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Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)

Page 12

by Wilder, Chiah

  Hawk signaled for the bikers to pull out, and the Colorado Insurgents peeled out of the parking lot without a backward glance. The sun reflected off their sunglasses as they rode in formation, the wind whipping around them, the thrill of freedom pulsing through them. Jax breathed in deeply. This was what he loved—the freedom of the ride. When he was out on the open road doing ninety-five, his body was suspended in the air, like he was flying—like nothing mattered anymore. There was nothing better than hauling ass on his Harley with his brothers around him. He wanted to keep riding and not go back to Pinewood Springs where he was forced to see Cherri with Gunner. Increasing his speed, he hit one hundred and ten miles an hour. Blasting down the freeway was the only way he knew how to get Cherri out of his mind.

  Chapter Twelve

  Closing the briefcase full of money, Banger said, “This is a good chunk of change to add to the club’s reserves. Your tires weren’t even cooled before Dustin called me up talkin’ shit ’bout you all.” Banger’s face broke into a wide grin. He was enjoying this. “Told him he’s run outta time. Any shit I hear ’bout his club, they’re outta the Insurgents. Told him our history is what let him get any money from the deal they fucked up big-time. What a fuckwad he turned out to be. Too much shit up his nose, clouds his judgment.”

  “We shoulda beat his ass for being so stupid and letting his club get so fucked up.” Jax pushed back his chair, his body jerking forward, his nostrils flaring.

  “It’s done now. Next fuck-up, they’re out. Now we gotta decide on providing incognito security for this councilman, McFahey.” Banger looked at each of the thirty members crowded in the meeting room.

  “He was at the arms deal with the Irishman. Think they’ve got somethin’ going. Not too sure ’bout him. Rubbed me the wrong way. What did you guys think?” Hawk looked at the brothers who were with him in Nebraska. They all nodded in agreement.

  “We’re gonna need him to get some of the licenses and zoning shit through for that strip mall we’re doing in West Pinewood Springs. Normally, this isn’t shit I’d consider, especially with politicians, but we’re gonna need some favors.” Banger stood at the head of the table, his arms crossed, waiting for the discussion to begin.

  Jax puffed his chest out a bit, his heart beating faster. This is what he loved about being in the Insurgents—they were together on everything. They were his family. They always had each other’s back. It was a great feeling.

  At the end of all the discussions, the yelling, and the uneasiness, the club voted they would provide clandestine security for McFahey, and he, in turn, would provide all necessary permits for the Insurgents’ construction project and make sure all inspections were passed. McFahey was dirty, but as long as he delivered on his end of the bargain, the MC didn’t give a shit about what he was doing.

  During church, Jax tried not to picture Gunner and Cherri together, but he couldn’t help it. Every time Gunner glanced at him, Jax narrowed his eyes and his face would tighten. If Gunner noticed, he didn’t act any differently, making Jax even more enraged. As the brothers milled about in the great room, downing beers and shots the prospects had ready for them, Jax walked over to Gunner and seethed, “You know, I had somethin’ with Cherri before you started sniffing around her.”

  Gunner scratched his beard, took a swig of his cold beer, and said, “That don’t mean shit to me. I don’t give a fuck what my baby had before or with who. Don’t matter.” He took another gulp of beer before he leaned toward Jax. “Get used to it, man. Cherri is with me and she wants to be with me. She chose me. Fuck off.” He swallowed the rest of his beer, belched, and picked up another.

  “She chose you to get back at me. Are you so thick that you can’t see that?” Jax, face reddening, clenched his fists.

  Gunner turned his back and started talking to another member. Jax, breathing heavily, pushed Gunner forward, who then whirled around, swinging his fist at Jax’s jaw. He missed, but before either of the men could react, several members pulled them apart.

  “He’s fuckin’ crazy. I’m tired of his shit, the whiny pussy.” Gunner slicked back his hair and rubbed his beard, chest heaving.

  “Asshole knows she’s mine, and he’s fuckin’ throwin’ it in my face.” Jax struggled to break free from the hands that held him. “Let me at him.”

  “Cool the fuck down. Right. Now.” Hawk’s calm voice had a sharp-as-a-knife edge to it.

