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Malik's Reclamation (Hellfire Dogs MC)

Page 2

by Crystal Miller


  “Miss Thibodeaux,” I interrupt.

  “Fine. Miss Thibodeaux. As you are aware, somethings have come into your possession that are of great importance to me.” Mr. Smith says as he uses his cane to walk about the room. He stops at the couch. “I would really like them back.”

  “I do apologize, but you are going to have to clarify what you’re talking about. I come into possession of a lot of things.”

  “A serum, Miss. You see, that serum was never meant for you. It was meant for, how would you say? Someone else.”

  “Oh, you mean one of my people. Well, Mr. Smith. I do apologize you wasted your time coming all the way out here but you won’t get that serum. You see, that was sent to one of my MC clubs which in turn means a direct threat to my pack. Until we know the contents of that serum, it stays in our possession.” I state matter of factly. I cross the room with Lucias and Marie close behind. Before I could make it to my desk, Mr. Smith is two inches from my face. I can see his features more clearly now. His face is narrow, with hollow cheek bones. Where his eyes should be, almost looks as if he has none. Demon? I’m not quite sure. I can’t smell the sulfur coming off of him like I would a normal underling. No, this one is different. Something about him is familiar but a complete stranger at the same time.

  “I won’t ask again, Miss. That serum is of great importance to me.” I can smell his breath as he speaks, almost a sickly-sweet smell.

  “Why don’t you have a seat, Mr. Smith.” I say nodding to the couch. “Allow me to make a few phone calls and to change. Then you tell me all about this serum of yours. Do I have your patience?” Mr. Smith gives me a slight nod of acceptance as he turns to take his seat. Lucias and Marie follow me out of the parlor and into the foyer.

  “Ma’am,” Marie speaks for the first time since I came down. “What would you like to do?”

  “I’ll sit and listen to what he has to say. Please have a truth serum ready. I don’t trust him as far as I can push him.” I turn to Lucias, “Please make sure our guest does not leave this room. I don’t want any wondering eyes.” He gives me a small bow and takes his stance at the door. This also means I won’t be seeing Malik tonight or helping Eve with her transformation. Fuck.

  On my way up the stairs, I pull my phone out of one of the pockets on my belt. Seems I have missed several calls not only from Malik but also from one of the heads of the vampire covens in Baton Rouge. I quickly pull up my messages and text Malik that I won’t make it to the camp, that we’ll have to do it another night. The other missed calls can wait.



  It’s not like Sierra to miss something as important as this. Fuck it. The text seems to be urgent as to the reason she can’t show. I glance at the time as I text Sierra back. It takes an hour to get to the camp, which means I have to leave now to get there. As I pack my saddle bag, I notice Trip coming in the lot. He parks his bike next to mine and kills the engine.

  “Pres,” he says, as he cuts the engine to his bike, and takes off his helmet.

  “You’re early,”

  “I have work to catch up on. Nico here?”

  “Yeah, in the tech room. Everything cool?”

  “Not sure, boss. Where you off to?”

  “Meeting Trigger at the camp. Eve is still having issues with the transition.” As I turn to get ready to leave, Trip stops me.

  “You may want to wait on that.” Trip is not one to be as vague as he is now. I look at him trying to study him but he isn’t letting his features change. “Follow me.”

  I set my helmet back on the bike and follow him into the clubhouse. Trip stands about six-feet-tall but it’s his ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude that makes him lethal. He’ll kill first, ask questions later.

  As we walk into the tech room, I can sense the tension almost immediately. What the fuck could’ve happened in the time I left the tech room until now. I mean, it’s only a half hour difference.

  “You get my text, man?” Trip asks Nico.

  “Just got it.” Nico turns in his chair towards us. “Sorry, man. I don’t think this should go without you knowing it.”

  “How about we stop beating around the bush, and start talking. I have to get to the camp and here we are sitting around like a bunch of chicks.” I’m irritated. I don’t do vague, straight forward is what I want.

