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Catch Him

Page 5

by Doyle, S

  “What happens now?”

  It was more of a philosophical question, she realized. She wanted to know how she was going to put the pieces of her back, or if she would remain shattered forever. She wanted to know what the hell she was supposed to do now that she understood what it felt like to be good and fucked.

  He kissed her between her shoulder blades. “Now we take a shower, snuggle for a bit and I’ll make love to you proper, my lovely. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, please.”

  That was it, she thought. In that moment she knew she was completely hooked on him.

  Chapter 6

  “Ahhhh…” Sinead moaned, unable to stop the porn-like sounds coming from her mouth. They were in his bedroom on his bed. He was between her thighs, his mouth on her. Like on her, on her. His tongue was pushing inside her and it was like nothing she’d ever felt.


  She’d never let anyone go down on her before. The idea of it seemed too… intimate. Now she was annoyed she’d been missing out on this for years.

  With David there was no room for hesitation. His bed no place for prudishness. He simply took what he wanted. When he said what he was going to do and how he was going to do it, it seemed easier for her just to accept it and let it happen.

  So when he told her he wanted to eat her pussy, she let him put her thighs on each of his wide shoulders and have at it. It was decadent. It was intense. It was mind blowing, especially when he thrust a finger up inside her and made this little wiggle motion, hitting a spot inside her body that made every muscle go tight.

  Then she was coming again, and like each orgasm before it, it destroyed her. Ripping through her body and her brain and making her understand that she’d reached the age of twenty-eight having absolutely no understanding of her body and what it could do.


  Lifting her shoulders so she could look down at him, she saw him shift his hand to his cock, jerking himself like he, too had no control over his body.

  “Come inside me,” she whispered, reaching for him. Wanting to give him what he had given her. Although she didn’t think that was possible. She didn’t know if she was capable of giving so much fucking pleasure.

  “Can’t, love,” he said in tight voice even as he continued to work himself. “Out of condoms.”

  “Then come on me.”

  He stopped and his head jerked up. The expression on his face was intense as if she’d offered him something unspeakable. Maybe it was to him. Maybe she’d grossed him out. She’d certainly never wanted anything like that before. She wasn’t even sure where the words had come from.

  He smiled then, a feral look of a predator, but instead of moving on her body he pulled a bit of sheet toward his crotch and came in the cotton instead. She watched the tight cords of muscles at his neck, heard the rough groan as he continued to pump out his orgasm. The crisis over, he rested his head on her thigh for a minute before crawling up to her.

  She watched him kiss her belly, kiss the tip of her breast, but when he leaned in to kiss her mouth she pulled away from him.

  “You can’t do that,” she explained.

  “Kiss you? Why not?”

  “You were just down there.”

  He chuckled. “My darling little prude, you just asked me to come on you, which while I love the idea, clearly you’re not ready for. Sex, good sex, is about trust. You need to trust me that you taste delicious. That you’ll like the blending of the fluids of my mouth and you. Remember, we’re simple animals when it comes to sex.”

  Sinead moved toward him and he took her mouth. She didn’t know about delicious, but it wasn’t awful. Then again, she couldn’t imagine kissing him would ever be awful. In away it was also liberating. Another one of her hang-ups dispelled. Sex was earthy and fundamental and wet and sticky and she liked all of it.

  At least it was all of that with David.

  Eventually, he collapsed next to her on the bed. “I’m spent.”

  For some reason that made her chuckle.

  She looked over at the window and could see dawn breaking around the closed shade. “I would think, because we’ve basically been boinking all night.”

  This time he was laughing and kissing her shoulder. “Which did you like better, love? The fucking or the lovemaking?”

  Sinead thought about it. “I don’t know. I think you’re going to have to do both again so I can decide.”

  He barked out a laugh, and that made her smile. “My woman is greedy.”

  Him calling her his woman… that unfortunately made her sad. Because she wasn’t and she couldn’t be. This was just temporary. She needed to keep reminding herself of that.

  Which meant she should probably pull herself out of fantasyland and force herself back into the real world.

  “I need to go home. I’m working tonight.”

  “No,” he said, muttering into her shoulder, his arm wrapped around her waist as he tugged her against his body. “Call out sick.”

  “O’Haras don’t get sick. It’s a thing with us.”

  “Call out horny.”

  That made her smile. “I’m pretty sure the station chief would not appreciate that.”

  David sighed deeply, then lifted his head. “When am I going to see you again?”

  “Can I ask you another question instead?”

  “Uh oh. This sounds serious.” He rested his head on his hand and waited.

  She didn’t want to do it. She didn’t want to spoil what for her had been the greatest night of her life to date. But she had to know, if only to hang on to what was left of her sanity. Because in truth he had fucked her brains out.

  “How long are you in town for? I mean eventually you’ll have to go back to London, right?”

  He lowered his eyes. “Eventually.”

  “I get that this is temporary. I’m cool with it, because I knew that going in, but I guess I need to know how temporary.”