  Jax, still struggling, glared at Gunner, who waved his hands toward Jax and muttered, “I’m done with this childish shit. Stay the fuck away from Cherri and from me.” He turned around and clasped his hand on his buddy’s shoulder. “Let’s get a drink.” They made their way to the bar.

  “Dude, you gotta get a grip. You’re acting like a twelve-year-old pussy, not like a man. Fuck, this bitch ain’t worth your pride.” Chas put his arm around his friend and shook Jax a little as if to shake some sense into him.

  Jax shrugged Chas off. He pulled down his black t-shirt, adjusted his cut, and left the clubhouse, well aware that every single brother’s eyes were on him. He knew they sided with Gunner. If he weren’t involved in this situation, he’d side with Gunner, too. He was acting like a weak excuse for a man. He needed to clear his head and get some fresh air.

  Jax jumped on his Harley and gunned the motor. The cams exploded. He loved the roar and power of his Harley. Needing to get away, he rode out of the parking lot and hit the road in the direction of the town.

  * * *

  The afternoon sun warmed Cherri as she walked back from the drugstore. The plastic bags she carried were heavy, so she shifted them from hand to hand. She had to get a car, but they were so expensive and she didn’t think she’d be able to save enough to pay for it. Gunner told her he’d help her buy one, but she couldn’t let him even though she hated always borrowing Ginger or Emma’s car.

  Gunner was such a sweet man. Cherri wished he was a prick so she could take advantage of him without any guilt, but he was a teddy bear, and she didn’t want to take him for a ride. He was nothing like the sweaty sugar daddy she’d had in Denver. The only good thing about that asshole was he’d been busy climbing up the political ladder, so he’d left her alone most of the time. And because he’d had a wife and kids, overnight stays were rare. The rest of the time, she’d been on her own in a nice apartment.

  When she’d walked around the neighborhood, she’d pretended she was respectable and like everyone else. She’d carry on conversations with the neighbors and they’d all treated her like she was one of them. They hadn’t known she was dirty—a kept woman who’d been soiled long before the sweaty sugar daddy came into the picture.

  No, they didn’t know she was no good. Her family knew because they used to tell her all the time. The whole situation in Denver seemed like eons ago, but it’d been only three years. She ran away because she had to. She knew her lover was madder than hell at her, and he probably believed she set him up. The whole situation had just become too sticky, so she’d lied to him and took off.

  In Pinewood Springs, the lifestyle was slower, and Cherri liked it. She was making small steps toward her dream of living a respectable life. Even though she’d been pissed at Jax for taking away her dancing, she was happy she didn’t have to take her clothes off to earn a living anymore. Being the second in charge at Dream House filled her with pride, and it was a legitimate job. Some of the white-trash stench was beginning to wash off her.

  Thinking of Jax always made her heart skip a beat and her stomach lurch. He was dangerously sexy. She wished Gunner made her feel the way Jax did. She wanted Jax in the worst way, but she needed the easiness, the comfort, of Gunner. He was solid, and she knew he adored her. He also knew she was not in love with him, but she treated him with respect and kindness and loved him as a good friend. He seemed fine with the relationship, so they spent their time together in a stagnant kind of bliss while her mind repeatedly replayed the afternoon she and Jax spent together.

  Cherri didn’t want a complication
like Jax to interfere with her life’s goals. He was heartache on two legs, and she was sure if she let herself fall for him, she would fall too hard and he would trample on her love. No, he was best left to memories.

  She stopped to rest, setting the heavy bags on the sidewalk. She tilted her face up toward the sun, and, with closed eyes, welcomed the warming rays.

  “Whoa! Aren’t you a hot one?” a deep voice said.

  Cherri jumped, eyes flying open. A brown minivan had pulled over to the curb. Three guys in their mid-twenties gawked at her. One of them had his head out the window. Cherri tugged her jean shorts down and pulled her top more firmly into place. Picking up her sacks, she walked away.

  “Hey, beautiful, need a ride?” the man hanging out of the window said as the van rolled beside her. The other two laughed.

  Ignoring them, she walked and focused on reaching the main road where there’d be traffic and people. She was on a residential street, and no one was around.

