, and was taken back by his recently clean-shaven, slightly weathered face with gentle lines along his forehead and mouth. Zach smiled, showing all his teeth.

  Cierra opened her mouth to speak. “I know. It’s just …”

  Courtney jumped out of her seat. “I know. It’s just that I’m the loud one, and you’re the quiet one.”

  Cierra shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t mean anything bad by it, Courtney. You know I love you.”

  Courtney furrowed her brows. “That’s what you keep telling me,” she said as she hurried to the back row of seats to sit near her friend.

  Zach leaned closer toward Cierra. “You shouldn’t be so rough on her. She’s the only family you have,” he gently reminded her.

  Cierra shot him a look. She paused, and then lowered her head while nodding.

  “Where are they taking us?” Courtney asked.

  “I don’t know, but Zach said we’d get to meet a player or two,” replied Cierra.”

  She pulled her sister close and whispered in her ear.

  Courtney gasped and then widened her eyes while looking at her sister. “Seriously?” She raised her brows.

  Cierra nodded. “I didn’t want to say anything because it’s so out of the box for me. But he’s such a charmer. Now, I’m embarrassed to see him again.”

  Courtney patted her arm. “Don’t worry about a thing. Just be natural. Besides, we don’t know if we’re even getting to meet him or some other player.”

  The group made their way to the lower level of the ballpark where they came upon a door that was guarded by an employee. Once he saw their credentials, he opened the door. Just beyond the door, the staff member who brought them down there told the group to have a seat. The employee then took off down a long hallway and through yet another door, disappearing. They all looked at each other, not sure what to do or what to expect. After talking amongst themselves for about ten minutes, they could hear laughter and steps coming their way. Soon they could see two people in the distance, one was the staff member, the other could be a player, but it was hard to tell. As they got closer, Cierra’s eyes widened, and her heart started to beat hard. It was Colton.

  He sauntered over to her, extending his hand to greet her. “We meet again.”

  She shook his hand, but she was trying to make sense of what was happening. Frowning, she looked at Zach for some explanation. The two men exchanged handshakes and a man hug. Cierra looked on as the two embraced.

  Colton looked over and saw the confusion written all over Cierra’s face. Poking Zach in the arm, Colton said, “This is my cousin.”

  Trying to regain her composure, Cierra swallowed hard. “This is your cousin?”

  Courtney let out a giggle. Making her way toward Colton for a hug of her own, she looked back at Cierra and winked. “Yes, C
ierra, cousins.”

  Laughing at the look on Cierra’s face, Zach offered up a bit more detail. “Our mothers are sisters.”

  “How do you know Cierra, Zach?” Colton asked.

  Zach smirked. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

  “Cierra here,” Colton said, looking at her, “interviewed me for a new book she’s writing.”

  Zach hesitated. “Oh? You’re a writer? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Cierra’s eyes widened. The cat was out of the bag now.

  “Yes. I write romance and Colton was kind enough to give me an interview for my latest project, Perfect Pitch.”

  Zach pursed his lips. “Perfect Pitch, huh? Sounds like it is about a love triangle and involves a hunky pitcher.”

  Cierra shifted her weight. “Something like that.” Cierra put her hands on her hips. “I feel duped here. You’ve known for quite some time that Colton Diaz was my favorite player. We talked about it many times. Why wouldn’t you tell me he was your cousin?”

  Zach grinned, showing all his teeth. “And have you become an obsessive fan trying to use me to get to him?”

  Cierra stuttered and sputtered trying to get the next words out. “Obsessive fan! Are you kidding? I’d never do that,” she said, winking. Cierra furrowed her brows and stiffened her lips. “Seriously. Why didn’t you tell me Colton was your cousin, and that he was the one that hooked you up with the VIP tickets?”

  “I didn’t think it mattered. You love the game; you love the team. Why would you care?” Zach said.

  Colton lightly touched Cierra on the arm. She shivered from his touch. She felt like a little child with a secret. “It’s a thing we have. He’s promised not to tell anyone we’re related until I say it’s okay. If you guys give me about forty-five minutes, I’d love to take you out to eat,” Colton said.

  “Oh, geez. I don’t know,” Cierra babbled, trying to dissuade the group from accepting his invitation. The group took one look at each other then looked back at Colton and in unison cried out, “Yes.” Cierra poked out her bottom lip and furrowed her brows. This is going to be interesting, she mused.


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