  He sighed and rolled onto his back. “I’m here until the work is done. When that will be, I’m not sure.”

  “I work the next three days, then I’m off two. Are you going to still be around then?”

  Again he didn’t look at her, but at the ceiling instead. “I want to be. Does that count?”

  She turned to him and cupped his cheek in her palm. She didn’t want to end this night, this morning on any kind of a sour note. “Yeah, that counts. Now I really have to go.”

  “I realized you didn’t text your father. I know this because I had you naked and underneath me or on top of me all night. I imagine he’ll be worried.”

  “I doubt it. He knows I’m a grown woman who can handle herself.”

  “Still a father worries,” David said even as he reached up to play with a lock of her hair.

  Sinead didn’t want to contradict him, but honestly she doubted if her father would even notice she hadn’t come home. “I told you. It’s…complicated between us.”

  “I get that. I do. I suppose I’m saying don’t shut him out completely. I was… unkind toward my mother and we never had the opportunity to reconcile before she died. If I understood her addiction was a sickness, I might have been a little more sympathetic. She’s gone now and there are no do overs.”

  Sinead nodded. Then to dispel the mood she leaned down and kissed his cheek. “I don’t know about that. You did me over a few times last night.”

  He smiled, but there was something else in his eyes. Longing?

  “You’ll be gone from me for a single minute and I will miss you,” he told her.

  “That’s sweet.”

  “And unfortunately true.”

  Sinead got out of bed, pulling the top sheet off with her. She did this because she realized her clothes were still in the living room where she had stripped for him earlier, and somehow walking around his house naked felt super naughty.

  “Ahh,” he said even as he rolled off it to let her have the sheet. “My little prude is back. That’s a good th
ing. It means I’ll be thinking of all the nasty things I can do to you. Things you probably never thought you would do. Maybe I’ll start by jerking off and coming on those lovely tits of yours.”

  Sinead just walked away from him, grateful he couldn’t see the blush on her cheeks. Honestly, he was impossible.

  And amazing.

  She had picked up her clothes and was making her way back to the bedroom to change in the bathroom when she saw him leaning against the doorway stark naked. She’d had her mouth on every piece of flesh she could reach last night, but seeing him like this in the morning sun it was different.

  Wide shoulders, narrow hips. A six pack that surprised her when she’d finally been able to touch him. He was harder than he looked when clothed, stronger. In his suit he’d seemed elegant and in his jeans he’d seemed casual.

  Naked, he was a bit of a beast.

  “Don’t go,” he said, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “As fun as last night was, I don’t think even you have another round in you.”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t mean that… I meant… don’t go to work, don’t go home. Stay with me for however long we have. Let’s not waste a minute of whatever this is.”

  It was tempting to say yes. To forget who she was and all her responsibilities and just go with it. Like she did with the dress and the shoes. Like she did with the sex. With him she was spontaneous and wild. Without him, she had no doubt her life would go back to normal. A normal that was colorless and bland. Boring.

  Still, it was her life. If she called out for work, that meant someone would have to cover for her. If she called out a few days, whoever was covering for her would start to get annoyed. Then there was her father to consider. While he might not notice she’d spent the night somewhere, she liked to think he would notice her absence over the course of a few days.

  She could only imagine his reaction when she told him where she’d been and who she’d been with. He would immediately know then what she’d been doing. Not that she was going to let him slut shame her. She knew herself too well for that.

  No, playing hooky from her life sounded like a solid plan, but the reality was it would only burn her in the end. Because when her time with him was over, it’s what she had to go back to.

  Not to mention the added precautionary measure she needed to take of not allowing herself to get too emotionally connected to him. He said he was leaving her. He didn’t know when that would be. Any more time spent with him and she might do something so completely stupid as to fall in love with him.

  “You’re overthinking it,” he said in the absence of her answer. “I can see the gears in your head moving.”

  “I’m working through all the scenarios. It’s the cop in me.”

  “Aiming to be detective someday?”

  “Someday, yes. I like solving puzzles.”

  He held his hands wide. All that beautiful man on display for her. “There you go. Perfect. I’m a puzzle. Solve me.”

  So very tempting, but she had to be careful.

  “Three days and then I’m yours,” she finally said. “Next time I’ll cook.”

  She could see the disappointment in his face and oddly it made her feel good. Like she mattered to him.

  “All right. Three days. Can I call you in the meantime?”

  She nodded. “I work the seven p.m. to seven a.m. shift, but you can call me any time before that.”

  “Can I sext you?”

  She laughed. “You can, but as I’ve never sexted anyone, I’m not sure how proficient I’ll be.”

  “I can tell you’ll be a quick learner,” he muttered.

  “We’ll see. Now move your naked ass out of my way so I can change.”

  “I think you like my naked ass, as well as my other naked parts. I know this because you can’t stop looking at them. I’m actually sort of offended. I do have a face after all.”

