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Needing Him

Page 9

by Michelle Dare

  He pulled his head away. “Who was texting you?”

  “No one.” I wanted to stay in the mood. I needed sex.

  “Kasi,” he said in a warning.

  Sighing, knowing this wasn’t going to go well, I said, “Kai. I didn’t read it. I have no idea what he wants.”

  “Does he know that we’re back together?”

  “I have no clue what he knows. I haven’t spoken to him since he left my house.”

  “Are you not telling him for a reason?”

  The mood just exited the room. “I haven’t told him because I haven’t spoken to him. Since we’ve gotten back together it’s been a bit of a whirlwind and honestly he wasn’t on my mind, but if you’d like, I’ll go get my phone right now and text him. Would that make you happy?”

  “Do whatever you want. I’m going to bed.” He turned and walked down the hallway.

  Like hell. I followed him and when he got to the bedroom I grabbed his arm and stopped him in his tracks. He spun to face me and I could see a mixture of anger and hurt. “You and me,” I said. “Do you hear me? It’s only you and me. We talked about this. Kai is my friend and nothing more. Stop getting jealous and don’t walk away from me. If I wanted to be with Kai I would have. The door was open only I didn’t walk through it. Enough of this. We need to talk to one another.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay with you being friends with him. If you didn’t have a history or he wasn’t in love with you that would be one thing, but you do and he is.”

  Lifting my hand, I cupped his face and slowly moved my thumb over his cheek. “I. Love. You. That’s it. Look at me. You know I’m telling the truth. I can’t force you to trust me. If you don’t, well, I don’t know where that leaves us.”

  He closed his eyes and leaned into my hand. “I do trust you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be jealous or that I will ever be okay with you talking to him.”

  “I’m going to go get my phone and tell him that you and I are back together. For good. I’ll be right back.”

  He nodded before I left the room. I had to put a stop to his jealousy and make him feel more comfortable with my friendship with Kai, if that was even possible. He meant too much to me. I couldn’t lose him again.

  Grabbing my phone from my purse again, I unlocked the screen and went to my text messages. Three messages from Kai.

  Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.

  Also, you can rest easy. Erin will never bother you again.

  Miss you.

  Ummm, what the fuck? Erin would never bother me again? I needed to reply to that before telling him about Radek and I. I had to find out what that meant. Luckily, he answered quickly.

  Me: What are you talking about?

  Kai: Lee and I handled Erin

  Me: What did you do?

  Kai: Nothing you need to worry about. It’s taken care of.

  Me: Don’t play games with me Kai

  Kai: I’m not. I never would. Trust me.

  Me: If you say so

  Kai: I do

  Me: I’m back together with Radek. When he was seen in Cali with Erin, he was taking care of things too.

  Kai: Are you happy?

  Me: Yes

  Kai: Then I’m happy for you

  Me: Kai?

  Kai: Yeah

  Me: Thank you

  Kai: I’ll always be here for you

  Me: Ditto

  I couldn’t say more than that. I also didn’t want to get into what happened between Radek and Erin when he was in California. One day I would find out what Kai did to handle her, but today wasn’t that day. I needed him to know where I stood. I would always be there for him, but Radek would come first.

  I was making the choice to put my pilot above one of my best friends and hoped it was the right decision. My gut told me so, I just hoped it wouldn’t let me down. Kai always had my back and I had recently gotten back together with the love of my life. Yes, I said it. I knew no one could top him nor did I want anyone to. Radek was it for me.

  ~ 13 ~

  Our mini vacation was over and we were on our way back to my house. Ace was happily standing on the back seat of Radek’s truck with his nose stuck out the window. He was so excited to see us he almost knocked me over. Thankfully, my pilot was standing behind me and caught me.

  I told Radek about my brief conversation over text with Kai. He didn’t seem happy with the fact that Kai said he took care of Erin even though he had previously done so. I told him I could text Kai again to find out what exactly he meant, but he shook his head and told me not to worry about it. What I really thought was that he didn’t want me talking to him even though he was curious as to what else was done.

  He was jealous and we both knew it. There was nothing more I could do to ease his mind that I wasn’t leaving. In reality I was the one who should have been nervous, not him. He left me, yet I thought he was still worried I wanted Kai more. The fact that Kai is a rock star was a draw for most women, but not to me. He was just Kai, my friend.

  Radek stayed at my house one night before leaving for work. He was gone for five days. Five fucking days. Even before the break I was never happy to see him go. Now, after all we’d been through, that need to always be with him was much stronger. I was being selfish and wanting him to myself all of the time.

  When he returned my body lit with a fire as it did every time we were apart. He came through the front door with his familiar duffle bag and the sexy quirk of his lips that I adored so much. We didn’t make it far. I was on him in seconds, ripping the clothes from his body. Our love making was fast and oh so good.

  We settled in for the night and ate an early dinner. After eating, we sprawled out on the couch and watched a movie. I promptly fell asleep only to be awoken later in my pilot’s strong arms as he carried me up to bed.

