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Malik's Reclamation (Hellfire Dogs MC)

Page 3

by Crystal Miller

  “When do we roll out?” Nico asks.

  “We’re all not going, I need most of you here to stock the clubhouse and to keep the women calm. The last thing we need is panic. Nico, I want you to call your cop friend. Let him know what’s going on and that we are preparing for war. Make sure he can increase patrol throughout the French Quarter. If these assholes are going to hit, that’s where they’ll do it.” Nico nods as he gets up from his seat. He grabs his burner and heads out the door with the phone already plastered to his ear.

  “Trigger, Seg, and Trip; you’re going with me to Morgan City. Trigger, you’ll bring Eve. Sierra has more capability of dealing with her than we do right now.” All three nod in agreement. “The rest of you, business as usual. Try to keep everything on the DL. I’ll have momma plan a cookout, that’ll keep everyone busy. Church is dismissed.” The rest of the brothers know what to do. Everyone starts to get up to leave, when my phone rings. Sierra. Somehow everyone knew that’s who it was and they sat back down.

  “Malik,” I answer.

  “You are hereby summoned to Miss. Sierra’s place of residence.” The voice on the other end says.


  “You have two hours, this is urgent.”

  “Roger, that. On our way.” I hang up the phone and look at the guys. “Well, it looks like I won’t need to tell Sierra we’re coming. She’s summoned us.”

  “All of us?” Trip asks.

  “Just the ones I said. If she doesn’t like it, oh well.” The guys file out of the room, making sure they grab their burners. Trigger, Seg, and Trip all hang back waiting on my word to leave.

  “Get everything together. We leave in ten.” I order as I walk out of the room. I head to the kitchen to give momma instructions on what to do for the next few nights. When I get in there, I find her enjoying her job a little too much. She’s got her Cajun music blaring while she’s dancing and stirring a pot of God knows what.

  “Momma,” I say. She about jumps ten feet in the air not thinking anyone was in the kitchen. I give a small chuckle to the expression on her face.

  “My baby, you ‘bout gave me a heart attack. Do that, and none of you’ll eat, yea.” She says as she waves her wooden spoon at me. I laugh even harder. She may not be my momma, but she’s what considered the club momma. She makes sure her boys are taken care of and makes sure that the women have a listening ear when things get to hectic.

  “Sorry, ma’am. You got a minute?” I say as I sit down on the stainless steel counter.

  “I always have a minute, baby. You hungry?” She takes my chin into her hand and inspects my face. “You look like you haven’t eaten in days. I’ll make you something.”

  “No time, momma. Listen, I need you to keep the women occupied tonight. Me, Trig, Seg, and Trip are all heading to Morgan City. I need it to be as calm as it can be here. Cookout tonight?” She knows not to ask too many questions but I know she has one just from the look on her face.

  “Dare I ask why?” She asks instead.

  “We’ll explain when we get back. Just right now I need this place as calm as the eye of a hurricane.”

  Momma leans in, shit, bad metaphor there. “Baby, the eye of a hurricane is the deadliest. You boys just make sure you get back here in one piece, yea.”

  “Will do, ma’am,” I give her a kiss on the cheek as I turn to head out the door. She stops me with one sentence.

  “The child is in danger, babe. Keep him close and don’t let the mother out of sight.” I turn back around.

  “What child?” I ask inquisitively.

  “My visions aren’t always clear, my love. Just be on guard.” I nod my head and head back out the door.

  Within a few minutes, I’m outside with the rest of the brothers. This is the first time I’ve seen Eve since the miscarriage. She looks nothing like the girl from the dress shop we met months ago. No, she looks hungry, not the kind where she’s starving but the kind where you see red and what to kill everything in sight.

  “Let’s roll,” I order as everyone straddles their bikes. “Let’s get this show on the fucking road.”



  A threat to my pack and now a threat to a mother and her child. This is unacceptable. It must be dealt with immediately. I got a text from LeRoy, one of the heads of my guards. Activity is picking up not just here but in other packs too. Marie placed a call to the Hellfire Dogs in New Orleans to have them come here. It’s rare that I have anyone at my estate but I trust Malik more than Malik trusts himself right now.

