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Catch Him

Page 6

by Doyle, S

  He inserted USB, downloaded the necessary footage. Then trashed it. Then erased it. Someone would have to go looking for it to know it was missing. Someone would have to know how thoroughly it was destroyed to understand a professional was responsible.

  Office locked, he descended the still escalator and relocked the gates behind him. A quick look at his watch and he saw the time was 1:23 a.m.

  Plenty of time to get back.

  * * *

  Sinead checked her watch. It was 2:23 a.m. and time for a break. The night had followed its typical patterns. She cruised the streets throughout the town. Checked in with the station a few times. No calls. No complaints.

  Nothing to keep her attention occupied. Which meant she spent way too much time thinking about David and their night together. Thinking about what he would plan for them for tomorrow. Maybe a private jet to whisk them up to Seattle for some first class salmon.

  Something she would of course have to say no to. Still, a smile played around her lips as she tried to imagine herself as Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Except for the part about being the hooker. Nothing about being a hooker was pretty.

  She pulled into the parking lot of the Denny’s she had told David about. She reported into the station, let them know she was taking her break and headed inside the nearly empty establishment.

  “Hey, Cherise,” Sinead called to the waitress behind the counter.

  Cherise, a middle-aged black woman with a big smile, greeted her with an unusually excited smile. “Hey there, girlie!”

  Sinead questioned it, as it was hard to be excited about anything when you worked the overnight shift at a diner.

  “You seem awfully chipper.”

  Cherise leaned over the counter as if to whisper to Sinead, another anomaly as most times she and Cherise were alone in the restaurant. The cook and bus boy hung out in the kitchen.

  “I am when I get a customer who looks like that,” she said and then made a discreet motion with her finger, suggesting the person in question was in a booth to the left of the counter. “And sounds like that.”

  A niggling suspicion had Sinead turning her head in the direction of Cherise’s finger.

  David was sitting in the booth with a cup of coffee in front of him and a rather arrogant smile on his face.

  Looking exactly as Cherise had said… like that.

  Sinead shook her head. He really was impossible.

  Although she obviously didn’t mind, because she was smiling.

  “Oh girl, look at that smile. Please tell me you know him.”

  “I know him,” Sinead confirmed.

  “Hmm, hmm I’m going to get some details then. But later. You do not want to keep that man waiting.”

  “I’ll have the usual, but you can bring it to the table.”

  “Oh I’m going to bring it,” Cherise said with a low chuckle.

  Sinead walked over to the booth. “Shouldn’t you be asleep?” she asked even as she sat across from him.

  “I told you I’m usually sleeping at this hour. Tonight was… unusual.”

  Sinead cocked her head to the side. “You know my father always told me if something looks too good to be true, it probably it is. Please tell me you’re not a closet stalker I need to be worried about.”

  David wiggled his eyebrows. “You’ve already told me you don’t get along with your father, so I know you wouldn’t take his advice seriously. No, I’m not a stalker, but I might make an exception in your case. I find I… miss you when you’re gone.”

  “Maybe you’re just homesick.”

  His expression changed then. From teasing and arrogant to something sadder. Sinead could feel his melancholy and it affected her. Like she had this incredible instinct to make his sadness go away.

  She was losing it, she knew. Losing the probably ridiculous notion she could control her feelings for him. Which made her want to shut it down now. All the protective alarm bells going off in her head.

  Take away his sadness? Was she serious?

  She was about to tell him to go home, when he slid out of his side of booth and joined her on her side.

  “Don’t do that,” he said softly in her ear. “Don’t shut down on me like that. I know this is sudden…”

  “You’re going to hurt me,” she said quietly. “I’m not sophisticated enough to handle someone like you and I know it.”

  He rested his forehead on her shoulder. “No, don’t you see? It’s because of who you are that this is happening. I need your lack of sophistication like I need a breath of fresh air. We can do this, baby. We can have fun and enjoy each other. That’s all it has to be about.”

  “Uh… should I come back?”

  Sinead looked over to see Cherise standing there with a plate in one hand and a mug in the other.

  “No, please,” David said, leaning back and allowing Cherise to slide the plate and coffee in front of Sinead. “She needs to keep up her strength so she can take on the evil doers of Mill Valley.”

  Cherise giggled.


  Cherise did not giggle. In a way it made Sinead feel less foolish. Maybe no woman was immune to his charms.

  “Thanks, Cherise.”

  “Hmm, hmm. I’ll just leave you two love birds to yourself while I take my break. Holler if you need anything, girlie.”

  David reached for a French fry and popped it into his mouth. Then he grabbed the salt, added extra on top, grabbed the ketchup and squeezed out a significant pile on the side of her plate, clearly intending to have more.

  He was on his third fry when she said, “No, really help yourself. I insist.”

  “Sorry,” he mumbled around another one. “I’m rather addicted.”

  Resigned, Sinead pulled apart her grilled cheese and tomato sandwich and offered him half. He accepted it and bit into the gooey hot sandwich.

  He moaned in the back of his throat, which made her squirm a little, recalling some of the sounds he’d made last night.

