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Needing Him

Page 8

by Michelle Dare

  Shutting my Kindle off, I turned, and placed my feet on his lap. He started gently moving his fingers up and down my leg while he continued to read.

  “Can we talk?” I asked him.

  He looked up from his iPad and over to me. “Of course, baby. What do you want to talk about?”

  “We never talked about how we are going to proceed. I mean, we made up, but how do we handle trusting each other?”

  “That’s my fault,” he said. “I left you and made you doubt me.”

  Reaching over, I grasped his hand in mine. “I know you did what you did for a reason. You only wanted to protect me and I know that. I forgive you for what happened, but that doesn’t mean you trust me and I you. I can’t help that I’m scared. I’m worried you’re going to leave again.”

  He pulled me closer to him. “I’m sorry for what happened. I can’t take it back and not sure that I would want to if I could. The end result was that your secret was protected and we are back together. I know it was an ass-backwards way of doing things, but at the time all of it was justified in my head.”

  “I know. I just wish you would have come to me and saved me all of the heartache.”

  He took my hand from his and laid my palm against his chest. “Do you feel my heart beating, baby? It only beats for you. Forever yours.” I didn’t say anything, but leaned into him, putting my head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You are everything to me. I know it will take us a while to build our trust back up, but we’ll get there and be stronger than ever.”

  “I want to believe you,” I said. “In the back of my mind I know I can, but the cut was so deep. I don’t think I could go through that again.”

  “Kasi, if we are airing everything, I need you to know I was hurt when Kai and Lee answered your door. You didn’t tell me and then to find they were staying with you, that wasn’t easy to swallow. My girlfriend was home with her ex-lovers as house guests while she thought I was gone. That’s not okay with me. You can’t keep things from me even if they are innocent.”

  “I didn’t mean to hide it. I was honestly happy to see my friends, who I hadn’t seen in a while, and wanted to catch up.”

  “All you had to do was send me a quick text. That’s it.”

  “I know. I promise not to hide anything from you again. It was wrong and I made a mistake. I don’t want to keep rehashing this.”


  “Before we move on though, I need to say one more thing.”

  My head was still resting on him as his hand rubbed up and down my arm. “What is it, baby?” he asked.

  “Kai told me he loves me.” I could feel him still and tense under me.

  “Love like a friend or more?”

  “More. He said he’s in love with me and has been for years.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That I loved you and we couldn’t be more than friends.” He relaxed ever so slightly.

  “I don’t want you around him, Kasi.”

  Sitting up, I looked him in the eyes. “I love you, but you will not tell me who I can and cannot be friends with. I’ve known him for a long time and have been through a lot with him. This is another thing you have to trust me on. I love him as a friend and nothing more. You are who I want to be with.”

  “I will never be okay with another man being in love with you. I’m sorry. I’m the jealous type. How would you feel if it were the other way around? Someone I was friends with and had slept with professed their love for me?”

  “I wouldn’t like it at all.” I sighed. “We have to learn to trust one another or this isn’t going to work. Everything has to be out in the open. No more secrets, no more lies.”

  He scrubbed his hand over his face. “Agreed. I’ll try to be more understanding and not so possessive of you.”

  My mouth lifted into a wicked smile. “Well, I kind of like it when you’re possessive.”

  Turning his body toward mine he asked, “Oh you do, do you? Well, how about I possess your body right now?”

  He pulled me onto his lap and lifted my shirt over my head. Next, my bra was thrown. His mouth found my nipple, licking and sucking on it.

  “Don’t we have dinner plans tonight?”

  “Who gives a fuck?” He said around my nipple. “We’ll eat later.”

  Grabbing my hips, he stood abruptly. He laid me down on the soft rug that was covering part of the hardwood in front of the fire. The remainder of my clothing was discarded, but my pilot was still fully dressed.

  “I don’t see how this is fair,” I pouted.

  One side of his sexy mouth quirked up. “I do. You, sprawled out before me, a fire going. Yup, this is what my dreams are made of.”

  He covered my body with his. “Kiss me.”

  Not hesitating, his lips brushed over mine, but then were gone. He started feathering kisses down my neck, over my collarbone, down my breast to my stomach. All the while not one hand touched me, only his lips, and the scruff of his goatee.

  By the time his mouth found my hip I was writhing under him. He kissed from one hip to the other, then went down one leg and back up the other. Holy hell, he needed to lick me or fuck me before I exploded.

  My pilot dragged his tongue from the inside of my hip over to my pussy. His tongue went from top to bottom and back up again. My hips bucked up, but his strong hands quickly held me down. His mouth covered me as he continued to drive me to the brink of orgasm. My body was about to let go when he stopped abruptly.

  I looked down at him and noticed he was beginning to strip. He had to do that now? He couldn’t wait until I came? Ten seconds was all I needed.

  After his clothes were shed he crawled back up my body, stopping when our faces were aligned. “Open your mouth, baby.”

  I did, thinking he was going to kiss me. Nope, I was wrong. He continued to crawl up and positioned his pelvis above my head. Ahhh, that’s what he wanted. I was more than happy to oblige.