  “How long until they are here?” I ask Marie as I undress from the formal wear I’m in and back into my fighting gear.

  “Two hours, ma’am.” She answers.

  “And he didn’t put up a fight?” Curious. Normally, if it doesn’t involve sex Malik is one to stay away unless called upon, and even then he questions my every move.

  “None,” Marie responds as she carefully hangs up the dress. “If I may be so bold, ma’am.” I turn to look at Marie, waiting for her to say what she needs to. “It’s as if they were expecting us to call. He knows something.”

  “That’s a bit bold, Marie.” I firmly say through pressed lips.

  “My apologies, ma’am. I meant no disrespect.” Marie turns to leave.

  “But, you’re right. If he didn’t question why he was being summoned, then he knows something.”

  “Ma’am,” Marie gives a slight bow. “What would you like done?”

  “I’m hungry, which means those boys are going to be hungry. Tell Pierre to have brunch ready by the time they get here.” I finally get myself slipped into my gear and start strapping in my weapons.

  “The traditional brunch, ma’am?”

  “No, these boys will want more than fruit and bread.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Marie says as she exits the room. I’m left there to stare at my reflection in the mirror. The years have been kind to me, yes, but I grow weary. I’m not sure how much more I can take before I collapse. But these men rely on me to keep the packs in peace. So if I can prevent the war that is coming, than I will.

  By the time I come down the stairs, I can smell what Pierre has cooking in the kitchen. I don’t even have to go in to see. Bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes, and biscuits. He knows what these boys will eat. As I hit the last step, there’s a knock at the door. They’re early. Lucias comes from the next room to open the door. What I see before me will always make my heart jump out of my chest. Malik. With his blonde hair and soft blue eyes, he’s enough to make any woman melt. I don’t know how i’m going to last through this meeting without having him take me.

  “Welcome, boys.” I say after about five minutes of imagining Malik ripping my clothes off. “If you will,” I gesture to the parlor. The guys file into the parlor but there seems to be a straggler. “Eve,” she looks up at me. “I was not expecting to see you today.” I can sense the heat coming off her body. They didn’t bring Eve because they wanted to, they had to. They didn’t have a choice. “Lucias, if you would take Miss Evelyn up to the spare room and make sure she’s comfortable.”

  Trigger steps to me. “Where is she going?”

  “Mutt, you will back yourself up. Eve will be perfectly safe in the room where she’s going. Lucias, won’t touch her unless I give the command. Now if you step to me again, I’ll make sure it’ll be the last time you do.” I say quietly so only he can hear.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good boy, now can we get started.” Lucias takes Eve without fight up to the room as Trip shuts the door. “I had an unexpected visitor this morning. Let’s just say, now he’s unable to speak but before that he had quite a bit to say.” I start explaining as I walk to the bar.

  “Well?” Malik says.

  “It seems that serum that your sister received, Trigger, is a direct threat to this pack. But not just that, humans are involved too.” I pour myself some bourbon before I turn back around to the men.

  “We know.” Trip says
licking his lips. He looks a little thirsty.

  “What do you mean you know?” I say whipping my head around.

  “Nico found out the ingredients to the serum this morning. That’s why I tried to get ahold of you. When you cancelled your plans to come to the camp, I knew something was up.”

  “I want those ingredients. This coward has the antidote coursing through his veins. That’s the only reason he’s still alive. But with those ingredients, we could find our own antidote and eliminate all of this immediately.”

  A knock at the door interrupts the meeting. “Enter,” I say in a raised voice not taking my eyes of the guys.

  “Ma’am,” Marie pokes her head in to see about brunch. The tension in the room is thick that it can almost be cut with a knife.

  “Malik, stay for a minute, I would like to discuss a couple of things with you.” I tell him as the guys file out to eat.