  “You aren’t being so friendly, are you?” the guy with a red t-shirt said.

  “But you’re friendly when you take off your clothes so you can get our tips, bitch,” said the man in the backseat as he hung his head out the back window.

  Turning her head sideways, Cherri said, “Please, leave me alone. I have no problems with you. I need to get home.”

  “But we wanna talk to you, baby.” The exhaust from the van hung in the air, its dusty, gritty scent suffocating in the summer heat.

  Ignoring them, Cherri picked up her pace, but the damn plastic bags cut off the circulation to her fingers so she had to shift them. She stopped in front of the alley to rearrange the sacks and the van turned in, blocking her way. She darted her eyes all around; she had to get away from these guys. The bile rose in her throat and she willed it back down. Her insides quivered as her nerves tightened.

  The three men jumped out of the van. Two of them were medium height with brown hair. One of the two had a lanky build and wore a red t-shirt while the other had a black t-shirt over his medium build. The third man was broad, muscular, and sported a blond buzz cut. Their eyes brimmed with lust and anger.

  “Please, get out of my way.”

  “We’re not stopping you. Go around,” the broad guy said.

  Cherri started to walk around when the man with the buzz cut grabbed her arm.

  “Don’t!” Cherri yelled.

  “You’re not being too chummy. Aren’t you the hot stripper from Dream House?” He raked his eyes over her body with a fierce hunger.

  She wished she would have worn her jeans instead of shorts. As the three men stood around her in the alley, her lips trembled while her face lost its color. Her voice pounded in her head. Damn, why isn’t anyone around? If I scream, will anyone hear me? Will anyone help me?

  “We’ve given you enough tips, so it’s your turn to be friendly, you know?” he said.

  “I don’t know any of you. Leave me alone.”

  “I don’t think we’re gonna do that. Now, be a good slut and show us how good you are at pleasing your fans,” ordered Buzz Cut as the other two guys moved toward Cherri.

  “Show us your tits, babe,” the lanky guy said as he reached for Cherri and jerked her closer to him.

  The three men formed a close circle around her. She tried to break free, but she was like a captured bird in a cage, beating its wings against the metal bars. She swung her arms and pushed against them but was no match to their strength. The one with the medium build grabbed her from behind and held her arms back. The men shoved and dragged her further down the alley. With her heart racing and her legs weak, Cherri opened her mouth but nothing came out. Holding her breath, beads of sweat broke out on her forehead.

  The jerk wearing the black t-shirt held her arms in his vise-like grip. Gaining some strength, she kicked at her attackers. Buzz Cut punched her full-on in the stomach. She bent over and gasped for air as the pain tore through her body, tears rolling down her cheeks. One of the men, she wasn’t sure which one, pulled her hair, making her stand upright while Buzz Cut kissed her and squeezed her breasts.

  Her breaths became short, stilted, like she was starving for air. Everything stopped. Darkness surrounded her. The three men were no longer there, only the looming shadow of a man creeping toward her.

  She is hiding under the bed and can see his white tennis shoes gleam in the dimly lit room. The shoes stop right where she’s hiding. She holds her breath, lest he hears her panting and finds her. The shoes move away, and a small feeling of relief washes over her. He’s leaving and she’s safe for now. Breathing quietly, she relaxes a little…then whoosh, her body’s pulled from behind. No, no, no! her brain shouts. He’s going to do horrible things to her. She screams. A dry hand covers her mouth.

  “Shut the fuck up,” the lanky man said, slicing into her memories.

  As the men began to drag a kicking Cherri behind a garage, the low rumble of a motorcycle vibrated in the distance. Cherri, her heart jumping, turned her head toward the street, hoping the cycle would pass then she could cry out for help. It was a long shot, but it was all she had. She couldn’t let these fucking assholes rape her without doing everything she could to stop it.

  The motorcycle came closer as its engine pierced the silence of the neighborhood. The three men turned her head toward them, each of them kissing her, pinching her nipples, and running their hands under her shorts and squeezing her butt.

  “What the fuck’s going on?”

  Looking through bleary eyes, Cherri saw Jax’s tall, ripped body. An enormous relief washed over her, making her cry.