  Reaching up, I grabbed ahold of his dick and began to bring him to my lips. His hand gripped my wrist, making me release him. His voice was deep and husky when he said, “No touching.”

  He gripped his cock, pumped it a few times, and guided it to my mouth. I took him all the way to the back of my throat. Radek groaned when my tongue flattened against the underside of him.

  I was unable to move due to our position, but that didn’t matter. He slowly pushed into my mouth and pulled back repeatedly, fucking me at his leisure, knowing just how far down to go.

  He said I couldn’t touch him, but nothing about me touching myself. His legs were positioned on either side of me, leaving me room to move my hand down to my pussy. As he continued to move in and out of my mouth I dipped two fingers inside of myself, coating them with my juices. Removing my fingers, I put them on my clit, moving them in fast circles.

  He must have felt my slight movement. “You’re cheating. I said no touching.”

  I shook my head slightly beneath him. He withdrew from me. “You said no touching you. I’m touching myself. Now put your cock back in me. I want you to come in my mouth.” I never tired of the taste of him. In fact, using my mouth to bring him to orgasm was one of my favorite things to do.

  His dick was back between my lips and my fingers were moving right where I needed them to. Within seconds my body began trembling. My pilot didn’t let up. He was moving faster now.

  After my orgasm had subsided I decided to say fuck it with his rules. My fingers itched with the need to feel him. Reaching up, I gripped his ass tight. I felt him flex his muscles under my fingers. One hand was still slick from touching myself and I decided to move that hand down the cleft of his backside.

  I circled the rim of his small hole before carefully nudging a finger inside. “Holy fuck, baby,” he called out.

  Once I was a couple of inches inside I felt the spot that would drive him wild. I massaged it ever so gently and after a few strokes he was flooding the back of my throat. I milked him for all he ha
d, enjoying every last drop.

  He pulled out of my mouth and laid down next to me, panting. “Was it good for you?” I asked, chuckling.

  Turning his head toward me, his eyes were hooded and sweat trickled down his face. The warmth of the fire combined with our activities making us hot. “Good? That was amazing. I never had anyone do that to me before.”

  Rolling to my side, I propped my head up on my arm. “I’ll be sure to do it again.”

  “Please do.”

  He was so sexy. Laying on his back, the flames from the fire appearing to dance across his body. I moved closer and couldn’t resist but to drag my tongue over his abdominal muscles. Each one a small ridge my tongue moved down, up, and over. I couldn’t get enough of him.

  My next stop was his nipples. I took each peak in between my teeth, biting very carefully. Our lips met once I was done teasing him, our kiss rapidly becoming greedy. He reached for my hips, moving me on top of him. My cunt perfectly positioned against his semi-hard length.

  I rubbed my pussy against him. The need to have him inside of me was overwhelming. I was happy he recovered quickly. Some men were one and done, but not mine. He would rise to the occasion whenever I needed him to.

  As soon as I knew he was fully hard I lifted up, positioned him, and sank down. My head tipped back, letting my long hair cascade down my back. He laced his fingers with mine and together we found the perfect pace.

  That time we made love. We weren’t in a hurry. We rolled around on the floor, each taking turns controlling our movements.

  I felt like our love had never waned, even when we were apart. I knew he didn’t stop loving me and I for sure never stopped loving him. To be back in his arms, loving him, I was in heaven on earth. Right where I was supposed to be.

  The man connected to me wasn’t only connected by our love making. Our souls were intertwined. They danced with one another, delighting in the rightness of it all. We were one. Hearts, bodies, minds, and souls.

  ~ 12 ~

  We never made it to our dinner reservation, but I didn’t mind. Radek went and picked up take-out instead. We ate on the floor in front of the fire. It had quickly become my favorite spot in the cabin.

  The next day we decided to do a little shopping. Okay, I decided to do a little shopping and Radek said he would come along. I couldn’t resist the outlets. We were staying only ten minutes from them. I love getting a good deal.

  My pilot and I strolled hand in hand through the outdoor shopping plaza. It was cold, but the sun was shining. He was wearing his leather jacket and I was bundled up in a knee-length warm black winter coat. We stopped in a few shops, but I didn’t buy anything.

  The stores were quiet, not a lot of people were out since it was the middle of a weekday. Of course, we would run into someone who recognized us. Even with us both having sunglasses on we were picked out.

  We rounded one of the corners to check out another row of stores when a young woman walking toward us froze and said, “Oh my God! Kasi Markson and Radek Cole!” She practically ran until she was standing right in front of us. “Could I get a picture with you two?”

  Radek and I looked at each other trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. Why would anyone want their picture with us? “Sure,” I said, unsure of the situation.

  She grabbed some poor person who happened to be walking by and asked if he could take our picture. That wasn’t embarrassing at all. After the picture was taken I had to ask, “I know this is going to sound like an odd question, but why do you want your picture with us?”

  “You two are famous. Kasi, you are beautiful and Radek,” she said eyeing him up and down, “you are hot as fuck.” Cue the jealousy and an eyebrow quirk from me. “You two have been in the news for a while now and then you broke up. You,” she says pointing to me, “show up with Kai Sabata. I’m a huge fan of his by the way. As soon as I saw you two, I had to get a picture. All of my friends are going to be so jealous. We talk about you two. I’m Team Radek, but a couple of my friends are on Team Kai.”