  When the door closes, he turns to me. His eyes making his way down my body. “Malik, I’m sorry--” I don’t even get to finish my sentence before his mouth is crashing onto mine. The taste of him is more than enough to get my loins wet. I moan slightly in his mouth as his tongue dances with mine.

  We pull away from each other. “We can’t. Not here. Everyone will know.” I protest.

  “I don’t care, anymore. You can’t dress like that and expect me to not get my way.” He grabs my face and pulls me in for another heated kiss. The moans come louder and I don’t know if I can contain myself. He unzips the back of my outfit and starts yanking it down my body. I try to grasp onto whatever I can to keep my balance as he kisses my neck.”

  “Fuck, babe.” He growls. “I’m not holding back.”

  “Don’t hold back,” I breathe out. I grab his shirt and start yanking it over his head. His abs, so perfect as my fingers make my way down to his pants. I know what he wants. And I’m going to give it to him. I unsnap his button to his jeans. He kicks them off in one solid move as we move to the couch. I push him down as I climb on top of him. I can hear soft moans coming from him as I start kissing my way to his erection.

  I slowly start stroking his member, getting him ready for what’s to come. And just when I know he can’t take anymore, I wrap my lips around him.

  “Mmm babe, don’t stop,” Malik growls as he starts thrusting his hips. He reaches down and starts pinching my already erect nipple, moving from one breast to the other. “Fuck, you’re so fucking gorgeous.” As I look up at him while sucking every inch of his cock. I let out a soft moan. Before I knew what was happening, he had me bent over the couch lining his cock up with my wet pussy.

  “I won’t be gentle,” He groans as he nips on my shoulder.

  “I don’t care,” With that, he gives one thrust of his hips that make me scream out in not only pain but pleasure too. He’s got one hand knotted in my hair and the other on my ass.

  “Fuckkk.” I scream into the couch cushion.

  “Cum for me baby,” Malik whispers, “Cum all over my cock.” I can feel my body start to tingle. With each thrust, I can feel myself coming closer to the edge of ecstasy.

  “Baby, don’t stop. Fuck. Don’t stop,” I scream.

  “Cum with me, babe. I’m almost there.” As he slaps my ass and pulls harder on my hair. Within a few more thrusts, I can see the stars in my eyes coming to light. Malik’s groans are getting louder as he starts to get close.

  “Malik,” I scream as I let myself go. He continues to use my body, milking every last drop of his glorious seed while prolonging this heavenly feeling. He stays inside me for a moment longer as the ecstasy in the room dies down. As we gain our composure, he turns me around to kiss me. Only this time it’s more passion than heat. I love this man more than life itself. I need him more than anything. When we break from our kiss, I look into his soft blue eyes. I can see the love, the pain, and the turmoil in them. I see his nightmares and his dreams in one glance. I won’t let him fight this fight alone.

  By the time we get cleaned up, dressed, and to the dining room, the guys are almost finished with brunch.

  “Damn, must have been one hell of a talk.” Trip says as he pops a grape into his mouth.

  “Fuck you,” Malik snaps back.

  “Now, back to what we were discussing.” I add, without missing a beat. It’s time to get down to business.



  Fuck. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Too many ears here which wouldn’t mean anything with a house full of lycans. I’m pretty sure the guys already know but if they know what’s good for them, they’ll keep their mouth shut.

  “So, where do we go from here?” Seg asks. I think this is the first time he’s said anything since we got here.

  “What is the New Orleans pack doing?” Sierra asks as she fills her plate with fruits and breads.

  “We’re stocking up. Right now, we’re on lockdown, so the women and children are in the clubhouse. But this isn’t going to stay quiet for long, Sierra. Word’s gonna get out.” Sierra nods her head as she bites off a bit of a grape. Already, my cock is getting hard again just watching her. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “Inform the families.” Sierra says nonchalantly. “We don’t keep secrets like this. And if you intend on keeping it, I can guarantee you, those women will kill you before we go to war.” Sierra states plainly.

  “Do we know who sent the threat?” Trigger asks.