  I leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed waiting on an explanation.“We found out what that serum was, and more importantly what it can do. It’s a direct threat to all of us.” I watched as Nico tinkered with a few more things on the computer. “What we don’t now is who the serum is from, I’m still working on it, but if this gets into the wrong hands, it could wipe out species for good.”

  Trip looks at me.“Where is the serum now?”

  “In Morgan City with Sierra. She insisted it would be safe there.” I say still at a loss of words. “What does it contain? The serum?”

  Nico turns back to his computer and pulls up a graph type looking thing. “Looks like VX, batrachotoxin, digoxin, and silver.” Nico pauses for a moment. I can tell what he is thinking. “These chemicals won’t just take us out but humans as well.” I murmur to myself.

  We all stare at the computer screen, not knowing what to say. It’s true. If these chemicals are produced in mass quantity, our city and possibly our state could be destroyed...or worse. “Okay, let’s think for a minute. VX hasn’t been used since Vietnam. So, this person has knowledge of what was used and how to access it...”

  “Yeah, but most of it was destroyed after the war.” Trip interrupts.

  “Yes, but think about it. Most of the chemicals are stored where?” I look to both of them, knowing damn well we all know the answer.

  “Atlanta,” they say simultaneously.

  “Exactly. So whoever gained access to this chemical had to have worked there or still does. Digoxin is more common but it’s not prescribed like it used to be because of Charles Cullen, the one who claimed to be an angel of death by helping with assisted suicides from the 1980s to 2003. What was the other one?” I ask leaning on Nico’s chair looking at the computer.

  “Batrachotoxin.” He says automatically.

  “That’s too common. It’s found in frogs, more like frog shit. And what do we have all of the U.S.?” I don’t bother waiting for the guys to answer my rhetorical question. “Frogs. Silver we already know what can happen to us if we are hit with that, but whoever created this serum wanted to make sure that we don’t come back from it.”

  “So now what?” Trip says flatly. I could see the concern in his eyes. His ol’ lady is human. She knew what she was getting into but because our laws forbid us from turning a human, but Trip still let her stick around. It wasn’t until she got pregnant that Trip knew she was his for good. He wasn’t letting her go that easily.

  “I’ll call Sierra, you get the families here. Unfortunately, this is a direct threat and it effects all the families. Nico, make sure the other clubs know about this. If any of them have received the same package, then they need to be put on alert too.” Nico turns back to his computer to start his Skype sessions. It may be almost six in the morning but the heads of each club are always up.

  I turn to leave the room, when Trip stops me. “Pres?”

  “Yeah,” I look up from my phone to see more than just concern in his eyes.

  “Cara’s pregnant. If that thing is meant to kill us all, I can’t lose her, man.”

  “No one’s losing anyone, you hear?” Trip nods but my answer doesn’t show confidence in his eyes. I place my hand on his shoulder. “I swear on my life and everyone’s here, no one is dying. Not on my watch.” Trip’s eyes meet mine. I can see the determination in them.

  “What do you need me to do?” He asks.

  “Go down to the shelter, make sure it’s stock with all the necessities. Whatever we need, I want you to take a prospect with you to go get the necessities. Stock for hurricane Katrina.” Placing my hand on
his shoulder, “We’re preparing for war, brother.”

  Trip nods at me with a look that could kill anyone. Our instincts are running high. Even with one vile of this, we don’t know the devastation it could cause. I look at my phone again, still no response from Sierra. Fuck. It’s not like her not to answer unless something has happened. I tried to call her phone and of course it goes straight to voicemail. I don’t bother to leave a message, instead I send her a 9-1-1 text. I know she’ll call once she sees it. Just as I close my phone out, it dings with a message. Trigger. I know he’s expecting me at the camp, but right now I need him here.

  “Trigger,” he answers on the first ring.

  “Hey, I need you to get Eve and Alec to the clubhouse ASAP.” I say as I pace the common room.