  “This isn’t your business. Move on,” Buzz Cut said.

  “Fuck, is that you, Cherri?” Jax’s quizzical look transformed into a dark, angry one. “The hell it isn’t my business! She’s with the Insurgents. By messing with her, you’re fuckin’ messin’ with me.”

  The lanky guy released Cherri’s arms as he turned toward Jax, saying, “Figures this trash belongs to your club.”

  In one swift move, Jax’s fist laid the guy out. The other men went after Jax, but he threw a high kick, his steel-toed boot hitting Buzz Cut in the face. Cherri heard the crunch of bones as his nose broke. The medium-build guy threw up his hands, saying, “I was just out for a ride. I didn’t mean for any of this shit to happen.”

  Jax gripped him by the shirt, glaring at him. “Well, fuckwad, it did happen.” He slammed the guy’s face against the garage’s brick wall. Blood gushed from the man’s head as Jax kicked him in the lower back. The man groaned as he slid down, crumpling in a heap on the concrete.

  Jax picked Cherri up and cradled her in his arms as he walked toward his Harley. Cherri buried her head in his chest. Tenderly, he placed her on his bike, placed her sacks in the saddlebags, then seated himself.

  “Hang on, sweetness, or you may fall off once I start this baby up.” The bike lurched into motion, and Cherri wrapped her arms around Jax’s waist as the bike roared away. Thinking Jax would hang a right on Orchard Way, she was surprised when he kept going straight.

  “You missed my street,” she said.

  He glanced back at her. “Not going there yet.”

  Cherri didn’t ask where they were going because she didn’t care; she loved being on the back of his bike. She had ridden a few times on Gunner’s bike, but it didn’t feel the same as it did with Jax. Her arms around Gunner were so she wouldn’t fall off, but with her chest pressed against Jax’s back, the warm wind stroking her face, she felt safe and complete. Loving the feeling, she squeezed her arms tighter around Jax, leaning her head against his back.

  He veered onto a back road which took them out of Pinewood Springs. They went down country roads, leaving a trail of dust behind them. The hum of the motor and Jax’s nearness relaxed her. His scent of motor oil and sweat tinged the air, and she breathed it in deeply. On each side of them, carpets of wildflowers beckoned and the rush of the Colorado River bounced off the chiseled mountains.

  After twenty minutes,
Jax turned off the road and stopped the bike in an alcove surrounded by evergreen trees. He cut the motor and before he could help Cherri, she jumped off the Harley, her wobbly legs giving out. Jax caught her before she hit the ground. He chuckled and each note of his low voice skimmed across her skin making her shiver.

  He held her close. “You’re safe now, sweetness.”

  “I was so afraid. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t come by. They wanted to hurt me…” Her chest heaved and wet streaks stained her cheeks. She pushed her head harder against his chest.

  “It’s all over now. Don’t think about it. You never have to worry with me around. I’ll always be there for you. You don’t know how precious you are to me, sugar.”

  Cherri bent her head back, holding Jax’s gaze. He leaned down and kissed her softly then stepped back, his eyes flitting over her face while a half-grin played around his lips. Tugging him toward her, with her hand behind his head, her mouth sought his. She crushed her lips against his and heard him groan. Leaning closer to Jax, she ran her hands under his leather jacket so she could feel his sculpted back better.

  “You are beautiful,” she said against his mouth.

  Jax laughed. “Never had a chick call me beautiful before.” He wrapped his arms tighter around her waist.

  Cherri smiled. “You’re beautiful like a Greek statue.”

  She kissed him again then slowly drew her lips away. His hard dick pressing against her, told her he was just as turned-on as she. She lingered for a few seconds then kissed him again while her tongue brushed his mouth. Parting her lips, Jax slipped his tongue into her warm cavern. She moaned. Their tongues danced together as she pushed a little deeper into him then withdrew, pulling back a little. She looked at him, eyes flaming with desire as she brushed her finger over her swollen lips. Jax pulled her close then gently bit her lower lip. Cherri bit back, her teeth grazing his lips as she moved away.

  “You’re killing me with your kisses, sweetness.”


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