  “We do. A pack out of Texas. Not much on them from what I can tell. But Malik, I think you can put your little tech boy to work, right?” I nod. “Good Now, on to the other matter at hand. Trigger, why hasn’t Eve come into control yet?”

  We knew this was going to be something we would have to answer to. I promised Trig I would help him but he was too fucking stubborn and thought he could do it on his own.

  “Well, Sierra” Trigger starts.

  “I’m sorry, what?” She leans in. This is not a social call. He knows better. She can be our friend outside business but when it comes down to it, respect is key.

  “Ma’am,” Trig corrects himself.

  “That’s better, continue.” She waves him off.

  “Between Max and losing the baby, I don’t think she has full control of anything right now.”

  “That’s a problem,” Sierra states. “You see, she poses a threat to my pack too. I kept her alive for you. You both promised me that you would have this handled. Do I really need to step in and take care of it?”

  Trigger shoves himself up from the table, causing dishes and food to move. “You touch her, I’ll...”

  Sierra stands up and walks over to him. She walks behind him, dragging her nails across his back. “You’ll what? Kill me?” She leans in closer to Trigger so they make eye contact. “You don’t have the balls, there sweetheart.” I try to hide my chuckle. Trigger is poking the hornets’ nest with a saudering iron and he’s going to end up in the ground if he doesn’t stop. I could put a stop to it all, but sometimes he needs to be put in his place.

  “Now, Eve has the child, correct?” Sierra asks looking at me. I nod. “And Max is his father.”

  “Was,” Trigger interrupts.

  “Excuse me,” Sierra turns around and glares at him.

  “Max was his father.” Sierra shakes a finger at him.

  “Really shouldn’t talk out of turn, puppy.” Her look looks evil. “I really should kill her, but I feel a son needs his mother so she will live. But I’m giving you one month. One month to get her in control. Or I will rectify the situation. Understood?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Everyone in the room simultaneously says.

  “Good. Now if we are going to beat whatever this pack has to bring, we’ll need some training. I think this would be good for Eve. Teaches her discipline. Take her back to the clubhouse. I’ll be there at first light. Figure out a training schedule before I get there.”

  We all stand as Sierra starts to exit the room. She stops and looks over her shoulder “Oh, and Trigger?”

�Ma’am” he answers.

  “That’s the second time you have stepped to me. Remember, three strikes, you’re out.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” A look of defeat crosses his face.

  Lucias comes back into the room with Eve. She looks groggy, like she just woke up from a much needed sleep. “Thanks man, Trigger will take her from here.” Lucias gives a small bow before he leaves the room. I guess we’re showing ourselves out.

  As we leave the house, Trigger comes up behind me. “What the fuck was that, man?”

  “What?” I ask

  “How fucking wrapped are you with that pussy? You don’t come to the defense of your brother, but hell you’ll bang her right in the next room.” They knew, but he won’t get away with talking about Sierra that way. I grab him by the throat and shove him against the wall, gnarling my fangs that are ready to rip open his throat.

  “I kept my mouth shut for a fucking reason, you damn prick.” I growl. “If I talked, the outcome of your woman would have been very different. And if you ever talk about Sierra like that again, I’ll make sure myself you’ll never see the light of day. You won’t have to worry about the woman upstairs doing it. I’ll gladly get my hands dirty.” I release his throat. Trip has his hand on my chest, causing me to back off. I put my hands up in surrender and stalk over to my bike. Fuck him. He needs to learn to keep his mouth fucking shut!

  When I see everyone is on the bikes, I give the signal to roll out. Time to make the journey home. Whether all of us make it there is up to the guys.

  The ride home felt like the longest hour and a half of my life. We hadn’t hit New Orleans traffic yet but it’s Friday which means that the streets are going to be more packed than usual. The humid air tells me that rain is on the way but it’s still quite a ways away. It hasn’t cooled off enough for anything to form. When we pull into the gates of the clubhouse, you can hear the sounds of laughter and kids playing. It’s not often that the children are allowed here but we made sure that when they do, they have plenty to do.


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