  “There are teams?” I asked, not believing what I was hearing.

  “Oh yeah. We talk about who we think you should be with.”

  “That’s a new one. Well, it was nice to meet you…”


  “Right, Heather.”

  “Heather,” Radek interjected in a deep and sexy voice. “It was a pleasure meeting you, but we really must be going.” What the fuck was he using his sexy voice on her for?

  “Of course, I’m sorry to bother you. Thank you again!”

  “One last thing,” he said to her. “Thank you for being on my team.” Then he winked. He couldn’t be serious. She walked away all giddy, too.

  “What the hell?”

  “What?” he asked me.

  “Was there a reason you were flirting with her?”

  “I was not flirting with her.”

  “You winked at her!”

  He shrugged. “She’s Team Radek.”

  “Don’t you even start with that.” I rolled my eyes at him and started walking.

  “Baby, are you seriously upset about what happened back there? If anyone should be upset it should be me that people prefer you were with Kai.”

  “Because their idea of who I should be with carries so much weight. Please. And no flirting with anyone but me. Got it?”

  “Now who’s jealous?”

  “Not denying it.”

  He leaned over to whisper in my ear, “You’re the only one who makes me hard with one look.”

  “Damn right,” I mumbled.

  We spent another hour walking around before heading back to the cabin. Radek informed me he made us dinner reservations. He said it was a local steakhouse that got great reviews and was very casual. It worked perfectly for me. I was in the mood for low-key after the run in with the chick at the outlets.

  My pilot dressed in a faded pair of jeans with a nice pair of sneakers and a t-shirt that clung to his muscles like a second skin. He threw on his leather jacket and mother of all that was good we almost didn’t make it out of the front door.

  I wore a pair of hip hugging jeans with a long-sleeved black shirt and black heels. Radek was taller than me so sometimes it was nice to get closer to eye level with him. He helped me get into his truck and within ten minutes we were at our destination.

  Stepping inside of the restaurant, the smell that hit me made my mouth water. Steaks, burgers, the aroma engulfed me. The ceiling was open to showcase the wooden beams. There were a few televisions spread around the bar area. Tables were placed throughout, but they looked far enough apart that you didn’t feel like you were on top of the people dining next to you.

  We walked up to a small podium and Radek gave his last name to the hostess. She looked down to her paper and asked us to follow her. We wound around tables and ended up in the back corner which was fine with me since we were tucked away instead of being in the middle of the floor.

  Dinner was amazing. The steak was perfectly cooked. Our conversation flowed well and we kept laughing at various things. It was easy, like it was before our split. After our plates were cleared we ordered dessert. I was stuffed after eating everything.

  On the way out a few people looked our way. I had thought no one had recognized us, but I guessed wrong. I smiled at them.

  Radek drove us to our cabin and helped me down from the truck. When I crossed through the front door I froze. The living room furniture had been pushed against the walls and the fire was going. The rug that had once sat in front of the fire was rolled up and lying on the couch. Three different vases of red roses were spread throughout the room and music was playing softly.

  Taking several steps until I stood in the middle of the room, I took it all in. Off to the side of the fireplace was a stand with a bucket on it filled with ice and a bottle of champagne. Spinning, I saw my man standing in the doorway, watching me.

  “What is all of this?”

  He smiled and said, �
�I wanted to show you how much I love you. I still have a lot of making up to do.”

  I walked to him and threw my arms around his neck, pulling him close. Into his ear I said, “No you don’t. We’re good. Better than good. We’re fucking awesome.”

  His chest shook against me. Pulling back, I could see he was laughing. “That we are.”

  He closed the front door and took my hand in his. Walking us to the center of the room, he stopped and wrapped one arm around my waist while the other held my hand up.

  We started swaying to the music. He twirled and dipped me. My pilot had some kick-ass moves. We danced to a few love songs and soon found the perfect groove. Our bodies felt like one. Where he moved, I followed. Who knew I could be so graceful.

  I felt like I was floating on air. Our dancing turned sexual. Radek had a heated look in his eyes. His hands started roving over my body while we still swayed to the music. With speed that rivaled a super hero, my clothes were gone. He leaned in to take possession of my mouth when I heard my phone ding. We both ignored it and started kissing. His hands were cupping my breasts, his hard cock pushing into my belly. Ding. He froze.

  “Do you want to see who that is?”

  “No, I want you to keep kissing me.”

  Ding. His hands released me. “Oh go answer it, Kasi. I can’t take it.”

  I was pissed. Whoever was interrupting my time with Radek was going to lose a limb. Then again, I never told anyone I was leaving beside Aubrey, but really I had no one to answer to.

  Stomping over to my purse, I dug around inside to find my phone. Looking through my notifications I noticed I had not one, but three text messages from Kai. What the hell? Not the time Kai, I put the phone back and muted the bitch.

  My pilot was waiting not so patiently for me to come back to him. His arms were crossed and I had a feeling the mood was ruined. Rubbing my naked body against him, I started nibbling on his ear. “Where were we?” I all but purred.


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