  When he was gone I didn’t sleep well. I tossed and turned all night, only sleeping in small intervals. The first day I would be good, but by the second day the lack of sleep caught up with me and I would nap in the afternoons. Only when he came back did my body fully relax and feel whole again. I slept soundly, never waking during the night.

  He placed me gently on the bed and began to cover me up. I gripped his hand making him jump.

  “I didn’t know you were awake. Go back to sleep.”

  Shaking my head I said, “No. I want you.”

  He smiled. “You already have me.”

  “True, but right now I want your body. I want your cock inside of me. I want you to tell me how much you love me while you thoroughly fuck me.”

  He gave me an inquisitive look. “I think I can take care of that for you.”

  “I know you can. Now clothes off and cock out.”

  Chuckling, he said, “You’re very demanding for someone so small.”

  “This isn’t news to you.”

  “No, it’s not. I happen to love that about you. There is something very sexy about a woman who knows what she wants.”

  “Well I must set your body on fire then.”

  “Baby, you have no idea.”

  With that he shed his clothing and stalked toward me like a man on a mission. I gave him said mission and he happily accepted. His hand was on his dick, stroking it slowly as he approached. He stopped when he was standing near my head.

  Leaning over, I took his cock into my mouth. I sucked him in deep and cupped his sac. My nails very gently moved over it causing him to shudder. He pulled from my mouth and climbed onto the bed over me. He straddled my head, lining his head up with my pussy.

  Not hesitating, his mouth went to work on my clit. I returned the favor by continuing to suck on his hard length. Every time I moaned around him he pushed deeper into my mouth. Lifting my butt off of the bed, I rolled my man over so I was on top. I pulled myself from his mouth and turned my body around.

  Licking over his sac, cock, up and over each ridge of his stomach, I made my way to his solid chest, to the delicate skin of his neck, finally
resting on his ear. I brought the lobe between my teeth, nibbling on it, then took it into my mouth. Chills spread out over his body. I could feel the tiny bumps under my fingers.

  Sitting up, I faced away from him, and gripped his cock. I slid myself down on top of him. The feeling of being filled left me weak. I was riding him in reverse. Leaning forward, I moved up and down, putting more pressure where I needed it. He was hitting me so deep inside that I had to resist the urge to come after just a few movements. I was beyond worked up from his tongue.

  I felt Radek shift behind me and sit up. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled my body against his. The warmth coming from him quickly heated my back, only fueling my internal fire further.

  He held tight to me, flipping me onto my hands and knees. Never losing contact, he started fucking me fast from behind. I was gone, crashing over the edge within seconds. My body shook, my mind blanked, and I let the wave wash over me.

  I was vaguely aware of Radek calling my name, but I did feel his body drape over mine. He placed kisses down my spine while his hand moved to my clit, circling it, making my body tremble further. My pilot knew just what to do to extend my orgasm. We both collapsed onto the bed, catching our breath.

  He nuzzled up to my ear and said, “Damn, baby, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of having sex with you.”

  “You better not. You’re stuck with me.”

  “Oh is that so?”

  I turned to look him in the eyes. His mouth was curved up in a gorgeous smile. “There is no getting rid of me now, Mr. Cole.”

  He brushed the hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. “You’re mine, Kasi. Have been since the first time I touched you. I’m never releasing you from my grip.”

  I relaxed in the softness of the bed, placing my head in the crook of his neck. Content was a good way to describe my mood. We laid like that for I don’t know how long, both drifting off to sleep. It was around eleven at night when I woke.

  Quietly and gently, I got out of bed. At some point Ace must have come upstairs, because his head perked up from his spot at the foot of my bed. I patted my leg to get him to come with me and the two of us went downstairs to cook something to eat. My stomach was growling something fierce.

  Ace stood by the front door whimpering so I flipped on the outside light, opened it, and let him out. Closing the door, I turned to go back to the kitchen when I heard him bark off a warning. I didn’t even make it to the door when I heard someone outside screaming. Rushing to the window, I pushed the curtain aside, but couldn’t see anything due to the darkness of night.

  Gripping the knob on the front door, I opened it and went outside. When I followed the barking I saw that Ace had a guy pinned against the house. The guy was standing with his arms up and looked petrified. Ace kept lunging at him whenever he moved, but wasn’t making contact.

  I ran back into the house yelling, “Radek, get your ass up! There’s some guy outside of the house! Ace has him cornered! Hurry!”

  Grabbing my cell, I dialed nine-one-one and relayed the information. The emergency dispatcher told me to remain on the line until police arrived. I slowly went back outside, but just as my feet hit the frozen grass Radek went running past me.

  He shouted over his shoulder, “Get back in the house!” Fine by me. I didn’t need to be outside with whoever the fuck was on my property.

  I could hear yelling, but didn’t know what was being said. It didn’t help that Ace was barking his head off. Within minutes I could hear sirens in the distance. I went over to the intercom and opened the gates, not waiting for them to ask to be let in. They needed to get up to the house as fast as possible.

  Thirty seconds later two police cruisers raced up my driveway. The emergency dispatcher made sure the police were there and hung up. I met four officers at the front door and told them where the guy was. I was also sure to tell them I had one pissed off German Shepherd that I needed to get leashed.