  “Why? What’s going on? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.” I really hate it when he tries to question me. But he does have a point. I made him ride all the way out there with his woman who hasn’t been taking to the change very well.

  “Trig. Now’s not the time. Get Eve and Alec here now! That’s an order. Call the other brothers. Church will be in session as soon as everyone is here.” I’m almost certain he got my point because his whole demeanor changed in an instant.

  “On it, sir.” Trigger responds.

  “Trig?” I say


  “Watch your six.” I hang up the phone without letting him get out what he needed to say. It’s time to get this shit underway.



  “So, Mr. Smith, as requested, you have my attention to the matter at hand. Now, please explain yourself as I don’t have a lot of time.” I say as I make myself comfortable at my desk.

  “With all due respect, Miss. It would be wise that you do not rush me.” Smith says with a sinister grin on his face. “I know more than you think, and can destroy the ones you care about in a blink of an eye.”

  “Is that a threat, Mr. Smith? I don’t think threatening me on my territory would be very wise for a man in your position.” I cross my hands in front of me and lean back in the chair. “I will ask one more time, what is so important about this serum that it must be put back in your possession?”

  Mr. Smith hesitates a moment, looking at Lucias and Marie; two of my strongest people. He knows he won’t come out of this alive. I can sense it in his sweat and in his heartbeat. “That serum, contains the essence of death itself. If put into the wrong hands, it would not only kill the lycans but humans as well.”

  This piques my attention. A more direct threat than before. A threat on my people. “So you mean to tell me that what I have can kill not only my people, but the very creatures we swore to protect? And you feel that it belongs in your hands rather than the ones it threatens?” I stand from my desk, my sapphire dress dragging behind me. I walk around to the front to stand before the coward. “You just signed your death warrant, Mr. Smith.” I whisper so only he can hear.

  “Miss, please I beg you. I have information that would be of great use to you.” Mr. Smith begs. I look at Lucias, he knows what he has to do. The man gets on his knees as he starts crawling to me.

  “You have nothing. You are nothing. You will not threaten my pack and get away with it.” I demand.

  “Miss, please. I beg you. Please.”

  “Lucias, please make sure our visitor doesn’t see another sunrise. Understood?” I turn to Lucias as he gives me a small bow. Lucias grabs Mr. Smith by the collar and starts to drag him out as he kicks and screams for his life. I show no remorse to anyone who shows such cowardly acts. I’m almost to the door, when the next words that came out of his mouth, has me stop immediately

  “I carry the antidote!” Mr. Smith screams as he’s being drug away.

  “Lucias, hold.” I say as I follow them out to the foyer. I kneel down, allowing the man to see my orange eyes. He’s really testing my patience. “What do you mean you carry the antidote?”

  “In my veins. I carry it in my veins.” The fear in his eyes was almost amusing. I look up to Marie. It’s time to find out the truth about this guy.

  “Marie, if you would be so kind. Show our guest back to the parlor and give him our special drink.” The same sinister smile that had creeped onto his face before is now on mine. Marie gently helps the man up as she starts talking to him to sooth him. Immediately, the tension drops almost to the point where he didn’t know why he was here. However, Marie knows how to calm people without letting them forget anything.

  After what seemed like forever, Marie finally opens the parlor doors. “He’s ready, madam.”

  “Good,” I say sternly. I turn to Lucias and give him a slight nod. He returns it, knowing that I’m expecting him to jump when I say. I walk through the parlor doors to see the man who once threatened my pack, now a calm and almost in a Zen like state.

  I cross the parlor to sit on the antique couch directly in front of him. “Now Mr. Smith, tell me what your real name is.”

  He struggles for a minute, knowing now he was given a serum to keep him from lying. “Alexander Senqua.” I see the features on his face turn to disbelief.

  “Ok, Mr. Senqua. Where did you come from?” I ask as I fold my hands in my lap.


  “That’s quite a way from Morgan City, Mr. Senqua. Why have your travels brought you here?”