  “I thought you said the food wasn’t good,” he said, wiping his hands with the paper napkins supplied table side. “That’s delicious.”

  Swell, she thought. He was the type of guy who could enjoy haute cuisine at Saison and a greasy grilled cheese and tomato at Denny’s. Another reason to like him. Another reason for her to be worried about losing her heart to him.

  “See,” he said as he reached for another fry. “Isn’t this better than eating alone?”

  It was.

  “How was the rest of your day?” she asked.

  “Without you, barely tolerable. I was stuck in a law office all day, which did I mention I hate lawyers? However, I had that I-just-got-laid-hard feeling with me all day, so it was all good. Did your father notice your absence?”

  If he had, she wouldn’t have known it. He hadn’t been up when she came home and he was gone when she left for work.

  “Doubt it,” she said as she reached for a fry. “You seem overly concerned with my relationship with my father.”

  He sighed softly, a sound she was coming to understand signaled something about him. Like whatever he said next was coming from a different place inside him than his normal carefree self. She liked that, she thought. She liked that she knew that about him.

  “I don’t like the idea that no one is taking care of you.”

  She looked at him. “I’m twenty-eight years old. I take care of me.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t mean like that… but then again I don’t know what I mean, so let’s stop talking about that and talk about what I really came here to discuss.”

  “Lunch?” she asked.

  “Sex,” he said at the exact same time.

  Sinead could feel herself blushing. And squirming.

  “You want to talk about sex?”

  He smiled, and it was so thrilling and so blatant she squirmed even more. After a second she looked away. As if he was too big. Too large. Too bright for her to handle.

  Except that allowed him pr
oximity to her ear.

  “I want to talk about what I’m going to do to that sweet body the next time I have you in bed. I want to talk about how much I like your mouth sucking my cock. I want to talk about how I would like to take you back to the bathroom and fuck you hard right now. So that for the rest of the night you’ll be forced to think of me, because you’ll still feel me between your legs.”

  “We can’t,” she whispered, although him just saying it put the idea in her head.

  He nipped at her ear. “Look at you. I just said talk about it, but I can see you’re thinking about it. Empty restaurant. Cherise is on her break. No one to disturb us, your hands on the sink while I take off that very serious-looking belt and pull down your very serious-looking pants and I pound you from behind. I wouldn’t even have to remove your panties, just slide them out of the way, pulling on them, letting the material rub against your clit.”


  When he said nothing she looked at him again. Slowly he slid from the booth. Then he was walking back down the narrow hallway to the restrooms. And she watched as he boldly opened the door to the women’s bathroom. Then he turned back to where she was still sitting, panting like an animal in heat, and he crooked his finger.

  Every instinct she had told her this was a bad idea. She was a cop, for pete’s sake. What he was suggesting was against the law.

  Except she wanted him. She wanted to feel the way he made her feel last night. She wanted to be the type of wild and free woman who would do something like this. She wanted to be an old woman who could look back and remember the hot fling she had with the rich British guy who pounded her in a bathroom at a Denny’s at two in the morning.

  Yes. That’s a memory she wanted to have, and all she had to do was get up and follow him. So she did.

  His smile was arrogant when she brushed by him into the ladies room. She was already reaching for her belt. The only thought in her mind now was speed. Fuck. Come. Don’t get caught.

  She unhooked the belt and put it in the sink, careful with her service revolver. Then she quickly undid her pants and pulled both them and her panties down her thighs. They were the serviceable cotton type and not the sexy type he probably imagined. She didn’t want him to know that. Instead she wanted him to be looking at her.

  Then she was bending over the sink, and watching him in the mirror as he slid a condom on his cock. Before she had time to have another thought, he was inside her. Hard and deep. His thrusts moved her body forward and she pressed her hands against the counter to push herself against him even as he was pounding into her.

  “Yes,” he said. “Yes, that. Fuck yourself on me. Take it. As much as you want.”

  He wasn’t even moving. He was standing there while she worked herself on him, moving faster and harder than she ever imagined would feel good.

  It felt fucking great. Then he slapped her on the ass in a way that stung and turned her on even more.

  “Stop moving and brace yourself,” he growled into her ear as he leaned over. “Now it’s my turn.”

  And she did exactly that. Holding on with all her strength while he fucked her so hard she thought his dick might come out of her mouth. Then it was happening, deep inside her body, her orgasm exploded over her as she squeezed her pussy walls down hard on his cock.

  “Yes,” he hissed. “Lift your head. Look at yourself.”

  She hadn’t realized her head had been down the whole time, but when she lifted it she could see it there in her face. Intense pleasure. Hot sex.

  “Watch yourself take it hard. Watch yourself take my come.”

  She did. She was getting fucked hard, bent over a sink in a bathroom, and she fucking loved it.

  “Ah fuck, you like it don’t you. Everything I give you. You love it just this hard. Look at your fucking eyes.”

  Then he was groaning low and deep in his throat, and she watched him. Watched as the pleasure came over him, although in truth it looked more like agony.