  Leash and collar in hand I went around the side of the house with the officers next to me and could see Radek had the guy pinned to the ground. Ace was standing ever vigilant over him while continuing to bark. I called him over and slipped the collar over his neck. I was surprised he listened to me, but damn thankful.

  He then made quick work of sniffing one of the officers that hung back next to me. They handcuffed the man while the one near me took my statement, which didn’t consist of much. Radek would know more than I did.

  Once the guy was in the back of the cruiser, three of the officers, Radek, and myself all stood together inside to talk. “Who is he?” I asked.

  “His I.D. says Joseph Harrison. Does that sound familiar to you?” One of the officers asked.

  “No, not at all.” Radek shook his head as well. He was covered in sweat even though it was freezing outside. The guy must have put up a hell of a fight.

  “Seems he was interested in one or both of you. He had a camera in his pocket along with a switchblade. We haven’t looked through the pics yet or fully questioned him, but once we do so we will let you know.” He handed me his business card and after making sure they had all of the information they needed, said he would be in touch.

  After the police left I stood shaking. My whole body trembled and I was unable to control it. Radek came over and wrapped his arms around me. “It’s all right, baby. They got him.” He rubbed his strong hands up and down my back trying to soothe me.

  “It’s not all right. He had a knife. We could have been stabbed. Ace could have been hurt.”

  “I know. It’s taken care of though. You’re okay, Ace is okay, and so am I.”

  I nodded into his chest as all kinds of images started running through my head. What if the guy stabbed Radek or Ace? What if he had gotten inside of the house while we were sleeping? What if Radek wasn’t there and I was home alone?

  Tears started pouring down my cheeks at all of the possibilities. My pilot kept his arms around me, holding me close, trying to calm me. The sound of nails on the tile floor could be heard. I knew Ace was pacing. Every little click of his nails told me that he wasn’t happy at all about what had happened.

  I stepped away from Radek and went over to the cameras to make sure Radek or I had closed the gate. The police had said they wanted the footage. I would be contacting the security company in the morning to get it.

  Everything was locked up at the bottom of the driveway, although what good did it actually do? Ace wanted to get outside. I opened the door and let him out. He went to work checking the property. I watched him put his nose to the ground and begin running all over the place. He was such a good dog. No one taught him to track or defend, it was bred into him, and he did it really well. I was very fortunate to have him protecting me.

  ~ 14 ~

  That night I didn’t sleep. I didn’t even drift off for a few minutes. I laid in bed wide-eyed, scared, and waiting for something else to happen. Ace snored at the foot of my bed and Radek snored beside me. Lovely. I was the only one thoroughly affected by this. Of course, I’m sure if either of them thought there was any danger they wouldn’t be sleeping. I tried so hard to shut my mind off and let sleep overtake me, but it never happened.

  The sun’s light filtered in and I got out of bed. No use in lying there any longer. After taking a long, hot shower to try and ease my nerves I descended the stairs to feed Ace and make myself breakfast. There was no need to wake Radek. He was out like a light.

  After eating what little I could, I called the security company to tell them what happened. I gave them the number the officer had given me and asked that they contact him to arrange for the footage to be sent.

  Radek joined me a couple of hours later. I was laying on the couch watching a movie when I felt the couch dip under his weight. He slid in behind me and wrapped one of his muscular arms around my waist.

  “How long have you been down here?” he asked, his voice still sleepy. He nuzzled his face into my hair.

  “Awhile. I couldn’t sleep.”
  “You should have woken me up. I would have come down and had breakfast with you.”

  I turned to face him. His scruff had grown in more making me wonder what he would look like with a full beard. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Next time don’t worry. When you can’t sleep I want you to wake me up. Maybe I can help you relax with some extracurricular activities.”

  “That’s not a bad idea.”

  “That sounds like an invitation.”

  “You never need to be invited.”

  He leaned forward and captured my lips. When his tongue swept over mine I could taste mint from the toothpaste he must have used before coming downstairs. My mind was wide awake even though my body was tired, but having Radek rub himself against me was quickly changing that.

  I was only wearing a long sleepshirt and no panties so it was easy for him to lift up the shirt and skim his fingers along my pussy. “Always wet for me,” he said in between kisses.

  Cupping his cock in my hand I said, “Always hard for me.”

  His response was a groan. My hand moved up and down over his cotton pajama pants. He was shirtless which worked in my favor. I glided my hand up from his stiff length to his muscular chest, pinching his nipple.

  He pulled away from me to slip his pants off, letting his dick spring free. I put my hand on his shoulder, pushing his back to the couch, and straddled him. Inch by delicious inch he slid into me.

  My skin was hot, my mind had gone to a place where only pleasure reigned, and my body moved on its own accord. I needed him in the worst way. The part of me that was still scared and worried about what took place the night before had to be pushed to the back. I didn’t want to think about it. I only wanted to feel.

  Whenever we made love somehow we were always on the same page. He knew when I wanted to take things slow and savor every touch. He also knew when I was craving release badly and took control to give me what I needed.


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