  “To retrieve the serum.” I look back at Lucias. I can tell he’s starting to tense up. He must sense something I don’t in those words.

  “Who sent you?”


  “I will not repeat myself, Mr. Senqua. Who sent you?” I firmly say as I start to lose my patience.

  He hesitates, trying to fight the serum coursing through his veins. The look of distress on his face told me everything I needed to know. This was an inside job, one by our own kind. My phone vibrates on the desk as Mr. Senqua continues to stare at me. I rise from the couch to retrieve the phone when he reaches out and grabs my arm.

  “The child. He will die. He’s key to everything.” Mr. Senqua quickly says. I can’t tell if it’s concern in his eyes or if he is terrified of what is going to happen to him. I shake his hand free of my arm and continue to my phone.

  “Lucias, if you please.” I say looking at the text message. This little meeting is over. Lucias gives me a small nod of his head and comes across the room to gather up the visitor.

  “You must listen to me,” Senqua says as he struggles against Lucias’ grip. “The child is in danger along with his mother. Don’t be stupid, Sierra.” I look at the man curious to what he means, but I have more pressing matters to attend to.

  Malik: I’m on my way, we need to talk.



  The brothers start to slowly trickle into Church. I know it’s early but this can’t wait. As they sign in and turn in their burners, I notice that Trigger is covered in blood. What the fuck! I give him a look that he knows that I’m questioning why he looks like that.

  “Don’t ask,” he says as he pulls up his chair next to mine. “We’ll talk about it later.”

  I nod my head. I look to Trip to see if everyone has signed in and he gives me a nod. I pick up the gavel, banging it on the table to silence the room.

  “I know ya’ll are wondering why I called you here. I’ll get that in a sec. First thing’s first, we are on lockdown indefinitely.” I meet the gaze of brother in here before I finish. “Listen, your families are our first priorities. So if you feel that your family is excluded from lockdown, see yourself out the fucking door.” The room quiets again. “Now, we put this order in effect because we have a direct threat to our pack. Remember when Bridget got a package delivered to her door?” I see Rush becoming uneasy in his chair, he wants to say something but knows he can’t just yet. “That package ended up being a vile of serum. It took a while to get it identified, Nico worked for months to get the breakdown of the chemicals it contained.” I pause, taking a moment to let it all sink in before I give them
more news. “The serum contains death itself. It can not only make sure we don’t come back, but it can and will kill any human that comes into presence with it.”

  Just as I expected, the room burst in about sixty different voices trying to talk all at once. Trying to keep them calm at this point was useless. Might as well let them get it out of their system now rather than wait. I sit back in my chair, waiting for the voices to quiet back down before I go on. After about five minutes, the room turns to silence as the guys wait for my command.

  “So, what do we do?” Seg leans forward in his chair and places his hands on the table.

  “Prepare for war.” I say as I stand up. “We need to make sure we have enough ammunition, food, and such. I want us stocked like Katrina is coming back, yea?” All the guys nod in agreement. “The women and children are our first priority. None of them know what’s going on, and I want to keep that way.”

  “What about Eve?” Trigger says quietly.

  “Where is she?” I look at him sternly.

  “Below deck. But it’s not going to hold her. We need to get her under control now.” Trigger demands. He’s right. The last thing we need is a newborn let loose on the fucking clubhouse. It’ll be a bloodbath.

  “She’ll come with us to Morgan City.”

  “Morgan City?” Seg questions, “Do we really need to get Sierra involved here?”

  “Yes,” I answer. “She has the serum. I’m pretty sure she has no idea what it contains and what it could do.”

  “How are you going to get her to agree to another meeting? I mean, we just left there a few weeks ago. We don’t need her to fight out battles.” Trip speaks up for the first time during Church.

  “No we don’t, but she’s Alpha. She needs to be made aware of what’s going on. A threat to this pack is a threat to all the packs.” Trip backs towards the door. He got his answer, may not be the one he wanted, but it’s the one he got.


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