  They way he arched his neck back and she could see the throbbing veins along his throat. She wanted to bite that neck. Hard enough to leave a mark. Then he was coming down off the high, slowly moving in and out of her as if to take her down a gear. Shifting from hard pounding, to slow thrusting until he left her body.

  He bent down to pull up her panties and pants for her, but before he covered her ass he took a nip of it that had her jolting.

  Apparently he had biting on the brain as well.

  Then she was fastening her pants, while he dispensed with the condom, put his still semi-hard dick back in his jeans and casually as if nothing had happened walked out of the bathroom.

  Sinead needed a minute because when she looked at the face in the mirror it was the face of a woman who had no secrets from the world. If she had to leave and say goodnight to Cherise, there was no way the woman wouldn’t see it written all over her.

  Officer Sinead O’Hara got fucked in a bathroom and she got off hard on that. She turned on the water and splashed her cheeks. Hoping she might be able to wash the look off, but no, it was still there. She dried her face with a towel and then left the bathroom, now a delicious memory, behind.

  He was sitting in the booth, happily munching on her fries. When she sat down across from him, because she was really not a sit on the same side of the table kind of person, he must have seen her wince.

  “Was I too rough with you?” he asked her even though he didn’t sound the slightest bit guilty.

  “I think you know the answer to that.”

  Another smile. Pure wickedness. “Yes, I do. I told you, you were going to feel me when you sit your lovely arse in your squad car. You’re going to remember how deep inside you I was, and all you’re going to think about is me tonight.”

  “What are you going to think about?”

  He tilted his head as if she had asked something strange. “Why, nothing I imagine, as I will be home fast asleep.”

  She tossed a fry in his face.

  He chuckled and slid out of his side of the booth. Then he leaned over with one arm on the table and kissed her on the cheek.

  Oh my God, she thought. They hadn’t even kissed. Never in her life had she had sex without kissing.

  Right, she thought. Because up until now she’d had sex. She hadn’t gotten fucked.

  Last night he fucked her.

  Tonight he really fucked her.

  “No, I won’t be thinking anything,” he whispered into her ear. Which for some reason she apparently really loved. “But I’ll be dreaming about you, my lovely.”

  Yeah, Sinead thought. This wasn’t good. This was definitely trouble staring her hard in the face.

  And she didn’t care because she loved it.

  Chapter 8


  “You’re putting too much hot sauce on that,” she warned him as they moved through the line at Chipotle, directing the servers with their choices.

  He’d asked her where she wanted to go for lunch before her shift started. He’d wanted to take her to the exclusive Cliff House, which overlooked the ocean. She’d suggested Chipotle down the block from her apartment instead.

  He sighed but eventually gave in.

  “I love hot sauce,” he told her. “Please, as much as you can,” he told the teenager behind the counter.

  “Yes, but that’s serious hot sauce. Like super super hot sauce.”

  “Bring it on,” he said and the kid behind the counter obliged him. Squeezing the red sauce over everything.

  They took their seats and Sinead watched him bite into the now leaking-with-hot-sauce burrito.

  “Ten, nine, eight…” she counted down.

  He blinked and looked at her. His eyes going wide. “Oh my fucking God!”

  “Told you it was serious hot sauce,” she said, trying not to smile as his face turned red and drops of sweat started beading on his forehead. It was like his whole body was on fire from the inside. She could only imagine what that felt like.

“You’re laughing. I can see your lips twitching,” he said around a straw as he sucked up soda. “You’re evil to laugh at my pain.”

  Sinead shrugged. “I warned you.”

  “Not hard enough! Oh. I don’t think I can feel my tongue anymore.”

  With that she burst out laughing in his face.

  * * *


  “No. I’m not doing that again.”

  She was on the night shift and Cherise had just delivered her a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich with a side order of cheese fries. Something that David had proclaimed upended his world.

  He was sitting on her side of the booth so he could whisper naughty things in her ear and while she mostly liked it, they were not celebrating their six-day anniversary in the bathroom again.

  “It was hot.”

  It was. However, it was also illegal and she was not breaking the law. Again.

  “Then how about we take the food to go and sit in my car and make out.”

  “Your car is too small.”

  “The squad car then.”

  “Absolutely not! I’m not making out in my squad car. Do you know what happens in the back seat of that thing with drunks… it’s gross.”

  “Fine then. We will not make out. Instead I’ll sit here and eat my cheese fries, which are the most delicious things on earth.”

  “You do that.”

  He leaned in closer. “Except of course your pussy. That is in fact the most delicious thing on earth. Cheese fries are a distant second.”

  She tried not blush and giggle. She failed to do both.

  * * *


  “It’s too much,” Sinead insisted.

  “It’s your day off. We fly up to Seattle, we have the best salmon we’ve ever had, we stay overnight and fly back tomorrow well in time for your shift. I don’t see the argument.”

  Sinead was standing at a private airport, looking at a private jet. A real private jet. Jokingly she had told him about Seattle and the next thing she knew he was driving her to a small airport where a private jet was waiting. It was absurd.


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