  She rolled her eyes as she brushed by him to get to the bedroom. A glance at the bed and she could tell it had the look of destruction that only vigorous sex could provide. She’d been part of that vigorous sex and she knew she was probably going to have a smile on her face for the next three days.

  Once in the bathroom, she changed quickly and did the same routine with the toothpaste on her finger until she made it home. Next time she would be smart enough to pack an overnight bag.

  Three days. That was all she had to wait. If he thought he might be gone before then, he would have told her.

  In the meantime they would talk and send sexy texts, which would serve as a delicious foreplay until the main event. And that little bit of distance would allow her time to take stock of her emotions. Help to keep them in check. Fun dates, hot sex, a break from the mundane.

  That’s all David Whitmore could be for her.

  Sinead lifted her face to the mirror and looked at herself. “You can do this. You can control this,” she said to her reflection.

  Why did she think she was lying when said it?

  Chapter 7

  “What are you wearing?”

  Sinead smiled into her phone. “A police uniform,” she told him. She was just getting into her patrol car, ready to report into the station and begin her shift, but she had a minute to talk. For David.

  “Oh yes, it’s all coming back to me. I remember you looking particularly hot in it,” David said into her ear.

  Sinead snorted. “I look particularly butch in this uniform. Didn’t know you were into that sort of thing.”

  “That’s not what I remember at all. I remember thinking your utility belt with your gun attached was sexy as shit.”

  Sinead chuckled. “You’re impossible.”

  “Yes, you have said. Do you get a break at all during your shift?”

  “Yeah, I usually take a half hour at this all-night Denny’s and grab some coffee and food. Helps push me through the final few hours.”

  “Does this Denny’s serve good food?”

  Obviously he’d never eaten at a Denny’s. “Uh, no. Not really. It’s mostly just crap, but at two in the morning, you can’t expect much.”

  “Then tell me the name of your favorite restaurant and I’ll arrange to have them stay open for you, so you can eat something delicious.”

  Sinead shook her head.

  “Was that too over the top?” he asked when she didn’t reply. “I know, I know. I’m disgusting with how rich I am. It’s awful to think you can get people to do anything you want simply by paying them loads and loads of money… but the sad truth is you mostly can.”

  Sinead didn’t doubt that, but she was certain she wasn’t the sort of person who would feel comfortable in that environment. She tried picturing herself in a restaurant by herself with all these people hanging around to serve her. Nope. Not her style at all.

  “Denny’s is good enough for me.”

  “Can I join you?”

  “At two in the morning? I would imagine you’re usually asleep by then.”


  Sinead remembered thinking that three days of distance would be a good thing to keep this fling under control. However, three days suddenly seemed like a lifetime. She did want to see him.

  “How about this? If you want, we can make plans for a late lunch tomorrow. After my shift I usually sleep until one and then eat around four, when I’m actually hungry. I could see you then before heading to work.”

  “Beautiful. It’s a date. I’ll start planning it now.”

  Uh oh. Sinead was starting to understand David didn’t do a simple lunch. “Nothing over the top,” she told him. “I have to work tomorrow night too.”

  “Yes, darling.”

  Great. She actually liked the fact that he called her darling. So not good, but what the heck. For now she had decided she deserved this. She deserved him. For however long he was hers.

  “I have to go to work now. You know, the whole protect and serve thing.”

  “I feel safer knowing you’re out there, how
ever I realize now this job you have… it actually puts you in physical jeopardy.”

  Sinead barked out a laugh. “You’ve seen Mill Valley, right? The most physical jeopardy I’m typically in is from a paper cut when I’m writing up a jaywalking ticket. And there aren’t too many of those at night. It’s a pretty quiet town.”

  “Excellent. Well, be safe anyway, and I shall see you tomorrow.”

  “Yep. Night David.”

  There was a pause for a second. “Goodnight my Sinead.”

  Sinead disconnected the call and headed to the station. A stupid smile on her face, she had no doubt. After checking in with the her sergeant, she took her patrol car out into the sleepy quiet streets of Mill Valley, ready to defend and protect its citizens from evil doers.

  * * *

  1:00 a.m., AT&T Park

  It was a road game, so the team was away. All administration staff had long since left for the night. There was no twenty-four hour security. Simply locked gates that were easily unlocked with the right equipment. And he had the right equipment.

  The park’s blueprints on record with the county, a copy easily obtained online, indicated where the administrative offices were. What he was looking for would be there on that level of the park.

  The escalators were still, but there were no obstacles to the third floor where the storage facility rooms next to the admin offices held the heavy handheld cameras the staff used to capture people in the stands. Some people being goofy, some hot girls dancing, some people kissing.

  No interest in the cameras, his only focus was on the computer that stored security images around the park, film of the game, and the outtakes from those handheld cameras.

  Bypassing the OS to maneuver around the computer’s password was not an issue. People would be woefully upset to learn how little those passwords they depend on can protect information from people who know what they are doing. He studied the filing system for a minute, then accessed the right date and folder.


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